In the end, with a slightly childish cry, he stood firmly on the ground covered in white ash.

The little girl bent down and bowed to the empty place seriously, as if the hunter was really standing in front of her, imagining that one day there would be such a picture, such a scene could happen.

If that time really comes, she must change into a beautiful dress that looks like a princess.

So now, let me imagine a little bit like this.

Just before I arrive at that day, just before I successfully arrive at that day, let me imagine a little bit, what kind of happiness it will be.

"Mr. Hunter, good night and good morning."

The girl who was talking to herself in a low voice put on a cute smile at the place where there was no one at this moment.

I imagined it, as if I saw a hunter holding my hand and responding to myself with "good morning" in the early morning light.

So, it's time to rest today.

The childish picture just now, just imagined quietly by such a person in private, and acted out quietly, this is not something that anyone can see, the side of one of the few children of oneself.

Get a good night's sleep, and continue to stay with Mr. Hunter tomorrow.

Abigail, who was thinking like this, walked towards the house not far away.

Speaking of which, Uncle Elsaac's cooking skills are really good, and he knows a variety of dishes.

When I went to eat with Mr. Hunter at night, the food I ate was completely different from that at noon in the morning. I heard from the hunters around that it seemed that since entering the corruption field, Uncle Elsaac made every meal. All are completely different things.Even if the exact same ingredients and seasonings are used, he will try his best to create a [sense of distinction], as if to make all hunters feel like eating fresh and delicious food every time they eat.

In terms of taste buds, it constantly surprises and intoxicates the hard-working hunters.

Such a chef will indeed become a good person who is liked by everyone and can be respected and loved by everyone.

I'm going to have a delicious meal there with Mr. Hunter tomorrow.

"Hey hey, Mister Hunter..."

Some little happiness muttered to themselves, and then continued to move forward.

Then he became stiff because of the person standing not far away.

"Oh, oh, oh, what a cute little girl, look at you."

Audrey, who covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing, and Edra, who was carrying something next to her, were two female hunters walking in the darkness together.I don't know how long the two of them have been watching in the dark, just like this silently, until Abigail accidentally found them, and finally there was a movement between the two.Among them, the expression on Edora's face was somewhat helpless, while Audrey obviously couldn't help but feel happy.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, was seen...

His naive and unbelievable appearance was actually seen just like this.

And it happened to be these two people, and it was Audrey who she didn't want to be seen the second time.

ah... ah...

The girl's little head seemed to be broken at this moment.


In the sound of mourning, Abigail turned around and fled like this, and ran back to the hut where she was temporarily staying, closed the door, and hid in the darkness alone, hiding her whole body in it. in the sleeping bag.


Then it continued to let out a wailing sound that seemed very cute in every sense.

It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over...

In this way, the most secret side of oneself was seen.

No way, my life has been a complete failure.

Find a cliff and jump off, or point a gun at your head, and just start over with your life.



It's a beautiful day, right?

Why does the situation become so funny every time I meet that Audrey?

At this moment, Abigail couldn't help but fell into the sleeping bag and sighed.

Probably, it is because the two sides are too opposite in some places.

After all, in Abigail's little head, for her, the most sacred moment when a boy and a girl embrace each other and give themselves to each other should belong only to each other, and it should only be recognized as one person in a lifetime , It should be such a beautiful thing.

But the hunter named Audrey didn't mean that she was bad, but it was strange to treat this kind of thing as a pastime, to hug a strange man or something, right?Why would anyone want to do such a thing?And it's not forced by any profession, but purely personal interest.

But it seems that he can see through his own thoughts at a glance, and when he sees her, he will show that kind of meaningful smile.

Ah, forget it, forget about that guy.

Sighing, Abigail stretched out her hand and patted her little head, deciding to drive an annoying figure out of her head.

Go to sleep.

Keep your spirits up and go find Mr. Hunter tomorrow.

Because I said, these three days, we have to stay together and spend it well.

Even if Mr. Hunter himself doesn't have too many ideas, he has to show his spiritual side well.

"Woo...Mr. Hunter..."

Take off your jacket, take off your pants.

The girl, who was only wearing thin underwear, shrunk back into the sleeping bag, pulled the sleeping bag up to a position close to her chest, leaned against the small pillow in the sleeping bag, closed her eyes like this, and fell silent in the dark room.

A dark room with hardly any light.

Speaking of which, I am not so afraid of the dark anymore.

When he was still in Fengrao Town, he would occasionally pester Mr. Hunter because he was afraid, asking him to stay by his bed so that he could sleep well.

But this is also evidence that he has grown up.

The girl who was thinking wildly in the dark couldn't help but smile.

I have become braver, stronger, and more self-reliant than before.

Sooner or later, when I can completely change myself, then...

When the time comes, go talk to Mr. Hunter...

Ha, until then, how far is the distance...


Consciousness gradually sinks down.

Slowly, Abigail's breathing became evener bit by bit.

Until the dreamland began to call to me.

Until I almost can't feel the surrounding situation.


Then, the door was pushed open.

Suddenly, it was simply pushed away like this.


Abigail, who hadn't fallen asleep completely, widened her eyes almost immediately. The experience of setting foot on the corrupt field for more than a month made her wake up quickly, and almost subconsciously wanted to condense the moonlight sword Come out, then turn over from the sleeping bag and jump out to be on guard.

But immediately after seeing who this person came in, this vigilance turned into astonishment, dullness, and disbelief.

"Mr. Hunter? Why are you here?!"

Hiding her body, which was only wearing thin clothes, into the sleeping bag, the shocked girl couldn't help shouting at this moment.


The one standing at the door at this moment, holding a torch and holding a large sleeping bag, is the hunter who has just been separated for less than an hour.

"...a little surprise."

The expression on the hunter's face showed a bit of helplessness at this moment.

It's really not easy to describe what just happened.

Generally speaking, when the hunter was on his way back, he saw Disma and Tardif temporarily staying in the next room. The two of them were sitting together in front of the room, holding what seemed to be from Elsaq. Some of the stored spirits I got were drinking there one mouthful at a time.

Seeing the hunter coming, the two hunters who were already old acquaintances invited him to come with them.

Of course, since alcoholic beverages will have adverse effects on the body, the hunter himself keeps a respectful distance and does not intend to taste them.However, they also prepared some dried meat that was baked by Elsaac, and the hunter ate some of it without hesitation, and regarded it as a supper.

And it was during this process that the three of them inevitably began to chat.The chat topics at the beginning were relatively normal, basically about the various monsters encountered along the way, what conflicts happened with which hunters or what good things happened, and how to do it three days later. Moderate topic of class.

Then, when there were a little more wine bottles piled up on the ground, the topic gradually started to involve women, some of the more colorful ones, the hunters couldn't get involved at all, and could only smile awkwardly or bow their heads to eat Topic.Audrey, the female hunter, began to be frequently mentioned. This female hunter with a good figure and a philanthropic personality is said to have had intimate contact with more than one-third of the male hunters in the entire Starry Sky Town, and she also Men and women are not taboo, and many female hunters have had various "playing games" with her.

In fact, Tardif himself said that he had experienced this hunter and had contact with Audrey, and said that the other party was indeed capable of fascinating many male hunters.

As they talked, Tardif and Disma both showed meaningful smiles, which really made the hunter sitting beside him quite uncomfortable.

So is this kind of thing really worth talking about so euphorically?

Hunters who have no interest in this aspect at all and spend all day thinking about how to kill monsters feel more and more bored at this moment.

But at this time, the topic suddenly turned to the hunter himself.

"Speaking of which, Hunter, when you walked around with that girl in your arms this morning, I could see it clearly."

The smile on the corner of Tardiff's mouth was extremely strange when he said this.

"It is estimated that most people have seen it, after all, it is still very eye-catching."

Disma took a sip of his wine and then spoke up.

Did many people find out when I was holding Abigail?

The hunter didn't say anything about it. He didn't think there was anything bad about it. It might be better to say that the reason why he did it was to tease Abigail intentionally, so he held it. Abigail greeted the hunters, so if more people found out, he wouldn't feel any problem at all.

After all, the only one who would be embarrassed and shy because of this kind of thing is Abigail herself.

Even though I said that, but considering that girl's mood, I'd better not do this as much as possible in the future.

The hunter who was thinking this way had just eaten another piece of barbecue, when he heard Tardif's next words.

"If you ask me, that precocious girl is definitely interesting to you, Hunter."

The bounty hunter who said this became serious.

"Although she looks like a child, it is true that Abigail's heart should be quite mature. Judging from the reaction at that time, she definitely has some thoughts about you, hunter. You have to Pay attention, you must be careful, and don't be caught by Sergeant William as a criminal."

Disma also said seriously at this moment.


What are these two drunks talking about here?

The hunter was eating the sliced ​​meat at this moment, and after swallowing the meat first, a somewhat confused expression appeared on his face.

What does it mean to be interesting, and what are some ideas?

How do you say it seems that Abigail will suddenly flash behind him, and then the horror scene of pulling out his kidney will suddenly happen?

The hunter looked at the two hunters with puzzled expressions.

"So you guys really don't understand anything. I doubt who is the kid, you or Abigail."

Seeing the hunter's expression, Disma couldn't help but covered his face and said, and then took another sip of wine.

"Isn't it possible, Hunter, is it possible that you are still a young child? Have you grown so big that you have never had a woman?"

Tardiff, on the other hand, became contemptuous, took a gulp of wine, and then actually scolded the hunter.

So just now it seemed that Abigail had some terrible little secret, but after talking about it, she changed the subject again, and somehow it turned into a criticism and education of me, another woman? What do you mean?Is it still a continuation of the color topics just now?Is this kind of thing really so interesting to discuss?

"To put it bluntly, that little girl, Abigail, probably likes you, I mean like a boyfriend and girlfriend."

Disma, whose face was flushed from drinking, tried to explain to the hunter solemnly.

"Don't you just want to sleep together? As for being so literary and artistic, you still like it, and the moonlight is so beautiful, right? Damn it's hypocritical, don't you just want to see undressing and rolling together?"

Then he was interrupted loudly by Tardiff who was also drinking crookedly on the other side.

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