"Wow, this place is really big!"

"It's really a secret room... In this case, I can be regarded as taking an adventure with Mr. Hunter."


Karnis's excited voice quickly came from inside. It was obvious that this hunter who loves adventure and all kinds of new and interesting things was greatly satisfied at this moment.Then Abigail's surprised voice followed, accompanied by a slightly happy voice that seemed to be thinking about it.The hunter's very simple response sounds a little weak in the two voices, but with Dukain's fairly good sensory ability, it's not impossible for him to hear it, but he doesn't care.

Forget it, don't think about it, they can play however they like inside.

The hunter Dukain yawned, and simply sat down on the ground in front of the cave entrance, in this empty man-made ditch that had dried up for countless years.


Suddenly, Du Kain spoke in a low voice, and his whole expression showed a feeling of loneliness.

"Annie... If you were still alive, you could be as lively as her, and you could run around like her... Ha, what the hell am I talking about..."

With a long sigh, the man closed his eyes and fell into silence.

After losing the most important thing in his life, all he wanted was a seemingly glamorous death fight.Dying in battle, just sleeping forever like this, can almost be called the end of a gift for me today.Isn't it because of this opportunity that I will join the Hunting God Squad?

It's just that if you kill your teammates because of your own wishes, there is nothing Kain can do about it.

There is no way to do it, even if each of his teammates has a more or less moral problem, at least he doesn't want the person who made the mistake to be himself.

What he hopes is that in the face of the difficult battles that must be faced, he will die in battle gloriously in order to protect his comrades-in-arms and meet his own end.

As a result, he was obviously a person who wanted to die, but by accident, he arrived at the deepest abandoned town in the forest, the only safe zone in the border of hell that was only a few steps away from the end.

After three days, go to them to fight against the gatekeeper, and then step into the garden of the old gods.

At that time, will my wish come true?

An honorable death in battle, and thus into an eternal sleep, ending a life of torment and loss.And his comrades-in-arms will continue this glory, complete the great mission of killing gods, and bring hope to this world that has been silent for thousands of years.

If so, that would be great.

"Wait for me a little longer, Anne."

In a soft voice, Du Cain slowly held a string of necklaces worn around his neck, which looked a bit childish and cute.

The necklace that he hoped to be able to give away, but in the end he couldn't give it away.

Chapter 130: Underground Warehouse

The hunter's nose moved slightly.

He felt some unpleasant smells that made people feel uncomfortable.

I can't tell what the smell is. It seems to be something that has been rotting for a long time, but it seems to have a little dirty airflow that has settled, and some things that seem to have gone beyond language and are not within the range of human senses under normal circumstances. stuff within.

In short, it is not something that can make people feel at ease.

The hunter took off the threaded cane on his back, and with a light wave, a bright light was released, illuminating a large area around it.


Quite a big place indeed.

The light spread for a distance of about 30 meters, but failed to reach the end of the room.

The hunter saw one pillar after another standing in this underground space, acting as a support.Most of the bricks on the surface of these stone pillars have peeled off, exposing the internal structure, and there are dense cracks spreading in all directions, and it is unknown when they will collapse.

A layer of water accumulated on the ground, and even the shoes couldn't flow over it. I don't know why, maybe the river outside seeped in?

There are some shelves around, it seems that they were originally used to store something, but now most of these shelves have collapsed with the passage of time, and the wooden boxes for storing items have all been corroded, and you can see it on the ground There are only various bits and pieces of soaked and swollen small things that are equivalent to rubbish remains. The original purpose cannot be seen, and the original purpose may not be reproduced. They just become part of history. These dilapidated things .

"It feels like this place is quite big."

Abigail beside him looked around curiously, then turned around and whispered to the hunter.

"Well... be careful..."

The hunter who said this walked slowly forward, scanning his surroundings, and continued to observe the huge underground storage space.

Empty and far-reaching, I don't know how big the place is.

The things that were originally stored here have basically been soaked, and there is no way to know the original appearance.

Part of the place has completely collapsed, and the rubble covered everything. Karnis said that those collapsed places are likely to be the normal access to the underground warehouse. As for the cause of the collapse, there is no way to know.After all, so many years have passed, even these gravel ruins have changed due to the existence of water flow, and it is difficult to infer the past state.

After walking a distance of more than 100 meters along the way, the three of them still haven't reached the end of this huge warehouse.

However, as they moved forward, the water under their feet became less and less. After a certain distance, the water did not continue to spread forward, and finally reached the clean ground, and there was no need to move forward with water.

There is not much difference from the place just now, except that some relatively intact shelves can be found here, and some preserved boxes are still intact.

Karnis opened one of the boxes curiously, and found that it was filled with small gray-black stones, which seemed to be some kind of ore raw materials.Karnis, who couldn't identify these things, quickly lost interest. The hunter pretended to have one or two on his body, and was going to find Andre in a while to let him identify them, and see if these things were useful.

"Didn't you meet the puppet guards recorded in the notes?"

Karnis looked around while talking, seeming a little disappointed.

The hunter just stood beside Abigail, holding the threaded cane without saying a word, frowning and looking around.

It seems that after coming to this clean and waterless place, I gradually began to feel that something was spying on me in the dark, that it was gradually approaching, that it was gaining momentum, and that it would come at any time. things that appear.

Are you here?

The hunter's eyes lifted in the next moment.

On the edge of the lighting technique, in the darkness, a figure suddenly approached.

that is a completely

Made of wood, it seems to have a complex mechanism structure and magical power. It is roughly in the shape of a human, but the head is lost, and the position of the arm is modified into a sharp object similar to a blade.

The speed of this thing is very fast, it rushed forward when it appeared from 30 meters away, and it only took less than three seconds to rush directly in front of the hunter, and the blade arm suddenly raised and chopped down towards the hunter.


The cane stretched forward, blocking the thing's swing the next moment.

The strength did not exceed the level predicted by the hunter, and it was even much weaker. The strength of this thing was slightly stronger than that of normal adults. When encountering some particularly powerful hunters, they might not be able to wrestle each other. It can be said to be weak.


There is not even a need to deform the cane to use the long whip.

The hunter easily blocked the other party's attack, followed by the tip of the cane and stabbed out, directly piercing through the body of the magic puppet with powerful force.Then the hunter spun the cane violently, and slapped the cane with one blow, a force was transmitted, and the puppet was completely shattered in the next moment.


The voice of Karnis came from not far away at this time. The hunter looked towards the other party and found that he had installed metal claws on his hands at some point, directly avoiding the attack of a magic puppet. , with a sharp tear of the metal claws, the thing was torn apart on the spot and turned into pieces of wood on the ground.

"These things don't seem very strong?"

Karnis kicked the fragments of the puppet on the ground, and spoke hesitantly.

"Well, I seem to know this thing."

Abigail squatted on the ground, looked at the magic patterns on these puppets, frowned and thought about recalling.

I should have seen this kind of texture somewhere.

That's right, I have seen this thing before.

Well, when was it?When is it coming?

I remembered that in Fengrao Town, when I was looking through various documents in the library, I saw this thing.

"This is a magic puppet for transportation. It is used for carrying things, not for fighting."

Abigail quickly recalled the records she had seen before.

"This is a technique developed by the priests of the Goddess of the Earth. It is a controllable puppet that can be directly made of wood, a simple material."

"This kind of puppet has much greater strength than normal people, and its movements are very stable. It can easily carry various heavy or fragile objects."

"The things we have encountered have not been maintained for a long time, so the output and stability have dropped to the limit. Well, the bodies of these puppets seem to be transformed. Is there any survivors in this underground warehouse?"

Abigail, who carefully observed the broken puppet for a long time, came to a conclusion that surprised her.

"To be precise, there were survivors, right? How many years have passed, and if those survivors really lived, they could only turn into filthy monsters, but this town can't accommodate those things at all."

Karnis corrected at the side and said.

"Indeed, well, anyway, I have to go in and have a look. I probably have some impressions of this place. This kind of warehouse located under the smelter's workshop is usually used to store ores and some important resources. If we're heading in the right direction, maybe we can find something?"

The thinking girl began to move forward on her own initiative.

The hunter wanted to ensure Abigail's safety, so he naturally followed her closely, carefully guarding the surroundings.

"You girl looks at a small one, how do you know so many things? And this kind of stuff from the old god era can come out of your mouth, a bit amazing?"

Karnis, who was also following on the other side, stared at Abigail in surprise and asked.

"Because I like reading, I read a lot of books."

Abigail just answered seriously.

"Can reading a lot make you so good?"

Karnis was somewhat skeptical, he always felt that Abigail hadn't told the truth.

click - click -

The sound of wood rubbing against each other suddenly sounded again.

The hunter turned his head and saw a Rubik's cube puppet leaping from his side.

click - click -

More similar voices began to ring out, ranging from one or two, to five or six, to more than ten or even more.

These seem to have undergone a certain degree of transformation, so that puppets with attack capabilities and fast action speeds appeared one after another, and surrounded them from all directions.

"So many?!"

Karnis was a little shocked by the amount of these things, and instinctively wanted to run away from here.

But before that, the hunter reached out and pressed his shoulder to signal him not to move, and followed him to touch the cane to the ground. With a clear sound of mechanism collision, the hunter raised the cane violently in the next moment, and the metal long whip was released. In an instant, they scattered and whipped in all directions, and directly tore most of the puppets surrounding them in one breath.

The destructive attack only lasted for a short moment, and these seemingly imposing magic puppets were all smashed to pieces by the hunter, leaving only a few

The stump of the puppet whose magic structure was barely damaged was still moving on the ground, as if it was still instinctively obeying a certain order, wanting to get close to the hunters and start attacking them.

"Whoever that guy was that was here, he's definitely got opinions on everybody, the type that doesn't like to share them."

Karnis, who retracted his claws, raised his eyebrows, looked at these broken puppets and said.

"This number is basically two-thirds of the puppets in a normal warehouse. Considering that someone has entered here and fought with these puppets before, these should be all of them, or at least most of them."

Abigail said decisively after a short thought.

"Who knows, little girl, I think everything you say should be right now."

Karniss picked up a limb that was still moving, held it in his hand and played with it twice, then kicked it and flew it away, then turned his head to look at Abigail and said with a smile.

The girl couldn't figure out whether the other party was teasing, praising, or being angry, so she ignored the other party and just continued walking towards the front of the warehouse, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

This time, they quickly arrived at the end of the warehouse, where a hidden door appeared, which looked a bit like a duty room in the warehouse.Next to this door, a place that seemed to be some kind of exit to the outside world was completely blocked by a large number of shelves, and then buried by collapsed rubble, basically unable to see the original appearance.

Along the way, they saw quite a few boxes of that kind, and it seemed that the farther away they were from places with water, the more these boxes would be preserved.It feels like someone moved all the boxes one by one from the leaky area to these dry areas.Although considering the thousand years of time, neither the wooden boxes nor the puppets are likely to survive, but the passage of time is inherently abnormal in areas rich in filth, such as the corruption field, so the preservation of these things is not particularly great. The problem.

Ordinary low-quality ore should not be worth rescuing in the dangerous situation when the pollution just broke out, right?But the ore here has obviously been carefully protected. That is to say, the survivors who hid underground at the beginning, before knowing that they were completely hopeless and impossible to survive, still had the hope of living, and still had everything When he was able to return to his normal thoughts, he once worked tirelessly to direct the magic puppets to carry a large number of these boxes and gather all the ores.

If it is low-quality ore, there should be no need to do this. It will only prove that these things should be of great value if people who still have hope of survival do such energy-intensive things. explain this phenomenon.

Therefore, these ores must be studied carefully.

Abigail looked at the hunter. She knew that Mr. Hunter had just taken a few pieces of ore, and he obviously planned to go to consult Andre.She decided to go to Andre with the hunter after exploring here for a while, and explain the situation carefully. After all, if the hunter wants to explain how to find this ore and other related issues, he may give him half an hour. I don't understand, so at this time, Abigail, the hunter's standard external speaker, must come.

I always feel as if there is a subtle problem with my positioning. What's the matter?

"Mr. Hunter, let's go find Mr. Andre after we go out for a while."

In short, this matter is very important, first remind Mr. Hunter and let him remember it well.


For Abigail's words, the hunter just nodded in response, without thinking too much.

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