Maybe if I spend more time with Mr. Hunter, I can feel a little better.

After experiencing these cruel things and seeing so many sad things, it seems that only when I stay by Mr. Hunter's side can my emotions be a little bit normal, and I can't feel so sad and sad.

Ha, in this way, I am actually a very fragile guy.

Abigail laughed silently at herself inwardly.

"Well... yes..."

The hunter nodded seriously, and chose to agree to the girl's coquettish little request without hesitation.

"Then Mr. Hunter, let's take a walk around here together."

Seeing the way the hunter agreed to her without hesitation, Abigail, who felt her mood seemed to have become a little lighter, followed up and said.Of course, the hunter would not reject such a proposal, rather he was already doing so, so he led Abigail's whisper, and the two walked through the ruins of the town filled with white ash. Walking slowly on the streets that are no longer what they used to be.

These white ashes are not the same as normal ash, they will not be splashed with people's feet, and they will pollute the air everywhere.These dusts that contain special power seem to stick directly to the soil, cling to the ground and stick to them completely, even in the case of blowing wind, unless it is a particularly strong wind, there is no way to blow these white dust away stand up.

For two people who are walking, this is obviously a good thing, after all, who likes walking in places with choking dust flying everywhere?

Occasionally, one or two hunters can be seen appearing on the side of the road, greet the hunters casually, say a few words, and then separate again.

Abigail stared at the buildings of these small towns, these buildings with a little strange style, but most of them have lost their original appearance with the erosion of time, thinking about what they should look like and what kind of people they will have Carefully decorating the house, living and living in it, thinking about the warm days when the sun was shining.She felt that it might be a very good thing to live in such a comfortable small town in a fresh and beautiful forest.

Speaking of which, the hunter's palm is really big.

Abigail, who was spinning her small brain and kept thinking wildly, turned her head and looked at Mr. Hunter holding her hand, which was big enough to completely wrap her palm, and couldn't help feeling a little stunned. .

Mr. Hunter, with such a hand, stroked my head, combed my hair, hugged me, and now, holding my hand, and walking with me on the streets of the town walking forward.

This feeling seems to be good.

It seems very, very, people can experience a good feeling.

Obviously living in such a hopeless world.

Obviously, I have seen so much pain so far.

Obviously, I have felt tired and sad more than once.

But at this moment, when walking together holding the hunter's hand, walking on the street, there is a happy and beautiful feeling, and a very satisfied feeling. The feeling of being full.

Ah, so, what I originally wanted was to live with Mr. Hunter?

Is my wish in this life really just that?

This kind of me is really a...bad boy...

Abigail, who couldn't help but have some bad reverie, lowered her head, her whole little face became pale.

It's all red.

Woo, why do you think of such a terrible topic as "boy or girl, how many?"Obviously, obviously I haven't reached that age yet, I feel like I have become a very, very bad bad boy.

Absolutely, absolutely must not let Mr. Hunter see such a side of himself.

Mr. Hunter only needs to know the well-behaved and sensible mature Abby. It is better not to let Mr. Hunter know about this kind of naive Abby who is not mature at all.

That's right, seal seal, this image, if you want to completely seal it off, you can't be shy.

In the small theater in Abigail's brain, one Abigail yelled "Wow", and knocked down the other Abigail who shouted "Squeeze" to the ground, and then thumped. He shut it into a small room with a plop, and then nailed the door of the room with a wooden thud to ensure that the people inside would never have the possibility of escaping.

That's right, that's it.

Now Abigail has been upgraded to Abigail 2.0, a very serious and serious Abigail!


The hunter lowered his head in confusion, watching the little girl go from a shy state with flushed cheeks to a miraculous state of wandering, and finally turned into a confident Abigail, as if she had already reached 1000% strength. I felt a little bit strange.

Then, at this time, the door of a house on the side of the road opened, and Audrey, who was dressed in white, laughed and kept a male hunter. It seemed that the two had just enjoyed a good night, that's all. At the door, they began to show intimacy with each other, and even one of them was still in the state of being just born, not worried about whether others would see it, in such an open and frank state.


In the small world in Abigail's brain, the little Abigail who was shouting shyly soared into the sky, smashing the roof and shouting "Wuhu" and flew into the air.


fly up slightly! !

Fly up ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Almost immediately, the original slightly rosy face turned into an apple-like one, and Abigail, who was completely red from neck to ears to the whole face, made a sound almost suffocating at this moment , the whole person subconsciously bumped into the hunter's body, and grabbed his hand to walk in the opposite direction.

"This kind of shameless thing, Mister Hunter can't watch it, Mr. Hunter can't watch it, it will be polluted! And it's more terrible pollution than pollution, Mr. Hunter absolutely can't watch it! !!"

While pulling the hunter's hand vigorously, the little girl also yelled at the hunter very seriously.


In fact, the hunter, who had been looking at the road under his feet, didn't pay attention to the situation of the house on the side of the road at all. When he was pulled away by Abigail, he was still at a loss and couldn't understand at all. Why did the girl react so suddenly.

So, what happened next to me that Abigail didn't want me to see?

The hunter, who was aroused by his curiosity, couldn't help but wanted to turn his head to see what was so special about the place he had just passed.But Abigail, who was very keen on this, bumped into the hunter almost when the hunter was about to turn back, and covered the hunter's eyes with his hand.

"Don't look! Mr. Hunter, don't look!"

Saying this, Abigail threw herself into the hunter's arms, forcing the hunter to reach out and hug him, lest the little girl slip and fall to the ground and fall.

In the house not far away, the male hunter had already left along another road.

That Audrey looked at the hunter with some curiosity, and couldn't help laughing after seeing what Abigail was doing, and made a cheering gesture to her, just stretching. He went back without closing the door.

By the way, who wants you to come and cheer, shameless guy!And what kind of fuel are you adding, are you fueling the personality of "Wuhu" Sese Abby?

Abigail, whose mind is getting more and more confused, has already started to complain about herself in a delirious state.

"I do not watch……"

Some helpless hunters just let Abigail cover her eyes and speak.

"Really don't watch?"

The girl still stared at the hunter very vigilantly and asked.

"dont see……"

The hoarse hunter continued to answer.

"Uh... well... that, I'm sorry Mr. Hunter, but the Mr. Hunter just now really can't watch it."

After hesitating for a few minutes, Abigail let go of her hand, and apologized to the hunter in a low voice.


The hunter just shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't care.Of course, although I said I didn't care, but after Abigail's fierce reaction, the hunter was actually aroused curiosity, and I really wanted to know what happened just now, so that this girl would Show such a serious reaction.

However, if he really went to investigate, it would probably make Abigail very sad and angry, right?

After all, this is a breach of contract.

Therefore, although my curiosity

His heart was swollen wildly, but the hunter finally gave up his plan to go to investigate alone later, but continued to focus on accompanying the girl in front of him who was a little unhappy before, but now a little flustered.

But I'm still really curious.

Then, a little bit of revenge should be okay, right?

Thinking like this, the hunter continued to walk towards the crowded place.

And Abigail, who was calming down, didn't notice anything wrong at first, but soon, as the hunter slowly moved forward step by step, she began to realize where the wrong place was.

"That...Mr. Hunter?"

There was a slight, trembling voice.


The hunter who didn't turn his head but continued to walk forward replied calmly.

"Mr. Hunter, that, that, can you put me down? I, myself can walk now."

Somewhat cramped, Abigail lowered her head and looked at herself sitting in the hunter's arm at this moment, and her heartbeat immediately began to speed up.

Why would I sit in Mr. Hunter's arms? !

The little head spun quickly, recalling the moment before, in order to prevent the hunter from seeing the discordant scene, he threw himself into the opponent's arms and covered the opponent's eyes.At that time, I didn't feel any problem at all. Looking back now, it's like packing myself and sending it to the hunter!

Moreover, Mr. Hunter actually just carried himself all the way over here... Wow, it's too bad, I feel like my head is about to stop thinking!

You have to end this embarrassing state before being seen by others. You can't be seen by others.

"So, let me down, and I can go by myself, Mr. Hunter."

Abigail, whose entire face was already flushed, begged the hunter in a low voice with a trembling voice at this moment.

"……Do not."

Then, I got the hunter's hoarse voice and an extremely firm answer.


Abigail froze.

"I reject……"

The hunter's hoarse voice once again answered very forcefully.

"Hey hey???"

The girl was completely confused at this moment.

"I just like... holding you and walking..."

The hunter who spoke again did not change in the slightest.


The brain stopped spinning.

All thoughts stopped at this moment.

Only the sentence that the hunter said remained.

【I like to hold you and go】

Mr. Hunter, said such a sentence to himself.

【I like to hold you and go】

Mr. Hunter, he said it to himself.

【I like holding you】


Such words...

If this is completely foul...

Obviously, Mr. Hunter has always been like a piece of wood, why, why can he say such embarrassing words so naturally!

At this moment, Abigail was speechless.

Can no longer find any reason to ask the hunter to let go of himself.

He was clearly extremely shy, but with Hunter's words, he couldn't make the other party let him go no matter what.

Rather, after the other party said this, in Abigail's mind, the "Wuhu" Abigail sauce had already beaten the rational Abigail sauce, and began to shout loudly "Hold it up! Hold it up! Kiss one! Kiss one! Let her live! Let her live!" came the words.

So who would hug and kiss one!And isn't that last sentence wrong? Isn't it forbidden to say things that are astringent! ?

The girl who was in chaos in her mind finally just stretched out her hand to cover her cheek, and sat in the hunter's arms like this, letting the other party hold her, just walking on the streets of this ruined town in the forest like this with.

Already, it doesn't matter anymore.

Anyway, Mr. Hunter said that he likes this feeling.

In this way, even if she is held in her arms like a doll, it doesn't matter.

At this moment, Abigail, in the arms of the hunter, gave up thinking.

As for the hunter, he just felt from the bottom of his heart that Abigail's body was really too light. He hugged it with one arm, but he couldn't feel the weight at all. There was a kind of weapon that was not even as heavy as his own. It feels like it's coming.

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