The little girl was stunned at this moment.

It seems that it is a little different from what I thought.

No, it's not a little different, this sentence, this sentence...

"Mr. Hunter, can you repeat that?"

The high enthusiasm gradually cooled down, and Abigail asked again. "

"I... like Abbie... I like everyone... I like them all..."

The hunter with a very serious expression spoke again. There was no trace of falsehood in that attitude and tone, and some were only full of sincerity.

Full of sincerity, Mr. Hunter, you super stupid!A fool who plays with a girl's heart!Fool!idiot! ! !

What, I am so happy to be that way, thinking that Mr. Hunter, you have made the determination to accept me even if you commit a crime, and you have made the determination to drive even if you are banned from the book, but it turns out that you are playing such a funny How to expand?You are deceiving my feelings, and you are also deceiving the readers' feelings! ! !

"'s hopeless, Mr. Idiot Hunter..."

Abigail, who was directly paralyzed in the sleeping bag, became unlovable at this moment.

Sure enough, it is impossible to enlighten Mr. Hunter.

It's not funny at all.

"... Strange?"

Finding that Abigail's reaction was very strange, the hunter showed an even more puzzled expression.

Did you say something strange?

He really liked Abigail and everybody.

Is there any problem with this?

Isn't that what you like?

"It's not surprising..."

Abigail's voice sounded muffled in her sleeping bag.

"If it's Mister Hunter, it's not surprising at all."

"It's what Mister Hunter said, it's very, very normal."

"It's completely in line with Mr. Hunter's characteristics..."

Abigail's mood obviously became more depressed in one long speech after another.

Why do you always feel that this is beating around the bush and saying that he is wrong?

The hunter's expression became even more puzzled.

However, because the initial question was not answered, the hunter decided to continue asking after a little hesitation.

" you like me?"

Slightly, a rare voice with a touch of anticipation.


Abigail fell into silence again, as if she hadn't decided whether to answer this question or not.

The hunter waited quietly, he didn't say much, and he didn't know what kind of words he had irritated the other party. At this moment, the hunter decided to keep quiet and give the girl enough time to think and answer, so as not to be as angry as before. Let the other party fall into chaos.

It turned out that he was right to keep his mouth shut, because it wasn't long before he heard a sigh from Abigail and a faint voice.

"Yes, I like Mr. Hunter."

"Abigail, I like Mr. Hunter."

It's like a little bit of a joke.

It also seemed that he wanted to say it very seriously, but he deliberately acted indecently.

It's like wanting to use this method to cover up the true thoughts in my heart.


The hunter who nodded slightly did not speak again.

Actually, I wanted to ask some more questions.

However, for some reason, after getting this answer, I felt that there was no need to ask any more.

It's like this answer itself seems to contain some kind of power in it, making all subsequent questions unnecessary.

Just after hearing this sentence, I feel...


Hunter couldn't tell what it was like.

He just thought it was...beautiful.

It's beautiful, great, I don't know exactly what it is, but it just feels good.

This in the end is why?

A little bit, it feels a little weird.

hunter can't understand

Here's the answer.

At this moment, it is still impossible to understand the meaning of this.

Chapter 130 five: I like you

Quiet, dark, it seems that everything is immersed in the night.

There is no sound of wind, no sound of birds and insects, only the torches hung by the hunters on both sides of the street are burning quietly, only the sound of my own breathing and heartbeat continues steadily.

"Abigail, I like Mr. Hunter."


The sound rose, then fell.

Abigail fell silent without speaking, and neither did Hunter.

The hunter, who felt some strange feeling at this moment, was silent because of the feeling that he couldn't express clearly, and thought about it.

He still doesn't understand what the secret is behind the so-called "like".

Is there really some kind of power in this sentence that he doesn't understand?

Some want to figure it out, want to figure it out.

But I don't know what to do.

Even if I want to express my confusion, I don't know how to say it.

In the quiet night, the hunter just closed his eyes like this, while reminiscing about this unprecedented strange feeling, while slowly letting himself fall into sleep.

"Mr. Hunter, I like you."

Then, hearing Abigail beside her, she suddenly spoke again.

The hunter turned his head, and with the help of his extraordinary vision, he looked at the girl lying in another sleeping bag not far away with her back turned to him.


Although she didn't know why she had to say it repeatedly, the hunter still responded softly as an answer.

"This answer... is actually wrong..."

Hesitating, the girl's voice sounded again.


The hunter became a little interested, wanting to know what the correct answer was.

"Mr. Hunter, you should answer 'I like you too'. This is the answer you should give when faced with this sentence."

Then, he heard the girl with her back turned to correct her words very seriously.

Is there a specific correct way to respond to this sentence?

It feels like a password game.

The hunter was immediately aroused by Abigail's words. After thinking about it, he tried to say this.

"I like you too……"

Hoarse, slightly intermittent voice.

The hunter didn't seem to understand the meaning of the words he said, and he gave such an answer only because the girl wanted him to say that.

As always, a powerful, yet naive hunter.

Possessing power beyond the reach of others, yet being so kind, Mister Hunter...

One day, I will hear you seriously and give me such an answer. Will there be such a day?

The girl who closed her eyes recalled the hunter's hoarse response, her heart was beating violently at this moment.

"I like you, Mister Hunter."

Then, out of nowhere, she spoke again.

"Well, I... also like... you..."

The hunter, who was still having a hard time speaking, continued to respond.

Then, as if fascinated, the conversation was repeated like this.

"Mr. Hunter, I like you."

"I like you too……"

"I like you."

"I like you too……"

"I really like you, Mister Hunter."

"I like you too……"

Sentence after sentence, repeated words that seem to never get tired.

The hunter didn't know why Abigail was so happy and suddenly became in such a good mood.

Is it because the response she gave was the response she expected and longed for?

Although I still don't know what kind of magical power these two words possess, why the girl had such a huge reaction, and why they were specifically mentioned by Disma and told to himself.But since Abigail likes to hear himself say it, he'll be fine if he says it a few times.

Having said that, in short, if you hear someone say "I like you" to yourself in the future, can you just answer the other person "I like you too"?That's the correct way to respond, right?Is that so?

"By the way, Mr. Hunter, if you hear other people say that to you, you can't respond to you like you responded to me."

Just when the hunter was thinking this way, Abigail's voice suddenly sounded a little panicked.


what's the situation.

Didn't you just say that you should respond like this?

Why did the situation change all of a sudden?

Turning his head in doubt, he looked at the nervous girl facing him, the hunter was puzzled.

"Anyway, the word liking is not something that can be said indiscriminately."

Abigail, with a blushing face, tried hard to organize her thoughts and try to explain to the hunter at this moment.

"If I say 'I like you' to Mr. Hunter, Mr. Hunter can answer me 'I like you too'."

"But ah, if it were anyone else,

If it was someone other than me, it would be impossible for Mr. Hunter to answer like that. "

"If people other than me say 'I like you' to Mr. Hunter, Mr. Hunter should answer them 'I already have someone I like'!"

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