Then, they continued to walk forward. After they had the magic pointer of Stickley and the others, they could determine the direction of the abandoned town in the forest. They continued to move forward in the white forest step by step, in silence. Continue to move forward.

Then came across a monster, a very fast and agile black monster with extremely sharp claws.

The opponent obviously has some strength, which is not comparable to those ordinary monsters, but in front of the hunter, this level of strength cannot change its outcome.Without even needing to change weapons to adjust his style of play, the hunter slashed the monster with a meat saw, tearing it in half with the sawtooth-like blade on the spot.

Then, nothing too special.

The hunter and his party just continued to move forward. It took a little time to deal with some monsters they encountered accidentally, and finally arrived at the small town, the only safe area in the entire forest in the records, that building Abandoned town in the forest.

"Ah, Hunter, you are finally here."

William, who was guarding the entrance of the town, was squatting on the ground and patting his hound named Fergus. After seeing the hunter coming, he stood up happily and counted the hunters who followed him. The number of people, then took a breath and said:

"In this way, 32 people arrived in the town."

"Great, basically half of the people have arrived, and I hope more people will be able to arrive."

From the bottom of his heart, William let out a heavy sigh of relief at this moment, and his whole body relaxed a lot.

Until he discovered that one of the team members following the hunter included Stickley, the captain of the left-tail rotation team, and he was still missing a hand. Stickley, who seemed to be in a very bad state, was accompanied by a dull expression Athol.

"The rotation team at the left end is the team where my members Cadennel and Black Bray are in the police force. They have separated from you, right?"

Walking slowly in front of the two, William's cheeks trembled twice. He seemed to have a lot to say, but he hesitated, and after hesitating again, this old man with a big beard just smiled reluctantly. Then try to speak.

"Feel sorry……"

Stickley shook his head, and answered somewhat reluctantly.

"Uh, no, there's nothing to be sorry about, everyone got separated... did they get separated?"

"Not separated, they are here."




Cursing in a low voice, William stretched out his hand to rub his hair, exhaled a long breath, turned around and left like this. "

Afterwards, the hunter found Abigail in the small town, and the two embraced each other on the streets of this abandoned town. There was no words, no communication, no tears, just a mutual silence. listening, silent about what they had been through that day.

After the hunters arrived, no more people came to the town.

The temporary rest on the first day was over, and after the moonlight rose on the second day, people began to gather the remaining people for counting and statistics.

The frontier vanguard team, that is, the four-person team composed of Hunter, Disma, Tardif and William, was dispersed, but there were no casualties. Considering that this team is actually the strongest team, Even if everyone except the hunter is a strong individual, there is nothing wrong with such a result.

The left-wing vanguard, David and Reginald died, and Bartley and Serra survived.The loss of this team made Disma feel guilty for a long time. He confessed to the hunter afterwards that if he had been more careful and prudent, perhaps the casualties would not have happened.It's just that there are no ifs in this world.

The right-wing vanguard, Webster, Jacob, Audrey, and Edra all survived. This team was unexpectedly lucky. With puncture injuries, Edra was caught by the blood-bound demon tree, and they all arrived in the abandoned town in the forest alive. It can almost be said to be a lucky team.

The rear security team, Baldwin, Vic, and Natia Vida survived, and Luigi died.It is said that when she first found out about the result, Natia Vida acted a little gloating, but after knowing that Luigi made a heroic sacrifice for Webster and others to lure away the monsters, she restrained her smile and said seriously, "Whether you have ever been a What, at least he went to the end as a hero, he is a person who deserves to be respected", he personally carved a tombstone for Luid on the temporary tomb built for the victims in the town.

In the left wing back team, Cain and Karnis survived, Lowes and Lacey...well, in short, they died. The situation of some members of this team is a little bit disturbing

Disgraceful, after the statement of the victim Edra and the affirmative testimony of the hunter, everyone unanimously decided that Loles did not exist. As for Russell, at least he was completely mutated and died after being possessed by a filthy monster. Let’s keep it for the time being. He lost a little dignity as a hunter, so he was still treated as a sacrificial warrior.

The right wing guard... This organization did not exist before entering the cursed forest, so I will skip it.

The left-wing rotation team, Prestcott, Sesset, Iveco, and Adeni survived. They are also the only four-member surviving team among all rotation teams. To be more precise, the total number of their teams , In fact, it is now almost half of all rotation teams.This is something that can’t be helped. As a rotation team with a lower level of strength, if the combat power is insufficient, if there is a phenomenon of dispersion of personnel, no, even if there is no dispersion of personnel, it is still difficult to survive in the forest of the curse. survive in it.Under such circumstances, a rotation team was able to achieve the miracle of Quanyuan's survival. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

In the right-wing rotation team, Harrier survived alone, while Sanlis, Roque and Ramsay died.The culprit who caused the sacrifice of the three people was confirmed by Abigail, and it was believed to be the same giant monster that wiped out another team and was finally killed by the hunter.A special monster that is actually not particularly powerful, but because of its extremely heavy attack, it will pose a great threat to hunters who are not strong enough.

In the rotation team from the left center, Columbus, Garin, Depaster and Persi Ion died, and the team was completely wiped out.The dead of this team were found in different places, and they seemed to be all torn apart, some were killed by branches, some were triggered by sarcoma, and some were killed by monsters, none of them survived. Come down, even in fact, not many people even noticed that the team disappeared like this.Only Andre lamented that Columbus was a good old man who yearned for the Sun Warrior, and he shouldn't just die in such a vague way.

The rotation team in the right center, Brereton, Gilbard, Delaune and Paxide Cole died, and the team was completely wiped out.Abigail has witnessed all this, she has nothing to say about it, she doesn't want to express a word, all she can say is the silent silence.Knowing that the girl was greatly stimulated, the hunter hugged the girl, and under the comfort of the hunter's embrace, Abigail calmed down a little bit.

In the left-tail rotation team, Stickley and Athol survived, and Cadennel and Black Bray died.This team also has nothing to say, and Stickley is unwilling to talk about the casualties of his teammates.William found Stickley and patted him on the shoulder, expressing that he didn't need to take it to heart, but even if he said that, probably what happened this time would remain in the team leader's heart for a long time.

In the rotation team at the right end, Niverin and Leorin survived, and Laiser and Taon died.Among them, Leo Lin has been given sedative drugs by the doctor because of his continuous mental breakdown. No one can be sure whether he can recover in the final action in a few days. I can only say that he can return to normal. .Nivelin himself didn't mean to blame Leorin, but just lamented the impermanence of fate.

In the first logistics team, Andre and Abigail survived, while Lodicon, Tommy and Aike died. Among them, Aike's death can be said to be an extremely heavy blow to hunters and hunters. Magicians are extremely rare talents, and there are even fewer people who can refine their souls and forge weapons.Coupled with the need for weapon maintenance, without this forging master, it can be said that it will have a great impact on many hunters. It is also because of the death of Ai Ke that the Hunting God team had to abandon many towns in this forest. Stay for a few days, so that Andre can repair all the weapons that need to be repaired after he heals his injuries.

The second logistics team, Ke Fu, Paul, Van Luen and Horold, four people died, and the team was completely wiped out. This is also the only logistics team that was completely wiped out.Abigail calmed down at this moment, and told everyone what happened to her, so that people could know the performance of the two teams before they died, and their struggle before the end.

The third logistics team, Woodlonona, Elsaac, and Klein Tinger survived, and the captain Suzanne died. Fortunately, there is still a logistics food supply team that is basically intact, which can ensure that the hunters receive No problems with the food supply coming down.

The fourth logistics team, Alhazred, Fetris and Anastas survived, and Lubesk died.The medical team remained largely intact, and the two most important doctors survived.From this point of view, the hunting god team can be said to be very lucky. At least they don't need to worry about treatment issues, and they can minimize the impact of the wounded on the team's combat effectiveness.

The result of the final statistics is that 32 people survived. This hunting god team with a total of 65 people at the time of departure, after arriving in the forest of the curse, less than half of the 32 people were left, and a considerable part of them were all dead. It was sacrificed in the chaos after entering the cursed forest.

Now that the team has arrived, there is no need to divide any vanguard squads into backup teams, because the hunters who have arrived at this place no longer need to worry about attracting monsters.In the whole abandoned town in the forest

Possesses a special power that can keep the surrounding monsters from approaching here.It can be said that as long as they stay in this town, no matter how many people they gather, they are absolutely safe, and there is no need to worry about any problems.

Of course, this town was, in fact, the last safe place they could stay.

When they defeated the gatekeeper and opened the door to the Garden of the Old Gods, everything really progressed to the most dangerous moment, to the final moment that will come no matter whether they want it or not.

When that moment comes, will they be able to prepare for it?

Many people don't have an answer in their hearts, even including Hunter, he doesn't have an accurate answer.

In the forest covered by white dust, it was still as silent as ever, and it was impossible to tell that the remains of nearly thirty hunters were buried here.

Those scattered bloody smells have also subsided silently now, and were buried silently.

There are only living people left, living in this dilapidated town in the forest, in this dilapidated town also covered with white dust, continuing this only period of time. , Before the final journey, the final battle begins, a small period of time to rest, to close your eyes and go to sleep, pretending to forget all the pain and sorrow.

A period of time to clean up the mess in your heart.

Chapter 120 Four: Rest Time

When I opened my eyes in the morning, what I saw was a piece of snow outside the window.

Abigail rubbed her eyes and sat up from her sleeping bag.The slightly sleepy girl yawned, looked around subconsciously, was stunned when she didn't see the two craftsman apprentices and Aike, and then showed a somewhat disappointed expression.

Those who have already left have really left.

Sitting blankly in the sleeping bag, just sitting in this empty and abandoned house.

Abigail curled up slightly, closed her eyes without saying a word, and listened to the hunters' voices outside from time to time, just sitting quietly and alone like this.

I don't want to do anything.

I can't tell why, and I don't want to do anything.

It doesn't seem to be a problem of laziness, and there is no idea of ​​​​whom to be awkward with.

It's just that suddenly, I feel that I don't want to do anything, I just stay alone like this, quietly.

Tuk Tuk-

Then, a knock on the door was heard.

Abigail looked up and saw the hunter standing at the door.

"Ah, it's Mr. Hunter. Well, you go out first, I'll get dressed and come out right away."

Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and Abigail was only wearing thin pajamas at the moment, which completely exposed the girl's youthful figure.Feeling quite embarrassed by this, Abigail temporarily forgot some of her previous negative thoughts, hurriedly put on her suit of clothes that were easy to move, and was now stained with a lot of mud and stains, and then opened the door, Then I saw the hunter standing by the door.

Today's hunter is still wearing his hunter uniform as always, and it seems that he has basically never seen him change into other clothes.

"Mr. Hunter, did you sleep well last night?"

Abigail, who didn't want the hunter to see the various thoughts in her heart, smiled as usual, and asked in a low voice standing beside the hunter.


Then he was mercilessly knocked on the head by the hunter.

The little girl thought she could hide the hunter's emotions, but it was obviously useless.But this is also a matter of course. After all, when counting the death toll last night, I lost control of my emotions once. It is impossible for the hunter not to know the true thoughts in Abigail's heart.

Slightly, he bent down, then stretched out his hand, and directly grabbed Abigail's little white hand.

The rare hunter who showed a bit of domineering, held Abigail's little hand like this, and walked on the streets of this abandoned town.

It is said to be a small town, but it is actually quite big. It can already be compared with the huge border town of Xingkong Town, and it can even be said to be even bigger.

The ruins of buildings stretching for several kilometers constitute the main body here. All the houses have been dilapidated, and it is difficult to find a house with a roof.Fortunately, the number of hunters is now so small that Abigail can even find a small house to spend the night alone, and she can stay alone without being crowded with other people. spend.

There will be no monsters in the entire town. Once a hunter forcibly caught some monsters in the town, but the opponent completely lost the killing instinct and just tried his best to escape. It seems that there are monsters in the town. With some kind of power that will drive away monsters.Later, some hunters conducted a further experiment and directly tied the monster in the town, completely immobilizing it to prevent the monster from escaping.

As a result, when this group of research hunters was taking turns keeping watch over the research situation of the monster, suddenly, these hunters lost their voices.When other people went to see it, they found that whether it was a fixed monster or

It was the hunters in charge of the research, they all disappeared without a trace, and they didn't know where they went.Until that group of hunters failed to challenge the gods and had to withdraw to leave this small town, the group of hunters who loved research never showed up, and they just disappeared forever.

Obviously, these hunters used their experiences to explain to everyone the extremely easy-to-understand truth of "If you don't do it, you won't die". At the same time, they also explained another thing, that is, in this small town The power to maintain the safety in it should probably be some kind of existence with its own consciousness, so when the hunter tries to forcibly keep the monster, it will directly wipe it out.Hmm... It should be erased, I can only say that I hope it won't be a worse result.

Up to now, the hunters no longer study the secrets of this place, but only use it as a safe resting place.

Alhazred seems to have some special ideas to conduct experiments in this town, but because of getting along along the way, many people have seen through the researcher nature of this mystic scholar who loves death, so he recently started There are many people who have been watching him to prevent him from messing around.Alhazred, who was unwilling to really tear himself apart with this group of comrades-in-arms, felt quite troubled, and sighed more than once.

"Speaking of which, Mister Hunter, are we going to stay here for three days?"

Abigail stepped over the white dust that had completely covered the ground, raised her head and asked the hunter.


As always, a very hunter-style answer with precious words.

"Well, it's really long to stay here."

The girl nodded lightly, indicating that she knew, and at the same time sighed with emotion in a low voice.

She actually understood more or less why she had to rest for three days.After all, without Ai Ke, the hunters lost a forging master. The maintenance of weapons and armor, the manufacture of disposable equipment such as arrows, etc. all fell to Andre alone, and there was no Apprentices can assist him with his work.In addition, Andre himself was seriously injured. Even after healed and healed up, he still needed to recuperate for a while. Therefore, the hunters had to stay longer and wait until there was no problem with the equipment. Adjust your state and try to face the last part of the road in the best state possible.

Finally, this section is the most dangerous, and it is very likely that there will be no return.

This is by no means something that can be easily faced. In the past, several teams have reached this level, but none of them succeeded in the end.All those who tried to end all of this fell in the Garden of the Old Gods, and fell in the death zone called [Lost Cave] below the Garden of the Old Gods.

It was located in a dark place that was supposed to be the temple of the goddess of the earth, but now it collapsed into a huge cave.There, the powerful filthy power is almost completely condensed into a substantial existence, and any flames are basically unable to illuminate the cave, and even the maximum level of lighting can only barely allow the hunter to see the fingers he raised in front of his eyes. .In other words, hunters must walk through dark caves that are almost without any light, groping in the vast underground caves in the absolute darkness where they can hardly see anything, to find the root buried deep in the earth where the filth is.

Of course, that part of the journey was not just the hunters themselves, but also a huge number of filthy monsters that lived in that dark environment.A filthy monster similar to beetles and earthworms, but extremely large in size, ferocious and terrifying.

And the hunters want to find the location of the filthy heart under such circumstances.

No one has ever succeeded.

Until now, no one has succeeded.

The Lost Cave swallowed almost all the hunters who stepped into it, and only two people ever came out of it alive, and even so, they were too severely eroded by the filthy power, so that after living for less than two years, they died of the disease all over their bodies. He died miserably due to irreversible organ failure.

But now, the hunter, a seemingly invincible and powerful existence, has come to this place.Whether he can break this cycle, break the task that no hunter has completed for many years, and achieve this miracle, in fact, many people are not sure in their hearts.

What if it fails?

What if it doesn't work out in the end?

What if even hunters can't defeat the Lost Caverns?

Such doubts spread in many people's hearts, but no one said it.

In fact, everyone also understands in their hearts that after paying so many sacrifices and spending so much time and energy, they finally came to this place.In any case, it is impossible for them to stop, not to mention whether they choose to give up in this place, whether they are worthy of their dead companions, and just return to the man-eating forest of the Cursed Forest. The hunters who finally escaped after a lot of hard work and were able to catch their breath in the small town must be one hundred hunters who are unwilling.

So, now, at this moment, hunters, everyone who has gone through long battles and hardships, all need a time to breathe and rest.Therefore, the three-day rest period that was finally discussed is also a difficult time for everyone.

Self-adjustment after the battle, recovery of one's own state, preparation for the final dangerous battle, a time for everyone to rest and think about it.

Of course, there were those who wanted to take a longer break, but this proposal was rejected by the vast majority.The reason is very simple, one day of rest may not be enough to slow down, three days of rest is almost just right, but if you continue to rest until the fourth day, maybe everyone’s state will start to decline, and it will change due to the long rest. Get dull.After all, after a highly intense battle, suddenly entering a state of doing nothing for a long time, this can be said to be a very bad thing for hunters to adjust their state, and it must be avoided as much as possible.

Therefore, the final result is three days.

The last time for all those who survived to make adjustments is these three days.

Three days later, they will set off to the end of the town, to the entrance of the Garden of the Old Gods, to challenge the gatekeeper, and then break into the dilapidated Garden of the Old Gods, to the entrance of the Lost Cave, to find the gatekeeper. To the god that was, the source of the ugliness and filth that is now.

Huh, three days...

Abigail, who exhaled softly, sighed silently at this moment.

"...Are you okay?"

Noticing the change in Abigail's expression, the hunter who felt a little strange lowered his head and looked at the girl.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mister Hunter, there are still three days left, so... these three days, I think I will spend all of these three days with Mr. Hunter, is that okay?"

The smiling Abigail, after a brief hesitation, decided to let go of her reserve a little.

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