"At present, the situation above is not very clear because it is far away, but I can always hear the basilisk screaming. The one on the ground is currently suppressed, but the leaves are falling and falling from above. The branches, and the tree itself is on the verge of breaking and collapsing, and it would be dangerous to stay here."

"In short, we have to leave as soon as possible, and we can't stay here, otherwise the neighborhood will suffer if the tree falls down."

Abigail, who spoke a long series of words in one breath, took a deep breath, and patted her small chest, which didn't have much ups and downs, to ease the air.

"From one to two? Is this thing so weird?"

Surprised, Sera stood up from the bushes, only to be hit on the head by a branch that fell from a high altitude.

She saw the big tree that had been tilted, twisted from the middle, smashed together with other trees, and was sliding little by little.At this moment, on the tree, the sound of fierce fighting came almost non-stop.And on the ground, not far away, a giant snake was writhing fiercely, roaring, and then it was knocked onto the ground by a huge tentacles that suddenly appeared, and then it was thrown to the ground by another one holding a broken sword. The man rushed forward and slashed down with his sword, causing blood to flow out.


The chaotic voices kept ringing out all the time, and it was obvious that the situation in the vicinity had reached a very bad point.


"Well, we really have to take them out."

Nodding slightly, realizing that Serra would be affected if she stayed nearby, she turned her head and signaled Woodrona, who was trembling with fear, to run away, while she helped the weak Aike up and climbed up bit by bit. The tree roots on the side retreated towards the distance.

Abigail followed Serra, helping her to support Eco.

The girl didn't ask much about Aike's situation. It was clear that now was not the time to talk about these things, but she just moved forward quietly, and evacuated away from this area with Sera and others. After driving a distance of about [-] meters, it stopped and hid again in a bush.

"Ms. Aike, are you poisoned?"

Until then, Abigail asked cautiously.

"Ah, yes, I think I probably have no chance to realize my wish..."

Sighing, Aike sat on the ground with a pale face, leaning against a tree root behind him and showing a bleak smile.

"No, no, you will be able to realize your wish, and you will be fine."

Abigail immediately said firmly, clenching her little hands slightly.

The sound of the battle in the rear was still becoming more intense. The hunters and the monsters were fighting to the death, but they retreated far away, and did not fight side by side with the hunters, facing the danger together.

Of course, Abigail knew very well that it was because she couldn't face this kind of battle.Yes, this is the fact. In the face of such an extremely dangerous battle, if I go on the field, with the airflow and light of the moonlight sword that is still unable to exert its true power, there is no way to deal with these two extremely fierce Serpent monsters that do real damage.It may even cause other hunters to be accidentally affected due to the large attack surface, which may lead to a greater predicament.

I have no way to use such combat power.

It was precisely because Abigail realized this clearly after the battle started that Abigail gave up her preparations to go to the battlefield, but instead searched around for other hunters, and thus found Sera three people.

Incidentally, the reason why Abigail was able to find the traces of the three of them was because the hunter had taught Abigail some skills in tracking prey, and she had read some hunting-related books. Therefore, she gave full play to her special learning ability and quickly mastered the short-distance trace tracking ability.

But it is a pity that this ability still has many imperfections in general, and Abigail's mastery of this ability is far behind the proficiency of other skills and abilities she has learned, probably like Some kind of specialization gap.It is also for this reason that when Abigail was lost in the forest and wandered alone, Abigail was unable to track the footprints left by other hunters. It had been several hours to try to locate and track the hunters. What.

Fortunately, at least this time, this skill came in handy.

Abigail, who knew that she was not useless in this battle, sighed, and clenched her little hands a little more.

It would be great if I could become stronger myself.

It would be great if I could become strong enough to protect others.

It would be great if I could become very powerful like Mr. Hunter.

In that case, I don't have to watch others die in front of me, but I can't do anything.

In that case, I don't have to watch everyone fighting with all their strength, but I can only watch from the sidelines, and I can only reluctantly do some marginal things to help a little.

Weakness itself means a kind of sin, which means that when a disaster occurs, when an irresistible and terrible thing strikes, there is no way to protect anything, whether it is the one you love, the thing you cherish, everything Everything, there is no way to protect the one in your arms, you can only wait for others to save you, you can only become the protected one.And once there is no such protector, one can only face the ending of being plundered, robbed, destroyed, destroyed, wiped out, and destroyed.

Mr Hunter...

Abigail couldn't help but think of the Hunter again.

A hunter who always trades his own death in exchange for changing the situation, always does not cherish his own life, endures the pain of death again and again, and then continues to consume himself mercilessly after the next resurrection , a hunter who used this extremely cruel method to win.

She is very clear, Mr. Hunter, he will actually be in pain.

You will feel pain when you are injured, you will feel uncomfortable when you are about to die, and you will be extremely weak when you are poisoned. Just like any normal person, they have completely sound sensory abilities, and even because of their own strength, they are more sensitive than ordinary people.

How could such a person get used to the torment of death?

But, Mr. Hunter, he was used to death.

Get used to the pain, get used to all kinds of torture before death, get used to all these tribulations, little by little, let yourself no longer react to the heart-pounding pain, get used to the feelings brought about by constant death, that's it, that's it Such... a thorough habit to get used to...

For a long time, Abigail has been unable to accept

Such a thing.

For a little girl, adapting to her own continuous death, this way of life is really too scary, too scary and too tragic.

She is always thinking, always hoping, and wants to let the hunter understand that he should cherish himself more, he should value himself more, instead of treating himself as a consumable like this, not hurting himself without cherishing like this .

But now, the girl felt that she was more or less able to stand in the position of a hunter.

After she really came into contact with the lives of hunters, came into contact with this extremely dangerous hunting, watched the hunter die in front of her own eyes, and felt the helpless sorrow, she gradually understood the hunter's thoughts.

Yes, if I just rely on me to bleed more, just rely on me to suffer more, I only need to let me experience the pain of death a few times, so that more people can survive, and those who would otherwise die If you survive.If only such a small price is required, then, if it is Abigail, if it is her own, if she is allowed to choose, yes, she will definitely choose this way.


It's not a so-called good choice versus a better choice.

It's just a choice between rotten and a little less rotten helplessness.

It is the only helpless choice for hunters in this helpless world.

She... doesn't want such a helpless world...

Abigail, who was curled up and sitting on the ground, buried her head in her lap, and fell silent while hugging her legs.

"Cough cough..."

And at this time, Aike, who had become weaker and weaker due to the erosion of snake venom, suddenly coughed in a low voice.

"Hey, you, Abigail, you look sad?"

With a hint of ridicule, Aike, who seemed to have returned to his usual unscrupulous appearance, stared at Abigail who was sitting on the ground and asked in a low voice.

"Hey? No, no, I'm fine, Ms. Aike, you should have a good rest first."

Abigail, who was startled by the other party's sudden question, was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook her head and denied it.

"You should also have some special ability, just like the powerful power of a hunter. You, um, the one who summoned the big sword should not be counted. You should have other abilities. When I was in the town before, it seemed I heard that you can learn everything very quickly, and you can even make explosives yourself, is this true?"

Although his face was getting paler and paler, Ai Ke, who somehow became more energetic, forced himself to sit up, stared at Abigail seriously and asked.

"Ah, this... If this is the case, I, it's okay, I do learn things relatively quickly."

Abigail, who hesitated for a moment, originally wanted to deny it, but seeing Aike staring at her very seriously, for some reason, she nodded and chose to admit it.

"It's a little fast, how is it a little fast, to be honest, how fast can you learn things?"

Aike, who was very serious, just stared at Abigail without blinking and asked.

Why is she asking that?

The girl was a little confused at this moment.

"Aike, you need to rest more now, don't get up again."

Sierra beside him noticed Aike's movements and came forward to persuade him.

But Aike just stretched out his hand and shook it, staring at Sera very seriously, watching her shook her head.Realizing something, Sera's expression changed, she sighed and turned her head to sit down and stopped talking, and then Ai Ke's gaze refocused on Abigail, and she just stared at Abiga seriously. Er, she was extremely serious, until the girl began to feel a little cramped, and finally, she asked again:

"You said that you can learn quickly, how fast can you go?"

She has to get the answer now.

She had to ask Abigail to give the real answer now.

The girl who understood this fell into a brief silence, exhaled gently, and then raised her head to look at the other party.

"As long as it is pure knowledge content, whether it is recorded or spoken, as long as the principles can be expressed, a set of effective operation methods can be formed. Then no matter how long the operation method takes to learn, how much it takes Long-term accumulation of experience does not exist for me. As long as I finish explaining these things once, I can directly learn them and directly reach the level of being able to use them proficiently.”

Openly, Abigail admitted the special ability she possessed at this moment.

"Let me just say that you and the hunter are both special existences, but until now that guy is shining brightly alone, but you are unknown. This must be abnormal. It turns out that your talent is here. This is really... a talent that makes people extremely envious and jealous..."

Aike, who sighed helplessly and shook his head, smiled again as he spoke.

"If you let the students in the academy know about your talent, I don't know how envious they will be. You can learn everything at once, and you can even master the actual operation ability after just reading the book. This is no longer an ordinary person. The power that can be controlled."

"You must know that even a genius like me has acquired the ability of today after years of hard work. And now, these things, what I have accumulated, and my unique insights and knowledge, will all be given to you at a low price. Oh, little girl, this is a real big loss."

At the end, Aike, whose face had turned a little purple, shook his head and said with a sigh.

"give me……"

Abigail was stunned, for a moment she didn't quite understand what the other party meant.

"Stop talking nonsense, come here, I am too lazy to teach you the normal casting process, if you really want to learn it, you can go to Andre, what I want to tell you now is the secret of the soul refining and magic power injection process, This is something that a genius like me has learned for five years, now I will only tell you once, and I can only tell you once."

He reached out and grabbed Abigail's arm, pulling her in front of him.

Watching the opponent's bruised and slightly dark face, Abigail understood at this moment.

Ah, once again, the death shown in front of oneself?

And this time, we had been together day and night for a full month, could it be considered the death of someone we were very familiar with?

"You, you must listen carefully, understand?"

Aike stared at Abigail, his voice had unknowingly become a little rough.

"……oh, I understand now."

Abigail nodded slightly, her voice trembling unconsciously.

"That's good, that's what makes sense."

Ai Ke, who was laughing, shook his body slightly, followed by a sudden violent shock sound in the distance, and a series of collapse sounds.It seemed that the giant tree finally fell down, hitting the ground and kicking up violent dust and gravel.

Abigail and Aike didn't notice such a scene at all, the former was just listening carefully, while the latter was quickly talking about all kinds of obscure things, it was impossible for ordinary people to understand what was being said content.

Woodrona stayed quietly, curled up and waited for the end of the battle.

Sera looked at the sky among the woodlands with some unbearable pain, and sighed that another person was about to fall down on the journey of hunting gods.

"Ah, this is..."

Is it snowing yet?

Stretch out your hand to catch the gray and white color falling from the sky.

Not snow.

Seems to be just dust.

Sera raised his head, looked around, and looked around in the woodland.

She saw more and more gray and white colors floating down like this, pieces of fine dust one after another.Slowly, bit by bit, the entire forest changed from its original dark and bleak appearance to a pure white color.

"It's beautiful."

Holding Sierra with a little dust in his hands, he sighed softly.

In this dark and gloomy forest full of blood and horror, in this terrifying land where many hunters have fallen, just like this, one piece after another, endless white ash falls , slowly gathering together, the colors of all things are soaked.

It's like in a fairy tale, as if embellishing the dense world with dreamy bubbles.

"Such a view is really beautiful."

Sera sighed with emotion in a low voice, and then quieted down, saying nothing more.

On the other side, as the splashing dust gradually dissipated, and the crackling sound gradually subsided, among the white dust falling all over the sky, two huge, scarred and looking extremely embarrassing giant snakes appeared at this moment. Slowly converging, merging.

The twisted and hideous flesh and blood were intertwined, gradually becoming indistinguishable from each other.



Two manic voices sounded simultaneously at this moment.

A huge basilisk with two snake heads, nearly 20 meters long, slowly propped up its body like this.

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