
The sound of the wind rang heavily in an instant.

And Disma's figure has moved again like a ghost, once again avoiding the fierce attack of this huge monster.

The coat fluttered with the wind at this moment, and the light of the magical structure flickered on his body, making Disma's speed even more agile at this moment.

He retreated continuously, during the crazy attack of this giant snake, he retreated step by step for a distance of more than ten meters, without being hit by the opponent with a single blow.

At this moment, the entire tree trunk has left large and small cracks, and the inclination became more and more obvious as the giant snake moved more and more crazily.A large number of intertwined branches were broken and torn apart. This giant tree almost removed the branches extending from the surrounding trees layer by layer. The falling branches and pages of the book were almost A thick layer was laid on the ground, and the surrounding ground was about to be

The roots of the trees are covered.

【Roar! 】

Opening its big mouth full of rotten meat, the tongue in the giant snake's mouth flicked out and flew towards the hunters.

At this moment, Disma and Tardif avoided to the sides, but Andre couldn't dodge for a while, one shoulder was directly pierced by the long tongue, and the whole person was driven back several times by the huge force step.


With a cry of pain, the tall blacksmith's eyes were concentrated, but he stopped abruptly. After being pierced by the long tongue of flesh and blood, he still stabilized his body, and even stretched out his hand to grab the piece just now. The long tongue that killed Lubesque and Reginald put a ring on his hand, and he just pulled the flesh and blood tentacles to prevent it from returning to the mouth of the giant snake ahead.

"Quick, do it!"

Amidst the roaring sound, Disma and Tardif jumped up at the same time, and the dagger and hatchet with lightning flashes fell heavily, slashing at the same position on the fleshy tentacles one after the other.Accompanied by the sound of tearing flesh and blood, this blow directly cut off the giant snake's tongue, making the giant snake roar even more miserable. Hit hard on the tree trunk.

"All right, old man?"

Tardiff looked back at Andre who was half kneeling on the ground and asked loudly.

"I can't die, this kind of injury is trivial."

Pulling the fleshy tongue out of his shoulder with bare hands, Andre, without blinking his eyes, took out a piece of gauze from his waist and stuffed it directly into the bloody hole on his shoulder. After temporarily stopping the bleeding, he moved his body and took out a heavy blacksmith's hammer from behind with the other hand, intending to continue fighting.

"Haha, that's interesting enough. Let's talk about Disma, what's the matter with your suit and the electric knife and gun? These things are all high-level enchanted equipment, and you actually have the money to make this thing ?”

Tardiff smiled and turned to look at Disma next to him, with a hint of envy in his tone.

To be honest, it is impossible not to be envious. Just now, when Disma evaded attacks continuously, with the help of that suit, the whole person actually dodged an afterimage on the tree trunk, so fast that he almost caught up with the speed of the hunter.And that gun and that dagger, each blow of the former can carry the fierce lethality of a thunderstorm, while the latter can really draw lightning bolts one after another, killing madly in the blue electric light, To be honest, this scene is extremely handsome for any hunter.

"If you want something similar, you should help the casting master over there more often, and don't underestimate Andre's craftsmanship."

With a smile, Disma turned the dagger in a circle, lowered his body slightly, and was ready to face the enemy in front of him again.

"Yes, if you want good things, you have to please me more. Of course, even if you please me, you still have to pay when it's time to pay. Don't think that I will give you a discount. Your reward Gold Hunter."

Andre laughed.

"Fuck, when did you two wear a pair of pants?"

Tardiff, who laughed and cursed, swung the hatchet in his hand, and a bloodstain fell on the tree trunk.

The giant snake not far away raised its head again after a roar, and the one-eyed eyes of the three hunters looking ahead were full of cruelty.

The wounds on its body are slowly healing with the release of filthy power at this moment, but the healing speed is obviously much slower than that of other powerful filthy monsters. Dismana's specially modified gun and dagger seem to contain With a strange power, it can prevent the rapid healing of the filthy power, so that one side of the eyeball of this thing is still a piece of rotten flesh until now, and there is no way to restore the function of seeing.

【Roar! ! ! 】

Flesh and flesh surged, flesh and blood tentacles emerged from the giant snake's body one after another, more than a dozen tentacles sprang out, each with a length of three to four meters, which looked like many tentacles. The parasites grew on the body of this giant snake, which looked extremely hideous and frightening.

"This is the second round."

Tardiff let out a wild laugh at this moment.

"Then let's see what this thing is capable of."

Disma flicked the dagger, and said in a fierce voice.

The huge giant snake roared, and at this moment it suddenly lowered its body, and was about to swoop down along the tree trunk.


The gunshot rang out suddenly at the next moment.

Bartley, who finally climbed to the trunk of the giant tree, took a breath, raised his musket and pointed it at the giant snake that was transforming in the second stage, and hit it directly, blasting its last eyeball that could still see. The sight of the entire giant snake was plunged into darkness.


Suddenly being attacked again, the giant snake, which was still aggressive just now, howled miserably in a different tone, and smashed its whole body on the tree trunk again.


But this time, with the application of continuous heavy force, the sound of branch breaking sounded again, the trunk of this giant tree finally completely broke off the branches of other trees supporting it, speeding up in the whistling sound, and began Accelerate and dump towards the ground below.

Chapter 110: Blood and Mud Alternating, Petals Falling

"Has there been a fight yet? They actually went straight

Connected to the tree and started working with that thing? "

Alhazred, who was running quickly, heard the violent movement from above at this moment, and couldn't help but speak in shock.

"I'm afraid it was a last resort. After all, that vicious snake is extremely fast, and it won't give them too much time to react."

Baldwin followed and said, holding the huge sword blade that was broken in half and moving forward.

The two hunters quickly crossed the ground where leaves and branches were constantly falling, and it didn't take long for them to find David lying motionless and upright in the bushes.The man fell from a giant tree tens of meters high. Although there were bushes as a buffer to slightly slow down the impact, at this moment, the air intake was less and the air output was more, and it was obvious that he would die soon.

Alhazred walked in front of the hunter, and David himself heard some voices from beside him, reluctantly turned his head to look at the mystic scholar who was coming over, and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something , but no sound came out.

"Is there any other way?"

Baldwin turned to look at Alhazred.

"Impossible, his internal organs are all broken, and he seems to be fine now, but the bleeding damage has spread all over his body. If he is a high-level magician, it is possible to pass the sun healing This type of surgery can heal him, but my reconstruction of fate cannot cure this kind of injury. Rather, if I really perform the treatment, my power may make his death even more miserable."

Alhazred shook his head, and squatted down beside David.

A spell was released along with the fiery red light from the skull candlestick, which slightly restored David's ability to speak at this moment.

"Any last wishes?"

The mystic looked at the old hunter who was over 50 years old and asked seriously.


He barely spoke hoarsely.

David's expression became a little dull, as if he didn't know what to say.

The sudden turn of the situation was only in an instant. One moment they were still celebrating their victory, and the next moment they ushered in painful casualties.

That bastard Reginald, he is already dead, he is one step ahead of himself, he is dead.

Ha, I told him a long time ago that if you do too many things like seduce a woman with a family, your luck will turn bad.That idiot, just because he was emotionally hurt, took revenge on other family members. It can only be said that he has to blame himself for what he is today.

It's just a pity...as a chat partner, he's actually pretty good...

Speaking of which, why did I decide to join this hunt?

Obviously, he knew very well in his heart that if he joined this team, he would basically have no chance of surviving.

It seems that it was because all his companions died in the battle that destroyed Xingkong Town, leaving only him alone.

The number of old hunters is very small.It is difficult for them to have a good death, and often the best ending is to be eroded by filthy forces and quickly weaken, suffer from a sudden illness and then die suddenly, in short, they are burnt to ashes and buried in the soil in the end.

There is no way to do this. In today's world, burial is a very dangerous thing. A bad person will become a monster due to the erosion of filthy power, causing trouble to others.So corpses are burned as soon as they can, and at most they just leave body parts such as fingers or ears as souvenirs.And in fact, even this form of commemoration is gradually being cancelled, because some people in the cemetery have discovered the situation where the broken bones gather together and become monsters.

It can only be said that filth is really disgusting, no matter what it is, it will give you a whole monster.

Speaking of which, his short spears and crossbows all came from his comrades in arms.

Perhaps, he just hoped to use this method to fight to the last moment with his former comrades-in-arms, and then die together, so let's really die like this.

"...I... have no regrets..."

Finally, David closed his eyes and spoke in a low voice.

"Please... help others... let those who can survive... live..."

After the words, the breath gradually quieted down.

In fact, it's a little bit regrettable.

I thought that my ending might end with hunting a terrifying monster, but in the end, this old fellow of myself was not as sharp as before, and he was still planted on these beasts.

But, that's it, forget it, already... don't need to worry about it anymore...

The left-wing vanguard, David, ended his life in this way.

Alhazred watched the old hunter pass away calmly, without saying anything more.

"Rest in peace, my brother."

Baldwin squatted down, reached out and placed his hand gently on the other's chest, and said in a calm voice.

Afterwards, the leper swordsman stood up again, looked up at the sky, and looked at the sky that was still falling on the leaves and branches, like a shower of leaves.

The battle above continues.

and soon

The battle will move to the ground.

Although his eyesight is quite poor, and he will enter a bad state of near blindness with the dimness of the surrounding environment, but Baldwin can still judge that the stage supporting this battle is gradually collapsing, and the tilted In the back and forth battles between the hunters and the giant snake, the trees, which were constantly bearing various blows, were gradually unable to support at this moment.

click - click -

The sound of branches snapping sounded one after another.

Then, footsteps sounded from behind.

"Huh? Didn't I tell you to hide, what are you doing here?"

Looking back, Alhazred stared wide-eyed, and found that Abigail, who was supposed to hide in the safe area according to their request, appeared at some time, rolled over from the tree roots behind and landed on top of them. beside.

This girl's mobility is really... Hasn't the hunter taught this child not to run around?Do you really think this is an outing?

Some displeased mystic scholars stared at each other, and walked up to them, wanting to teach them a lesson.But before that, Abigail took a breath and spoke first.

"The burnt flesh left by the snake, something is moving inside."

The little girl spoke very seriously.

"Is there anything else in there?"

These words immediately alerted the mystic scholar and the leper swordsman. They were not far away from the large piece of charred flesh at the moment, and they could even be said to be next to each other.At this moment, the unpleasant smell of scorched flesh and blood is wafting everywhere, making the two hunters in it feel this overly charming smell in every sense all the time.

Ah, no, to be precise, only Alhazred and Abigail are feeling this smell, because Baldwin's senses are much weaker than normal people's, he can't smell anything at all, and he even thinks The air here should be quite fresh as a forest.

click - click -

The sound of something gradually breaking apart resounded at this moment.

Alhazred looked at the wreckage of the giant snake not far away, and saw a distorted, ten-meter-long giant snake that was about the same size as the snake that rushed up the tree just now. The basilisk slowly broke free from the wreckage.

"Can it still be divided into two?! Well, you girl who is not afraid of death, hide quickly, Mr. Baldwin, it's time for us to go!"

This scene shocked the mystic scholar a little, but he reacted immediately and signaled Abigail to find a place to hide quickly, while he and Baldwin headed towards the giant snake in front of him.

Although the battle situation above was unclear due to the distance of several tens of meters and the dim light, it can be judged from the fierce interlacing voices that the situation should be good.But this is based on the fact that only one enemy needs to be faced. If this giant snake also goes up and faces the siege of two powerful monsters at the same time, it will be a completely different concept. Those people will be wiped out on the spot.

At this moment, the giant snake not far away, with no snake skin and scales, and the flesh and blood directly exposed, has completely broken free from the scorched flesh and blood residue.Those gray pupils looked up, and followed the whole body of the giant snake to climb up around the trees, obviously wanting to reach his companion.

But a chaotic and dark force was entangled in its body in an instant, a huge pulling force came, and a twisted tentacles suddenly grabbed the giant snake's body, dragging it down abruptly It fell down and hit the ground.


The roar of the heavy landing blows large leaves into the air.

The twisted thing struggled frantically, breaking free from the entanglement of those tentacles, and raised its bloodthirsty gaze.

"Your opponent is on this side, ugly filth."

The skeleton candlestick was burning violently at this moment, and the mystic scholar's eyes were filled with scarlet fierce light, and his whole person's aura was a little crazy at this moment.

【Roar! 】

The giant snake, who didn't expect that he would be blocked by others, roared, opened its mouth suddenly and shot out a wriggling, festering tongue, stabbing at the two people not far away like a sharp sword.

[F..M'LATGH, GRAH'N! ! ! 】

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