Respect the thoughts of this one, lonely Leorin.


In the white forest, there seems to be a little bit of cold wind blowing today.

The hunter helped his hat to prevent it from being blown off by the wind, while Abigail stroked his long hair to prevent it from being blown, and then continued to walk forward.

"Oh, I got up early today, Lord Hunter, and Miss Abigail."

William, who was patrolling, just passed by and met the two, and nodded to greet them.


The hunter's answer to the greeting was as simple and crisp as ever.

"Hello Sergeant William, don't you need to organize your equipment or something?"


I was a little curious about the sheriff, he looked completely the same as usual, as free and easy as if tomorrow's action didn't exist at all.This feeling of being completely different from other hunters made the girl feel a little strange.

"Well, I personally hope that I can be more nervous, but unfortunately, I am not a person with this personality at all. I know that tomorrow is the most important hunting task, and it is time to face the so-called 'gods' Yes, but so what, I still have to complete what I want to accomplish now. As for the so-called tidying up equipment, isn't my most important 'equipment' right in front of you? My girl Feige As long as she's healthy and healthy, I'm fully prepared."

William laughed out loud as he said this, and stretched out his hand to pat the muscular, extremely muscular looking hound that was following him.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Probably feeling his master's emotions, Fergus also barked a few times, his tail wagging slightly, and looked at the hunter and Abigail very friendly.

In response to this, the hunter stretched out his hand, touched the big dog's head and back slightly, and sighed at the dog's rather strong body from the bottom of his heart.As for Abigail, she was still a little afraid of contacting dogs. Some kind of repulsion came from deep in her heart, which was difficult to express in words, which made her know that this hound had no hostility towards her, and in fact On the premise of still liking myself, it is still difficult to get along with each other normally.

So Abigail directly chose to hide behind the hunter, avoiding the friendly sight of the big dog.


Finding that Abigail avoided him again, the hound's head drooped suddenly, and the whole dog became listless.

"Haha, you are still so afraid of her, Miss Abigail, my girl is very depressed because of you now. Maybe because of this reason, she will go on strike in the hunt tomorrow, and my That's a big problem."

William laughed loudly at this moment, and Fergus seemed to understand what William was saying, and he simply lay down on the ground, messing up on the spot.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Miss Figgs, that, um... I'll try my best..."

Finally, after hesitating for a long time, Abigail finally tried to touch Figgs' fur with great difficulty.

The feel is actually pretty good.

After that, I said goodbye to Sergeant William and the hound Fergus, and separated from each other like this. The sheriff and the hound continued to patrol, while the hunter and Abigail focused their attention on today. That important thing above.

Andre had already repaired all the hunter weapons that needed to be repaired last night, and also recast the weapons of some hunters who wanted to be strengthened and integrated them into the bloodstone fragments.The blacksmith, who had been exhausted for two full days, could not leave the temporary blacksmith's shop from morning to night, and even brought in three meals a day with the help of hunters. One can imagine how exhausted he was. hard work.

But today, the forging master can finally rest, because he has finished building the things of the hunters, and only the things of the hunters have not been seen, basically there will be no big problems.

A hunter who is very concerned about his weapons will naturally not waste time on this kind of thing, so he got up early in the morning and quickly took Abigail to Elsaac's temporary restaurant to resolve the battle in a hurry Immediately after that, he went to Andre's blacksmith shop.And when they arrived there, they just saw Andre, who was holding a plate and pouring the food inside into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it all, wiped his mouth in a hurry, then turned his head to look to them.

"I was wondering when you would come over."

Andre said with a smile, stood up and walked to a casting platform that he carried with him.

"Then, let's get down to business, Hunter, give me the sword and have a look."

"it is good."

There was no nonsense in the communication between the two parties. The hunter handed the broken giant sword in his hand to Andre, and the other party held the weapon that once contained the power of the gods in his hand, frowning and studied it carefully. Put it down after a while.

"Half a day, there should be no problem."

Andre nodded after thinking about it.

"Can it be done so quickly?"

Abigail was a little surprised. She thought it would take a long time to complete the recasting of such a powerful weapon that was related to the gods.

"If I only rely on the ordinary ore I carry with me, let alone half a day, three days may not be able to do it. To be honest, I am sure that I can finish this matter in half a day. It is thanks to you, hunter, and There's little Abby."

Andre said so, opened a wooden box next to the smelting and casting platform, and took out an ore inside.

Is it the ore in that underground warehouse? !

Seeing the ore being held by Andre, Abigail was shocked when she remembered that she had left the ore here two days ago.

As a result, she completely forgot about this ore.

He was so busy enjoying the life of the two of them with the hunter that he completely forgot about this kind of thing.

The little girl showed a somewhat guilty expression at this moment,

She raised her head secretly, wanting to observe the hunter's reaction, only to find that the hunter also had a shocking expression on his face.

Wait, Mr. Hunter, did you forget about it too?

Abigail, who realized something from the hunter's expression, was a little bit dumbfounded.

"You don't know what this is, do you? Then, let me explain."

Andre's expression gradually became serious, and he slowly spoke while holding the ore in his hand.

"These ores were called 'spirit iron stones' in the old times, but in our current era, they are called 'Shenluo mines', which means precious ores left by the power of the gods."

The power of the gods?

Abigail realized something from this explanation.

"These ores were used to make the armor and weapons of the goddess knights in the old days, ores that have been transformed by the power of the gods."

"That's right, the underground warehouse you discovered contains all this kind of ore."

"Things made with these ores, although they are fundamentally different from real god weapons because they don't have divine power, but in terms of pure strength, they have far surpassed the weapons used by hunters. It is impossible for magic weapons to catch up."

When he said this, the expression on Andre's face suddenly became much more serious.

"I did a preliminary calculation of the amount of those ores. If you want to use the standard equipment such as full-body heavy armor with long sword weapons or spear weapons, the ore in that warehouse can probably arm a total of fifty soldiers."

"If it is used to arm hunters, because their armor is usually low, even if the requirements for weapons may be higher, it should be possible to arm a hundred hunters. There is no problem."

"Hunter, do you know what this means?"

Andre finally looked at the hunter with an extremely serious expression.


He had no idea what Andre was trying to imply.

All in all, these ores are very powerful. They can be used directly to repair this broken giant sword, and then replace a large group of hunters with shotguns, relying on equipment to increase their combat effectiveness by a whole level. This is probably what it looks like, should it be gone?

"That is to say, if we can use it, we can directly pull up an elite team with these equipment?"

But Abigail suddenly understood, and her expression became serious.

"It's not just that, if you can find a magic infusion master to infuse magic, and cooperate with powerful hunters, it will be no problem at all to create a group of powerful people who can fight one hundred or even one thousand .”

Andre nodded heavily, then looked at the hunter again.

"It may indeed be too early to say this, but I am very sure, Hunter, you must be able to end all this and end that filthy heart."

"However, when you really do it, Lord Hunter, with all due respect, I'm afraid you won't be thanked by too many people."

"The three gods have been wreaking havoc in this world for too long, and people cannot escape their rule. Therefore, there are a lot of people who are becoming numb and fanatical."

"And the three gods of the starry sky will never allow the order to be destroyed. After you really break the deadlock and wipe out the filthy heart, you will completely become the sworn enemy of the three gods and will be punished by their minions regardless of the cost." wipe out."

"A person's power is limited after all, and your strength is far from being able to overwhelm all things, so you need helpers and helpers. Although most of these helpers are still very fragile, as long as they are used properly, they will transform Be your prairie fire, and let more and more people join you."

"In this process, a more deterrent armed force is very important. Your Excellency Hunter, the ores you found in the underground warehouse, to be honest, if they can be used reasonably, they can become yours. The beginning of the first elite army, because these ores are the real gods."

In the voice of Andre's words, Abigail's expression became more and more serious.

She has already clearly realized what this knowledgeable and wide-ranging forge master expressed, and realized the importance of these ores.

With these ores, if they are used reasonably, can they be used to form the first batch of local fighting forces?As for where this force would come from, the girl looked outside the blacksmith's shop and at the hunters who were coming and going.

These hunters, after the final battle, all the hunters who are still alive are undoubtedly the best candidates for this first batch of members.

After fighting side by side with Mr. Hunter in the life-and-death crisis, they completed the final mission and survived. This group of people will reach an extreme level in terms of combat effectiveness and character.

Under such circumstances, if these hunters can be equipped with the best equipment, their strength can be improved to a higher level.And after that, after the filthy heart of the earth was successfully cleared, the hunter and Abigail had to face the further attention of the three gods of the starry sky, further hunting, and the possibility of the outbreak of the three gods. The bloodier and crueler suppression and even cleansing actions against the human beings within the sphere of influence, at that time, only relying on

Relying on the strength of the hunter alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with that situation.

And when the situation happened at that time, these hunters who once fought side by side with the hunters and completed the mission of destroying the filthy heart, if they can continue to fight for the hunters and stand by the hunters, Coupled with the powerful weapons and armors refined from these precious ores.It is certain that the degree of danger and difficulty faced by hunters can definitely be greatly alleviated.

However, at that time, after completing the great task of eradicating evil for civilization, would these people be willing to continue to follow the hunter who is the enemy of the world, and continue to face more danger and terror?

Moreover, participating in such a thing means a further sacrifice, Mr. Hunter, can he really accept it?

Can I, who is following Mr. Hunter, accept this kind of thing happening?

The girl doesn't know the answer, and she doesn't have the time to think about the answer now.

"I will do the magic injection. Ms. Aike taught me the ability in this area."

Abigail raised her hand at this moment and said.

"I have indeed heard of this matter. You do have a very special ability."

Andre nodded.

And the hunter is still confused.

Didn't he come here to repair weapons?Why did he suddenly say a lot of things that people don't understand, and they always feel that they are particularly inscrutable?Do these things have anything to do with what you are doing now?Why are both Andre and Abigail so serious when it comes to this matter?What the hell is this feeling that only I don't understand?Should I pretend to understand?

If a question mark can appear on the head when a person has doubts, it is possible that the hunter's head has been completely occupied by countless large and small question marks at the moment.

After all, the hunter who is still thinking about killing monsters and the fallen goddess of the earth today has really never thought about the future at all, and has never thought about what kind of situation he might face after the end of the matter here. The problem.

And in fact, even if there are any problems and troubles at that time, the hunter will basically follow the current way of thinking and directly face the root problem.Just like now, the corrupt field and the cursed forest are problems caused by the pollution of the fallen goddess of the earth, so kill the fallen goddess and let her rest in peace, and then solve the problem.

If the master of the starry sky's minions come to cause trouble, then kill the master of the starry sky, and the problem will be solved from the source.By analogy, no matter what the problem is, the hunter will only think about killing the root cause of the trouble directly, and rarely consider other problems, and will not consider the difficulty of implementation.This straightforward style, to put it bluntly, is a single-threaded style, which has always been a hunter's own characteristic.

So what Abigail and Andre said directly fooled him.

"Mr. Hunter, don't force yourself, this matter is not important right now."

The hunter was then very kindly comforted by Abigail.


Feeling more and more uncomfortable, the hunter completely fell into silence.

Have you been despised for your ability to think?

"Ahem, well, this topic has gone a little far, anyway, let's go back to the current issue first."

Realizing that what he said caused unnecessary trouble to the hunter, Andre showed a slightly embarrassed expression, waved his hand to show that he didn't care, and then put the broken giant sword on the smelting platform .

"To recast this sword, two special embers, the filthy ancient embers and the old god embers, need to work at the same time."

"I will completely melt the blade of this sword and make a new one."

"The rebuilt sword body will be more stable than the original one, longer, heavier, and stronger, but how to use this depends on your plan, Your Excellency the Hunter. After all, even if this giant sword is the current length It's fully usable."

Andre pointed to the giant sword seriously and said.

Complete recast?

In other words, is it true that the lines on it cannot be preserved?

"The pattern... is incomplete..."

The hunter looked at the broken giant sword and couldn't help but speak after looking at it for a while.

"Mr. Hunter means that the pattern on this giant sword is not complete. If possible, he hopes to restore the original complete pattern on the repaired giant sword."

Abigail, who immediately understood what the hunter wanted to express, raised her little hand and spoke.

"It's impossible. How can I remember the complete pattern of this pattern? This is something used by goddess knights in the old god era. Only other people who are also goddess knights can know the original appearance of this pattern, and even my companions can't remember it. You must know. After all, there is no record of this blade at all, and it is very likely that it was cast very late, even on the eve of the outbreak of filth, and many people do not even know the existence of this weapon."

Andre gave a negative answer without hesitation.

That's true, if you don't know what the complete texture looks like, it's really impossible to complete the can't draw

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