So, if this is the case, what kind of power do these two words have?

Have no idea.

Can't think of it at all.

No matter how hard I try, I still can't figure it out.

It must be admitted that thinking about this aspect is actually somewhat difficult for a hunter whose mind is only about killing monsters.

The memory is incomplete, since it came to this world, it has been killing and killing, constantly fighting with all kinds of ugly and terrifying monsters, constantly ushering in death, resurrection, and continuing to kill, continue to kill, so that The hunter's thinking ability other than killing monsters seems to have begun to degenerate.

So, what should be done in some situations where you don't quite understand what's going on?

After thinking about it, the hunter decided that it would be better to ask someone else.

That's right, what you lack, you can rely on your companions to make up for it.

As long as you are humble enough to learn and learn to ask for help, you will be able to solve difficult problems.

Then, after making a rough selection of the object of this inquiry, the hunter decided to be Abigail himself.

After all, what Disma said was that Abigail liked herself.

Since this matter has something to do with Abigail, then just ask her directly, maybe you can know the answer.

So, the hunter who made up his mind chose to speak without hesitation.

" me?"

The hunter with a serious face stuck his head out of the sleeping bag in the darkness, stared at Abigail seriously and asked.

There should be no problem with this question, right?

The hunter is not sure, but he still has a certain degree of self-confidence, thinking that as smart as Abigail, he will be able to answer his questions well.

However, the hunter got no answer.

After asking that question, Abigail did not give the hunter any answer.

After waiting in anticipation for a long time, the hunter found that the direction the girl was in was quiet, without any sound.


The somewhat confused hunter spoke again.

Still no response.


What's wrong with this girl?


The hunter yelled again, sat up from his sleeping bag and was about to move towards the girl.

And it was at this time that he finally got a response.


A long, gasping sound.

It was as if breathing stopped for a while, and the whole person was stiff and gasped violently.

Then, finally heard the girl's trembling voice.

"You, you, you... Mister Hunter...

You and I……"

It's chaotic.

The language logic ability has been completely confused.

The brain has been completely confused.

The small world in my mind has been torn apart and turned into a doomsday Jedi.

Even the ability to barely stabilize one's own consciousness can no longer be achieved, trembling as if the soul is broken.

With only a little bit of rationality, the words that came into his ears just now are still echoing.

Mr. Hunter, what is he talking about?

【Abby, do you like me? 】

What the hell is he talking about?

【Abby, do you like me? 】

What the hell is Mr. Hunter talking about? !

【Abby, do you like me? 】

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ——! ! !

The momentary overly intense stimulation caused Abigail to fall into a brief panic.

So what kind of weird question is this?

Why did Mr. Hunter suddenly become like this!

Who did it?Who turned Mr. Hunter into such a strange appearance! ! !

How should I answer?

How do I answer this outrageous question?

Should I admit it?

What happens if you admit it?

Do you start thinking directly from the gentlemen?

No, what am I thinking?

Should it still be denied?

But there is no way to deny this kind of problem!

So in the end what to do!

Why on earth is Mr. Hunter asking such a question ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

At this moment, the brain finally overheated.

It has been completely and completely unable to respond normally.

Abigail fell to the ground clutching her head, her eyes lost focus.

You, you must be dreaming, right?

Even in a dream, such a strange thing shouldn't happen, right?

What is going on with this strange Mr. Hunter?

It's impossible for me to answer this question myself...

At this moment, Abigail is close to the state of giving up on herself.

But obviously, this will not change the problem.

Therefore, seeing the other party finally reacting, but the hunter who did not give a single answer, after thinking for a while, began to wonder if Abigail wanted to give a negative answer, but he was a little bit uncomfortable. I couldn't bear to say it, so I started to feel a little depressed for no reason.

" hate me?"

The hunter hesitated and asked again.

", no! I never hated Mister Hunter!"

Unexpectedly, she would be asked the exact opposite question right away. Abigail, who was almost dead, woke up and said hastily.

How can Mr. Hunter feel that he hates him.

This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable to girls.

" like me?"

After receiving such an answer, the hunter felt that the uneasiness in his heart subsided a little, and after thinking about it, he returned to the question at the beginning.

"This, this..."

Abigail, who was directly stuck by the hunter's words, froze, opened her mouth wide and didn't know how to answer for a while.

What is this?

Force her to confess first?

Mr. Hunter, has the bad taste reached this level?

Can't you be a little gentler to a reserved girl like her!

"you do not like me?"

As a result, after Abigail hesitated for a moment or two, the hunter's voice sounded again, and he could clearly feel that the other party's mood had slipped a bit.

What, Mister Hunter, this is too foul...

"No... nothing, I have never disliked Mr. Hunter, and I have never disliked Mr. Hunter."

Some girls with mournful faces could only speak in trembling voices at this moment.

She already knew what the hunter would ask next?

"Then... like me?"

Look, it really is this sentence.

But now Abigail probably understands that the strange Mr. Hunter in front of him must have met a talkative hunter before coming here, and then he was indoctrinated by him with some weird things, so Perseveringly want to get the answer from myself.After all, in the eyes of Mr. Hunter, Abigail has always been the smartest, most knowledgeable, and studious kid in the world, so as long as you have any questions that you don't understand, you can just ask her directly.

But can you stop asking such embarrassing questions and consider my girlish heart a little bit?

Mr. Hunter, I am really embarrassed by you making Abby like this.

"...Mr. Hunter, do you like me then?"

The girl covering her face, unable to answer the question directly, hesitated for a moment and finally decided to start a rhetorical question, using questions to answer questions, trying to seize the commanding heights in this way.

"Well, I like it."

The hunter gave a serious answer.


The Abigail was sunk.

Simply to the point

Such a short and powerful answer without any hesitation.

The hunter's calm voice easily shattered all of Abigail's defenses at this moment, causing her to tremble uncontrollably, and her cheeks were completely blushed.

Mr Hunter...

Mr. Hunter, he...

If that's the answer...

If Mr. Hunter already has such an attitude...

Well, I also...

"I, I also like, I also like—"

Difficult, muster all your courage.

He concentrated all his strength on the trembling words that were about to be uttered.

At this moment, the girl stared deeply at the hunter who was not far away with her blue eyes. There seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes, but the words she was about to say were full of joy.

"Abby...everyone...I like..."

Then the hunter calmly said the next paragraph.

"Hi... ah..."

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