Complete the missions of the patrol.Just like it is now, it was yesterday, after setting up the area, the hunter saw with his own eyes William and Figgs walking around here, and gave the hound several times instructions to let the other party fix it every day. Time to patrol around here.

As for why Fergus is required to patrol alone, it is probably because this is a place where women bathe, so it is not convenient for William, who is a man, to come here.

Speaking of which, Sergeant William, the order given to the hound should be to expel all men who approach this place//Right?

The hunter frowned at this moment and thought.

The purpose of driving away men is to avoid people looking for excitement to come here to peep at women washing their bodies.

Hmm, why do you want to spy on this kind of thing, do you have any ideas that you can't just say?

The hunter with a very simple mind is thinking about this matter very seriously.

However, in any case, at least one thing, if it is Abigail, she must hate this kind of peeping behavior very much.Well, if you stand on your own standpoint, yes, indeed, this kind of thing is really not easy to accept, if someone really does it...

Probably the hunter can only give the other party a full-body massage service with a meat saw, um, use that person's whole body to massage the meat saw.

Thinking of this, the hunter's expression gradually became sharper.

There are no tall buildings nearby, and it is a specially selected place, even if someone wants to peep from a high place, it is impossible to do so.As for the bottom of the water, these boards are completely inserted into the soil at the bottom of the river, leaving only small holes for water to flow in and out, so that it can not only ensure the flow of running water, but also prevent others from peeping from underwater. It is indeed impossible to peep under it, after all, the water here is crystal clear, and you can see it at a glance no matter what you want to do when you dive in.

However, if someone really wanted to peek, it might still be possible to peek through the cracks in the boards from the parts nailed to the ground.Therefore, what needs to be guarded most is actually this part of the problem.

Then, it's up to me to protect Abigail here.

At this moment, the hunter felt that his whole body was on fire.

What he didn't see was Karnis who was secretly observing him while hiding behind a low wall not far away. After repeatedly confirming whether there were other people around him, he took a deep breath and made up his mind. Determined to go out.

"Then, now is the time, tell the hunter about my discovery, let's have a real big adventure, I believe that with the personality of the hunter, you will definitely not miss this kind of interesting thing. "

Full of confidence, Karnis was about to walk towards the hunter.

"I think you'd better approach the past in another direction."

Beside him, Du Cain, who was sitting on the ground against the low wall, said with a blank expression, and even yawned, looking sleepy.

"Well, why do you say that?"

Karnis turned around with some doubts.

"This is near the women's bathhouse. The hound is patrolling here. If you pass by the entrance of the bathhouse, you may be stopped by that dog. It will be very troublesome if you are bitten by that thing. "

Du Cain continued to speak, raised his head and looked at the sky, as if his whole body showed a sense of depression.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not the kind of person who can peep."

Karnis, who didn't care, just waved his hand, said indifferently, and walked out directly.

"Then you can do whatever you want..."

Realizing that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, Du Kain sighed, and simply shut his mouth.

Anyway, this guy has always been like this, let him go, even if he will be bitten, the dog can't run this super fast guy.

So, it should be fine, right?

Thinking like this, Du Cain heard the hound, Fergus' angry roar, and the sound of Karnis fleeing in a hurry.

Well, obviously, that dog couldn't outrun Karnis at all.

So the question should not be—



A sound burst suddenly sounded, and almost simultaneously, Karnis' miserable howl also sounded.

Du Cain turned his head subconsciously, and saw the hunter holding Karnis's neck in one hand, lifting him up in the air like a goose, and holding a meat saw in the other hand, with a murderous look. Teng Teng just stood there.Not far away, you can still see the cracked ground that was stepped on due to the sudden acceleration.

Well, it seems that there is still a problem.

Du Cain felt a little bit emotional in his heart, and then saw the hunter's very unfriendly eyes looking over.

That kind of feeling is probably like saying [Is there another partner? ] What do you mean?

"I don't know him, I just sit here."

Dukain, who waved his hand, ignored the help-seeking gaze cast by the struggling Karnis, and just retracted his head from the low wall, ignoring the situation there.

And at the same time when the few people outside were making a lively and harmonious atmosphere, Abigail, who had already taken off her clothes, soaked her whole body in the river water for cleaning separated by wooden boards.

In the slightly cool water flow, he shivered subconsciously.

It's a little colder than expected.

Feeling the touch of the river running across her body, Abigail couldn't help thinking in her heart.

A little bit, move faster.

After all, Mr. Hunter is still waiting for him outside.

Sniffing, reaching out to pat her cheek, Abigail began to wash her body as quickly as possible.There are no cleaning products such as shower gel and shampoo. The so-called bathing is actually soaking in water to wash off the sweat smell on the body and wipe off some stains on the body, that's all.


Stuffing his head into the water, he felt the cool water soaking his whole body, and then he came out again, taking a light breath.

And at this moment, Abigail saw the wooden door of the open-air pool being pushed open suddenly, followed by Audrey and Edra who walked in naked.'s that Ms. Audrey...

Maybe Abigail wouldn’t have any reaction if she just saw Edora, but when she saw Audrey, she almost immediately remembered the scene she saw when she went out with the hunter in the morning. screen.

Ms. Audrey, and a male hunter, she just bid farewell to others naked...

And I can still... I can still see... flow... Uwah no, I can't even imagine that scene anymore!Why would someone be able to show this kind of thing in broad daylight! ?This kind of thing, this kind of thing... It shouldn't be two people in a very quiet and hidden place, it's better to have a little romance or something, and some flowers as decorations, and then two people call each other The names are exchanged affectionately with each other and finally get to the point?

Abigail, whose mind was in a mess, buried herself in the water, her heart beating wildly and unable to calm down.

"Hey, Abigail, are you here too?"

There was a surprised voice in his ears, and he raised his head reluctantly, and then saw two female hunters staring at him.

Especially Audrey, the meaning in that gaze was obviously teasing, obviously because of what she did in the morning.

"Why did little Abby come here to clean at this time? Could it be that it got dirty for some reason?"

Then, I heard Audrey say with a laugh.

getting dirty?

At the first moment, Abigail didn't realize what the other party was talking about.

Then, the girl's gaze swept over the very fit female hunter in front of her, her body, the hickey marks on her body, and the marks left on her body that could not be found with Abigail's young mind. traces of description.

What Ms. Audrey meant by getting dirty...

And Abigail understood right away.

"Can you react immediately? You girl is really amazing..."

This time, Audrey herself was a little shocked. She thought that her tinged joke would not be understood so quickly, but Abigail was only slightly stunned, and then realized that she was What did you say.

Terrible, if it wasn't for her rich experience, if she could tell from looking at this girl's body that she was serious and hadn't done anything, she would probably go to William to call the police next.

It can only be said that today's children are really too precocious.

But speaking of it, I've heard that Abigail is quite knowledgeable and knows a lot of things that are difficult for her to learn at her age.Could it be because of this reason that she could understand so quickly?

That is to say, this girl has secretly read some books related to boys and girls, so although she looks innocent and cute, she has accumulated quite a lot of knowledge secretly. In fact, she is extremely rich in theoretical knowledge, but she does not Any masters with hands-on experience?

I always feel that if I think about it this way, the child Abigail will feel a sense of boredom.

Touching her chin, Audrey gradually looked at Abigail with an indescribable feeling.

"So-and-so got dirty! I didn't get dirty! No, I didn't! Ms. Audrey, you, you, you are spitting blood!"

Abigail, who was a little emotional, didn't even have time to care about politeness.

dirty or something...

Why are these grown-ups thinking so obscenely!

Wow, and I was able to keep up with the rhythm so quickly, it really was all because of those books...

Audrey guessed right, the reason why Abigail understood these things was because she had actually read the books related to them.

And it was as early as when she was in Fengrao Town, when she was still living with the hunter, when she was staying in the library of the small town, she had read similar books.

And it's not just one book, but many books, and there are all kinds of books.

For example, physiological science books that describe in detail and scientifically the differences between men and women, and various developmental changes from childhood to adulthood.She has seen this kind of thing, and she has read it thoroughly from beginning to end, so she knows everything she should know.

For example, some slightly edge-to-edge articles that look like street stalls that deliberately stimulate teenagers

.I read this kind of a little bit, but I'm not very interested, because the writing style is basically not very good-looking.However, once in a while, there will be one or two articles that attract people's daydreams, um, I really will take a second look.

However, the above two are not as good as the last one, which is full of pictures and texts, and has been sealed to indicate that it is banned from sale by the Church of the Goddess of the Earth. It seems that this town secretly sold it. Book.That book is very stimulating, not ordinary stimulating, but super stimulating in various senses, because it is actually a popular science book, a book of [knowledge] nature, mainly used to maintain the relationship between husband and wife, and Introduce exciting books of a particular genre.

When the hunter was out hunting, Abigail found this book while exploring alone in the library. After reading it for the first time, she subconsciously threw the book out, blushing and decided that she would never want it. Look at this kind of stuff again.

Then after a few minutes, seeing that the hunter hadn't come back, he secretly picked up the book again.

Feeling, very strange.

The feeling of this kind of book is not ordinary.

Unable to bear it, he threw the book away again.

Then he covered his face, sat on the spot for a long time, jumped off the chair and ran to the bed, hugged the pillow and rolled over for a long time. Hunter still did not come back.

Then sneak back again, pick up the book, and read it again.

It felt really weird.

Looking at this kind of thing, it really is too strange!

...take another look.

All in all, when the hunter returned to the library after hunting the monster that day, what he saw was Abigail sitting on a chair with a flushed face and a trance. On the ground next to him was the ashes of a book that had been burned.

What kind of weird things did the other party see? The hunter didn't know at all, and he didn't care. He just thought that the little girl might have just taken the Goddess Blessing, and her body's condition hasn't fully adjusted. There are some side effects, and so on. too much.

Because of this, the hunter naturally has no way of knowing that Abigail, who looks small, cute and brave, and always wants to appear mature, is actually very mature in some ways Yes, and far more mature than a hunter.

"Oh, it can be seen that Hunter Your Excellency will have a lot of troubles to suffer in the future."

Audrey sighed, and made a prayer gesture at this moment.

Hope the hunter is ok.

"No, why do hunters have to suffer?"

Realizing that there was something in this sentence, Abigail gritted her teeth.

"A girl who is sulking is much scarier than a girl who is open, and the biological spirit of a man is always limited. Haha, as the saying goes, no matter how hard a cow works to plow the land, it will only be tired Death, not the land being plowed, right, right, the little Abby who can understand even this kind of cryptic hint?"

Audrey said that, the joyful smile on the corner of her mouth was about to fly into the sky.

"I, I, woo woo woo—"

She couldn't say anything to refute, even if she wanted to organize her vocabulary hard, the overly strong sense of shame had already defeated her thinking center system, and she fell into an extremely intense chaos.

Woohoo, Mr. Hunter, Abigail has become impure Abigail.

Why is there a strange aunt who can say such things so bluntly in front of a 12-year-old child, Uncle William, come here and arrest someone, hurry up and arrest this guy!If you don't do anything, the new filthy force will completely rule the world!


The Abigail sank completely at this moment.

"Okay, Audrey, don't keep teasing other people's little sisters, Abigail is not your kind of flirtatious person."

Edra, who sighed, spoke at this moment with some disbelief.

"What's the matter, our Miss Warlock is a bit shy to mention such words? It's nothing, in fact, your figure is also very good. As long as you are willing to use magic to remove the scars on your face, there is absolutely no man who is willing to chase you. There are big rows."

It seemed that Audrey, who had been provoked, had no intention of stopping at all, and instead laughed and brought the topic to her companion.

"I got this scar because I didn't want that to happen, and because I wanted to remind myself of something."

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