"Tsk, what does my figure have to do with you? It's none of your business!"

Once again, his body was mentioned, and Sesset, whose entire upper body was almost vertical from the front to the back, immediately became annoyed.

"It's not a big problem, it's just that I don't like you."

Prestcott answered solemnly.

"Then you drown in the big waves, you idiot with a head full of color!"

Sesset was completely angry now.

"Big waves? Where is the big wave?"

And Prestcott was stunned for a moment, then quickly grasped the key points in the words and began to look around.

This guy is helpless.

Sesset covered his face and sighed.

His captain is actually a nice person, and he is also very reliable in battle.

What Prestcott possesses is such an ancient spell that is on the verge of being lost. This kind of spell that uses fire has a very powerful killing effect on filthy monsters, and its roots come from the old The belief in the gods of the era was therefore resisted by the Church of the Three Gods and not allowed to spread, and even wanted to kill some warlocks of the spell genre.Up to now, this type of warlock has been very rare, at least one Prestcott can be found in the entire Starry Sky Town.And his strength is indeed strong, pure use of flame spells, coupled with his thorny whip, can suppress most small and medium-sized monsters, and if he uses the power of blessing oil, he can even play an incredible role. It is inferior to the fighting power of the top hunters in Star Town like Tadif.

However, this reliable fighter has one unique problem.

A very sigh, the only small problem.

That is, this guy is completely a womanizer, a guy who is very fascinated by women, especially obsessed with big waves.

Moreover, it doesn't matter if you are just obsessed with being big. After all, there are many older women in Xingkong Town, and there are more women who are open-minded and willing to play with him.But the problem is, this guy actually likes to mock women who don't have big waves, and it's a direct mockery with extremely low EQ regardless of the occasion.

This caused many female hunters to dislike Prestcott, but the conjurer didn't reflect on it at all. Instead, he firmly stated that he would stick to the Dabo position for the rest of his life and reject all armor plates and so on.Damn, he still used steel plates to describe women like them, how did this bastard have the guts to speak up?

Male hunters get along well with Prestcott, but because this guy is really full of color, others are not very interested, so basically he only has casual acquaintances with other male hunters.For female hunters, those who are in good shape are easy to be harassed. Otherwise, if they see each other, they will start for three days and three nights. fight.

In the end, only Sesset was able to endure to cooperate with this guy, and the two of them still had more or less many hunting experiences together.

Although, even so, it is still difficult for her to get used to this guy's words.Ah, forget it, at least she knows that this guy's nature is not bad. Although he just opens his mouth, at least he won't have any bad thoughts towards his companions, and he will do his best to help others. From this point of view, this guy is barely Still a nice guy.

"Forget it, you can watch here as long as you want. I went to Elsaac's for breakfast. There are fewer people now. I hope you don't queue too long."

Saying that, Sesset turned around and was about to leave, but then stopped because of a figure that appeared in front of him.

"Oh, it's Lord Hunter, good morning, you... ah, you are..."

Before he finished saying hello, he froze in place.

It is only natural that he would be stunned, after all, the hunter at this moment is serious with one hand

Holding Abigail in his arms, he just walked on the street swaggeringly.

Is this a special parent-child interaction session?

Sesset, who was a little curious, looked at the little girl whose cheeks were flushed at the moment, and who was holding the hunter's shoulder with her small hands and shouting to come down. Suddenly, she felt that this scene was still a little interesting. Come.


The hunter's voice was still as hoarse as ever, as if he hadn't spoken for hundreds of years.

"Hi, Miss Sesset...ah no, Mr. Hunter, let me down soon, I've been seen by other people!"

Abigail answered subconsciously and politely, then reacted and struggled, trying hard to escape from the hunter's embrace.

However, it is obvious that the result of such a power confrontation with such a huge disparity is not suspenseful at all.

"Wow wow wow, I was seen by others..."

Abigail, who covered her little face, was carried by the hunter and walked past Kleitinger's temporary restaurant. She turned her head curiously and looked at the hunter on her side. walked in front of.

"Oh, Mr. Hunter, Miss Abigail, good morning."

"Oh, I took Abby for a walk so early, haha, it's cute to hold in my arms like this."

"It's quite interesting, look at the way you cover your face, it's actually kind of cute."

"Morning, Hunter, um, hahaha, is this some kind of strange new way to express good feelings?"

"Oh, oh, this is young, the little girl is shy, I'm afraid she is already a mature adult~"

The further you go, the more hunters you can see.

Everyone greeted Hunter and Abigail one after another, and then couldn't help laughing seeing their current appearance.

There is no way, the hunter is just so serious, walking all the way no different from usual.And Abigail, who was hugged by him and sitting in his arms, was extremely shy. She covered her face and shrank herself into the hunter's arms, making a shy sound of "woo woo" from time to time. Come.This sense of contrast brings a very wonderful sense of pleasure, and most of the hunters are a group of rough people, so naturally they don't have too many taboos in speech, so they just say what they think of.

As a result, Abigail's face became more and more red, and her mind became more and more confused.

Mr. Hunter, what are you doing...

Ah, is this some kind of weird punishment game?

This feeling of being stared at by a large group of people, being watched by everyone, is really, so embarrassing...

"Quickly, put me down, Mr. Hunter."

Abigail, who had become weak, could only bury her head in the hunter's arms and plead in a low voice.

Hmm, it seems to be going a little too far.

Aware of the emotional change in the girl's voice, the hunter sensed Abigail's increasingly embarrassing and unbearable emotions.After all, my original intention was just to tease this girl a little bit, but the effect now has obviously exceeded expectations, to a slightly excessive level.


So this time the hunter didn't refuse again, but let Abigail fall from his arms, letting her feet fall to the ground.

Of course, I still didn’t let go of the holding hands. After all, I said at the beginning that I wanted to take a stroll in the town. Now I’ve only walked halfway through the town, and I’m just here for breakfast at this moment. He will definitely continue to walk, so the hunter does not intend to let go of Abigail's hand for the time being.


At this moment, the girl whose body was a little shaky lowered her hair and let out a lovely cry, and she seemed a little powerless.

What is this? After spending so much time alone with Mr. Hunter, he ended up being teased like this.

I kind of want to run away, but the hunter is still holding my hand, so it's impossible to run away.

"Mr. Hunter, you are too bad."

The little girl could only mutter angrily in the end.

Chapter 120 Seven: The Little Kid and the Adult

The small episode that happened in the early morning did not cause any waves.

At most, it would just allow more hunters to discover Abigail's subtle feelings for hunters, and let everyone eat some melons and watch a show together.Perhaps for the girl herself, the events of this morning will leave her with a deep memory, but generally speaking, that's about it.


The meat steak overflowing with aroma was sprinkled with jam, cut open and served on the table.

The hunter put one of the plates in front of Abigail, took another plate and sat down opposite the girl, pulled off the mask he usually wore to cover his face, and took a bite of the meat with a fork I ate it.

Well, it does taste pretty good.

The hunter nodded, confirming that the chef Elsaac, who is respected by the hunters, does have some skills. Even though the ingredients are not very fresh, he can still cook all kinds of delicious dishes. This ability is indeed quite good. is unusual.


He heard a mournful cry of dissatisfaction coming from the front.

Another piece of meat, covered with orange marmalade, with

The sweet and sour jam is completely mixed with the smell of the meat, and it seems that it can be easily distinguished, and it seems that it has been completely blended together, and there is no longer any difference.

The hunter couldn't help squinting his eyes, feeling the taste blooming in his throat, and suddenly felt very happy.


At this time, the dissatisfied screams coming from in front of him seemed to grow a little louder.

The hunter raised his head and looked at Abigail.

He looked at Abigail, whose entire face was swollen, as if the words "I'm very angry" were written on his face, and who was staring at him vigorously.

"Mr. Hunter, this is too much!"

The angry girl patted the table at this moment and said seriously.


The hunter who calmly agreed, continued to deal with the food on the plate.

"Ah... Mister Hunter is bullying people..."

The little girl, whose face was puffed up even more, lightly kicked the hunter's foot slightly angrily.

To be precise, it should have been just a bit of a blow. Although she seemed in a bad mood, Abigail would not really do anything because of this kind of thing. Even if she expressed dissatisfaction, she used a very subtle way. .

It feels like an angry little milk cat, that kind of very angry and angry look, but it can only make other people feel cute.

Well, I always feel that the more this girl is like this, the more she wants to tease her.

The hunter couldn't help but wonder if Abigail had some strange gift for turning people bad and evil.

However, he wasn't going to tease the girl too much, after all he was considered an adult, and the hunter wouldn't let bad tastes dominate his thinking.

"Eat it quickly...it will be cold..."

The hunter who said this had already finished his portion of food, and pointed to Abigail's portion, signaling her not to leave the steaming steak alone.You must know that wasting food is a very bad behavior no matter when, and hunters quite support such views in this regard.

"...Woo, I see."

Seeing the hunter's attitude, Abigail could only sigh in frustration at last, lowered her head and concentrated on dealing with the food in front of her.

How disgusting it has become, Mr. Hunter!

It's decided to ignore Mr. Hunter all day today.

Angrily, Abigail made a decision, fed a steaming steak into her mouth and ate it in small bites.

The sweet and sour aroma and the taste of meat blossomed at the same time, reverberating in the whole mouth in an instant.

The girl who was very unhappy just now was completely stunned in place at this moment.

Wow... so delicious...

This steak...is it so delicious?

"good to eat?"

The hunter sitting opposite looked at Abigail's drastically changing expression, and asked with great interest.

"Delicious! Huh?"

Didn't you say that you ignored Mr. Hunter all day today?

Why did it break the power directly in less than 1 minute! ?

But this meat is really delicious...

At this moment, the different thoughts in his head are entangled with each other, weighing the question of who is more important.In the end, the part of the personality that belonged to children stubbornly occupied the upper part, so Abigail decided to give up thinking and eat the meat in front of her first.

Forget about continuing to be angry with Mr. Hunter after eating.

The little girl was persuading herself like this.

And the hunter looked at Abigail eating small bites of barbecue meat, and couldn't help smiling happily, and he also evoked a smile.

Sure enough, no matter what, she was just a child.

Seeing Abigail being distracted so easily, and gradually no longer getting angry, the hunter was once again deeply aware of this.

No matter how precocious she is, no matter how hard she tries to act like a grown-up, in essence, Abigail still has a child side.Therefore, she is easily distracted, attracted by all kinds of interesting things, easily plunged into sadness, and can also become very happy because of various small and small things.This is what the girl can't hide no matter how she hides it, her side as a child.

It is also the good side of myself that I hope to protect.

Before I first entered this world, before I decided to take over the mission of saving the world, I already had my purest and original desire to protect this child and hope that she would grow up healthy and happy.

So... Hunter, I don't want Abigail to enter the Garden of the Old Gods.

[There are only two hunters who have entered the Garden of the Old Gods so far, and only two have come back alive, and they have all been severely tainted by pollution, and they died in agony within a few years]

[There is a Jedi in the true sense, especially the Lost Cave. From entering there, the materialized filthy power will continue to erode the body]

[Even if we can survive, we are just dragging our wounded and sick body to the last breath, let alone those dangerous monsters, so if we go there, we will die. This is the most realistic problem we face, and no one can avoid it. no]

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