Well, but speaking of which, which way is better to go next?

Holding the petite and lovely girl in his arms, the hunter was thinking about his next destination at this moment.

After all, there are not many places worth visiting in this abandoned town.

Ah, that's right, speaking of it, I haven't had a meal since I woke up this morning.

Abigail didn't eat anything, either.

The nutrition for the day still needs to be well supplemented, um, so be it, just take her to the dining area directly.

The hunter who made up his mind took a step forward and walked directly towards another area of ​​the town.

And in this process, Abigail, who gradually became sober, blinked at this moment, lowered her head, looked at herself still sitting in the hunter's arms, and felt the ecstasy coming from the hunter. Body temperature and touch, the whole person is about to enter a dead state again immediately.

Mister Hunter, so close...

It feels closer than when we slept together in that abandoned house when we just went to Xingkong Town.

It was as if... my whole body was about to be rubbed into Mr. Hunter's arms...

This look of being carried forward by the other party...


I feel like I've turned into a doll...

The trembling girl felt quite distressed at this moment because of the mixture of shame and pleasure.

But soon, her distress turned to stiffness.

Because from the front of the road, a greeting came suddenly

the sound of.

"Ah, good morning, Hunter, uh... what's going on here?"


In plain, seemingly very ordinary conversations.

After the hunter gave a calm "pendant", he carried the dumbfounded Abigail and walked past the passing hunter.

Chapter 120 Six: Delicious Meals and Shyness


In the scalding hot oil, the meat slices fell, and the aroma wafted away.

The dried vegetables that swelled after being soaked in water were shredded, picked, and the non-toxic mushrooms unique to the abandoned town in the forest were washed and thrown into the water to boil.

After being busy for a while, the various dishes that were finally served were placed on the table in large plates, allowing the hunters who came and went and received their own plates in advance to come and share them with the public. The spoon scooped the contents into his own plate, and then found a place to sit down and enjoy the delicious meal.

"Come on, mushroom bacon, haha, I haven't tried it much yet, I don't know how the mushrooms here taste like."

Elsaac of the third logistics team is also the chef among the few hunting god squads that are still alive, and he is also a chef who is very welcome to all hunters and is good at making delicious food.At this moment, the man was smiling as he put a large plate of steaming dishes on the table that needed to be held firmly with both hands, while the hunters who had already waited impatiently rushed forward, In less than two or three minutes, the dishes for four or five people were gone.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will be another round soon!"

Seeing the appearance of the hunters, Elsaac had to laugh and said.His body is slightly fat, and when he laughs happily, his whole body seems to be trembling slightly, which looks very interesting.

"That's right, as expected of Elsaac's craftsmanship."

"Ah, this taste is really good."

"It's just too little and not enough to eat, let's add more."

The voices of the hunters rang out one after another, from praising the cooking skills at the beginning, it quickly turned into groups of GKD and other words.

"I know, I know, you guys will be fine soon, don't worry."

Enjoying the feeling of being needed and praised, Elsaac went back to work in the makeshift kitchen, turning sections of meat and dried vegetables into delicious dishes.He even resorted to a slightly extravagant approach, wasting some food for it.However, this doesn't matter now, after all, what is ahead is the final challenge. Before the final moment arrives, there is absolutely nothing wrong with cooking a delicious meal for the hunters as much as possible.

And... now there is actually a lot of wasted space.

Thinking like this, Elsaac looked at the place where the food parcels were stored in the hut that was used as a kitchen, and looked at the food parcels lined up on the ground, several of which were already stained with blood.

The number of hunters has been reduced to more than half.

The food supplies here are enough for a full-stack hunter of 65 people to eat for four or five months.

Even though a whole food supply team was killed and no food supplies were recovered, at the beginning, when carrying food, they were overcarrying food.The two logistics teams carried almost enough food for 180 people for three months through the space package.Therefore, when the amount of supplies is directly reduced by more than half, they still have a lot of room for squandering and wasting, especially on the premise that the number of people consuming food has been further reduced.

Is this a good thing?

Elsaac didn't know how to answer this question.

However, at least, I should try my best to treat those who are still alive.

To let these people who are still alive and will set foot on the Jedi in three days, at least feel more beautiful.

"Just keep working harder."

Elsaac, who was talking to himself like this, smiled, and once again focused on the next dishes.

A large group of hunters outside were still waiting eagerly for Elsaac to work harder.

But next to Elsaac, in another temporary kitchen separated from him, there was an obvious sense of desertion.Although there were still probably a few people there, but those who were still there were all frowning. It didn't feel like they came here to eat, but rather they came here to be tortured.

"You guys, as for this kind of reaction? My meal is obviously very nutritious, okay? It's the most suitable for you wounded!"

The second surviving chef of the logistics team, by the way, some hunters don’t really want to survive. This female chef, a woman named Klein Tinger, is adding a plate of healing magic. For medicinal purposes, the carefully brewed black and green viscous nutrient paste was brought to the hunter's table.

"...Are you sure you don't want to send me away directly?"

Sticky, who had been replaced with a prosthetic, was still a little weak due to the severed arm and hemorrhage. Looking at the sticky paste in front of him, which was still bubbling and squirming a few times from time to time, he had to suck up his breath. Taking a breath, he almost subconsciously tried to escape from here.

This terrible blasphemy, my God, is this thing still alive?Can this stuff really be eaten? !

Test it, and smell it again.

Hiss... Why does it smell like a chemical agent? This pungent feeling seems to burn the inside of the nasal cavity.

So this stuff is really edible? ! ! !

Although after receiving treatment from the medical team before, the other party did require me to come to this chef to eat, only through the nutritious meals here can I guarantee that I can restore my normal combat effectiveness within three days, so that I can participate in the next round. In the final action of the stage.But, but, this ghost thing has surpassed the limit of a nutritious meal, right?What kind of nutritious meal is this bubbling, and what the hell is it wriggling like a maggot?

"Don't talk nonsense, finish eating for me quickly."

However, Stickley's doubts and hesitation were exchanged for only Kletinger's indifferent gaze.

Obviously, if the meal is not finished, the other party will not let him go easily.

This is really... But, forget it, hasn't there always been such a saying?It looks like something terrible to eat, but in fact, after eating it, the taste is not so bad.This kind of thing is probably like the so-called snail powder and durian, just be patient with the smell a little bit.


Take a deep breath.

Digging down on the paste with a spoon, the spoon was grabbed by a limb protruding from the paste.

Stickley: ?

No, this...

This is already a filthy monster, right?

Who can tell me why the dish will reach out and grab my spoon!

Stickley, whose face was horrified, trembled all over at this moment, saying that he couldn't continue to eat this plate of food.

"You've dragged on for too long. This thing is about to have vitality. Swallow it for me quickly, or a good dish will be wasted."

Klein Tinger on the side frowned, apparently also noticing the changes on the plate.

"No, this thing is really alive?!"

Stickley, who opened his mouth wide, felt that his world view seemed to have been refreshed at this moment.

But immediately after, as Kletinger grabbed the paste from the plate and stuffed it directly into Stickley's mouth, he began to feel that his soul was about to be refreshed.

"Ohh Ohh ohh--"

Viscous, squirming.

It is full of incomparably irritating smell. After one sip, I feel that my brain is about to explode. Tears and snot flow down together, which is unpalatable.

This is no longer something like durian snail powder. This is a hell experience of burying the whole person in ammonia water and drinking it while sucking it.



And most importantly...biting constantly...

The wide-eyed Stickley broke away from Kleitinger, and grabbed his own throat that was fully inflated.

keep biting...

This thing is slippery and extremely elastic.

The teeth just keep biting!

At this moment, what the hunter felt was a whole slime-like thing that directly filled his throat, stretched it open bit by bit, and slid towards his stomach. An extremely painful experience.

And it was still exuding an incomparable stench, and an unpalatable taste that irritated people almost numb.

"Uh... slightly... oh..."

The hunter, who fell directly to the ground and rolled his eyes, trembled for a long time, until the thick paste finally slipped into his stomach, and he finally found peace.

It's...it doesn't matter anymore...

Thinking like this, Stickley stared blankly at the ceiling of the dilapidated wooden house, as if he saw a wide river and his parents smiling and waving at him on the other side of the river.Ah, this feeling of peace, do I want to cross the river and reunite with my family?

Stickley, who closed his eyes, stopped thinking at this moment.

"Painted out, um, it's okay, it's already started to work, and it should be able to help him fully recover his lost energy, blood and physical strength."

Looking at Stickley lying dead on the ground, Kletinger nodded calmly, without any reaction, and then looked at the other injured people who were waiting here, waiting for her special nutritious meal. hunters.

"Don't try to run away, your names are on the list of the medical team~"

A whisper like a devil resounded at this moment.

"You must heal your injuries and recover to your own body, so as to ensure that there will be no problems in the next battle."

"I believe that you also hope that you can come back alive, instead of becoming a name on the monument?"

"So, if you run away here, other hunters will bring you here next, and then enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal with higher-level treatment~"

In the words, all the hunters who were still about to move and want to slip away could only sit down again with pale faces and stare at the chef tremblingly.

No, this doesn't seem to be a chef anymore.

This guy is already a pharmacist who refines cursed potions, right?

"I always feel that those people seem to be very pitiful..."

Outside the wooden house, Prestcott, who was watching this scene, shook his head, and then focused his gaze on Klein Tinger's figure.

Well, a little fleshy

It feels like it is, but it is very big, very big, and it is definitely impossible to grasp it with one hand.

Although he had just enjoyed a night with that open and bold woman from Audrey, as a hunter, Prestcott, who was physically strong and had stronger needs than ordinary people, felt his body again at this moment. It burned up.

It's a pity, Klein Tinger is a decent woman, if she gets along with this kind of girl, she will be responsible.Therefore, despite all kinds of indescribable thoughts in his heart one after another, Prestcott did not intend to develop an intimate relationship with this kind of woman, at most he just thought about it a little bit.

However, as expected, I still have to go back and find Audrey later.

After all, as a conjurer, the power of flames not only gave him strong combat power, but also strengthened some of his own characteristics. If he couldn't vent it well, it might have a bad impact on his combat power .

"What are you thinking about staring at people here again?"

Sesset, a female hunter with a one-handed sword, noticed her captain's ecstasy at this moment, and immediately realized what the other party was doing. She frowned and sighed helplessly. After thinking about it, I still sounded a reminder.

Standing on the street and watching other people in a daze or something, to be honest, it's really ugly.

"What does it have to do with you, you shapeless fellow."

Then he was stared back by Prestcott.

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