Such a skill is always surprising.


The cloth strip and the cane collided again.

The hunter jerked his staff, pulling one of the blades towards him, but the other blade slashed down obliquely, forcing the hunter to move to avoid the blow.But after an evasive movement appeared, Stickley's attack immediately became swift and violent, obviously aiming to seize the moment when the hunter retreated and attack successively, trying to force the hunter to show his weakness with one attack.

It's a good idea, and the combat awareness is indeed very good.

But it doesn't work at all, this is obviously too impatient, why don't you judge whether it is really dodging first?

So the next moment, before Stickley's cloth-wrapped swords touched the hunter's shoulders, his cane stretched out from the gap between the two swords and directly touched Stickley's forehead, and the hunter I was spinning around, leaning back slightly, avoiding the trajectory of the sword swing and approaching directly in front of Stickley, with one foot stretched forward and caught the opponent's forward step, and it hadn't landed yet Under the sole of his foot, he lifted it up directly, and then Stickley fell to the ground.

"Oh oh oh oh--"

"Hahaha, it disappeared in seven seconds, which is really bad enough."

"Hey, can you still stand up, why don't you just fall down like this, if you fall down, my lunch will be gone."

The hunters had different reactions, but Abigail looked at the hunter in surprise, realizing that Stickley's attack just now had shocked the hunter.Obviously, some of the opponent's skills have reached a very high level in the limit level of human beings, but because of lack of experience, the hunter found a flaw in turn and easily knocked him down.But this is based on the fact that the hunter's own observation ability and thinking ability are far beyond the limits of human beings. Therefore, even if he suppresses his own physical fitness, he can still observe various flaws at an extremely fast speed and find out how to break them. Cheating on the premise of general sensory abilities.

If Mr. Hunter really met this hunter in Star Town...

The girl couldn't help but began to think seriously about this possibility.

If he had fought this hunter before he became as powerful as he is now, he would probably have really fallen into a bitter battle.

At this moment, the hunter came to a very certain conclusion.

Although the pure combat power is still not as good as top hunters like Disma and Tardive, but in the skill battle that does not distinguish between life and death, many bloody skills against monsters cannot be used in close combat with such a hunter If so, it is impossible to easily win the victory.After all, at that time, I didn't have the super sensory ability that I have today. Even if I could find out the flaws in the opponent's actions, it would be difficult to ensure timely and effective. At that time, I would have to bear the opponent's attack in a serious manner.

However, even if it is possible to fall into a bitter battle, the final victory is still only possible for oneself, and the hunter is very sure of this.

After all, when I was in Xingkong Town, I just didn't have an absolute gap with the hunters in terms of physical fitness, but only a relative gap, and skills can no longer make up for it.His attack hit Stickley's body, and Stickley's attack hit him, the effects of the two are absolutely different, even if they are all non-lethal attacks because they are in the arena, this The difference is still difficult to compare with each other.If he wanted, the hunter could give him a punch against Stickley's attack, and then knock him out on the spot with one punch.

" seems, I can't stand up..."

Holding his swollen head, Stickley, who felt dizzy all over, got up with a wry smile and said helplessly.

Originally, he wanted to show the hunter all his skills, but he fell down after drawing four swords. Sure enough, the gap between himself and the hunter is really too big.

While thinking this way, he saw the hunter walking up to him and stretching out a hand to him.

Stickley was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, put down the cloth-wrapped sword, stretched out his hand to hold the hunter's hand, and was pulled by the hunter with one hand, and stood up from the ground.


The hunter who said nothing reached out and patted Stickley on the shoulder, then took the cloth strip wrapped around the cane, and then walked to Abigail who was waiting on the side of the field, and the two quickly left the venue.

The hunters gathered around, some who won the bet were laughing, while those who lost were staring at Stickley with a look of resentment.Amidst the rising and falling voices, Stickley himself did not pay attention to these voices at all. He just watched the hunter's receding figure silently, recalling the innocence shown to him by the opponent restraining his strength and speed in the brief confrontation just now. And powerful fighting skills.

Ah, as expected of Mr. Hunter.

In this world, is there any hunter who can be greater and more powerful than him?

Whether it is the extremely powerful combat power, the elegant and deadly skills, or the easy-going and friendly character, the broad mind that fights for the common people of the world and steps into danger.

Only such a person can be called a great person.

So, after today, a hunter like this

out of vulgar taste.

But what the hunter didn't know was that his first person would flatter him at 360 degrees without any dead ends, which is the so-called [Hunter Blowing], and it was born like this.

All he could think about now was go to lunch with Abigail, that's all.

"That person just now feels very powerful."

Holding hands, when the two were walking, Abigail suddenly looked at the hunter and said.

"'s okay..."

There is still a lot of room for improvement.

This is the true thought of the hunter.

"But compared to Mr. Hunter, it is still far behind."

Abigail nodded and said seriously.


The hunter nodded slightly, expressing his approval very naturally.

This is a matter of course. If he hadn't possessed a powerful force that no one else could match, he wouldn't have become the core of the entire team.

In the following noon, lunch was as rich and delicious as ever.

It is worth mentioning that because of the previous gamble, many hunters had to give it to other people with a sad face after receiving their portion of food, and let the other party pick a lot of meat and vegetables. Eat the rest.Elsaac, who was very puzzled by this, had a general understanding of the situation, and after knowing that these guys had made a gamble, he had to shake his head and sigh for a while, and then he worked overtime and made several more dishes to avoid People are hungry.

In the afternoon after that, nothing particularly important happened. Hunter and Abigail wandered around with nothing to do, and finally went to Disma and Tardif to watch them play cards.Or, to be more precise, it depends on how these two guys try their best to avoid each other's discovery. Generally speaking, Disma is usually the one with the better skills, but Tardiff is not a vegetarian either. , The offensive and defensive battle between two people can last for several hours, and the hunter and Abigail who are watching can only express their excitement.

Then, it was night time soon.

The two of them had dinner, then wandered around and chatted for a while, or Abigail said something unilaterally, the hunter nodded and listened, and occasionally said a word or two, and then it was time to fall asleep soon It's time.

The torches on the street were burning, releasing orange light to the surroundings.

Back in the empty little house that no one knew who once belonged to, the two lay in their sleeping bags, ready to welcome the arrival of a new day.The hunter was thinking about going to Andre tomorrow to find out how to restore the true appearance of the nameless great sword, while Abigail was quietly lying on her side in the sleeping bag, without There was a sound, as if he had fallen asleep as soon as he lay down.

"Mr. Hunter, good night."

But after a while, the other party's soft voice came from the girl's direction. It seemed that she was just struggling with the question of whether to say good night?

Well, is there anything to worry about with this kind of problem?

"OK, good night……"

The hunter replied to the other party very calmly.

"Well, that, and, I like you, Mr. Hunter."

Then, Abigail, who seemed to have summoned up her courage a little, suddenly spoke again.

"Well... I also... like you..."

Because I was specially taught how to respond to this sentence yesterday, the hunter who is a good student replied immediately.

"Yeah, I see, hehehehe~"

Then, I heard Abigail's very happy laughter for some reason, and then I saw the little girl slipped into the sleeping bag completely, and I couldn't see her specific situation.

Well, I always feel that this girl is a bit strange.

The hunter was a little puzzled. Because of his strong vision, he had just noticed that Abigail's ears were completely red before she slid into her sleeping bag.

Forget it, don't worry about it, I want to think about what to say when I go to Andre tomorrow.

Thinking like this, the hunter closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep, thus ending the next day's rest time.

Chapter 130 Seven: Blade and Soul

Early morning, twilight.

Slowly, the drowsiness gradually dissipated, and the consciousness began to wake up.

Then, a familiar voice was heard in front of him.

"Wake up..."

On the morning of the third day, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the hunter, and saw the expressionless face appearing in front of him.

"Hey, Mister Hunter?"

She was stunned for a moment, and her blurred consciousness suddenly became clearer. Abigail rubbed her eyes, yawned, and then shook her head. Then she confirmed that the hunter was sitting in front of her, staring at him. I watched from myself sleeping in my sleeping bag.

"'s me..."

The hunter nodded solemnly and replied, just continued to sit on the side of Abigail's sleeping bag and continued to look at her.

"Oh... oh oh..."

Is it because I woke up Mr. Hunter yesterday, so today he came to wake me up?

Abigail, who was a little dazed, nodded subconsciously while thinking about it.

Then, Abigail, who suddenly thought of something, lowered her head and turned towards her body.


I would like to state in advance that, as a young girl who is still growing and developing, it is impossible for Abigail to sleep in a sleeping bag wearing a full set of equipment and even shoes like a hunter. She will take off her coat every night when she sleeps, just Wearing a suspender underwear and panties.This can be a good way to relieve the burden on the body, but it still has the opportunity to fully develop the petite body, um, yes, at least Abigail herself has always believed in this way, and has also done so.

But now, as the girl got up a little bit, one side of the sling had slid down and slipped below the shoulders, showing the small white shoulders and collarbone without any cover, and showing a little The outline of a little growth came.

I have to say, it seems a little astringent.

Although there are not many, and it can't be considered particularly astringent, but it is true that it is biased in the direction of a little astringency.

Well, at least that's how it feels in Abigail's little brain with a wealth of knowledge.


I was seen like this.


Mr. Hunter saw his disheveled appearance.


Such... such...

The brain is trembling.

The temperature of little Abigail's head soared rapidly at this moment, breaking through the red alert in an instant.

"Wow! Mr. Hunter is not allowed to look!!!"

Then, amidst the girl's mournful cry that finally came to him after being stunned for a long time, Abigail, who got up so abruptly, covered his eyes with his hand, and had to turn his head in the rush and chaotic voice of the other party. Go, wait for the other person to get dressed before being allowed to turn back.

By the way, what's going on here?

Why did it suddenly become like this?

The hunter couldn't understand why Abigail reacted so strongly.

Obviously, she ran up to him yesterday morning to wake him up.

Why did he become like this when he changed himself to wake her up today?

Can not understand ah.

Are the brain circuits of girls really different from those of men?

Or is this the generation gap between adults and children?

I don't understand...

The hunter, whose mind was full of confusion, could only sigh helplessly in the end.

Recently, it seems that there are more and more things about this girl that hunters don't understand.

Could it be because Abigail is growing up, so she slowly began to have her own little secret?

At this moment, the hunter couldn't help thinking wildly.

Then, after Abigail finally got dressed and tidied up, it was time to go out.

As always, she went out holding hands, and Abigail, who was completely used to holding hands, would no longer blush because of this incident. On the contrary, she would feel a little uncomfortable if she didn't walk away holding hands.But today, it's probably not fun for two people to get along, after all, the atmosphere outside has obviously changed.

After all, today is the last day of rest, and tomorrow is the moment when the hunt will start again, and it will be the final, critical moment that determines the final success or failure of the entire Hunting God operation.

Therefore, the expressions on the faces of the hunters they met along the way became a lot more dignified, and they were basically checking their weapons and equipment carefully to ensure that there would be no problems in their actions.

Disma has moved out all the last ammunition supplies and distributed them to the hunters one by one to ensure that everyone is fully armed.

Tardiff changed his hook rope again, prepared a few more throwing knives, and even ran for a while in the morning to sweat a little to make sure his condition was fine.

The other hunters, who are different, also have different reactions, but what they have in common is the preparation for the battle, the serious and prudent attitude of preparing for the last-minute battle.

Speaking of which, I heard that the old hunter, Leo Lin, had been released, and it seemed that his mental state had finally stabilized, and he was no longer in the tortured state of self-defeating and abandoning himself like before.Although the two doctors still said that it might be difficult for the other party to participate in the hunting mission, their own consciousness still could not get rid of the pain.However, probably because Leo Lin himself suddenly began to have a strong willingness to participate in hunting missions, so everyone finally decided to respect the old guy's ideas.

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