At this moment, the mystic scholar was also roaring, and the strange tone that came out of his mouth seemed to be not what humans could make at all, but more like something was attached to him, roaring with the help of this body, taunting.

The scarlet tentacles burst out from behind him, colliding directly with the snake's protruding tongue.

With a violent sonic boom, the giant snake was actually slightly repelled by this blow, and then it was grabbed by a tentacle, dragged abruptly and smashed to the ground again.


A large piece of leaves//flying in the sky, made the leper swordsman couldn't help but look up.

Taking a step forward, the broken blade has been raised high.

At the moment when the giant snake roared and was dragged by its tentacles, the blade of the sword suddenly fell down.

"Blood and mud—"

Softly, Baldwin muttered verses, and pierced the giant snake's pupils with the broken blade in his hand, tearing and cutting, leaving clearly visible injuries on the huge snake's head, and spreading all the way

The one that came cut out a long bloodstain.

Dirty black blood splashed up, sticking to those same pitch-black leaves.

Among the flying leaves, Baldwin flicked the big sword in his hand to the side, and then threw out an arc-shaped bloodstain.

"Falling petals—"

Then, at the moment when the soft chant fell, he rushed forward. At the moment when the giant snake roared in pain, he rushed up to face the opponent's open mouth, and the broken blade directly stabbed upwards. It entered the mouth of the giant snake, tearing and cutting a large number of wounds in the entire mouth of the giant snake.

【Roar! ! ! 】

The severe pain drove the giant snake into madness, and the big mouth closed suddenly, trying to bite Baldwin who was in it directly.But the leprosy swordsman suddenly raised his left arm, and unexpectedly supported the giant snake's big mouth, making it impossible to close it for a while.


The broken giant sword that pierced the upper part of the mouth was pulled out by Baldwin with one hand.

Then at the next moment, it immediately pierced into the giant snake's tongue, piercing through the tongue that had been turned into rotting flesh.

"Come on, make it bigger!"

The tentacles of chaos stretched out again under the skull candle held high by Alhazred, and directly penetrated into the giant snake's big mouth, pulling the opponent's tongue and pulling it out a few meters long.

"The tide rises—the tide falls—"

Baldwin jumped out immediately, and swiped down the giant sword in his hand to forcefully cut the tongue of the giant snake, so that the front end of the flesh and blood was directly divided into two pieces.

But in a sense, this can be regarded as helping this festering big snake become more like a snake. After all, as a creature like a snake, if it doesn't have a forked tongue, it's still a little less of taste.

【Roar! 】

The giant snake roaring furiously rushed forward towards the hunters in front, unexpectedly wanting to hit it directly with its own body.

Baldwin was slammed into his body, and he flew backwards without dodging or evading. He slid backwards a few meters away with both feet on the ground, and after a muffled grunt, he actually stood still on the spot, spitting out a mouthful of blood from his mouth After Mo, he rushed up again with the broken sword on his shoulder.

Alhazred was pulled away by the chaotic tentacles wrapped around his body, avoiding the monster's attack, followed by an oddly-shaped, slightly weird weapon in his hand. The dagger faced the giant snake and stabbed it, leaving a shallow scar on the opponent's body.

As an attack method, this kind of dagger stabbing seems to be meaningless at all, and it can't hurt the monster in front of it at all.

But Alhazred, who had completed the blow, suddenly had a happy smile on his face.

"The moment of sacrifice has arrived."

"My contractor, devour this blood food!"

In the distorted voice, the skeleton candlestick burned even more crazily at this moment.

Something dark and chaotic suddenly spread out, rushing towards the huge basilisk.

The sound of tearing suddenly resounded, and the giant snake let out a miserable howl, and the small wound stabbed by Alhazred turned into an extremely hideous huge wound that spread several meters at this moment. You can even see traces of torn fangs on it, as if something has bitten it hard.

【Very good, human!very good!Such a strong filthy power, such a delicious blood food, you dare to go deep into this field, hahahahahaha, I look forward to the moment when you die in embarrassment here and become my delicacy!Hahahahahaha! ! ! 】

Crazy laughter suddenly came from Alhazred's mouth.

For a moment, the occultist who wielded this power seemed to cease to be himself and become something different.

That deep and vicious aura made Baldwin beside him frown.

But immediately, this aura dissipated invisible, and the mystic scholar whose expression returned to normal looked quite ugly, with sweat dripping from his forehead from time to time, and he gasped for breath several times in succession. Obviously, that move was mentally beneficial to him. There is no small consumption.

"It's not a good idea to deal with this kind of dark existence, maybe one day you will end up in a miserable situation."

Baldwin couldn't help but said.

"I knew, I knew very well, from the moment I signed the contract, I knew that nothing good was going to happen to me in the future."

Alhazred, who laughed lightly, raised the skull candlestick in his hand high again.

"But my thirst for knowledge is so overflowing that I cannot be satisfied without really touching that which is hidden."

"And only by pursuing the terrifying knowledge in the darkness with my own life can I get the response I desire, whether it is good or bad."

"And this is the fate that I, as a scholar, am willing to enjoy!"

In the words full of pride, the gigantic giant snake roared and attacked again.

The mystic retreated to one side, while the leper swordsman took a step forward, swung the broken sword in his hand fiercely, and directly collided with the giant snake's head.While the blood was splashing, Baldwin stepped back more than ten steps, and directly hit the trunk of a giant tree, and the giant snake was chopped off with a sword and hit its head on the ground, directly smashing a shallow hole in the soil.

The strength of this swordsman is actually terrifying

Scared to this extent?

He is already so sick and still has such strength. If this guy is healthy, how strong will he be?If that's the case, I'm afraid that this person actually has a powerful talent that surpasses the limits of human beings and stands shoulder to shoulder with the legendary great heroes.It was just because of leprosy and the various diseases that came with it that he never lived to the day when he could display his talent and reach the supreme realm.

Alhazred, whose eyelids twitched, couldn't help sighing in his heart when he saw this sword that could already be regarded as surpassing the limit of the human body.

If he is not sick, but a normal person in a complete sense.Well, he will...

He will definitely be killed by the people of the Church of the Three Gods before he grows up.

Oh shit.

Realizing this, the corner of the mystic scholar's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but want to curse.

Indeed, if this guy hadn't been seriously ill and left his hometown to come to the country of stars, he would have been found and killed by the church people long ago.After all, even in his current weak posture, he has the terrifying performance of directly wrestling with large monsters. This kind of variable for the three gods is never allowed to exist in today's world.

But now, with the bigger change of the hunter emerging, maybe this guy won't be taken too seriously.

So, is it possible, is it possible to cure his serious illness that is all over his body, which is difficult to cure even by high-level miracles, so that human civilization can have a great hero and further increase the fighting power?

【Roar! 】

The huge tumor snake was roaring, and although its body was already dripping with blood, it was still roaring and launched another attack.

And Alhazred and Baldwin raised their big swords and skull candlesticks, and at this moment they were ready to fight again.


But at this time, a discordant, caring voice suddenly sounded from above their heads.

"This voice is..."

Alhazred, who was somewhat puzzled, raised his head, and then saw the huge tree trunk smashed straight down amidst the whistling sound.

"Oh shit……"

This time he really cursed out.

Chapter 120: The Moment of Inheritance

The situation has it developed?

Sera closed her eyes, feeling the violent vibrations from her surroundings, and couldn't help praying from the bottom of her heart.

Just now, obviously hearing the cheers of the hunters, Lubeske ran out despite the obstruction, chatting and laughing with the hunters.She thought the battle was over, but she didn't leave the hiding place because of the hunter's cautious instinct, and continued to guard the poisoned Aike and the terrified Woodrona.

Then, she heard some kind of violent vibration and the sound of fierce confrontation.

There was a smell of blood spreading, and Lubesk, who was still talking just now, suddenly fell silent, and then heard David's roar from a distance. The other party's name seemed to be... Reginald?After a while, even David's voice disappeared, leaving only the voice of the increasingly fierce confrontation.

The situation is not right.

At this moment, Sera has been able to understand very clearly that the situation outside is not right.

Problem hunting?

Sure enough, hunting such a dangerous monster that has been famous for a long time, will there be accidents?

Do you want to go out and do something?

Such an idea just appeared, and was rejected by Sera himself.

It wasn't because he was afraid of death, since he chose the path of the hunter, Sera had already prepared himself to die in battle one day.

It's just that she is very clear that she is not the type with excellent physical fitness, who can turn around and jump around in the tree. Even if I climbed up the tree, I still have to deliver food.The medicine configurations Sera knows are all aimed at the human nerves. She has no idea what kind of medicine should be used for this giant snake infected and transformed by the filthy force, and if her biggest reliance is abolished , Sierra's own combat effectiveness is basically gone. After all, she doesn't know how to use knives and guns to fight. Could it be possible for her to use a small knife to scrape the flesh?

Moreover, there are two people here, one is the logistics staff Woodrona who has no fighting power, and the other is an extremely rare infusion craftsman and forging master, who is very important for hunters and can repair and forge weapons and armors. Aike, one of the teachers.Moreover, Ai Ke was accidentally poisoned by snake venom. Now Sierra can only use some relieving drugs to reduce her pain as much as possible and slow down the speed of her onset and deterioration, but there is no way to cure her, and she has to go to bed from time to time. Use a medicine to avoid premature failure.

If Lubesk is still here, maybe he can share the pressure, but that guy just ran out and hasn't come back until now. Sera estimates that the other party probably won't come back, so at this moment the only way to rely on Face this problem yourself.

Moreover, the battle here is so dynamic that other monsters may be drawn out at any time. If something really finds the two survivors here, without the protection of hunters, these two people who have no combat power basically nothing survived

possibility of coming.

Under such circumstances, she had to stay here, and she had to stay here. This was the only thing she could do now.

"David, Reginald, Bartley, don't let anything happen to you idiots."

Sera sighed deeply and prayed in a low voice.

And the sound of explosions, gunshots, and monsters roaring outside became more and more intense.

Suddenly, there was some kind of shock on the ground, as if another battle was unfolding nearby.

Sera was extremely nervous, not knowing what was going on, thinking that monsters from other places might be lured over, she took out the corrosive potion bottle she was carrying, and was ready to fight at this moment.

After a while, among those bursts of interlaced sounds, Sera caught a different sound, one that seemed to belong to a child, the footsteps of a young girl, accompanied by a soft panting sound. approached.

Is it a monster?Is it human?

Sierra, who couldn't figure out the situation for a while, didn't dare to act rashly.

The footsteps of the other party circled around several times, as if they were looking for something.

At the beginning, the other party seemed a little unsure of where he was going. After walking around for a while, he didn't know if he found something or what was going on, so he went straight to the bush where Sera and the others were hiding. come over.

For a moment, her heart touched Sera, who was in her throat, held her breath, not daring to

"Is there anyone here? I'm Abigail, and I'm from the first logistics team."

Then, a little girl's voice sounded outside the bushes.

This voice is...

Sela, who was convinced that she heard correctly, couldn't help but look in the direction where the voice came from.

And it was also at this time that the other party seemed to have finally determined something, only the sound of footsteps stopped in front of the tree roots sheltered by the bushes, the sound of climbing quickly sounded, followed by the sound of jumping down and landing, and then Ah Bigel's little face poked in from outside the bushes.

"Is it really here? I found some traces outside before."

Abigail walked into the bushes and saw Serra facing her.

"You are that Abigail, you actually met me here."

Sera was a little surprised that this seemingly small girl was able to find the hiding place of herself and the others so quickly.

"I noticed some traces outside before, so I wondered if someone was inside or something, but I found it. Well, but that's not the point, um,'s Se Sister, right, we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Abigail smiled a little embarrassedly, then her expression became serious and she spoke seriously.

"Did you discover this hiding place by yourself..."

Now Sera was really shocked. Such a child could actually have such a powerful tracking and observation ability, which seemed incredible to her.

And the mouth is quite sweet, knowing how to call her sister, instead of just saying "auntie" or something like some short-sighted kids, it makes people feel angry.One must know that she has just turned 30 years old, but she still belongs to the ranks of young people, how can she be called auntie!

Well, this kind of thing is not important now, what is important is that the girl said that she must leave here.

"What the hell is going on outside?"

Hearing the increasingly violent vibration, Sera couldn't help asking.

"Mr. Alhazred and Mr. Baldwin came. The big snake that was killed just now split into two smaller, but also very, very large snakes. One of them went up to the tree to fight with the snake. Mr. Disma fought, and the second one was dragged on the ground by Mr. Alhazred and Mr. Baldwin."

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