Because...Mr. Hunter has already promised her, and will spend these few days with her...

The beating of the heart seemed to be a little violent.

Abigail lowered her head, not wanting others to see the expression on her face.

Because Abigail has been promised, the hunter will not consider other plans for the time being.

Just because of this reason, even if it is all kinds of hidden and unknown mysterious places that I am very interested in, I will not think about it, nor will I care about it, but just to fulfill the initial promise And act.

The hunter's heart was completely conveyed to Abigail at this moment.

Such...a straightforward choice.

Is it because you take yourself too seriously?

Woo, Mister Hunter...

This feeling is probably the so-called "happiness".

The little girl savored the sweet feeling of being valued and cared for, and jumped for joy because of this joy.

But soon, she calmed down, calmed down, and looked at the hunter's fingers.

Ah, I've already rolled up the hem of my clothes and circled them around.

Sure enough, Mr. Hunter himself really wanted to see that secret room.

Mr. Idiot Hunter who knows how to force himself in a day.

"I kind of want to go and have a look."

So, after thinking for a while, Abigail grabbed the hunter's hand and said softly.

"A storage room that has not been fully explored before and hides unknown secrets, it feels like it should be a very interesting place."

"Mr. Hunter, how about the two of us going to have a look together? Don't worry about my safety, I am also capable of fighting?"

"How about it, Mister Hunter, I'm quite interested in it, can we go and have a look together?"

a little

He took on a slightly coquettish tone.

Ah, I didn't expect that I could act like a baby so smoothly, I always feel a little ashamed.

However, at least the effect is still very good.

The hunter who originally regarded exploring the secret room and accompanying Abigail as two conflicting situations and had to choose between the two, at this moment, following Abigail's voice, his eyes lighted up slightly, obviously happy Accepting such a proposal.

"Where? When?"

So the hunter, who has always been known for his mobility, asked directly and neatly.

"Okay, let's go now, I will take you there."

Karnis, who stood up immediately, said aggressively.


Pulling Abigail to stand up, the hunter nodded without hesitation, and an adventure was finalized.

Chapter 130: Adventure Time in Abandoned Town

Before going to the hidden place, the group of four went to Elsaac's for lunch.

Originally, they really decided to go directly, but they didn't expect it to be the meal time, and then when they were thinking about whether to explore the storage room first or go to eat first, everyone probably hesitated for two or three seconds symbolically. Time, and then they all ran to eat.

No way, the secret room is right there and won’t run away, so you can go there anytime to have a look, but the lunch made by Chef Elsaac here is different, if you go too late, you will be caught Stealing light is a very normal thing.You must know that the hunter woke up relatively early in the morning, but when he arrived at the place, there were only the last few dishes left, and the two of them almost had to choose to go to the temporary restaurant next to Klein Tinger to eat a special nutritious meal .

Although I don't know exactly how scary that nutritious meal is, but since the filthy monsters will avoid it, judging from this point of view, it must be something quite scary.

"Ah, ah, wow, Mr. Elsaac's cooking skills are really amazing."

Abigail, who was very happy, couldn't help humming softly while eating the egg buns and special stew, and swayed her two little feet along with it.

In contrast, Hunter and Karnis are much more straightforward. They only do one thing, and that is to lower their heads, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, and repeat very quickly, powerfully and regularly. Repeatedly.

It only took a short time for the bowls in front of these two people to become empty and empty.

"The hunter's first chef, Elsaac, haha, no matter how many times you eat it, you won't get bored."

Karnis praised loudly, and while wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he clapped his hands and whistled.

The other hunters who also gathered here to eat applauded, which made Elsaac, who was busy in the temporary kitchen, laugh, and proudly waved his hands to show that he could do better. By the way, let Woodrona, who was helping out, took some ingredients out of the package.

Du Cain, who was eating quietly, also smiled at this moment.However, he was not as swift as hunters and Karniss when he ate food, but he savored the food slowly, tasting the soup one bite at a time.But after all, he is a grown man, so he finished his portion of stew and steamed buns without taking too long.Therefore, in the end, only Abigail was the slowest eater, and everyone was waiting for her.


Slightly realizing that her eating movements might be too gentle, but the people around her were waiting for her, Abigail felt a little ashamed, so she sped up her speed a little, and ended up being stuck in her throat by the shrimp in the stew He choked and coughed for a while before finally swallowing.

After all, she was only a girl, and because of her small size, Abigail couldn't swallow too much food, so she had to chew some to swallow.

"Don't worry... eat slowly..."

Realizing this, the hunter patted the girl on the shoulder and said seriously to her.

Karnis seemed to have some opinions on this, but under the kind eyes of the hunter on the side, he could only smile stiffly and say that there was no problem at all. Abigail would have no problem with eating for as long as he wanted, and then just sat there Waited on the seats drawn from the other rooms.

As for Du Cain, he doesn't care about the expedition, so he is not in a hurry at all.The man just watched Abigail's slow movements, as if recalling something, the whole person became a little more silent, turned his head to look at the sky, and just fell into a daze.

Then Abigail finished her lunch in 10 minutes.

Of course, Abigail is not an idiot, even if the hunter has said that it is okay to eat slower, but when she realizes that everyone around her is waiting for her, the girl must speed up anyway, Don't make others wait for you for too long.

It's just that this is obviously very hard for the girl herself, so she coughed several times after eating, and kept covering her throat with an uncomfortable expression.

"This eating speed is not good at all, you need to practice more."

Karnis said very seriously.

"If it's instant dry food, I can actually finish it quickly. I've more or less practiced that, but this kind of specially prepared

It is not easy to finish the cooked dishes too quickly. "

Abigail shook her head, showing a somewhat apologetic expression.

So the hunter looked at Karnis with an even more hostile expression.

"Ahaha, in fact, this is not particularly important, don't worry about it, don't worry about it."

So then Karnis could only bite the bullet and say, of course, Abigail is still very smart, seeing the change in Karnis' attitude, he immediately looked at the hunter, but he could only see that the hunter was very innocent expression.

I always feel that Mr. Hunter seems to be a little too protective of me when facing other people.

The little girl showed a pensive expression, and it was difficult to judge whether she should be happy or unhappy for a while.

As for what Du Cain said, this man with few words naturally remained silent as always on such occasions where there was no need to speak, he just followed the team in a daze, and his eyes fell aimlessly at the abandoned buildings and the surrounding buildings. The sky is gray and foggy, but still illuminated by light.

It didn't take too long to arrive at the abandoned Forging Master's Workshop. The hunter estimated that he had only walked for less than ten minutes. This may be due to the faster traveling speed of the hunter.In short, the hunter quickly saw the abandoned building. Compared with other buildings, it was obviously larger, but it also looked more dilapidated.It seems that there was an explosion in this place, so that many buildings have collapsed.There are also some that seem to be completely rusted, and only the rust itself is scattered everywhere. It can be said that they are completely ruins that cannot be reused.

Because the interior of the workshop has collapsed and rubble is piled up everywhere, there is no way to enter it.

However, the target of several people is not the inner area of ​​this building, so there is no need to care about it.According to the locations of the sewage pipes mentioned in the records in his memory, Karnis began to lead a few people around the building, searching between the ruins of the building itself and the river not far away.It didn't take too long for them to find what they were looking for, a long and narrow passage hidden in a dry, man-made dilapidated ditch.

"This width...isn't it a bit too narrow?"

Abigail blinked, and tried to compare the size of the hole, and found that she could easily get in, but if it was an adult, such as a hunter, it would be obviously difficult. If you go in, it is probably impossible to even turn around.

"That's right, that's true. You can't even turn around and you can only go straight to the sewage channel."

While talking, Karnis stuck his head in first, and held up the torch to illuminate the depths.

"Found it, there it is, and look, one side of the pipe has caved in."

At the entrance of the cave, Karnis pointed to the hunters at the side the entrance of the secret room they needed to go to.

Is it here?

The hunter squatted down, carefully looked at the position of the hole, and then at the size of the sewage pipe, and showed a slightly pensive expression.

If you really want to get in, I'm afraid you can only go in without a weapon.

This hole is indeed too small for an adult, and it is definitely not a good choice to drill hard.If you think about it this way, the reason why the hunters who explored the secret room were not able to fully explore the entire secret room, so that the time was delayed until the assembly operation, could it be because there was no way to carry weapons in, so the whole process was done with bare hands and notes? The kind of puppet guards fighting recorded in the book, right?

If that's the case, it can only be said that this group of people is really brave enough.

So, do you need to do the same?

Hunter frowned.

If he really gave up his weapon, it wouldn't be impossible, because he could let the courier hold his weapon first, and then let the courier return it to him after he went in.Those ubiquitous little existences that do not seem to exist in the real world, but shadows cast in illusory dreams, can be ordered by the hunter to a certain extent, so as to help him store various weapons and save them when needed. handed over to him.

Well, that's right, it's just, um, there is a charge every time.

Taking away the weapon and getting it back almost consume a certain amount of invisible echo, which seems to be their currency?Anyway, it's not free help.Because after arriving in the abandoned town, the hunter has already consumed Abigail to improve his combat effectiveness. Although his own ability has been improved to a level close to the upper limit, this time the improvement has not brought about a huge improvement in combat ability. However, it has greatly enhanced his ability to resist blows and intimacy with magic, which can be regarded as a compensation for his own shortcomings, but relatively speaking, the hunter does not have too many extra echoes to squander now, so it is only He needs to think carefully about spending echoes just to drill a hole.

While thinking, the hunter stretched out his hand and placed it on the side of the pipe.

Then, the hunter who thought of something lowered his head and looked at the severely decayed pipeline that was about to lose its original appearance, as well as the pipeline.

The cracked and seemingly fragile stone bricks on both sides of the road.


It seems that I have an idea.

But would this be considered vandalism?

Forget it, who cares, let's do it first.

At this moment, the hunter seemed to have some light in his eyes.

"Okay, it's about time to go in, Dukain, I'll put my weapon at your place first, watch it. Well, okay, then the Hunter Pavilion, uh... um, Your Excellency Hunter, you What is this going to do?"

Karnis, who was ready to climb the cave, turned around and saw the hunter who was stretching his muscles and made Abigail back in advance.

Although he didn't know what the hunter wanted to do, Karnis instinctively felt a bad premonition at this moment.


Karnis' question was not answered.

The hunter took a step forward, supporting the entrance of the pipe with both hands.

Then, push hard.

Boom! ! !

The gravel suddenly splashed around.

And the entire pipe, together with the slope of the wall above, spread cracks one after another at this moment.

The hunter continued to exert more force, just like this, bit by bit, the entire pipe was torn apart, together with the surrounding stone bricks, and the entire wall, were directly torn apart, and the original narrow passage was completely torn apart. That's how it expands.

Then, clean up the broken stones that fell during this process.

Then remove the stone bricks on both sides of the broken pipe, as well as the torn pipe itself. "

At this moment, the hole in the wall became much larger than before, which is enough for a tall person like Hunter to squat down and pass through, while a little girl like Abigail who is relatively short only needs to bend down slightly. It can be passed very easily, and it can be said that it is much better than the original appearance.

"Actually... is there such a violent way to crack it?"

Karnis on the side looked dumbfounded at this moment.

"Obviously he has the power to do it directly. Of course, there is no need to dawdle and cause trouble for himself. You should be thankful that he didn't directly punch a hole in it and jump down after confirming the location of the secret room."

Dukain yawned, and slapped Karnis beside him expressionlessly.

"Mr. Hunter, it seems that you are starting to use strength to solve problems more and more..."

Abigail felt relieved at the side, but she didn't think there was any problem with it. On the contrary, the girl felt that this straightforward way to solve the problem was actually very feasible. Mr. Hunter, who was able to come up with such a method Very handsome.

Well, this is probably the so-called filter problem.

"Then, the next step is to go in here."

Walking to the side of the hunter, Karnis nodded towards the entrance of the cave that had expanded a lot due to the hunter's violent actions and showed more signs of subsidence. Karnis nodded, showing a somewhat impatient expression.

Because Du Cain was not interested in exploring, he stayed outside to prevent any accidents from happening.

Then, Karnis, who entered first, jumped down from the hole holding a torch, followed the hunter to lead Abigail, held Abigail in his arms at the hole, and jumped down from the hole, going deep into the hole. into the darkness below.

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