"Fuck, you think they are all like you, a big bastard. When you see a woman, you just ask how much it is for a night? If she has a flair, it proves that she does have flirtatiousness. It's not like you, you just have a rotten skin full of pus. It started to stink as soon as it was shaken."

The staring Disma quickly shifted his target, and began to curse at Tardif.

"Hey, it's really emotional. You're fucking saying that you are a cultural person. You close your eyes with your left hand and scratch your nose with your right hand every day. A worm pops out of your head as an extra meal. You're a savage, and you've gotten better dressed in the past two years, so you're the one who rolled out with a woman naked in a ravine, right?"

Tardif was not angry at all because of Desma's words, instead he laughed and pointed at him.

"What the hell are you talking about? You are pretty much the same as yourself! Damn, I was fascinated by some female liar two years ago. I was thrown on the street in the middle of the night and came back to find me with only my underwear on. You poor I remember it all."

"Then you remember it so accurately, why don't you talk about the card game you played with that passing clown actor who came to the Dream Capital last year? Let's go, are you ashamed?"

"Huh? I'm ashamed? It's rare for you to be ashamed. Last time you ran around town

That family smashed all their things, and they were beaten up by the couple. After the beating, I found out that I had hit the wrong person. How about I follow you to apologize and help them guard the shop. two months? "

"Bah, isn't that because you insisted on saying that someone was playing salty pig hands in the town, and you gave me the wrong place? And if you want to say that, when Jason and Liz are still around, you take them I went to Grape Town to do the task of escorting the caravan, but you drank too much that night and overslept. What the hell did I go for you? Damn, you even boasted to your client that you are the number one hunter in Xingkong Town , the No. [-] hunter who drank himself stupidly after a meal, and even forgot the mission date, I think you are the No. [-] brain tumor, right?"

So, why did the topic change again?

Looking at the two hunters who suddenly began to scold each other and tell each other their old stories, the hunter felt more and more frustrated at this moment that he couldn't keep up with the leap of their thinking, and finally had no choice but to Shaking his head, he gave up the idea of ​​communicating with them, and continued to lower his head to finish the barbecue that he had eaten most of.

In any case, at least the relationship between these two people is really good, which can be clearly seen.

After all, most of the ironic things they revealed to each other were solved by each other to help them wipe their asses.

This kind of friends who can treat each other sincerely can only be said to be really rare, and it is the last word to cherish them.

Then again, what they say... Abigail likes me?

The hunter thought for a moment.

Is there anything strange about the word "like"?

Hunter just loves Abigail.

And everyone.

Well, that's right.

He actually likes everyone in Xingkong Town very much.

Except for a few situations where you may not be very happy to get along with, most people, hunters like it very much.

He felt that liking someone would never be a bad thing.

And it's normal for Abigail to like him. Rather, if someone expresses that Abigail doesn't like him, Hunter might be sad for a long time, thinking for a long time whether he did something wrong to offend him. The other party is not happy or something.

Yes, in the eyes of the hunter, the so-called "like" is just that.

He can say that he likes Disma, he likes Tardif, he can also say that he likes Abigail, other hunters, ordinary people in Starry Sky Town, and all the people he has seen who can get along normally. , like those who he thinks are very good.

Like this thing, is there anything strange that needs special emphasis?

The hunter became more and more puzzled.

Of the meat slices on the small wooden table, there was only the last slice left that hadn't entered the hunter's stomach.

And the noisy Disma and Tardif drank more and more wine, and even drank almost all of the dozen or so bottles of super high-strength spirits that Elsaac gave them. Both of them were surrounded by a A strong smell of alcohol.

At this time, there was still the last bottle of wine that was not finished.

Disma blinked, and rubbed his head a little dizzily.

He stretched out his hand to get the wine, but Tardiff took the wine away first, bit off the cork with his mouth, and then gulped down a big gulp.

Disma was briefly stunned for a moment, and then, when he heard the iconic sound of Tardif's crazily drinking, his eyes widened all of a sudden, and his whole person's aura shot up into the sky like a volcanic eruption in an instant. .

"I fuck you Tardif, come to grab my wine again, right?"

The roaring Disma rushed forward like this, and bumped into Tardiff's body.

In the shocked expression of the hunter who was eating, the two guys just smashed into the wall which was not very strong, and rolled together in the flurry of smoke and dust, drowned in it and disappeared, leaving only cursing and The sound of punching and kicking sounded one after another.


The hunter moved quickly, ate the last piece of meat before it was drenched in dust, swallowed it, and then stood up and patted his butt under the light of the street torches, looking at the meat still in the room. The two wrestling inside shook their heads and showed helpless expressions.

So, he really doesn't understand the situation of these two people.

Forget it, don't worry about it, anyway, it looks like they are already drunk and have no energy, and it is estimated that this is the end of a little slapstick.

"I'll kill your horse!!!"

Disma's roar resounded like a shock from inside the house the next moment.

"You fucking fuck me!!!"

Tardiff's cursing followed, uh, I always feel a little strange, forget it, don't think about it, it has nothing to do with me.

The hunter shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked towards his house.

Go to bed early and rest.

Thinking this way in his heart, the hunter opened the door of his room, walked in, closed it, sat down next to his sleeping bag, and then got ready to sleep.


In the next moment of explosions, Disma and Tardif crashed through the wall, and just fell on the floor of the temporary residence on the hunter's side. Both of them lay on the ground like dead pigs. Among the rubble on the ground, it seems that it probably won't move anymore.


So, isn't this the price of that meal of sliced ​​meat?

At this moment, the hunter fell silent, not knowing what to do.

However, what happened tonight seems to be just that, and it is far from over.

So soon, when the hunter was hesitating whether to go up and help the two of them up, he saw Disma and Tardif trembled twice, and then supported themselves, the expressions on their faces were different. For a moment, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Wait, this expression...

Shouldn't they, should they...


The hunter, who was shocked and frightened, even overcame the problem of speaking too slowly at this moment, and shouted out all at once.

Unfortunately, it was too late from the start.



Two sounds of vomiting with different charms, accompanied by a strong smell of wine, completely covered the entire room like this.

Then, carrying his sleeping bag, the hunter embarked on a wandering journey.

It can only be said that although it is not impossible to continue to sleep in that room, but given the choice, the hunter is still reluctant to sleep next to two pools of vomit emitting a strong smell.He just has the ability to endure dirty things without affecting his hunting actions. It doesn't mean that he can sleep peacefully next to this kind of thing and smell that smell. You must know that this is something that any normal person's senses cannot accept. Hunters' senses are infinitely stronger than ordinary people's, so they can't bear this kind of thing even more.

So, the next question is where to spend the night.

There are still a lot of empty houses around, but many of these houses are so dilapidated that they don't even have roofs, and the inside of the houses is also extremely dirty. Many floors have collapsed, and they are actually not suitable for temporary living and rest.But those houses with roofs and a relatively good environment have basically been selected, and there are no extras.If you want to find one, the hunter can only go farther, go to the dark environment outside the gathering place of the hunters, and choose a suitable house in those places to spend the night.

So, is there a better option than this?

The hunter fell into deep thought, and then saw Audrey and Edra walking together on the street.

"Oh, isn't this Lord Hunter? What's wrong with you?"

"Ah... there is such a thing, Disma and Tardif are really childish sometimes."

"However, if you don't have a place to live, why don't you consider going to Abigail? The little girl must really hope that you can spend it with her? After all, it is only a 12-year-old child. Maybe she is really afraid of the dark, but she still wants to be brave and stay alone in a dark room, why don't you go and spend time with her, Your Excellency Hunter?"

All in all, after a general exchange, I got such a suggestion from Audrey.

Hmm, that seems like a reasonable suggestion.

After a short thought, the hunter remembered the scene when he was by Abigail's side in Fengrao Town until she fell asleep.

And when they went to Xingkong Town, when they slept together in the same bed at night, the other party snuggled up beside him.

It should be a good idea to go to Abigail.

"...Okay, thank you..."

The hunter who expressed his gratitude to Audrey didn't pay too much attention to Edra's strange, hesitant expression on the side, and soon separated from the two with his sleeping bag on his shoulders, and went straight to the place. Abigail's cottage.

However, it was a little bit unexpected.

The hunter was worried that Abigail had fallen asleep and didn't want to disturb her, so he chose to open the door and go in.

As a result, Abigail, who was about to fall asleep, woke up in an instant, and made preparations for defense in the first place.

Although there are still some shortcomings to some extent, it has not been able to achieve the best response speed.However, even if such a reaction speed is placed in an adult, or in a serious hunter, it can definitely be regarded as excellent.

The hunter actually felt a little relieved.

"That is to say, Uncle Disma and Uncle Tardif, they vomited directly into your house Mr. Hunter when they were drunk, so you came out?"

Probably after listening to the hunter's explanation of the experience just now, Abigail, who put on a coat and sat in the sleeping bag, showed a slightly complicated expression.

How should I put it, this subtle feeling.

I always feel that the image of those two powerful hunters has collapsed a bit.

Moreover, it was actually that Ms. Audrey who advised Mister Hunter to come to his side...

There is a subconscious suspicion that the other party has bad intentions.

However, I was a little happy again.

After all, it was a long time ago when I slept in the same room with Mr. Hunter.

Seeing the hunter who put down the sleeping bag not far from her and was about to get into sleep, Abigail hid her whole body in the sleeping bag, and also hid her little flushed face in the sleeping bag , only showing his eyes to secretly observe the hunter.

In this way, they really stayed together all day long.

During the day

We stay together when we go to play and see everywhere, and now when we rest at night, we also stay together.

Ah, this feeling, isn't Mr. Hunter completely fulfilling the agreement with himself?

It's an agreement, an agreement to stay together for these three days.

Actually, has it really been implemented to this extent?

At this moment, the girl felt her heart beat faster.

Especially about half an hour ago, I was still imagining some things I was going to do with the hunter, imagining all kinds of sweet things in the future, and on the premise of this, let's look at the girl sleeping next to me now. The hunter next to him felt even more uncontrollable in his heartbeat.

Ugh, this feeling...

Think about it before, think about the long trek in the corrupt wilderness before, it seems that there is no way to stay with Mr. Hunter, and now, suddenly, it’s like a happy train derailed and crashed into it. Bearing the happiness of staying together every moment, Abigail felt that at this moment, she probably had nothing more to pray for.

Of course, there is probably nothing that can further touch her, unless the hunter confesses to her on the spot or something.

The girl who was thinking wildly like this completely buried her little head in the sleeping bag.


Then, suddenly heard the voice of the hunter beside him.

"Well, Mr. Hunter, what's the matter?"

Somewhat curious, the little girl poked her head out, looked at the hunter who was sleeping in another sleeping bag not far away, looked at the other party with some thoughts and doubts, and looked at herself, as if seeking Seeking proof of the general line of sight.

"Abby...you...like me?"

The serious hunter looked at Abigail at this moment and asked seriously.

Chapter 130 Four: Like Abby and everyone


This word has been turning around in the hunter's mind.

Obviously, I always thought it was just a very common and normal word.

But after Disma specially emphasized it, the hunter couldn't help but start to think, this seemingly ordinary word with nothing special, does it have a different meaning in some special occasions? ?

Just like some kind of magical encrypted door, which can be unlocked only by speaking a specific word, and this word is a normal and meaningless thing in other places, does the word "like" also have such a wonderful power? ?

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