Confident, well, in fact, not very confident, more with a little coquettish, a little forced, Abigail who wanted to get the hunter to agree and showed an unreasonable attitude .

Probably like the feeling of a stubborn child. If such a posture appears on Abigail, I always feel that it is quite rare.

The hunter was silent at this moment, frowning and thinking at this moment.

When Abigail said "I like you" to herself, she had to answer "I like you too".

When someone other than Abigail says "I like you" to myself, I have to answer "I already have someone I like".

It feels quite interesting, a bit reminiscent of a password door that requires a password to pass.

However, I always feel that what this little girl wants to express is actually not in this.

Is it just a special response to Abigail alone?

This girl, she hoped that she just liked her alone?

What kind of magical power does the word "like" contain so that this girl pays so much attention to it, so that she makes such a request of herself?

Hunter became a little curious, but instinctively felt that if he asked this question, the girl who was staring at him nervously at the moment would definitely not answer honestly.Either Gu Zuo said him, or changed the subject, or simply kept silent, in short, he definitely wouldn't give himself a real answer.

It's really strange, what little secret is it that makes Abigail react like this?

Or do I have to have a deeper understanding of the word "like" before I can understand the reaction of the girl in front of me?

The hunter hid all his thoughts in his heart and did not say anything.

In this quiet night, he just kept silent, closed his eyes, and chewed carefully the words the girl had just said to him.

When she said "I like you", what exactly did she want to express?

I don't know how long it will take before I can understand the true meaning of this sentence.

There was a whisper of exclamation in his heart, a voice of helplessness that only hunters could hear.

Gradually, he began to fall into a light sleep.

The hunter fell silent, only the sound of his breathing moved peacefully.

On the other hand, Abigail blinked, staring at the hunter in the dim room, staring at the sleeping face with closed eyes, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end she just closed it quietly. Eyes also fell asleep.

There must be... there will be such a day...

Wait until you really grow up, wait until you really grow up and become a mature woman.

When that day comes, the day will come when I hear the hunter say "I like you" to myself seriously and sincerely.

I will definitely wait until that day.

The night grew darker.

And the little girl has fallen into a sweet dream.

Chapter 130 Six: The Second Day

"Mr. Hunter, wake up!"

The next morning, she was awakened by Abigail's energetic voice.

The hunter opened his eyes, looked at the petite girl who was sitting on the floor next to him, and was staring at him with blue eyes, then looked around, at the empty room with nothing in it , and then slowly got up from the sleeping bag.

Obviously, Hunter didn't sleep well.

This is also a matter of no choice, after all, the hunter originally wanted to answer the doubts here with Abigail, but the girl failed to answer the doubts at all, but made the hunter feel a deeper and more difficult to resolve doubts, and I also found that it seems that this doubt can't be asked casually by others, so I can only hold it in my heart alone.The result of this is that the hunter wakes up naturally after sleeping for a while, and then spends the whole night thinking about what is going on.

Of course, although he didn't sleep well, the spirit of the hunter is completely fine. With the physique beyond the limits of human beings, the hunter can completely stay awake for days and nights. It is affecting him, so it will make him feel that he has not slept well.

"Where are you going today, Mister Hunter?"

Abigail, who was in a very, very good mood, hummed softly at this moment and asked.

The girl is in a good mood.

It can be seen that Abigail is in a very, very good mood at the moment.

After all, I got such a wonderful reply from the hunter last night.

Even though she lied to the simple-minded hunter and said it according to her own meaning, and the hunter didn't understand it at all, Abigail was still very happy and felt very, very happy. joy and satisfaction.

Probably this is the side of me as a bad boy.

However, at least on this matter, I hope to satisfy my little selfishness a little bit.

After all, Mr. Hunter is really a complete idiot.

The very happy girl sat by the window, humming a song, shaking her little feet, watching the hunter just sit up from the ground. After packing the sleeping bag, she put the broken giant sword on her back, and put the saw knife and pistol on her back. Pinned to his waist, and finally held the threaded cane in his hand.

No matter when, weapons must be carried on the body, accidents may happen at any time, and we must deal with them in a safe state.In this matter, Hunter's attitude has always been very serious and rigorous.

Then it was time to go out, because there was clean water available, now Abigail temporarily resumed the daily cleaning items, ran to the river to wash her face, and then swallowed a few sips of water in her mouth Spit it out in a circle, and use this method to clean your teeth slightly.

Hunter didn't have this habit, so he just stood by the river and waited for Abigail to finish tidying up.

Then the two went to Elsaac's temporary restaurant for breakfast. The other party made a lot of pies with mushrooms and pork. When they tasted it, oily water would flow out of their mouths, and the taste was quite delicious.The multigrain porridge is added with delicious fish, which has a very special taste.

Although it is generally emphasized that breakfast should not be eaten too much, and there must be some restrictions on oil and meat, but at this moment, there are only two days left for the last life-and-death mission, so Elsaac did not Ignore this health criterion again, but provide hunters with big fish and meat every meal. Of course, it is a voluntary choice. After all, there are still quite a few normal breakfasts that can be taken by themselves.

However, it is obvious that human beings more or less have a greedy worm living in their stomachs. Given the choice and indulgence, more people are still willing to eat those incomparably delicious foods. , maybe not too healthy food, instead of choosing something that is very healthy and beneficial to the body, but has no taste and tastes very dry.You know, even if it is a food like white flour steamed buns, there are still many people who want to eat it with the old godmother.

"I kind of want to see what's up there."

During the idle time after breakfast, Abigail suddenly came up with such an idea.

In the entire abandoned town in the forest, there are no tall buildings left. Even the small two-story buildings here have basically collapsed. It is naturally impossible for taller buildings to remain.However, as long as you leave the small town a little distance, those incomparably tall giant trees will be everywhere, and you can climb up any one of them, and you will be able to reach the highest point of the entire Cursed Forest.

Threats from monsters are basically a joke to today's hunters, unless they are extremely powerful monsters, ordinary filthy monsters, even if they are relatively elite, there is no such thing as a hunter. meaningful.The huge gap in strength and the continuous absorption of invisible echoes to improve the combat ability allow today's hunters to crush any onslaught of beasts with a destructive attitude, so they can walk freely in the forest of the curse.

Maybe there will be enemies who can deal with this situation in the future, and the hunters should be cautious, but at least in this place, there is no need to worry about this kind of problem.

Therefore, the hunter quickly emptied the monsters in an area near the abandoned town in the forest, and then returned to Abigail who had been waiting for him at the edge of the town, then hugged the girl with one hand and picked her up, and then walked quickly Running forward, stepping directly on the trunk of a tree, with the help of his own powerful strength, he ran directly on the tree that was equivalent to the vertical surface, and approached the top of the trunk at an extremely fast speed.


With every step that landed on the tree trunk, one could hear a clear bang and see some depressions on the tree.

"Has Mr. Hunter's physical fitness and control reached this level?"

Looking at the hunter's ability to move, which completely violated the laws of physics, the girl was quite shocked.

I always feel that Mr. Hunter has become stronger and stronger after using the invisible echo for several times, and it feels more and more outrageously strong.Obviously, when I was transforming those invisible echoes, I didn't feel the power contained in the echoes. As a result, Mr. Hunter's improvement after using these echoes can be so high.

It has reached this point in less than two months, and this is based on the fact that the demand for reverberation in the next few upgrades is quite huge, so that hunters can only make a very small increase every time. In case of conversion.

Mr. Hunter, whose strength has reached such a level, if other people want to catch up with him, um, it really is impossible, right?

If I want to catch up with Mr. Hunter's strength, I'm afraid it's simply impossible, right?


The sound of the wind rang in my ears, and it became clear as the hunter accelerated forward.

Abigail stretched out her hand to brush her long hair blown by the wind, feeling a little frustrated for some reason.

Then, without taking too long, the hunter took Abigail to the top of the tree.


stared wide-eyed

Eyes, genuinely amazed at what they see.

Arriving at this place, Abigail can already see the extremely vast forest that stretches around and cannot be seen at a glance.Extending out densely, one after another giant trees with a height of more than [-] meters are presented in front of you, high and low.However, originally this forest seemed to be pitch black, it should look like a huge black forest, because every leaf here has been soaked by filthy power, but now, these leaves are covered by white dust, All of them have been turned into gray and white, so that it looks like a snow forest from a distance, showing a bit of magnificent scenery.

"It feels really beautiful."

Abigail, who was standing on the top of the tree with the hunter, couldn't help sighing softly at this moment.

The forest has completely turned into white. It is clearly the entrance to the darkest source of filth, but it has turned into such a look that has nothing to do with filth.

As long as they can successfully eliminate the filthy heart and destroy the root of this cursed land, can such a scene continue?

At that time, these white ash, which can greatly fertilize the soil, will directly spread towards the entire corrupt field.More places will become livable land, and more places will become homes where people can live, allowing people to completely retake the place that belongs to them, and get a better life from now on.

Such a development... yes, it will definitely come!

At this moment, the girl thought of those companions who had died and were buried in this forest.

The blood is still clearly covered in the memory of yesterday.

Because of this, it is necessary to move forward with all our strength in order to be worthy of those fallen figures.

Probably, this is the so-called weight of responsibility.

Watching all this, Abigail felt a lot of emotion in her heart.

The hunter himself didn't have much opinion of the scenery here, but after seeing Abigail's focused expression, his mood also improved a lot.He stretched out his hand and stroked the girl's long hair lightly. Today's hunter has been able to control his strength very well, and will not accidentally hurt Abigail's long hair when touching his head. Comb the girl's hair Sometimes it won't make her feel pain.

This can be regarded as the result of the hunter who spent a lot of time training hard. Originally, he just continuously strengthened the power he exerted to destroy those monsters with absolute violence.But after having a girl like Abigail by his side, the hunter began to learn more about how to control his own power. If he let his power be released more carefully, this would ensure that he would not be caught accidentally. Down hurts Abigail.

You must know that the few hairs that were accidentally torn off when combing Abigail's hair in Xingkong Town were still remembered by the hunter.

"What's on the fog of the seal."

Abigail, who didn't know what was going on in the hunter's mind, just sat in the hunter's arms, letting the hunter gently stroke her head, and raised her head to look at the sky above her head.

The dim gray-white fog completely obscured the sky above the forest.

The sky beyond the thick fog cannot be seen, nor can the moon that illuminates the whole world. Only the gleam of the moon can still penetrate the fog and bring some brightness and joy to this cold world. warmth.

This layer of fog with a huge coverage completely turned the entire forest into a huge cage, an isolated island that did not allow any monsters or hunters to enter or exit.The result of forcibly walking into the fog will only be miserable torn apart, and then the remains of the corpse will be thrown away by the fog. Even a powerful monster cannot break through it, and can only be imprisoned in it all the time. Or watch it all from the outside.

The only door to enter and exit has been closed at this moment. Before the sealed skeletal beast is resurrected by the filthy force, this door can be opened from the inside once, so that the hunters who failed the challenge can escape.

As for the case where the sealed skeletal beast is regenerated and the door cannot be opened if it takes too long, this case has already been mentioned before, so I won't repeat it here.In short, this is the situation they need to face, this is the current final situation, nothing more.

"Over there, is the Garden of the Old Gods?"

Abigail's gaze turned to the distance, to the huge open space in the forest, in front of the abandoned town in the forest, at the end of the town, surrounded by a dense fog of sealing, a separate small area .

Different from the sealing fog around the Forest of the Cursed, the fog that is more pitch-black is like a domain that seals some extremely ominous and terrifying things. You can feel it just by looking at it from a distance. Feeling a deep palpitation.That is where the former goddess of the earth and now the filthy heart of the earth is located, the garden of the old gods, a garden that is said to be planted with all the plants in the world, and where all the animals in the world live.

Legend has it that when the planet where gods and humans lived in peace was finally destroyed, and the earth had to be torn apart and turned into an isolated island to flee to the universe, this garden stored samples of all the animals and plants that had ever lived on that planet. Use this as a repository to

use.By ensuring the existence of this repository, people can transform the entire planet after arriving at their new home, and can reproduce everything on the previous planet.

Unfortunately, that new home has not been able to arrive until now.

And this repository that kept everything from the former home planet has now been completely corroded and destroyed by filthy forces, and has become a place where evil things occupy.

Good wishes can never be kept.

This world seems to be like this forever, without a shred of hope, every time there is a little bit of good omen, and some good things start to sprout, they are immediately broken and plunged into deeper despair.

A world shrouded in darkness.

Abigail couldn't help feeling slightly emotional in her heart.

I came to such a world with the hunter, and now the hunter has become everyone's hope, and decided to shoulder the difficult task of saving the world, trying again and again with my own death, and moving forward again and again.

And myself, although I have more or less awakened some extraordinary powers, but the overall strength is far inferior to many hunters, not to mention hunters.Can such a self really continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Hunter, can he move forward with him instead of dragging him down?

Slightly, a little frustrated.

Abigail lowered her head and turned her gaze to other trees not far away.She didn't want the hunter to see the unhappy expression on her face, and she didn't want the hunter's good mood to be affected when he came up here with her to look at it, but there was no way to completely restrain the expression on her face.

This kind of feeling is really... Well, forget it, there is no point in thinking about it now.

Blinking his eyes, shaking his little head, he drove away all the frustrated thoughts.

No matter what, I fell into this place with Mr. Hunter, and I also lost the people in the past.

I am the same as Mr. Hunter, and I am recognized as the existence of [Savior].

So what I have to do is not to question myself, not to doubt myself, let alone give up on myself, but to choose to believe.I believe that I will be able to do what I want to do, I believe that I will be able to be Mr. Hunter's helper, and I will be able to move forward with Mr. Hunter and go to a farther place together.

If you can't even believe it yourself, who else can believe it?

You must do it yourself.

Clenching her small fists, the girl seriously cheered for herself at this moment.


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