From the incomplete memory of the knight who had lost his name, he knew that the pattern on the giant sword represented the love that the knight offered to the goddess.If there are no false elements in the memories I saw, it seems that the goddess of the earth was the only knight who dared to express this emotion to the gods in the countless years from her birth to her fall.Well, it's not that human beings have ideas because of the beauty of the goddess, but because of the huge gap between the two sides, basically this idea will only be hidden in the bottom of my heart, even if occasionally a madman really expresses his ideas, That will not get a serious answer from the goddess.

In addition to that wonderful knight, the hunter can clearly see in that guy's memory that the other party was fascinated by the goddess' posture when he was still very young, and then he rushed all the way to the goddess knight's place. position, and then expressed his heart to the goddess.

Well, together with this giant sword, the pattern on the giant sword has the meaning of expressing love in the culture of ancient times.Considering that the goddess herself will participate in the casting process of the goddess knight's weapon, this means that this is a love letter directly sent by the knight to the goddess.

However, because the blade itself was damaged, and the knight's memory was only fragmented, there was no way to know whether the knight received the goddess' response.

The hunter's gaze paused at the broken gap on the giant sword, and he couldn't help guessing what the knight's answer was on the lost sword.

Forget it, the past has already passed forever, are there still few unanswered questions in this world?

In any case, there is no need to get too entangled in these things.

It is estimated that when Andre recasts this weapon, it will probably only repair the blade itself.After all, it is impossible for the forging master to know the complete patterns and patterns on the sword back then. It is estimated that recasting can only recast a sword body without any patterns.

As for the complete appearance of this giant sword in the true sense, it is probably the moment that will never be reproduced again.

No... It seems that this is not the case.

The hunter suddenly remembered that the soul in his hand, which came from the [Dirty Demon Swordsman], had to be shelved because of Aike's death before he had time to ask Aike for help. soul in oneself.

In the incomplete memory of this soul, there seemed to be the figure of his companion, and there were still some remaining things.

Although it was too vague, the hunter couldn't read this memory clearly.But roughly, he could know that the giant sword of the forgotten knight was forged only a moment before the outbreak of filth, and was delivered to the knight himself who was patrolling the wilderness town.

The memory of this soul has seen the blade before, so it knows the true shape of this giant sword.

In other words, if the power of the soul can be mobilized when recasting the broken giant sword, the true shape of the sword can be truly restored, and even retrieved to a certain extent. The power of the ancient times, thus becoming stronger.

But in this case, the original new weapon that could be extracted from the soul of the [Dirty Demon Swordsman] must be given up.

Is it an alternative situation?

The hunter lowered his head and thought about it. He hasn't made up his mind yet, but he is not in a hurry. Anyway, there are still two days left, so he can come to Andre to discuss related issues slowly when the time comes.

It’s just that I really feel a bit of a headache. After all, even if they want to mobilize the power of the soul, they no longer have Ai Ke, a forging master who is good at magic and soul casting. With Andre’s ability, can they refine the soul? The incomplete memory of the hunter actually has no confidence in his heart.

Speaking of which, the weapon that the swordsman himself got from that [Dirty Demon Swordsman] is now being repaired by Andre.Because the swordsman had a strong desire for revenge, after defeating the opponent with difficulty, the hunter took away the seriously damaged long sword of the opponent and handed it over to Andre for repair.It's just that because of the serious damage to the blade and the erosion of the filthy force, Andre couldn't repair it quickly, so it has been delayed until now.

I don't know if I can come here next time

Can't see that sword complete restoration.

While thinking about the hunter, while walking on the street.

Abigail beside him watched the hunter, blinked curiously, but kept quiet, and followed the hunter without saying a word.

The two were walking on the street, stepping on the gravel road covered with white dust, and passing through the dilapidated ruined town.Occasionally, one or two hunters can be seen wandering around, and then they greeted each other, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then went on their own way.

Baldwin can be seen in the lower reaches of the river, as if he wanted to wash his body alone, but was approached by two doctors, Fetris and Anastas, who probably gave him some healing means to relieve his pain for a while .

Harrier ran to the roof of a house, yelled and danced, with an excited look on his face, while Natia Vida and others who were watching below were still applauding him.

Not far away, William and Vic were patrolling together. As the only two of the four police officers who participated in the God of Hunting Squad, the appearance of walking together at this moment made people feel a little nervous for some reason. Feeling sad.

Edra took the initiative to go to Elsaac's kitchen, and together with Woodlonona, he fought the chef.After all, there are too many hunters who like to eat here. One person can afford three meals a day for more than 30 people, and it still guarantees a variety of tastes and styles. There must also be main dishes and side dishes plus some desserts after dinner. The operation of the class is indeed a heavy burden for this chef.

According to Leo Lin, this poor old hunter was still tied up in a hut. He was just released for a short while this morning, and he fell into a mental disorder again, trying to use a piece of broken wood Block cut his wrist and committed suicide.He almost succeeded, but the smell of blood quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding hunters, so Leolin was quickly pushed down to the ground, and after a simple treatment, he was tied to a chair. The doctor came and stared at him from time to time when he ate and drank.Both the hunter and Abigail had a hard time adapting to this, but Anastasia told them that it is very normal for hunters to experience such insanity or even permanent incurable madness. These non-professional psychiatrists have learned a whole set of standard procedures for dealing with such patients.

Disma himself continued to train on the edge of the town, using wooden boards and walls as his imaginary enemies to connect marksmanship and knife skills, and doing some physical warm-up training from time to time, for three days later Prepare for the final mission.Next to Disma is the drunken Tardif. This bounty hunter lay on his back and fell to the ground in a rather shapeless manner. Those who kill monsters still come here for vacation.

The other hunters are all doing their own thing and using their own way to pass the three days that don't require fighting or going through danger.

And the hunter, who had put away his weapon, just walked past them with Abigail, and continued to walk towards other corners of the town, under the white misty sky, under the faint Continue to move forward in the light.

"The change is even bigger than expected. The architectural aesthetic style of the old god era is really different from the present. Oh, Lord Hunter, and Miss Abigail. I heard that you have explored the town. A hidden location, it seems to be very rewarding, congratulations."

Alhazred is conducting investigations in front of some buildings. As a scholar, when he sees these ancient buildings, the mystic who studies psychological attacks can't help but take out his notebook and start recording the buildings in this town. have the characteristics.When the hunter and Abigail passed by, he just turned around and was about to check the other buildings. After discovering the two, the mystic scholar greeted them with a smile, and then went on and disappeared in the Deep in the alley between several houses.

"Everyone is doing their own thing."

Abigail, who was holding the hunter's hand, whispered at this moment.


The nodded hunter didn't say much, just walked forward calmly.

He didn't notice that the girl beside him secretly looked at his expression from time to time.

Huh... It seems that I'm used to this feeling of holding hands.

Abigail blinked, staring at her own fingers that were held tightly by the hunter and completely wrapped, she no longer appeared shy, but was able to enjoy this kind of intimacy with each other calmly.

The hunter's palm is really big.

For the current hunters, I am just a child.

Small, no matter how much she wants to show maturity, she still can't be treated as a woman, but just as a child herself.

If one day, I can grow up, will the way Mr. Hunter looks at himself and his attitude towards himself change?

At the moment when that time comes, will the thoughts in my heart that I dare not express, the thoughts that I dare not express, be expressed to Mr. Hunter?

And at that time, Mr. Hunter, how would he respond to himself?

Wow, I thought of this

Things are fascinated.

I always feel that such a self is simply like a bad boy.

The little girl lowered her head because of shyness at this moment.

The hunter, who didn't feel anything about it, continued to walk forward. In this white ruined town, just like this and the little girl continued to move forward.

Chapter 130 Three: The Interlude

The time of night came sooner than expected.

Maybe it's because I'm staying with someone I care about, that's why I feel that time goes by very fast, and when it's so fast that I didn't expect it at all, it's time to separate again.

A little bit, I kind of hope that time will pass a little slower, so that we can be a little later when we part.

However, if we are separated, I probably hope that time will pass faster, so that when we meet again, it will be earlier, right?

But anyway, at least now, it's almost time to let go.

"Mr. Hunter, good night."

"OK, good night……"

The girl waved her little hand, and said goodbye to the hunter with a smile, watched the hunter turn and leave, then turned around herself, and walked step by step on the road back to the house where she was temporarily staying.

Speaking of which, I did a lot of things today.

As she walked down the street, Abigail thought about it in her heart.

At the beginning, we explored underground in the town, although generally speaking, it ended in less than half a day, and there was nothing particularly memorable as a small adventure.Well, it’s not even an adventure. After all, there are no enemies that can threaten Mr. Hunter. Those puppets manipulated by magic seem to be powerful, but they can’t even get close to her, so they are all eliminated by Mr. Hunter. up.

Afterwards, I went to Mr. Andre's place to ask some questions about the situation. After that, I took a walk together to see what other hunters were doing. I just walked around aimlessly and very leisurely. In the evening, go to Uncle Elsaac to solve the food problem.

Finally, after it was completely dark, the hunters lit torches in a small area around the town, and most of them began to return to their temporary houses one by one, preparing for a good night's sleep. Live the day.

Abigail and Hunter also separated at this time, and each went back to the other's temporary house.

I feel that I spent the whole day today, which is really quite fulfilling.

And Mr. Hunter... like a patron saint, he easily eliminated all those puppets.

Ha, this feeling, how should I put it.

Stretching out her hand, the girl who stopped walking stretched out her hand to cover her cheek, completely covering her blushing cheek.

Even though no one around saw him, he still felt extremely shy.

I always feel like this is really hopeless.

"Mr. Hunter..."

In a low voice, he repeated the address of the other party.

The one who doesn't have a name, the one who can't remember his past, is just him who has the identity of "Hunter", he who has changed "Hunter" into his own name, and he who is by her side with the name "Hunter".

At that time, he also remembered the promise and oath he said to himself to protect himself and not to hurt himself.

Just reminiscing about that feeling for a while, I feel that the sweet taste is about to pour out from the bottom of my heart, and I feel an unparalleled joy, and I can't help but jump up and down like a child. This is such a sweet and greasy feeling.

So, such a self is really a bad boy.


Gently, Abigail sighed for the longing in her heart at this moment.

"Do you have to grow up quickly?"

As long as he grows up, Mr. Hunter will definitely face himself.

Mr. Hunter, who does all kinds of intimate actions that would trouble a lady every time, but doesn't know it at all.

Every time he does all sorts of ridiculous things, Mr. Hunter still looks innocent in the end.

"Mr. Stupid Hunter..."

At this moment, the girl was whispering softly, but her voice seemed to have the aroma of candy.

Because Mr. Hunter is really an idiot.

Because of myself, I just hope for a fool like Mr. Hunter.

The more I think about it.

The more you can't restrain the sweetness you feel.

"Mr. Hunter~"

Take off lightly with small steps.

"Mr. Hunter~"

Turn a circle, and then stretch out the little hand forward.

"Mr. Hunter~?"

Humming an unknown tune softly, directly humming this title as if it were lyrics.

Abigail lifted her trousers slightly, as solemnly as she lifted her dress.

The outstretched hand made a false grip, as if holding someone and dancing together, although it was a small one, it tried its best to put on a somewhat elegant posture.

Turn around and take a step forward.

Footsteps exchanged, moved, circled again.

The little feet tilted up slightly, moved again, and then jumped up lightly.

like dancing with someone

Like that, with a little cuteness, even the appearance of honey overflowing.

"Hey hey, Mister Hunter~?"

Such a childish appearance must not be seen by Mister Hunter.

However, I couldn't help but imagine it like this.

Unable to bear it, I want to show such a gesture.

In the dark white town ruins under the night, on the deserted road, the girl danced lightly like this.

Her dancing posture is not good-looking, after all, she has never had any practice, she just twists and turns a few times casually for her own enjoyment.

There is no particularly strong sense of rhythm, and it is even difficult to regulate one's own movements.

But, this is just the evaluation given by others.

In Abigail's eyes, what she saw was the grown-up self in a white dress, and the hunter was in the beautiful ballroom, dancing hand in hand, accompanied by the melodious and beautiful Music, just dancing like this, watching each other, continue to dance.

Even if it's ugly, even if it's funny, two people can continue to dance together, hold hands and continue to dance.

A secret dance that only belongs to two people.


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