"It's okay, let's get rid of this filth as soon as possible!"

Taking a breath, Baldwin took another step, and the chin covered with pustules exposed under the mask evoked a smile.

The gigantic giant snake roared and rushed out again, but was struck by Tardiff with an axe, severely cutting off a large piece of flesh.Alhazred held up the candlestick again, the sound of blasphemous chanting emerged along with the surging darkness, and finally turned into a blow that directed him forward.

"Come on, let's see."

In the distorted fire that emerged, the mystic scholar's eyes were scarlet and ferocious.

"Look, the endless fire of the stars!!!"

The raging flames burned suddenly, completely covering this twisted monster.

The flame is full of carefree smiles, the existence of chaos hidden in the darkness is laughing viciously and happily, but it is impossible to know whether it is laughing at the monster that is constantly suffering, or laughing at the overpowering The hunters who tried to challenge the gods, even though they had paid a lot of money, still refused to stop.

The flames of chaos didn't last too long at this moment. Alhazred, who obviously required a lot of energy to release this power, squatted down panting, and even had some nosebleeds from his nose.Crazy voices echoed in his mind, the darkness that made a contract with him seemed to stretch out countless hands at this moment, grabbing him tightly, trying to pull him into the darkness, enjoying this good meal.Of course, this thing won't happen, it's just an illusion-like feeling brought by this power, although one day, this thing will change from illusion to reality.

"Will can overcome matter."

Alhazred, who was talking to himself like this, slowly stood up and looked at the hunters fighting ahead.

Disma only stared at the severed body of one of the heads from the beginning to the end, and kept using guns and daggers to make up for that place.

Baldwin, who had been fighting for a long time, stopped on the spot, took a rest with his broken sword, and then stepped forward again.

Tardiff slammed down the hatchet in his hand, and then punched it hard, causing the snake's head to hit the ground directly, causing white dust to splash.

The bloody color has been scattered and raging in all directions for a while.

Chapter 120: The Prey Has Been Slaughtered [Tumor Snake]


When I noticed it, it was when the other party was silent.

Abigail looked up and found that Aike had closed her eyes, lay down quietly against the tree trunk behind her, and just fell asleep quietly like this.

"Ms. Eco..."

Closing her eyes, Abigail couldn't shed tears at this moment.

In this day, she has seen too many people die, and can imagine that in places she has not seen, there are more people who she does not know have died.

The Corruption Wilderness has been explored by hunters for the most part, basically there are not many high-threat monsters. Only then can everyone get a glimpse of the horror here, and understand what is the real danger and disaster.

It's just that it's too difficult.

Such a thing really makes people feel that it is too difficult.

"Good night, Ms. Eco."

In the end, Abigail did not shed tears, but said softly, and hugged the sleeping forge master.

The white dust slowly fell, turning the entire forest into pure white.And it was at this moment that the battle that had lasted for a long time not far away finally came to an end and reached the end.


The bullet fired again blasted the giant snake's neck that was close to being broken, splashing dirty blood.

The giant snake let out a miserable howl, and another snake head suddenly stretched out, biting towards Disma, but was easily avoided by the other party. Immediately after the second snake head rushed down, Disma suddenly turned over to avoid, his body rotated in mid-air, and fired a shot again, directly hitting the flesh and blood joint on the neck, tearing more A lot of flesh and blood exploded.

"You didn't expect it, did you?"

Disma, who landed again, said with a mocking smile while loading the gun.

In the angry howl, the snake's head came down and bit, but Baldwin had already appeared on the side of the snake's head.

The heavy sharp blade swung down, and this time, the wriggling flesh and blood could no longer produce any effect, and was completely cut off like this.

The huge snake head crashed to the ground, the big mouth opened and closed, and struggled with all its strength, then lost its strength and stagnated, and began to rot gradually, gradually

Gradually turned into ashes and dissipated in this white forest.

【Roar! 】

Amidst the shrill roar, the second snake head struggled with all its might.

Tentacles of flesh and blood ejected from its body one after another, flying towards the hunters.

The daggers flitted, the long swords swept, and the hatchets fluttered. The hunters cut the attacking tentacles one by one, cutting off one by one, disintegrating the final counterattack of this huge monster little by little.Obviously they are the smaller and more vulnerable ones.Unable to withstand too severe attacks, they will die after receiving several injuries. There is an upper limit in physical strength and energy, but at this moment, they force the monsters with extremely strong regeneration ability and endurance ability into it bit by bit. In desperation.


Alhazred recited the mantra at this moment, and the blasphemous words were exchanged for the arrival of the dark thing, and the tentacles one after another pulled the huge monster to the ground, and followed closely Tardif, who was in front of him, struck down the giant snake's cap with an axe, and knocked out a big hole in the head.

In the furious roar, the giant snake quickly broke free, and flew Tardif who was stepping on its head, and then the thing opened its mouth wide and was about to bite Tardiff in mid-air, trying to kill him directly. swallowed.

"Come on, I'll give you some drinks, you're welcome."

But before that, a bottle of grease incendiary bomb had been thrown by Tardiff, and landed directly on the mouth of the giant snake, hit its fangs, and then shattered in an instant. The flame burning at the mouth of the bottle suddenly spread to the scale.

boom! ! !

During the explosion, the huge giant snake wailed and fell to the ground again.

Baldwin stepped forward, pierced the huge hole in the sky cap that Tardif smashed out after successive attacks with the huge blade, and completely pierced the blade in, stirring and crushing the giant snake's brain.Continuous severe injuries, coupled with the complete destruction of the head, this twisted monster struggled, trembled, and finally calmed down gradually, gradually lost the ability to stand up and fight again, and its body began to collapse bit by bit .

"Stand farther away, there might be some changes in this thing."

Alhazred, who was very cautious, shouted to the others, and several hunters retreated together to avoid getting too close to the monster.

After a while, the surface of the entire monster's body began to dissolve, breaking apart bit by bit.

But at this time, some creepy voices began to sound.

【Dad, Dad, where are you】

【Mom, my hand is melting】

[I can't see, it's getting crowded here]

[Don't, don't do this]

[Everyone is connected together, no distinction is made between each other]

【You guys are safe, this is a safe shelter...】

Voices of men and women, young and old.

After dissipating on the surface of the giant snake, one after another struggling sounds came from the flesh and blood inside.

The flesh and blood barely formed the arms, head or torso. They seemed to be normal humans at first, but in the body of the giant snake, they gradually melted and merged into one, becoming a part of the giant snake, and During this process, it is likely to retain a clear consciousness.

For countless years, these people have lived like this on this snake, this festering giant snake.

This was an unimaginably terrifying experience, and the hunters present could not help but fall silent.

"In this way, their suffering is finally relieved."

Finally, Baldwin spoke softly, lowered his head slightly, and made a gesture of mourning.

"That would solve a big//problem, huh."

Tardiff shook his head, and walked towards the few people who had come out of the bushes not far away, carrying his hatchet.

Disma was thinking about whether the wriggling skin of this monster was actually composed of different people.He thought about the possibility of this giant snake monster appearing, thinking about what kind of process would cause this kind of thing to appear, but he couldn't think of an accurate answer.But soon, after realizing that he was just thinking about meaningless things, Disma smiled wryly, turned and left with Alhazred without thinking too much. "

Only those residual voices remained, together with the gradually broken flesh and blood, they dissipated in place and ceased to exist.

Together with the stories that may have existed, but are no longer here, and are no longer cared about by people, they are buried like this.

【You...here...will be safe...】

【I... want to protect... you...】

The last voice.

The last ethereal, unknown voice.

They also returned to silence in the white dust falling down together.

【Tumor snake】

prey slaughtered

Chapter 120 Three: Endgame

Gray and white colors covered more and more places.

The hunter stepped forward, walking slowly among the ashes

Walking forward, followed by Edra, who had undergone simple treatment, and Haril, who was walking backwards.

The white dust seems to have a special smell, which suppresses the senses of the filthy monsters wandering in the Cursed Forest, which gives the hunters more breathing room, allowing them to pass through this dangerous area more safely, towards the Go in the direction of the abandoned town in the forest.

During the march, the hunter heard some voices, and he approached the source of the voices, only to find that it was a team in rotation. The captain of this team was an excellent swordsman named Stickley, who was said to be able to He is a very good fighter who uses a variety of different blades to deal with battles.It's just that he was not in good condition when he appeared in front of the hunter at this moment. His left hand had been cut off, and it was just a hasty bandage.

His team member, a female hunter named Athor, was not injured much, but his spirit seemed very depressed.And, apart from that, no other team members were seen.

It's not that the team broke up, so only these two people acted together.

Instead, there are only these two people left.

"Cardennell's flower specimens are here with me. I'm sorry, but she was killed by the magic tree when I found her."

Edra said very apologetically, and returned the relic she had obtained to the two remaining members of the left-tail rotation team.

"First we were attacked by a tree branch, and we lost a team member, and then we experienced several battles. The monsters here are so ferocious. Haha, but at least we can still handle it, and then we triggered another sarcoma, A wart stuffed with snakes..."

Stickley, who had only one arm left, lowered his head and said, the expression on his face was hidden in his messy hair, which could not be seen clearly.

"Heibai, I should have paid attention earlier, he was clearly close to the sarcoma, but I didn't pay attention to the whereabouts of my teammates in time..."

"The snakes all rushed out, and Black Bray was submerged in. We wanted to run, but we couldn't. There was no way to get rid of those snakes."

"I was bitten on my left hand, and Athor was also surrounded by them. I thought we were dead, but those snakes were all dead and melted."

"I think someone probably succeeded in killing the source of them, killing the tumor snake, maybe it was you who did it, Your Excellency Hunter, I can only say that it is really you."

"In short, I cut off my own hand to survive, and then we took the relics of Hebray, and continued walking like this until we met you."

At the end of the brief exchange, both Stickley and Athor had numb expressions on their faces.

They are the lucky survivors, the ones who survived by fate at the critical moment of death.

It's just that when facing the corpse of his companion, this luck probably has a more or less bitter taste.

"Both Black Bray and Cardennell are from the Star Town Police Department, and they are under Sheriff William. I heard that Mr. Black Bray's whole family was killed on the night when the monsters invaded Star Town. Maybe it will end like this." His own life is also a kind of relief for him."

Edra stood beside the hunter with some emotion and said, and continued to move forward with Stickley, Athor and others.

Under the ashes, the marching people were silent, without saying a word, and continued walking like this.

Then after a while, Harrier, who had been quietly staying in the team, suddenly left the team and ran not far away.

The hunter and the others followed this crazy, not very clear-headed guy, and found his teammates.

To be precise, it was the corpses of his teammates.

The three members of the right-wing rotation team, except for Harrier, have all died. Their bodies were buried in white ashes, and even the breath of blood was hidden. If Harir hadn't suddenly left the team to dig up the white ashes, the hunters and the others probably wouldn't have died at all. It would be impossible to find these bodies.

"All the bones of the whole body were smashed by heavy things, and there are still some traces of broken wood chips here. They may have encountered a very tall enemy, a filthy monster that used the wood in this forest as a weapon."

Edra spoke in a low voice while examining the bodies of the three.

"They died very early. They should have encountered that monster not long after they came in, and they were all killed."

"That monster seems to be a picky eater. Each corpse only ate a small portion, and the rest was thrown away."

"Perhaps we should be thankful that the head was not eaten, so at least we can still identify the corpse..."

Senlis, the captain of the right-wing rotation team, a powerful hunter, once seemed to be a teacher, because his students were killed by monsters and decided to take the path of hunters.She has a pair of very beautiful double-edged swords, and the blades can be spliced ​​together to form a double-edged sword, which can show her style to the fullest in battle.

Rock, a very young shooter, is said to be very good at long-distance sniping. It seems that he accidentally injured his teammate when he first started acting as a hunter, so he often hesitated when fighting. It is said that it is the psychological shadow of that incident.

Ramsay, a warrior who fights with a door-plate giant sword, the weapon in his hand is both a blade and a shield, and he is a very reliable

man.What's interesting is that this person still has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder. When eating, he has to eat every bite of the food. All the things in the house must be tidy to be comfortable. For this matter, other hunters often tease him.

One name after another, just like this, stayed here forever.

The hunter was silent about this, he didn't know how he should react in the face of such a thing, so he could only continue to remain silent.

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