
The hunter still clearly remembers some of the content that Sima mentioned before.

Perhaps, the power he possesses can resist this kind of erosion, at worst, he would use suicide to refresh his body state to counteract the influence of this power.But, Abigail, she had no means of protecting herself from such power.Acquire knowledge more quickly, transform knowledge into action ability more quickly, what can this kind of power do in front of monsters?There is also the great sword of moonlight, although the memory has not been recovered clearly, but the hunter vaguely remembers that the real power of this great sword is more than several kilometers long, and it is no problem to clean up a small town directly, and Ah The Moonlight Great Sword in Bi Gail's hand can't even cut through larger monsters. This gap is too big, and it is impossible to threaten any powerful monsters.

Therefore, girls should not be involved in this journey.

That's right, she should stay with the support team.

The hunter secretly made up his mind in his heart.

Not all of the remaining 32 members of the hunting god team will participate in the final operation.

The hunters must participate in the operation. Although Disma and others have emphasized the danger of entering before, and also said that those who do not want to go can stay in the town, but after such a tragic sacrifice, no one It is possible to carry the remains and memorials of your companions on your back, but give up this last step of the task.

However, the members of the logistics team have been resolutely crossed out and will no longer participate in the final operation.

Andre's shoulder injury can only be regarded as stabilized now, and all kinds of things are fine in normal times. If he participates in hunting operations again in a short period of time, it will definitely start to deteriorate again immediately.This is due to the fact that the monster that injured him [Snake] itself contained a very high concentration of filthy power. This power would be transformed into tumors and venom by the basilisk if it could be effectively used, but directly followed by the attack Injection into human heads is also very harmful, and as the only person who suffered penetrating wounds during the hunting at that time, Andre could only stay in the small town even if he didn't want to.

The three surviving members of the third logistics team were naturally even less likely to participate in the final hunt. They were only slightly stronger than ordinary people, and among the hunters they could only be called apprentices with low combat effectiveness.Once they go deep into the Garden of the Old Gods, there is no possibility of people like them surviving, and there is no meaning other than sending them to death.In fact, the responsibility of the logistics team was originally only to reach this abandoned town in the forest. Arriving here, for those of them who cannot afford to fight and can only assist the hunters from the side, it is already a As far as they can go.

Therefore, of course, the remaining two doctors of the fourth logistics team, Fetris and Anastasia, will not continue to move forward, and these two doctors need to shoulder another important mission to stay in place, which is to hunt When the hunters successfully killed the Foul Heart, or failed to escape, the two of them were responsible for receiving the hunters and treating the wounded among them.However, although Alhazred also belongs to the logistics team, he will not stay here but will go deep with the team. Firstly, this guy's healing methods are very unreliable, and secondly, his own combat power is actually quite good. Considerable, it can be regarded as a top hunter.

All in all, among the current team, six people have already confirmed that they will withdraw from the operation and stay in the town.This means that although there are still 32 people left in the hunting god team, the actual number of people participating in the operation has been reduced to 26 people.Compared with the 65 people in the entire team when they just left Star Town, it seems somewhat miserable, but in the final battlefield, the number of people is actually not important. After all, everyone understands that the most important role of their existence is to Clear away all kinds of obstacles for the hunter as much as possible, and ensure that the hunter can face the final filthy heart in the best condition.

So what, Abigail, can she do by continuing to participate when even the most powerful hunters can only act as support staff?

The hunter fell silent because of this, and became more and more determined not to let the girl participate in the next mission.

However, this kind of thing, at least for now, is not necessary to speak out.

Hunter can be sure that if he expresses his thoughts now, Abigail's stubborn character will definitely not accept it.Even if she agreed on the surface, she would definitely try her best to sneak into the team again. To be honest, this kind of bravado caused the hunter quite a headache.Therefore, this time the hunter decided not to say anything, but to greet other people in advance, and then lock her up directly when the time comes, and when he completes the task and comes out, then no matter how she wants to make amends, even if it is a performance Fancy suicide is fine.

"Ah woo~ ah woo~ ah woo~ delicious~?"

When the hunter was thinking seriously, Abigail, who was sitting opposite, was completely immersed in the taste of the food. As for how long she would be angry with the hunter, she had completely forgotten about it. I went later.

While the hunter on this side was waiting for Abigail to finish eating, on another table not far away, Karnis twirled the chopsticks in his hands several times, his eyeballs twirling back and forth. Turning around, he glanced at the hunter from time to time, but then quickly looked away, pretending that he didn't know anything and didn't care.

Just sitting there without moving, whistling and pretending to be bored on purpose.

"If you have any ideas, you can go to him directly."

Sitting beside him eating a portion of noodles with a fork, Du Kain said in a cold voice, and then stuffed a big mouthful of noodles drenched in sauce into his mouth.

"That's not okay. I don't plan to say it in this kind of place, and others will hear it."

Karnis shook his head, just continued to wait.

Isn't that girl eating too slowly?

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Abigail still eating the steak in small bites. That action, how should I put it, made people feel anxious just looking at it, probably referring to this situation.This feeling is not eating meat at all, it is tasting wine at all, so you can't finish five or six bites of a small piece of meat, why are you so intoxicated?

Karnis, who was complaining from the bottom of his heart, realized that the other party probably couldn't finish eating in this period of time, he couldn't help sighing slightly and became a little bored.

Although, even so, he still just sat there and waited, not planning to do anything.

After all, what I want to do, I have to find a secret place and talk to that hunter.

The thoughts in his mind kept turning, and the chopsticks in Karnis' hands also kept turning.

As a young, energetic, and pursuing hunter, Karnis has had a strong curiosity since he was a child. He wants to touch anything he has never seen before, and wants to touch something interesting when he sees it. Going to touch it, if you don't try the depth of it yourself, and if you don't touch it, he will feel prickly all over his body and feel uncomfortable everywhere.

This kind of personality has undoubtedly brought Karnis a lot of trouble, whether it is provoking some monsters during the hunting mission, or provoking some powerful guy in the small town, etc. Both.But he wasn't afraid, he wasn't afraid at all.

Because he runs super fast!

Karnis is born with extremely agile speed and unimaginable explosive power, and under such a premise, his endurance is also very strong.Someone once conducted a running speed test on him. It turned out that Karnis only took 100 seconds to complete the 6-meter distance, and he only took about 9 minutes for the subsequent five-kilometer long-distance running test.

Although most of the hunters themselves are able to slightly break through the limits of the human body in terms of physical fitness, they are able to hunt all kinds of dangerous monsters, but the type like Karnis, whose speed has reached the limit, has been fighting for so many years. It can be said to be quite rare.Therefore, Karnis didn't panic at all even though he had tried to die many times, because he could really run away, instead of saying "what is this thing for" and then clicking like other cheap hunters? It's gone forever, he can say "watch everything" many times, and then slap his ass and leave after watching it and make a lot of trouble. At worst, he will definitely run faster than his teammates no matter what isn't it?

You know, Karnis's best record was when he was chased by a group of infected dogs in the Corruption Field. At that time, he was about 30 kilometers away from the entrance of Starry Sky Town [Gate to the Dead].Then this guy abruptly won the race against the large group of crazy filthy hounds, and entered the gate of Xingkong Town before those crazy hounds caught up with him, blocking all those monsters from the Star God's barrier.

It's a pity that the running results of that time were not recorded, so Karnis didn't know what his upper limit was.

But this time, it was obvious that he wanted to die again.

However, unlike the kind of stupid people who go straight to seek death without making any preparations, when Karnis wants to do something more dangerous, he will be smarter and run to find a reliable teammate so as to It is possible to die in a cautious way.Although the fundamental purpose will not change, this simple difference determines the level of rank, and this is why Karnis is stronger than others.

So how long are you going to eat it? ?

Looking at Abigail not far away, who was still eating the steak with a happy face, Karnis felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

Shouldn't eating be a big gulp, stuffed into the mouth and then swallowed desperately, and then poured a whole bottle of spirits in one breath, feeling the satisfaction of the whole stomach being propped up sense?How can you be a good hunter if you can't even eat fast?

And that hunter, why do you have to look at that child eating slowly with a happy face?Could it be that you are raising a baby?It is very wrong for children to eat slowly, you have to correct it!

The self in my heart is rolling all over the floor and roaring ferociously.

But considering that he still needs help from the other party in a while, Karnis, who didn't dare to really go up and say something, could only continue to sit in his seat decadently, waiting for the moment when the other party finished eating and left here.

"Ah woo~ ah woo~ hehehe~"

Abigail, who didn't know that she had become a thorn in the side of a certain hunter, was still enjoying the delicious meal slowly.

She really likes the texture of this meat steak mixed with jam. It is sweet, slightly sour, and full of the wonderful smell of meat.The meat quality of the non-greasy steak is very delicious, and the heat is just right, neither too raw nor tender

It's not too old, and every bite can feel the clear touch when the meat is gently torn under the teeth.


So Abigail continued to eat the steak like this, and continued to enjoy this delicious meal slowly.

Anyway, there is no reason to be too anxious now, let's spend the last three days of free time slowly like this.

Spending time with Mr. Hunter~?

In the girl's mind, at this moment, she has already begun to outline the scene of how to live with the hunter and what to do in the next three days, and began to think about how to make these three days interesting enough Here comes the problem.

But having said that, didn't I just make up my mind to ignore Mr. Hunter?

Then, he suddenly remembered the decision he had just made.



Although Mr. Hunter did do something wrong...

That's right, I was very shy and angry at the time, this kind of inexplicable feeling of being under the spotlight was really embarrassing, and the way Mr. Hunter didn't listen to my own ideas at all, deliberately making fun of me was really disgusting ...

But ah, ah, ah, yes, he brought himself such delicious food, even if he was asking for his forgiveness.

Abby, I am a very mature little adult, so she will pay too much attention to such small things. The previous anger was just a matter of politeness, that's all, she won't be like a child If you stay angry like that for a long time, you won't hold grudges or anything.

Hmm, that's right, so the kind-hearted Mr. Abbie has forgiven Mr. Hunter, who is as reckless as a brat and has a bad taste~?

Abigail, that's how she convinced herself.

As for the hunter who brought Abigail a portion while bringing himself breakfast, he didn't understand what he had done at all, but suddenly felt that Abigail's mood seemed to be worse than before. It's getting better.

Well, although I don't know what happened, it must be a good thing.

Hmm, all good things.

So the hunter's mood also became better.

Chapter 120 Eight: Mature and Immature

As a result, it took Abigail almost half an hour to eat this meal. In the end, because the rest of the meat was going cold, the hunter was worried that eating cold food would be bad for his health, so he urged Abigail to eat quickly. Some, thus resolving the battle.

"It tastes great, Uncle Elsaac, you are amazing!"

Abigail, who was very satisfied with the meal, ran to the chef and said, waving her hands.

"Okay, it's good to be satisfied, just to satisfy you. But you have to come earlier when the dinner is served later, otherwise all the good things will be snatched up. These guys are quite edible. .”

Saying this, Elsaac smiled gently, and then went back to the temporary kitchen to pack up tools.

There is a clean river in the town. With the help of this river, hunters can cleanse their bodies, make themselves stinky and sweaty and dirty, and get enough domestic water for washing. Or cleaning weapons and armor.At this moment, the water Elsaac used to clean the utensils in the kitchen was the water he fetched from the river before. Without this clean water for cleaning, to be honest, he would not dare to do it. A whole bunch of different dishes.

After all, how do you say, the more you cook, the more fun it seems to feel, but when you start washing dishes and sanitation, you will deeply realize that you have cooked a bunch of dishes before How much melon skin is there.

But having said that, there are indeed many incredible places in the existence of this small town itself, and this small river is one of them.

Because most of the river itself is a poisonous river that has been corroded by filthy forces.Regardless of whether it is upstream or downstream, the part of the river in the Cursed Forest is completely unusable and highly poisonous.But, unfortunately, in the part that flows through this abandoned town in the forest, the water of this river is completely clean and can be drunk directly, without the slightest health hazard and without the risk of infection by filthy forces. .

Another incredible place in a deserted forest town, but there are enough incredible places here, and there is nothing special for hunters to pay attention to.

All in all, Elsaac here has already started cleaning the tableware, and it seems that he will be busy for a while before he can finish.

As for the hunter and Abigail on the other side, after eating, they have re-entered the state of doing nothing.

"Clean water, uh..."

Looking at the water used by Elsaac not far away, Abigail remembered that she hadn't taken a shower after entering the town.

My body must have been dirty and smelly.

Thinking like this, the girl reached out and touched her long hair, and immediately felt that her long golden hair was not as smooth as before. It was covered with a lot of dust and dirt, and the whole thing had become a little dirty.

It's not a strange thing to get dirty. It's not normal if you walk all the way from the corrupt field and you can still be spotless.However, for Abigail who loves cleanliness very much

In other words, this kind of thing is actually quite unbearable.

Especially, thinking that the hunter had just carried himself all the way.

Hunter, does he feel... that his body stinks?

Thinking of this possibility, Abigail immediately felt uncomfortable even though she knew that the hunter would not dislike the smell on her body.

By the way, in the upper reaches of the river, there is a special area designated for washing the body, and there is also a special area separated by wooden blocks for girls to take a bath.Why don't you go in and have a look yourself now, and wash your body a little if you can?

The girl who thought this way was a little excited and wanted to try it, but then, thinking of the hunter next to her to accompany her for a whole day, if she went to take a shower and left him alone, she always felt that she was doing it again. Something not so good is coming.

Well, speaking of it, why is there no stain on Mr. Hunter?Obviously he has come all the way.

Abigail looked at the hunter who was clean, wondering how he kept it clean.

The answer is very simple. After confirming the safe zone and having nothing to worry about, he found that his body was really dirty and messy, and there was a smell of minced meat everywhere. It would take quite a while to clean it. He shot himself in the head.

Death, resurrection.

Status refresh.

Well, the body is completely clean, and the clothes are also clean, just like the ones that have just been made and left the factory.

The hunter's way of solving problems is so simple, rude, and neat.

And Abigail must not let Abigail know that if this girl understands the way the hunter cleans her body, the hunter really has no idea how angry she will be.And the anger at that time was completely different. It wasn’t the way you can coax it with some delicious food now, but it would be very serious and chatter with the hunter for a long time. Really get angry and don't talk to the hunter for days.

If it really came to that point, the hunter must admit that he would probably be quite panicked.After all, being hated by Abigail, no matter how you think about it, it feels uncomfortable. It is better not to do it as long as you can not irritate the other party.

Well, as for the idea three days later, the situation is different, let's talk about it then...

"Mr. Hunter, let's go to the side of the river, I kind of want to wash my body."

In the end, Abigail's clean personality made her decide, and she didn't want to stink next to the hunter.Even if the hunter didn't care, she would feel very embarrassed.

The hunter naturally had no objection to this, so the two walked forward together, crossing several blocks towards the river that runs through the entire town.It didn't take too long, and they saw the crystal clear river.This river probably flows through the middle of the town, roughly dividing the town into two nearly equal parts. Most of the dams beside the river have collapsed, but the basic shape can still be seen.There are many bridges across the river, but most of the bridges have collapsed, and a small number of bridges still exist are basically in a relatively dangerous state, which seems to be in a state of being broken when stepped on, so the hunters built it by themselves. A wooden bridge is provided for easy access.

"It is indeed very clean water, and there are no fish or aquatic plants at all..."

Standing by the river, staring at the incomparably clear, but also lifeless, with nothing in it, you can directly see the sand and gravel piled up at the bottom of the river.

It is said that at the very beginning, this town was not a safe area. None of the first hunters who entered here left alive. It was only when the second batch of hunters arrived that they found them lying dead in the town among the corpses.

However, since the arrival of the second group of hunters, the entire town has become a strange safe area, one that will not be invaded by any monsters at all, has clean water and edible mushrooms, and can make people feel safe. The place where the hunters take a good rest and adjust their state before launching the final battle.

It's hard to say what these things are too old, but at least one thing can be confirmed, that is, at the very beginning, this place should have been severely eroded by pollution like other places.Therefore, no normal life can remain here, so even after it becomes a place that should be [clean], no new life will be produced here, except for those weird edible mushrooms.

And this is why the river here becomes so empty.

"Then, Mr. Hunter, I'm going to take a shower over there. Well, I'll try to be as fast as possible, so please wait outside."

Some blushing little girls said so seriously, and then trotted into an area in the river not far away that was separated by pieces of wood.

The hunter just nodded slightly at this, and stood outside the area and looked around.

There was no one around, but that hound, Fergus, was patrolling alone not far away. This dog is quite smart. As long as you make clear the instructions in advance and walk to the predetermined place, even if its owner William is not there, it will not stop. be able to

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