Karnis had already pushed open the door and walked in cautiously.

Hunter and Abigail went in together, and found that it was actually a small living room, with a single bed, a table and a small cabinet, and all kinds of sundries were placed everywhere. Someone once lived here.

However, it can only be in the past.

The hunter saw dry black marks on the ground, which had faded to the point of disappearing.This is the blood stain after being eroded by the filthy force, and there is a little difference from the normal blood after it has coagulated and dried up. Normal people may not be able to see it, but hunters can also tell the difference.

With this amount of bleeding, could it be that he committed suicide before the complete transformation?

Looking at the bed, I can see the same marks on the bed, but not as many as on the ground.

Beside the pillow, the hunter found a small knife. The blade was completely rusted, but there were still black traces on the handle.Obviously, this is the last trace left by the survivor who used to live in hiding here. After death, even the corpse cannot be left behind. Only such traces can make people who come here later To know, to know the bits and pieces of what happened here.

"There seems to be something here... um, is it a notebook? Tsk, I can't read the words on it at all."

Karnis, who opened the cabinet and rummaged through it, got a notebook from inside, but after picking it up and turning it over a few times, his expression changed, and he threw it on the ground casually, showing a completely disinterested look. Emoticons come.

"Don't throw things around."

After a serious criticism, Abigail picked up the book and opened it. "

The text of the old god era, um, no problem, she can understand these texts.

Without hesitation, the girl began to read the above content, so that the hunter beside her could understand what was written on it.

【first day】

[Everyone is crazy, they are screaming, their bodies are changing]

[There are sounds of fighting everywhere, and explosions, and I don't know what it is]

【I hid in the warehouse. I spent a lot of time locking the door. Those things shouldn't be able to get in, right? 】

[Goddess, and the knights, why didn't they respond?No, it should just be that the problem this time is too big to react in time, it will get better, everything will be better, as long as I hide here, I will definitely be saved]

The words are slightly messy, but clear logical thinking can still be seen. At this time, the person who wrote the diary should be in a normal state for the time being without any transformation phenomenon.

【the next day】

[There was a loud explosion last night, I thought I was going to die, but the gate collapsed]

[These things can't get in at all, and I can't get out, I can hear those things still outside, I think this is the most terrible nightmare I've ever had in my life]

[I always have a headache when I go to bed at night, and I feel exhausted when I wake up. Maybe I'm too scared? 】

[Today, I will modify these porters a little, so that even if those things find a way to break in, at least I can resist it]

【The third day】

[I just found out today that the sewage pipe in the warehouse has collapsed, a lot of water has entered the ground, and there are wet spots everywhere]

[Fortunately, the warehouse itself has a slight slope, the water will not completely overflow, but many of the spirit iron stones are in flooded places, it would be a pity to scrap them like this, this is It took all of you a year to collect it. Fortunately, I just finished modifying half of the porters. I can also let the rest move the salvageable spirit iron stones to a dry place. Next, I have to find a way to avoid The water continues to flow in]

[Also, no matter how economical the food left in the duty room is, it can only last for two days. In two days, can rescue arrive?The goddess and the knights, when will they come to rescue me?Can my prayer be heard? 】

[My eyes are a little blurry today, am I too tired? 】

So far, it's pretty normal, with neat handwriting.

It seems that his spirit has recovered, so he started to live carefully in the underground warehouse.

However, some things inside seemed to reveal a sense of weirdness, which made Abigail very concerned.

After continuing to read, the content of the text began to change significantly.

[Fourth day (the date that is repeatedly crossed)]

[I don't know how many days I've been here (I can see the four days written and crossed out repeatedly)]

[My mind seems to be a little messed up]

[I don't understand, I seem to be different]

[I can understand those voices outside (more smearing, like referring to words such as "crying", "begging", "begging")]

[They can also hear my voice? 】

[Am I still me? 】

[What happened to me? 】

Gradually distorted, completely different characters from the beginning, can feel the emotional panic and fear of the writer.

【Those voices are becoming clearer and clearer】

【Obviously they have gone far away, but I can still hear them】

Crash——(sound of page turning)

[I figured it out today, it turned out that I was talking]


【I'm talking to myself】

【I am not myself】

【Smell the flowers】

【I am myself】


【They attack me】

【flowers on the wall】

【I transform them to protect me and they attack me】

【I know I'm not me】

【Earthworms on the ceiling】


【I don't want to die】

【We are dancing】


【It's here】

【We are singing】

【It's here】

【Everyone is on the wall】


【We plant on the ground】




【who I am? 】

[I don't know but I shouldn't be like this]

【Then just die】

The following pages are no longer recorded.

These increasingly distorted and disordered records, which gradually lost even the basic logic, were recorded like lunatics. It was not until the last text that some fair notes were reluctantly restored, and then it was completely over. .

"I heard some scholars who study history say that when the power of filth first erupted, it spread on the ground and in the air, so the degree of infection underground was very light, but the filth disappeared in the next few days.

It began to gradually deposit underground, and did this guy get tricked in the end? "

Similarly, Karnis, who had listened to Abigail's story, rubbed his nose and asked.

"It may be so. Anyway, the poor man has rested in peace and is no longer here."

Abigail sighed, finally closed the notebook and said softly.

"I hope that guy is safe and sound, but anyway, that guy died many years ago. No matter how much we mourn, it doesn't make sense. Why don't we take a good look at this guy? Leave us with something useful."

Karnis said so and ran to the table to search again, humming a song in a treasure hunt-like state, investigating and researching around.

Abigail looked at the notebook in her hand with a complicated expression, and raised her head to see what the hunter was about to say, but she accidentally let go of her hand, and the notebook fell to the ground.

Bending down, the girl wanted to pick up the notebook, but subconsciously shifted her gaze, and then she noticed that there was something under the bed.

"This is……"

Moving closer, Abigail lifted the sheets and blankets.

A sealed small box that was somewhat similar to the storage wooden boxes outside, but seemed to have some differences, appeared in front of the two of them.

"What is this thing?"

Pull on the side of the box and pull the box out from under the bed.

Gently unlock the lock on the box, and then slowly open the box.

Accompanied by a palpitating breath, a dark red light emerged from the box.


The hunter, who had seen something similar, frowned at the contents of the box at this moment, and whispered subconsciously.

Chapter 130 Two: Foul Ancient Embers

"Ancient embers, yes, these are ancient embers, and they are eroded by filthy forces, and their nature has slightly changed."

Andre quickly made a judgment on the dark red light.

In the steaming temporary blacksmith shop, next to the molten iron flowing under the blessing of hot magic flames, this man has just recovered from his injury, and has already started to do his old job again, repairing and recasting for the hunters The muscular old man with the weapon slowly closed the box, with an unconcealable surprised expression on his face.

"You guys can find it quite well. You can still find this thing. There are fewer and fewer such embers these days. Putting them on the black market is basically a treasure with a price but no market."

Ancient Embers, as the name suggests, are the embers used by people in the age of the Old Gods to forge weapons.

In the age of the old gods, before the filthy power came, many things were different from the present, and that was the case with the ancient embers at that time.It is difficult to describe the specific things, but what is certain is that the average quality of weapons forged from ancient embers is far higher than the current general embers.

But now, because of the loss of the manufacturing process, the ancient embers have become a precious thing with one less.And this kind of ancient ashes that have been slightly eroded by the filthy force, but have not been completely eroded into garbage, can already be called something that is hard to come by.

"In short, this is a good thing. I will cherish it and use it to make all of you stronger."

While speaking, Andre slammed down heavily with the hammer in his left hand, reshaping a broken weapon.

"In this case, hunter, I should be able to restore the old god weapon that you showed me in Xingkong Town, the broken giant sword now. Well, not today, tomorrow or You come to my side the day after tomorrow and see if I have time to repair it."

Andre, who said so, planned to continue working.

It can be seen that he will be busy for a long time, many hunters' weapons are damaged, and he is the only one left in the whole team of forging masters, so all the maintenance work is directly canceled It was thrown on his head alone, which made Andre have to devote all his energy to it all day long.

In fact, as mentioned before, a large part of the reason why the hunters have a three-day rest period is that it took Andre three full days to complete the weapons of the entire team of more than 20 people. maintenance work.In a sense, it can be said that the so-called three-day rest is three days of crazy overtime work for Andre, working from the moment he opened his eyes to the time when he closed his eyes, that kind of extremely hard days.

"Well, please trouble Mr. Andre. By the way, this is a piece of ore found by a hunter. He doesn't know what it is. If possible, can you check it for us when you are free later?"

Abigail held the hunter's hand and said obediently. After receiving Andre's reply, she left the two ores that the hunter took out in the temporary blacksmith's shop, and then left and returned to the street. .

Karnis had already left with Dukain, probably because he hadn't found the treasure he wanted. The hunter had been a little dissatisfied, and he kept moaning when he left.However, that Dukain found the hunter before he left, and said something seriously to him, such as "Please take care of the next battle", "Please take me with you!"

Lead us to victory." Such words make people wonder what they want to express.

To be honest, the hunter didn't quite understand the meaning of the other party, but the things the other party said were indeed what he wanted to do, so the hunter just nodded and agreed, without saying anything else.

However, can the broken giant sword be repaired?

The thoughtful hunter took off the giant sword he was carrying and waved it in his hand.

Originated from the first difficult battle in Fengrao Town, the wreckage of the Forgotten Knight was finally successfully eliminated. After this battle, the hunter got the opponent's weapon, an unnamed broken sword.Although this weapon does not have the ability to change its shape to perform various moves like the saw knife, cane or Grendel longsword that I own, the sharpness and heavy weight of the blade itself can bring Very simple and effective lethality, it is a weapon often used by hunters.

A gigantic sword that was actually incomplete, nearly half of the blade was broken.

The hunter's gaze swept over the pattern on the blade.

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