Edra, who was sitting in the middle of the river with only her upper body exposed, spoke helplessly.

"Remind yourself that you don't need to use this method, and try some new things, maybe you will have a happier life, how about it, do you want to try it?"

Audrey, who was a little closer, spoke in a seductive voice at this moment.

"If you want to try what it feels like to be paralyzed in the river, I can let you feel it right now."

However, what greeted her was the gloomy expression of her teammates and the magic power flowing between her fingers.

"Okay, okay, when I didn't say anything, cut, it's really boring, it's not as fun as that little girl was teasing just now."

With a helpless sigh, Audrey swam away from Edra and leaned against a stone in the river.

not far away

, Abigail went ashore in a very embarrassing situation, wiped her body clean with the towel that was placed here beforehand, put on her clothes again, and then directly escaped from the temporary open-air bathroom covering her face.

"Ah, I was scared away, did you really go too far just now?"

After seeing Abigail slip away, Audrey, who originally wanted to chat with the other party for a few more words, showed a somewhat disappointed expression, and couldn't help but sighed repeatedly.

"Did you just know?"

Contemptuously glanced at his companion who was too open-minded, Edra sighed, turned around and ignored him.

As for Abigail whose head was already smoking, she patted her long wet hair and trotted away from the gate. After going out, she was a little surprised to find that the hunter was not where he was at the beginning Wait for her to come out.

Confused, Abigail walked around, trying to find traces of the hunter, but within a few steps, she heard a man shouting in panic.

"I didn't lie to you, I really didn't lie to you, you have to trust me, Hunter!"

He's talking about hunters?

Has Mr. Hunter clashed with anyone?

Turning her footsteps, Abigail ran towards the direction of the sound.

"I'm here to cooperate with you. Really, I'm not interested in women. I'm really not interested. I'm interested in you, Lord Hunter!"


The footsteps stopped, paused.

Abigail froze in place at this moment, completely sluggish because of that sentence with too much information.

Chapter 120: The Secret of the Abandoned Town

Karnis thought that his plan should be quite good, and he would definitely be able to persuade the hunter to follow him in a few words.

What he didn't expect was that not only could he fail to persuade the hunter to fight with him, but if he didn't say anything or explain something well now, he would be shot and collapsed by the hunter on the spot.

"So that's all said, I really don't want to spy on anything, do I look like that kind of person?"

Karnis, with a sad face, raised his hands against the low wall at this moment, and said emphatically again helplessly.


The hunter who said nothing, just pointed the gun in his hand at Karnis, his face full of disbelief.Beside him, the hound Fergus was sitting upright, staring at the two suspects with big piercing eyes, as if he was going to pounce on him and bite him at any moment.

Well, two suspects.

As a matter of course, Du Kain, who has repeatedly stated that he has nothing to do with this matter, is also sitting here at the moment, raising his hands with a look of lovelessness.

"No, Lord Hunter, you have to trust me, I really don't have that kind of thought."

Karnis spoke again, wanting to get up and explain again, but was forced to sit back on the ground by the hunter's indifferent eyes.

"...Why don't you just kill us both, so as not to waste time."

Du Cain, who had given up on himself, sighed and said bluntly.


The hunter looked at Du Cain with some doubts, wondering whether the other party's attitude meant that he admitted that he wanted to spy on the underage girl.

"No, I just think it's boring to be pointed at by a gun like this. Since you don't believe us, why don't you just kill us directly? Anyway, I don't care, I will die if I die."

Ducain's attitude gradually became bad.

"Hey, hey, you want to die but I don't want to die. I still haven't completed more than half of my life list!"

Karnis at the side hastily raised his hand in objection, expressing that he had no direct intention of seeking death.


The hunter remained silent and didn't say anything, but he didn't let them go.

He really couldn't tell whether the two people wanted to peep, but it was certain that they did appear near the women's bathroom, and one of them was chased by hounds.Considering its suspiciousness, the hunter finally decided to watch the two of them here until Abigail was washed out before letting them go.

Probably seeing the hunter's plan, Dukain put down his raised hands, closed his eyes and leaned against the low wall for a nap.

Karnis obviously didn't understand this point, so he talked a lot in a row, and finally even tried to play the emotional card with the hunter.

But obviously, this approach is meaningless and has no effect.

The hunter just continued to stand in the same place with a blank face, continued to look at the two of them with a gun, not letting them get up, not letting them leave, just staring at each other, one standing and two sitting. So continue to face each other.

"Really, I'm not interested in women."

Karnis, whose mouth still didn't stop, continued to speak loudly.

"I'm interested in you, Lord Hunter!"

Karnis, who was full of voice and emotion, might have won a grand prize if he participated in a theatrical performance, all he got in return was the hunter's unwavering, incomparably indifferent stare.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps approached from not far away, attracting the eyes of both the hunter and Karnis.

Abigail, whose hair was still a little wet, just walked out from behind the low wall, with a strange expression of some doubts.

With emotion, he looked at the hunter standing with the hound Fergus holding a gun, and the two hunters who had met when they arrived in the town before sitting by the wall.

So what's going on here?

That sentence just now... and the current scene...

what is happening?

The little girl's eyes were full of doubts.

"Mr. Hunter, what's going on?"

Running to the side of the hunter in small steps, Abigail asked curiously.

"They... seem to be... spying on you in the shower?"

The hunter thought for a while, and said hesitantly.

"Fuck, even if I peep at a pig, I won't peek at this kind of little girl with no hair yet!"

Karnis, who felt his dignity was insulted, cursed loudly.


The hunter looked over again, this time with a little displeasure.

"Birds, beasts?!"

Abigail took a step back in shock, thought for a while, and hid behind the hunter.

"...What the hell is this?"

As for Du Kain's words, the man was covering his face right now, and was about to fall directly to the ground because of the high blood pressure.

Obviously, the two hunters' invitation to meet and cooperate with the hunters has been completely misled.

It took quite a while, and finally the hunter and Abigail were convinced that they were not here to spy, but to find the hunter.Afterwards, they changed to a place where basically no one was there to continue their discussions. Only then did Karnis finally reveal his purpose.

"Actually, there is a small underground relic in this small town."

Karnis, who took out a tattered map like a treasure map, said seriously.

"That was discovered by the last group of hunters who came here. The hunters who participated in the God of Hunting battle did not explore this town properly. They basically just sorted out a place where they can live and live, and then they don't care about the rest. .Of course this is completely understandable. After all, the people who managed to come here are those who are preparing for the final battle to hunt the old gods. It is impossible for them to pay too much attention to the town itself, especially if there are already On the premise that the hunters who overturned their cars in order to find out the secrets in the town are used as a lesson from the past."

"So, because of this, although many hunters have been sent away in this ruins, there are actually not many areas in this place that have been successfully explored. Some secrets have been hidden, but they have always been hidden. Nobody came to look for it."

"However, among the previous generation of hunters who came here, there are a few different guys. They are some very adventurous hunters, so after arriving at this place, they decided to carry out a certain degree of improvement here. Exploration, try to find if there is anything interesting here. Well, they really didn’t find anything at the beginning. Although this town is very big, it is also quite empty. Basically all the houses are left. Out of the frame, there's nothing meaningful inside."

The more he spoke, the more mysterious the expression on Karnis's face became.

What happened after that was a natural reversal.

After two days of searching, before the entire team of hunters was about to set off for the Garden of the Old Gods, the hunters who thought they would find nothing found something unusual, something that could finally be called a harvest .

They discovered that in the ruins of what appeared to be a blacksmith's workshop, there was a very large, hidden hole.

The hole is at the back of the rusted and dilapidated boiler room, in the middle of a dry sewage pipe, there is a big hole in the pipe that seems to have been dug by someone, it has been a long time ago, and it is hard to tell how long ago it was. .This hole is hidden quite deep, and it can be said that it was a complete accident that the group of adventurous hunters could find it.

And obviously, since it is found, it must be explored.

And it was after going deep into the cave that these hunters discovered that the cave was connected to an underground storage room, a real entrance that had collapsed, so it could only be revealed from this collapse Place to enter the storeroom of the workshop.

The storage room itself was quite large, so big that the hunters at that time had to retreat because of the assembly order before they could finish their exploration.Not only that, they found that there were still guards in the storage room, some automatic guard puppets that seemed to work with magic power, the fighting power was not too strong, but they still caused some troubles in the dark storage room environment.Because they didn't fully explore the whole place, they naturally didn't completely destroy these puppet guards.Therefore, until now, there are still moving puppets in that storage room, and there are dangers that cannot be ignored, and it is an area that must be explored carefully.

It is a pity that none of those hunters were able to come back alive in the final battle.

And in the end, the only hunter who survived, escaped from the Garden of the Old Gods, and then successfully escaped from the Forest of the Cursed and returned to Starry Sky Town.He didn't know anything about that expedition, and the group of hunters didn't have time to tell others what they found before they died.

people who are still alive.

However, luckily among the misfortunes, although the person did not come back alive, the exploration notes of those hunters were brought back by the survivor as relics.

It was also a coincidence that Karnis would get one of the notebooks.However, in his opinion, such things as coincidences are inevitable.Therefore, he very enthusiastically took the incompletely explored underground warehouse described in this note as his own task, and decided to complete what his predecessors failed to accomplish, so as to comfort the spirits of these adventurers in the sky (if If there are any), and then satisfy your curiosity by the way (this is the most important reason).

And as I said before, Karnis is a smart person, he won't really go up there alone desperately.

When he realized that there was danger in that place, what he thought of was to find a hunter who was reliable enough and powerful enough to fight, and who should not have seized all the spoils, and refused to drink a little soup to be himself. Friends, come and explore this place together.If you can find something, you can divide it slowly according to the strength of each other. If you can't find anything, it's not a big deal to pay a few sentences later.

He first found Du Kain, who belonged to the same team as him, but Du Kain was not very interested in this matter. At most, he was willing to help him guard the entrance outside. Willing to do it.

Then he began to think about other strong and reliable experts, and this time, after thinking for a while, he quickly came to a conclusion.


That's right, the strongest, most powerful, and most reliable hunter in the entire Hunting God Squad, and who always puts on an attitude of wanting nothing.

If it is this one, as long as you are willing to act with yourself, then the issue of safety is no longer an issue.

And the hunter himself is actually a person who likes to explore, and has a little curiosity. He belongs to the kind of personality who wants to pull any switch he sees to see the effect.This kind of personality can be said to have many similarities with Karnis. He is sure that the hunter will be able to cooperate with him to break through the level and explore that place well.

That's right, the hunter will definitely agree.

Next, I can find out about that mysterious place!

As long as the hunter goes with himself——

"……I reject."

A hoarse voice sounded, and the hunter answered calmly.


Karnis was ready to jump up excitedly the moment the hunter spoke, but after the hunter really gave an answer, he suddenly didn't know what to do, he could only stand there in a daze, Just stood there stupidly and was stunned.

This answer is a bit wrong, right?

Shouldn't he agree immediately?

Why didn't this broken script go according to the original plan?

"Mr. Hunter?"

Abigail, who was listening on the sidelines, also showed a somewhat strange expression at this moment.

In her impression, the hunter is indeed a very curious character. Normally, he should immediately agree to this kind of request, right?Why did you choose to reject this cooperation request uncharacteristically this time?

Then, the girl saw the hunter turning his head back, staring into her own eyes.

Ah, is that so?

A slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

Abigail already understood why the hunter chose this way.

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