Chapter 120 Five: Alcohol and Abby Pendant


After a long time, let out a sigh of relief.

Sit down on a wooden stool.

Stretch your body a little.

Stretch out, let the bones of the whole body stretch a little bit.

He took out a cup from his backpack.

A little dirty, but at least there is no strange dirt in it, a cup that is not too big.

Then I took out a rough glass bottle.

Pull out the wooden cork and listen to the crisp sound of "Bo".

Then, he poured out the cloudy liquid inside and poured it onto the small cup.

Smell it, feel the smell

Take a breath, and then, straight to the gulp.

"Oh...that's life, damn it."

Disma let out a long breath, leaning against the wall, almost collapsed on the stool directly.

The pungent taste of the inferior spirits was still rolling in his throat, burning all the way to the deepest part of his stomach.

This kind of feeling is unbearable torture for many people, but in Desma's view, there is only this kind of experience mixed with pain and pleasure, the feeling of being severely stimulated and then gradually paralyzed, It is your own life.


Feel the pain and get numb.

For a rotten guy like me, this is the life I should have.

"It's really, really bad."

Long, once again, sighed.

"Evelvet... Blanca... Mona..."

those names.

Those names that I thought could bring me salvation.

It wasn't until the moment when I lost it that I realized that I was just immersed in the emptiness of self-movement, so fragile and stupid, and still didn't get rid of the bad past, such an ugly look.

Do you think that by helping a group of children without families, you can be redeemed?

Do you think that if you risk your life for a terminally ill child, you will be redeemed?

Thinking that if you step into a mortal battle and sacrifice, you can get it?


not like this.

He should have known earlier.

What you want to get, you can't get it from the beginning.

The forgiveness you want will never be possible.

The blood once stained will not dissipate with the passage of time.

As long as he is still alive, as long as he continues to live, the figure in the forest will continue to follow him, and those indelible pasts will still hold his heart tightly, reminding him that he was once What a darn thing.

Yes, this is the fact that there is no possibility of redemption.

What you have done will not change.

Those sins, those blood, cannot be repaid by any means.

So since he knew it was the case, why did he continue on?

Now, what reason do I use to continue to embark on this difficult battle?



Can't give an answer.

So just be silent.

Disma was silent at this moment, feeling a little numbness caused by alcohol stimulating the nerves, and continued to be silent like this.

Maybe, myself...


Before the thoughts in his mind were completely cleared up, the door of the room was kicked open. "

"Fuck, wine? You bastard actually hid wine?!"

As soon as the carefree Tardiff walked in, he immediately smelled the smell of alcohol that had not dissipated in the air, and immediately became energetic.

"What the hell are you doing here, and why are you banging on the door, you bastard!?"

Desma, who was scolding angrily, wanted to hide the wine on the table in a panic, but Tardiff had already rushed up, reached out and grabbed the bottle into his arms.

Then, Disma rushed forward with a growl, "Are you a robber or am I a robber?" The next moment, the two big men rolled to the ground together, one tried his best to protect the wine in his arms, The other tried his best to snatch the little inventory he had saved with great difficulty.

In this way, the two sides successively adopted heavy jujitsu and wrestling techniques, bumping into this small wooden house, and from time to time, they could hear roars like "Ah ♂" and "FaQ♂" coming from the room. And the more violent impact, so that the passing hunters who heard these movements shook their heads and sighed one by one, and then quickly moved away from this place.

"What's wrong with me taking a sip of your wine?"

Tardif, who was almost suffocated on the spot by a naked strangler from Disma, tried his best to finally break free, but Tardif, who was still pinned by the opponent's legs to the waist and unable to break free, questioned loudly at this moment.

"No reason, that's Lao Tzu's wine, if you feed it to the dog, you won't drink it!"

Disma roared angrily and reached out to pull Tardif's wrist, but he didn't expect that his physical fitness, which was improved by the infusion equipment, could not pull Tardif's arm. It's hard to imagine how strong this bounty hunter is. point to go.

"Wow! Wow! Well, you said you were going to feed the dog. Let go, this wine is already mine."

Tardiff, who didn't know what shame was, said solemnly like a dog barking.

"You f-cking person is completely useless, do you know that? I spent a lot of effort to keep the wine in this damn place. I can't bear to drink too much, just like your way of drinking wine as water." Things can't hold up at all, if you can't, let me go, let me go!"

Of course, Disma, who cannot give in, continued to try hard to break Tardif's wrist, and the two entangled on the ground.

In a circle, it rolled to the corner for a while, rolled under the table for a while, rolled to the window for a while, and rolled to a collapsed and cracked wall by the wall.

Tuk Tuk-

There was a knock on the door that had been kicked open.

William, who was leading the hound, stood at the door with a somewhat helpless expression, and looked at the two hunters who were performing the "man plus man" project. The expression on his whole face seemed a little distorted for a while.

"To be honest, I don't have any complaints about the love between the two of you, but this early in the morning, many people finally relaxed and wanted to sleep in. Do you two know that your movements are very Disturbing the people?"

William sighed a long while saying this, thinking that Disma and Tardif are just two underage kids.

"Leave that aside, Sheriff, he's going to rob me of my property, arrest this bastard quickly."

Disma, who was holding Tardif from behind, roared angrily.

"Master Sheriff, as you can see, this man is torturing me as an innocent and good citizen, please stop his despicable behavior quickly."

Tardiff, who was struggling to defend the wine bottle he had snatched, also spoke at this moment.

"What kind of shit, innocent and good citizen are you, and what are you doing now, what about a bottle of wine? Alright, alright, let's separate, what are you doing here?"

William roared with displeasure, and walked towards the direction of the two hunters while talking.

And it was at this moment that Tardive, who was trying to resist Desma to guard the wine bottle to the death, noticed some unusual things outside.

Well, that's... a hunter?

By the way, isn't that Abigail in his arms?


She's still covering her little face, and she's still looking shy, look at her appearance, she's just like a little daughter-in-law who was brought out just after passing through the door.

"Hey, Disma, Disma, don't rush to grab the wine, look outside, look outside, there is a good show to watch!"

Tardive, who was struggling hard, yelled at Disma who was pressing on him.

"You really treat me like a child. You can tell me such a bad trick. Are you out of your mind?"

Desma, who was not fooled at all, said every word, and snatched the wine bottle in Tardiff's hand even harder.

"Hmm... Tardiff didn't lie to you, there is indeed a good show... Tsk, I want to go out and arrest people..."

Leading the hound to the side window, William, who saw the scene outside, had a slightly distorted expression at this moment.

"Ah, is there really something out there?"

Knowing that William didn't have bad tastes such as deliberately deceiving and making fun of others, Disma raised his head in a daze, and looked outside through the crack in the wall.

Then I saw the serious hunter walking down the street holding Abigail in his arms.

What is this doing?

Hunter, when did you become enlightened?

No, no, this expression, I'm afraid I didn't think about it in a crooked way at all.

It's true, the hunter's simple face, like a celibate ascetic who has no ideas at all, is unlikely to do things that tend to do that.I'm afraid in his eyes, what he is doing now is just an ordinary act of expressing intimacy, maybe he still thinks it is very funny.

But Abigail's words, such a precocious little girl, have obviously misunderstood.

Tsk tsk tsk, how many years have I not seen this kind of youthful and pure love unfolding?

"Speaking of which, don't you hurry up and arrest the hunter?"

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Disma, who was facing William, and tried to put forward his opinion to the other party.

"...No, this one can't be arrested. He didn't do anything excessive, and he really didn't have any ideas. Rather, the situation is actually completely reversed. Ah, it's really a headache, how could there be With such an unreasonable situation, how did the child grow up?"

William, who had a headache, rubbed his temples. Looking at the hunter and Abigail not far away, his blood pressure seemed to soar.

After all, people who hurt children are really unforgivable, and they are the most despicable kind of criminals, the garbage that everyone even other criminals look down on.In fact, in Xingkong Town, once you encounter such a criminal, you will basically be sentenced to severe punishment. The death penalty is basically a normal thing, and it is the kind of punishment that will bring great pain to the prisoner. It should be shown to the masses in the form of public execution.

It is worth mentioning that the death penalty in Xingkong Town is basically hanging. By letting the victim stand on a switchable platform, tie a rope around the neck to fix it, and then open the platform under their feet, so that the victim He fell straight down and was tightened by the rope around his neck.The victim of this kind of punishment will basically die because of the broken bones at the moment of falling and being pulled up. Therefore, although this kind of punishment seems a bit terrible, it basically does not bring too much harm to the victim. Great pain, in this era of civilization, has been regarded as a more benevolent approach.

However, although the heinous criminals who caused harm to children were also hanged, the method was slightly different.These people were hanged by ropes, and the ropes passed through the hanging

In a hole at the top, the other side of the rope is connected to the victim's family and those who volunteered to participate in the execution.The people on the other side pulled up the rope little by little, so that the tortured were hanged in mid-air and struggled to death in great pain, and finally died. The tongue was turned out and feces and urine flowed out. The miserable way of death.

By the way, such corpses are often smashed into pieces after the execution. After all, even hunters hate such criminals.Whipping corpses is already considered a relatively peaceful way to express emotions. More often than not, once such criminals are caught privately, before the police arrive, they will be tortured to the point of begging by passing hunters. To the extent of dying.There is no way, there are not many things in Xingkong Town, except that there are many people like hunters who can fight and cause trouble.If you commit a crime here, if it is something like theft and robbery, the hunters may not care about it. After all, they also like to do it, but if you hurt children, or other things that make everyone angry, the gang The hunter who licks the blood with the tip of the knife can make you deeply understand what is the real horror.

That being said, it doesn't seem to suit the situation at hand.

In fact, as an experienced sheriff, William's observation ability is undoubtedly excellent.Therefore, he was able to judge very early on that the hunter had no idea about Abigail.In fact, this emotion is more inclined to the elders' doting on the younger ones, so there is no problem at all.

But, little girl Abigail, she doesn't seem to think so.

It is said that there are all kinds of wonders in the world, but this is really the first time William has seen such a miracle as a copper smelter.

Forget it, let's not talk about whether we can survive this hunting god mission, these two guys are not from this world, and are not subject to their laws, and who knows what their actual age is, Whether it is the hunter's powerful strength, or Abigail's extensive knowledge and ability to use it is impossible for her to accumulate at her age, they all clearly show their uniqueness.Now they just lost their memories, maybe they are actually a group of old monsters hundreds or thousands of years old.

"Forget it, as long as you don't really do something, forget it. If something really happens, well, let's catch the hunter."

Maybe this way can be used to remind Abigail, she probably doesn't want her favorite Mr. Hunter to be noticed by the police because of such a very insulting crime.

"Huh, so you guys who are cops are really boring, you can't even tell a joke.""

Disma shook his head with a smile, and then heard a clear ominous sound of "Deng Dun Dun" from his side.

Turning his head, Tardiff opened the wine bottle at some point, and poured the wine directly into his mouth, gulping down almost half of the entire bottle.

"Fuck me! You came here to send me off early, right!? Let go of me, let go! Fuck you, don't really drink it up! I just brought in this bottle, you special Why don't you leave half of it for me anyway, hey, stop fast!!!"

The voice in the wooden house was joyful at this moment.

As for the hunter and Abigail who passed by outside, although the former noticed some strange sounds coming out, but because he didn't feel the breath of the filthy monster, he didn't feel any hostile breath, so he didn't care at all. keep going.As for Abigail, she is still in a state of brain freeze, probably unable to realize the surrounding situation for the time being.

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