Noticing the drastic change in the girl's mood, the hunter showed a somewhat curious expression.

Did you think of something?Why such a sudden reaction?

"Okay, okay, Mr. Hunter, let's go down."

However, looking back, Abigail has returned to her usual appearance. She smiled seriously at the hunter and said that she had seen enough of the scenery here and planned to leave.

There is nothing here worth looking at more closely.

The girl expressed her attitude, and the hunter naturally had no opinion on this, so he jumped off the tree directly holding Abigail, stepped on many branches back and forth, and finally landed firmly on the ground , so that Abigail, who was sitting in his arms, didn't even feel the slightest jolt.

One or two monsters without long eyes, attracted by the breath of the living, were taken away by the hunter's long whip before they could get close.

The two quickly returned to the town, sat down and rested for a while in the small yard of a house, and then continued to move forward, walking in the town.

It was at this time that some voices attracted the attention of the two.

It was a voice from an open space in an abandoned town, as if someone was fighting.

The hunter and Abigail walked over, and found that the two hunters were fighting each other with swords wrapped in cloth strips, and there were many hunters watching, talking and laughing at each other and commenting on the situation in front of them. battle.

The two sides in the battle were Stickley and Niverin. The former used a rather heavy two-handed sword, relying on his height of more than 1.9 meters to violently swing the weapon in his hand, and slammed it again and again.Niverin, who was about ten centimeters shorter, raised his shield with his left hand, and held a straight sword with a simple shape in his right hand. While defending against Stickley's onslaught, he tried to find the opponent's flaws.But it is obvious that Niverin, who has short hands and short weapons, is really difficult to gain the upper hand in such a solo fight. The competition didn't last too long, so he dodged in the gap of defense and couldn't dodge it. The sword slapped on the shoulder.

"Ha, it really was Stickley who won. I just said that even if he put on a fake hand, Stickley's strength is not something that ordinary hunters can challenge. It’s just something you can’t fight, if you really fight alone with monsters, he’s quite fierce.”

Tardif, who was watching from the sidelines, said confidently at this moment.

"It can only be said that a sword and shield warrior like Niverin is indeed more suitable for fighting with teammates, especially when dealing with opponents who are bigger and stronger than him. This guy is still better at covering the actions of his teammates. If you attack one-on-one, if the situation is unfavorable, you will suffer a lot. Of course, that kid

If he could get rid of his habit of stealing things, he would have already found a teammate who could cooperate well in a team, otherwise he wouldn't have been thrown into the rotation team. "

Disma was also analyzing the situation, but he seemed to have a big opinion on the sword and shield warrior named Niverin, and there was a hint of displeasure in his words.

"Is this training for the mission in two days' time?"

Abigail's little head came up from behind the two hunters, and asked curiously.

"To be precise, Stickley wants to do some recovery training. After all, he has changed his prosthesis, and the coordination of various movements will definitely change. To be safe, he still needs someone to cooperate and help him adapt to this new arm. "

Disma did not express surprise at Abigail's appearance, but explained it very calmly.

"Although prosthetic technology relies on magic technology to fully connect with the nerves, thus ensuring the same or even stronger flexibility and strength as the original limbs, it is still just a cold mechanical creation, with no pain, no sensation, and no feeling of cold. It’s hot, and it’s not the same weight as a normal arm, which can cause all sorts of inconveniences.”

"Under normal circumstances, it takes several months or even more than half a year for a prosthetic to be fully put into use from installation to commissioning. Stick used this as an emergency temporary prosthesis, because his original arm has been completely eroded by the filthy snake venom. Put it back on again. And this kind of temporary prosthesis will cause great damage to the connected nerves, although the two doctors have tried their best to help reduce the damage, but it can only be said that it is more or less inconvenient."

"After all, he is now equivalent to piercing through several steel bars directly after the healed limb, and there are magic lines and nerves wrapped around it directly and roughly tied together to connect the prosthetic limb. This kind of pain is not for everyone. I got it, and if I am not careful, the wound may worsen, and it is normal for pus to flow all the way."

During Disma's explanation, the hunter had already come to the edge of the field, stood beside the two of them, and watched as he grinned and moved his arm, which was intertwined with wood and metal.His entire left hand has now become a non-conscious prosthesis, and a small shield is specially installed on the forearm. It is hard to say how useful it will be, but this rough prosthesis makes him feel better. It looks a lot more majestic, if the slightly bloody situation at the joints of the prosthetic limbs is ignored.

"Oh, Lord Hunter, you are here too."

Stickley, who noticed the hunter's arrival, waved at the hunter at this moment, and then, as if thinking of something, the smile on the man's face became bright.

"Hunter Your Excellency, are you interested in giving it a try? Move your body a little bit."

Pointing to a few cold weapons such as swords and spears tied with cloth strips on the edge of the field, Stickley said to the hunter.


Before the hunter could respond, Abigail was already surprised.

What kind of situation is this.

Is this hunter planning to challenge Mr. Hunter?

"You are looking for death, right? The hunter's physical fitness is serious and you will fly?"

Immediately, some hunters laughed at Stickley's overreaching.

"To be reasonable, Stickley, you are here today for recovery training, not for funeral training. I'm not ready to eat your mat."

Tardiff spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and said with a smile.

The strength of the hunter is no longer at the same level as the hunter, which is the consensus of everyone.

Therefore, no matter how belligerent a hunter is, he will only go to other hunters for sparring training to ensure that his condition is fine, and he will not think about going to a hunter for a violent beating.After all, the gap between the two sides lies here. Even if the hunter is willing to release water and want to teach the hunter some fighting skills, it will be impossible for the hunter to learn the hunter's skills because of the gap in basic physical fitness such as strength and agility. Everyone is well aware of this.

But obviously Stickley had a different idea.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it might make you feel a little strange, Mr. Hunter. In fact, I wanted to fight against you when you were in Xingkong Town before."

While talking, Stickley walked to the weapon rack, carrying one sword after another on his back.

"I heard that, Lord Hunter, you once went to the arena for a whole day, just because you wanted to find an opponent to fight against. As a result, you didn't wait all day, and you could only leave disappointed. Go to the arena again."

"Actually, I wanted to fight with you that day, but something happened and I missed that opportunity. Afterwards, I went to the arena for many days, but I never met you, Lord Hunter. Really, to be honest, I have always I feel quite sorry.”

"So, how should I put it, although your strength is completely different now, Hunter Your Excellency, but I am a fool, I still hope to fight against you once, and feel your powerful skills. After all, For me, the battle of fighting skills is very interesting."

At the end, a very cheerful smile appeared on Stickley's face.

Obviously, this is a powerful warrior obsessed with fighting.

The competition in Star Town


The hunter was reminded of the past by what the other party said, and couldn't help but think of the situation where he stayed in that arena all day and no one came, so he could only choose to leave in great disappointment.To be honest, even though more than two months have passed, when I think about that time now, Hunter still feels a little uncomfortable.

So, is this hunter's wish to be able to fight against himself and experience his fighting skills?

After a short thought, the hunter decided to agree to the other party.

There was nothing wrong with that. The hunter was always willing to help fulfill this kind of request that was very polite and polite to him and that didn't have much impact on him.Besides, in order to adapt to my increasingly powerful power and to be able to better control my own power so as to ensure that there will be no problems in daily life, I have trained hard for a long time. This time the battle is a A good opportunity to see if your practice is in place.

"it is good."

The hunter's hoarse voice sounded slowly, and then he touched Abigail's little head, signaling her to stay and watch from Disma's side, and then he walked into the open space in front of him, put down his saw The meat knife and the broken giant sword, and then wrapped the tip of the cane with a cloth strip to avoid accidentally poking Stickley during the fight and actually hurting the opponent. Then he walked back to the middle of the open space and looked at the opposite side on his back. Stickley with five swords on his back.

"Oh, you only use a cane to fight. Are you sure you won't turn this thing into a whip to whip me?"

At the first glance, I subconsciously despised this unremarkable cane, which was more like a ceremonial tool than a weapon.But soon, Stickley remembered that the stick could turn into a ridiculously long metal whip, and could even release magic, so he couldn't help becoming nervous.

"will not."

The hunter shook his head and replied.

If he had really used the form of a long whip, it would be impossible for Stickley to survive.

Hunters are very rare in terms of the power of their own weapons. After this thing turns into a whip, the layers of metal blades that bite together scrape people's bodies. To put it bluntly, after scraping a circle, basically Where it was touched, there was only a little bit of flesh attached to the bone, which belonged to the kind of bloody killer that would never show up in a friendly match.

Therefore, it is almost enough to fight only in the form of a cane.

"Okay, then I'm going to go!"

Taking a deep breath, Stickley, who no longer hesitated, accelerated his movement at the next moment, and rushed directly towards the hunter.


Amidst the roaring sound, the first thing to be removed from the back was an extremely heavy sword, which was slashed down from top to bottom.


Raising his palm, the hunter directly blocked the blow with one hand, his whole body retreated slightly, his footsteps slid to release the force, and he turned sideways to give the opponent both the force of the downward strike and the strength of the epee itself. Completely removed.

Then, the hunter stepped forward again, and the cane was directly stuck on the hilt of the sword. As the hunter moved forward, he suddenly exerted force, causing Stickley to stumble forward in the next moment. go.But immediately, the tall and strong hunter yelled, and slashed the giant sword directly on the ground. Using the momentary counter-shock force to regain his footing, the giant sword itself pierced the ground and stuck it on the ground.

"Is this the skill of Your Excellency the Hunter? This is really... pretty scary..."

Stickley was very serious at this moment, praising from the bottom of his heart.


The hunter who didn't speak just put down his cane, stood there and looked at the opponent, waiting for his next attack.

"With this kind of skill, no matter how strong the monster is, it will be very difficult to hurt Your Excellency the Hunter. This method of easily unloading force and using the opponent's strength to counteract it, it turns out, is really beneficial. Then Come on, continue to show me your strength!"

Stickley, who seemed to be a little excited, took a step to meet him again.

However, by the way, did this guy misunderstand something?

The hunter was a little embarrassed, but because he didn't want to hurt the opponent's self-confidence, he decided it would be better not to tell the truth.

As for the fact, well, it is that the strength of the opponent's sword is too small, so small that the hunter does not need any unloading action at all, and can directly bear against the handle of the giant sword he slashed. The opponent turned upside down.

The reason why he used the movement of unloading force and the subsequent skills is just because the hunter made up his mind that the strength and speed he used in this battle must not exceed what he had in Xingkong Town. The physical fitness during the period of widening the gap in combat power between the hunter and the hunter, in this way to test his proficiency in controlling his own strength, and to allow the battle to continue as much as possible.

Ah, anyway, since this guy is still so enthusiastic, let's keep fighting.

The hunter didn't say anything, just watched Stickley charge up again, watched the other party draw out the second sword, and swung at him at once.

This time the opponent used a big sword, which was used to defeat that Nivelin just now.

weapons used.


The cane was raised and collided with the blade of the sword tied with cloth strips.

The hunter didn't use his strength to suppress the opponent, but just blocked the opponent's attack again and again with his cane.

Stickley seemed to be spinning at this moment, and the big sword continued to attack from all angles with his movements, but was easily blocked by the hunter.The footsteps of both sides moved one after another in the open space, splashing a lot of dust.With [-] or [-] blows in a row, Stickley himself had no way to take advantage of it. He only felt that the hunter's defense with a cane in one hand was impeccable, and every blow was so precise that it made the scalp tingle.

This is the power of the hunter, it is really enviable.

Stickley, who was sighing in his heart, did not flinch at all, but moved forward at a faster speed. With a stab of the big sword, the fist of the prosthetic limb hit the hilt immediately, making the speed and power of the blade suddenly improvement in between.

Then the hunter squatted down to avoid the stabbing, and lifted his cane up, directly against Stickley's chin.

Obviously, being held at zero distance by a cane capable of firing huge soul arrows, if Stickley was an enemy, his whole body would probably have exploded by now.

Stickley, who knew this very well, froze in place, motionless, with a wry smile on his face.


Standing up, the hunter knocked the big sword from the man's hand to the ground, then slowly backed away, and stopped at a distance of about seven steps from Stickley, turned around, and once again Facing this man who was obsessed with fighting skills, he waved to him, motioning him to come again.

"I really deserve to be a hunter. In this case, I have to show myself well."

The hunter, whose expression was burning at this moment, pulled out the two swords from his back, twirled them in his hands and then held them tightly. The arm looks like a beast ready to go.

"Come on, come on Stickley, go to hell gorgeous!"

"Rush up, Stickley, and remember to die beautifully!"

"Come on, come on, let's die, it's better to call the rolls or something when you die!"

At this time, the whistle sounded from around the field, and the hunters clapped their hands to encourage Stickley to launch a brave attack. By the way, they bet with the surrounding people that this guy could be knocked to the ground within a few strokes. It looks so lively.

"I always feel that everyone seems to be a little too excited, what's the matter?"

Abigail, who was watching the battle, saw the reactions of the people around him, and couldn't help complaining at this moment.

"Haha, this group of people is like this, so don't mind too much."

Disma smiled and said, then seemed to think of something, and began to suggest that everyone engage in a gamble, the loser should hand over the lunch that he got at Elsaac's at noon today to the winning party to choose at will dishes.This immediately attracted a considerable number of hunters, and everyone began to have a heated discussion on whether Stickley could last for a few minutes, and they all agreed that it would be impossible to carry it for even one minute, so they started talking about Stickley The issue of being able to persist for tens of seconds has been fiercely debated.

"No, I said, can you stop discussing in front of my face how many seconds I'm going to be blown away?"

Stickley, who couldn't take it anymore, frowned and said to the hunters not far away.

"Why, is it possible that you want to say that you can win? Don't laugh to death."

But such words immediately earned ridicule from the other hunters, so Stickley could only sigh helplessly, and then looked at the hunter again.

It doesn't matter what others think of him, anyway, now he just wants to experience the great power of the hunter.

This incomparable skill, as well as the combat ability that surpasses human beings, whether it is fighting skills, cold weapon tactics, hot weapon use, or even the power of magic, such an almighty powerhouse is willing to suppress his own strength to start a battle with him Fighting, such things, really made Stickley too excited.

He had even begun to feel that he was going to worship the hunter in front of him.

"Then, Lord Hunter, here I go!"

Close the distance again.

The twin swords attacked in a more swift and tricky way.

Stickley is a hard-working hunter with sword skills. He has a strong admiration for the sword weapon, so he has spent a lot of energy learning many related skills, from being used by women or by nobles for self-defense. From short swords, to conventional straight swords and broad swords, to large swords and extra large swords, and unconventional sword weapons such as giant swords, he has carefully studied all of them, and accumulated a set of unique skills system.

Although these skills are still relatively young, these skills have not yet fully formed, but what is certain is that as long as he can continue to live, in the midst of constant battles and challenges, in time, Stickley will definitely be able to reach the peak of sword skills. A true strongman who established a sect.

But now, he is just a fanatical fighter who loves fighting. He has no way to summarize many things. Now he is more relying on his own intuition to fight, but many skills have been used inadvertently. , even if the hunter is facing

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