Chapter 120: The Moment of Blood Raging

"Huh... this is really... thrilling and exciting..."

Disma let out a long breath, reached out and grabbed the branch above, gritted his teeth and propped himself up with difficulty.

It didn't stand up, it was still hanging.

"No, I said, you guys, don't just hang around like this, hurry up and move, you're hanging under me like this, I'm so fucking... hiss, I'm about to lose my grip You bastards!"

Cursing, Disma looked down at Tardif, who was holding his leg and hanging in mid-air.And Andre who grabbed Tardif's foot with one hand and hung in mid-air, and Bartley who held Andre's leg and hung in mid-air in the end.At this moment, the weight of the three people was all on Disma alone. If it weren't for the set of [Come and Go without Shadow] on his body that could enhance Disma's physical fitness to a certain extent, he could be sure that it would He has been ripped off by these three people and turned into a puddle of flesh on the ground.

Just now, at the moment when the entire giant tree collapsed completely, Disma jumped out of the trunk first, and grabbed a branch extending from a giant tree next to it.

Unaware of the same mistake, Tardif didn't have time to throw the hook rope, so he jumped directly to Disma's side and caught it on his leg.And Andre and Bartley, who followed closely behind, followed along in a learned way.

Make the same action, and now three people are hung on Disma's legs.

"I'm's so heavy..."

Disma, who gritted his teeth, really couldn't hold on right now.

Fortunately, Tardiff threw the hook rope, and the two of them worked together to pull Andre and Bartley up, and the four of them sat on the branch together.

"The situation below is not good, there is a second snake, that thing is actually split."

Tardiff immediately noticed the giant snake that rolled on the ground with the trunk and was struggling to get out from under the trunk at the moment, and the first snake on the other side, who was obviously entangled with two powerful hunters. Two giant snakes.

"This is much more reasonable. Let me just say that a 40-meter-high Big Mac can't be so small after being regenerated."

Disma shook his head and said, reached out and touched the tree trunk beside him, then looked at the ground which was still tens of meters high at this moment, and took a deep breath.

"Those two people helped us hold down the second snake below. Otherwise, if we deal with two snakes at the same time, we would never have the possibility of surviving."

Andre clutched his injured arm, looked at the situation below and said.

"Yeah, so we have to go down and help the place next."

The corner of Disma's mouth raised a bit of a smile when he said this, he directly penetrated the tree trunk with a dagger, jumped down from the branch at the next moment, and used the dagger wrapped in electric light to penetrate the tree trunk all the way, using it as a support Fall vertically on the tree trunk.

Tardiff snorted coldly, threw out the hook rope in his hand, hooked it on a shorter branch, then jumped directly and landed on the branch over there, and then used the hook rope to hook another branch , just like this step by step towards the bottom.

"Huh... I have to rest for a while."

Andre sat down where he was, shook his head and said.A big hole was drilled out of one of his shoulders, and the injury looked quite horrifying. At this moment, his lower half of his body was already dyed red.And this is after he has done packing to stop the bleeding and has already done simple treatment.


Bartley pulled the bolt, and after confirming that he was out of bullets, he looked at the ground far below and fell into silence.

"Why don't you go?"

Andre on the side looked at Bartley curiously and asked.

"...I can't climb down."

Bartley, who climbed up the tree at the beginning, relied on his two companions, David and Reginald, to pull him up with a rope. Now he is staring at the ground below. After a long silence, he can only shake his head helplessly like this. said.

As an experienced hunter, he missed a hunt because he couldn't climb trees.

How should I put it, Andre hesitated again and again, but he still couldn't find a more suitable and euphemistic expression, so he simply closed his mouth, and stayed in the same place silently with Bartley, looking at Diss who had already fallen from the tree. Ma and Tardif were heading towards the battlefield not far away.


Disma raised his head, looking in surprise at the slowly falling white in the sky above his head.

"Well, it's snowing, it's... bah! It's snow from a hammer, bah bah! It's not blood at all, it's ash!"

Tardive took some white stuff with his palm and ate it into his mouth, and immediately spit it out. At this moment, he felt a little bad.

"No, I said, how dare you eat it without even knowing what it is?"

Disma was taken aback by the foolishness of his companions.

"Didn't you say it was snowing?"

Tardiff responded even more angrily, as if he had been deceived by Disma.

"Fuck, did I say it was snowing? I used a question, I'm not even sure, but you just put it in your mouth like a fool and a pig, if the **** is poisonous, don't you take a bite Just eat yourself to death here?!"

When Disma saw that the fool turned his back on him, his expression suddenly became unkind, and he cursed mercilessly.

"I'll eat your mother to death, Disma!"

Tardiff raised his middle finger at Disma while cursing.

"I'll kill your pickled sausages for Chinese New Year, and dogs won't even eat your mentally handicapped meat!"

While cursing, Disma raised his middle finger at Tardif.

The overly cheerful movements of the two people and the indescribable vocabulary in various senses began to become more and more abundant, from greeting each other's parents to grandparents to ancestors of more than eighteen generations, to cordial condolences to each other who have not yet met. I don’t know if there will be a son who was born, and then to the great-great-grandson of the eighteenth generation, and then the two sides discuss each other’s IQ, appearance, eating habits, sleeping habits, card playing habits, and stealing and grabbing things. They had a very close consultation on the issue of their own life style, exchanged their opinions on each other's various issues and fully demonstrated their own positions. The discussion process was very pleasant and finally reached several consensuses.

All in all, when they got close to Baldwin and Alhazred who were fighting not far away, the fighting here almost stopped, even the giant that had been entangled with the two hunters for a long time

Snake turned his head from time to time, confused by the too loud voice from Desma, not sure what was going on.

"These fellows are so vulgar and uneducated."

Alhazred, who didn't really like big and rough hunters like Dismatadev, frowned and said.

"But it's also a person with true temperament. As long as this kind of person can get along well, if you treat him well, he will treat you well. He is a good helper worthy of trust."

Baldwin did not feel uncomfortable with the vulgar communication between the two not far away, and was even a little cheerful. He found this scene of friends scolding each other very interesting, so interesting that he even wanted to sing a song on the spot. first poem.

Well, forget it, the venue here is not suitable, after all, there is still such a big threat.

【Roar! 】

Amidst the roaring sound, the huge demonic snake retreated a few steps and showed its fangs at the two hunters.

In the previous battle, this giant snake had already suffered quite serious injuries. The entire body of the basilisk was covered with bloody wounds left by the epee slashing, as well as the dark shadow lurking on Alhazred's body. The tragic wounds of animal bites.Even in a sense, it can be said that this basilisk suffered more serious injuries than the one on the tree. After all, both Disma and Tardiff are more accustomed to wandering and dodging to find the gap to attack. , but here Baldwin and Alhazred are more inclined to use their own big swords and dark powers to engage in head-on conflicts, so that they fight harder.

"Thank you for your assistance down here. If this thing also runs up the tree, we will be in danger."

Disma walked up to the two hunters and thanked them earnestly.

"You're welcome, the battle is not over yet, our enemy has not stopped breathing, and we have to continue fighting."

Baldwin, who was leaning on the sword, nodded, and his words seemed to have a somewhat peculiar temperament, which made the person who spoke to him feel a very relaxed feeling.

"Speaking of which, do you know what these ashes are all about?"

The giant snake on the opposite side temporarily stopped attacking for some reason, and Disma, who was on guard, looked at Alhazred and asked.Although he said "you", it has been judged that Alhazred is probably similar to a warlock, and as a high-level powerhouse, he still prefers to seek answers to various weird phenomena from such powerhouses.

"Even if you ask me, I don't know very well, but it shouldn't be a bad thing. I can feel a strong vitality from these ashes. This thing can transform the soil, making this land more fertile and more conducive to survival. However, the filthy core of the preconditions has been eliminated, and the entire Corrupt Field and Cursed Forest have been thoroughly purified, otherwise this transformation will only result in a half-finished result. As for why this happened, my guess is that someone very The powerful monster was wiped out, and that monster may have retained a degree of self-awareness, so it unleashed its power to transform the land before dying completely."

Alhazred said that he didn't know, but followed by Datong's analysis, which made Disma stunned for a while.

"It's only possible that it's the magic tree. The hunter and we acted separately before, just to hunt and kill the magic tree. It seems that he has succeeded now. If this happens, the pressure will all be on our side. .”

Tardiff smiled and said at this moment, the hatchet in his hand flicked lightly, and the temperament of the whole person became bloody.

"So that's it. Did that hunter bring the ancient spirit tree to rest? It's truly worthy of being the legendary being who can save the world. I now believe in the story of the [savior] you said, Mr. Disma. "

Baldwin nodded slightly, and spoke seriously.

"Co-author, you have followed us all the way from Xingkong Town to the Forest of the Cursed, and you still don't really want to trust our team?"

Disma laughed and said, but he didn't pay much attention to what the other party said, but quickly turned his attention back to the giant snake in front of him.

Kind of weird.

This thing, watching them chat but not doing it?

Are you waiting for something?

Speaking of which, the giant snake that they fought earlier that fell with the tree trunk just now seemed to be crushed, why hasn't it moved at all?Is it already killed?Or is it lurking somewhere?

Disma became wary at this moment.


Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently.

A huge snake of flesh and blood suddenly struck from the side at high speed.

All the hunters were ready to defend and evade at this moment, but after the thing suddenly entered the arena, it didn't bother any hunters, but rushed directly towards it amidst furious roars. Another giant snake present.

The two sides suddenly came into contact at this moment, and the flesh and blood bodies immediately began to fuse, intertwined with each other and merged into one.

"No, they plan to merge into one to gain more power!"

Immediately realizing what happened, Alhazred raised the skeleton candlestick in his hand, summoned a deformed tentacle, and swiped at the two giant snakes not far away.

Amidst the roar, the head of a giant snake rushed out, biting directly on that tentacle, pulling it for a while.

The occultist's attack doesn't work.Disma and Tardif wanted to rush forward to fight, but Baldwin stopped them with his hand, and then another snake head opened its mouth suddenly, and a series of venom sprayed out, only a few seconds away. One step will directly splash on the two of them, causing serious poisoning.

"The bastard is pretty good at it."

Tardiff cursed, and saw that the giant snake in front of him turned into a huge monster with two heads, the upper body split apart, and the lower body fused together to form an extremely huge snake tail.Opening his mouth, the two snake heads were filled with misshapen and interlaced fangs. The twisted and narrow gray-white eyes stared closely at the four hunters present, and one could feel extremely strong hatred and resentment from this thing. .Obviously, this thing will not let anyone go, it must kill all four hunters.

Of course, this matter is actually the same in reverse, and the hunters present cannot let this thing go, so they must be eliminated here.From the very beginning, this has been a life-and-death hunting game.

"bring it on."

In the murmur, Disma saw a snake head roaring towards him.

The sound of the wind with a stench became louder, and the giant snake's mouth full of barbs and fangs, like a cave full of teeth, fell heavily beside Disma, and A shallow hole was smashed into the ground.

The battle was triggered again, this time it was the final life-and-death fight between four powerful hunters and the huge monsters that had ravaged the Cursed Forest for many years.

The filthy venom was released by the giant snake's big mouth, and fell violently in an instant.

But immediately after that, a pitch-black tentacles rose out of thin air, blocking the hunters in front of the spraying venom.

Disma and Tardif rushed forward from left to right, each picking a different target.Disma dodged the moment the head rushed down, and the pistol burst into thunder, and with a violent explosion, it directly knocked the snake head to the side.

Immediately afterwards, Baldwin, who rushed forward, swung the broken sword in his hand and slashed out. The heavy force was exerted on the head of the shot monster, and a deep wound was cut directly with a violent shock. A large amount of dirty blood flowed down and stained the gradually gray ground.

【Roar! 】

The giant snake roared at this moment, but the roar was interrupted by a shot fired by Disma.

The bullet carried lightning and burst into the giant snake's mouth, causing a large amount of blood to spurt out from its mouth.

Baldwin swung his sword again, but this blow was missed due to lack of precision.The giant snake roared and lowered its head to bite Baldwin, but immediately Disma rushed up, threw his dagger out with a slamming blow, and directly penetrated the giant snake, which had lost its effect. On the nose of the giant snake, he jumped up in one step, grabbed the dagger worn on the opponent's body, and at the moment he pulled out a bloodstain and electric light, he rolled over the top of the giant snake's head, and then stretched out his hand and grabbed the giant snake's body a huge trauma.

"That's what I said, so it's here."

Grinning grinningly at the wound that he had just thrust his gun in and bombarded, Disma stuffed the muzzle of the gun in again, and quickly pulled the trigger, causing the explosion and thunder to strike the giant snake again. Sweeping through the flesh and blood.

【Roar! ! ! 】

Under the severe pain, the gigantic snake began to struggle, and Disma had already fallen from the giant snake, and at the moment of falling, he used a dagger to hit the wound just now, expanding the wound even more. Even more ferocious.

The next giant snake slammed into it, but Disma dodged to avoid it. "[Come and Go without Shadow] light emerged at this moment, increasing the hunter's speed to the extreme. He even had time to fire another shot in the gap between dodges, letting the bullet spin and fly into the The wound in his mouth widened again.

"The momentum of the avalanche is unstoppable!"

The leper swordsman swiped again after a short respite. He had already realized that Disma was focusing on a part of the giant snake, so at this moment, when the giant snake concentrated on attacking Disma , he strode forward, and slashed fiercely with the broken sword in his hand, directly on the wound.


The blade sank into it and cut downwards quickly.

The sound of flesh and blood being torn quickly resounded, and the flesh and blood that had been punched out of countless cavities by bullets quickly tore apart as the surface was cut open at this moment. There was hardly any hindrance, and Baldwin's sword shot directly from above. The next one cut the giant snake's flesh and blood, almost a small half of its body, almost beheading the giant snake on the spot.

【Roar! ! ! 】

Amidst the stern roar, the giant snake howled and turned around to bite Baldwin, and the giant snake that was entangled with Tardif on the other side also came to bite, desperate to kill the leper swordsman, killing this leper with every hit Baldwin, who can do amazing damage.

"Did I allow you to ignore me, beast

? ”

Alhazred's gloomy voice suddenly resounded, and the black tentacles grabbed the monster's body violently, pulling the monster with two heads and falling to the ground, rubbing and pulling out several pieces on the gray ground. With a distance of [-] meter, torn flesh and blood were left all over the ground.

"How about it, can you continue to fight?"

Disma looked at Baldwin, who was not far away and stopped again with his sword, and asked seriously.

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