A thing you don't know what it is, even if you force it out, it's just a completely irrelevant scribble.

However, is there really no way to know the complete texture?

The hunter stretched out his hand slowly at this moment.

A deep breath was released at this moment, it was a soul, under the erosion of filthy power, it only retained a little memory and power, it had lost itself in essence, but it still retained it The soul of something.

The soul of the [Dirty Demon Swordsman] in the Dead Marsh.


The hunter held the illusory soul in his hand and spoke very seriously.

"The hunter means that the soul he holds in his hand is one of the goddess knights, and it is very likely that he has seen the pattern on the giant sword and knows the original appearance of the pattern. Well, that is to say If you can extract the memory in your soul, you can truly and completely restore this weapon."

Abigail once again acted as a translator, and interpreted some content according to her own understanding.


Satisfied with the girl's translation, the hunter nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"If it is to refine the memory of the soul, well, indeed, this method is feasible, then, Abigail, is there any soul refining content in the ability that Aike entrusted to you?"

After thinking about it for a while, Andre, who approved of the plan, turned to look at Abigail.

"Yes, I will too. I can extract the memory in this soul."

At this moment, the girl gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

Inject magic power and refine soul.

The most important thing for the casting master Aike, the two extremely rare casting abilities that she is most proud of, have now been completely passed on to Abigail, and are completely controlled by this girl.This kind of power that can be mastered directly as long as one knows the principles is probably quite unfair to those who need to study and train hard.At least for a casting master like Andre, Abigail's ability is really powerless. After all, it only takes a few hours for the other party to directly match his decades of hard work.

But now, Andre doesn't think there is any problem with this ability at all. On the contrary, he thinks that an existence like Abigail should learn all kinds of rare and difficult skills as much as possible, and turn himself into an all-rounder , Only in this way can I help out in various matters and do my part.

Like this moment.

"From this point of view, it's best to start working immediately. However, I'd better ask first, Lord Hunter, are you sure you want to use this soul in this way?"

Andre was already ready to start work on the spot, but he suddenly stopped when he thought of something, looked at the hunter who was about to hand over the soul to Abigail, and spoke in a serious tone at this moment.


Some unknown hunters raised their heads and looked at Andre, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"The extraction of the soul is one-time, Lord Hunter, after you use it, this thing will be broken, it will disappear, and it will be impossible to use it again."

Andre pointed to the illusory soul in the hunter's hand, which seemed to be burning.

"You bring up the memory of this soul, just adding a pattern to this giant sword, it will not change the strength of the giant sword itself."

"You use this soul to extract a new weapon, then the power in the soul will be completely injected into the weapon, becoming a brand new weapon with powerful power."

"The former will lead to a complete waste of the power of the soul, and the latter can fully use the entire soul. Have you thought about how to choose? Although it is not impossible to start work without mentioning this, but such an important issue, you still have to confirm it first. Just one side, right?"

Andre, who said so, looked at the hunter again.

Ah, sure enough.

The hunter frowned, not surprised by the situation at this moment.

When thinking about the possibility of this before, he had thought about whether it is possible to retain the power of the soul itself after extracting the memory of the soul.

Now it seems that this is completely a two-choice multiple-choice question.

By truly reorganizing the broken greatsword, the hunter will be able to figure out the secret of the thousand years ago, and thus know the final outcome between the goddess of the earth, Viniad, and the forgotten knight who failed to leave a name.What is the use of this information, the hunter didn't know when he got up, but his instinct as a hunter told him that if he could figure out this problem, if he could recast this giant sword in a real sense, it would be a good thing for the next generation. The final hunt that comes down will probably play a very important role.

Although, this is just an intuition, and there is no evidence at all.

As for choosing to extract the power of the soul, judging from the last time the cane was made, the hunter believes that through these powers of the soul, he may be able to stimulate his memory to a certain extent, thus retrieving himself in Yanan's dream. A certain weapon that has been used before, and can also add new power to this weapon with the power of the soul, making the weapon itself stronger and making your own

The strength is even higher.

Just like this glow threaded cane, this enhanced version of the cane, not only has the lethality of the cane increased a lot, the length of the whip has been greatly extended, and the hunter can even use the long whip to achieve three-dimensional high-speed movement. This thing can even be used as a magic staff, so that the hunter can directly crush the filthy monster with a single shot of the soul arrow from zero distance. It can be said to be a perfect weapon to the extreme.

In addition, by retrieving the weapon in his memory, the hunter vaguely feels that perhaps his forgotten memory can also be retrieved a little bit through this method, so that he can remember part of his past .

In other words, this is an important choice before us.

One is now.

One is the past.

One is full of uncertainty and is just a gut feeling.

One is certain and inevitable, just for your own gain.

So next...

A fully reforged Broken Greatsword that may be of uncertain benefit to the Hunting God quest, chosen for the moment.

I still choose myself, retrieve the weapon in the memory with powerful power, and use this to further locate my past.

This is what hunters have to face now, a choice that doesn't seem to be very important, but it seems to be quite important.

So, how to choose?

Chapter 130: The Awakening of the Lonely

Lei Olin opened his eyes, then slowly closed them again.

The body tightly fixed by the restraint belt trembled for a moment, struggled for a while, but finally fell down powerlessly.

There is a numb feeling on the body.

Consciousness also seemed a little groggy.

How long have you been tied up like this?

Can't remember how long I've been here.

Open your eyes again.

Then look around.

What I saw was an empty, dilapidated house.

The walls were full of cracks, and one foot of the ceiling had collapsed, letting in a glimmer of light.

A choking smell of dust can be smelled spreading around.



I remembered, I remembered what happened.

My comrades in arms, the hunters who acted with me, suffered heavy casualties again.

Once again, only I stood at the end almost unscathed.

Why... always again and again...


The door of the room was pushed open at this moment.

Lei Olin's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't look at the other party, but continued to stare quietly at the sky above.

The sound of footsteps approached directly, getting closer and closer, and finally stopped beside him.

"Although I thought you were going to be in a bad state from the very beginning, but it's too bad to be so bad. I said, Leo Lin, that's how you treat those sacrifices. Human?"

The right tail rotation team, Niverin, the hunter who teamed up with Leorin, was lucky enough to survive and was not killed, stood in front of Leorin at this moment, and said with a slightly ironic voice .


no answer.

Leo Lin just closed his eyes and lay there without saying a word.

"Veron, Bolling, Survival, Fesby, Lesser, Taon, you see, the two teams that acted with you have already lost six people in a row. Counting it now, it's too late. Only I survived, although I also experienced the feeling of my chest being cut open."

"You must know that Veron and Bolin are both first-class powerhouses. It is difficult to find many people who are stronger than them among the hunters. Ha, it turned out that because they stayed in the same team with you, and then It's a pity that it's gone, don't you think?"

"Although I was lucky that I was not killed, but how to put it, it's not much better. After all, I suffered such a serious injury before. Don't you know that I have been nourished by that madwoman Klein Tinger these days?" Meals are too much torment. Haha—”

As he spoke, the man named Niverin showed a very unscrupulous smile.

"Anyway, after I fully recovered today, after thinking about it, I'd better come over to see you, and see how you are doing, whether you have become completely trash."

"Looking at it now, I'm afraid it's really the case. Look at you, what's the difference between you and a dead dog."

"When I think of Laiser and the others dying like this, and you, the one who survived, become like this, do you know what I think?"

At the end of the words, there was a sudden silence.

Leorin remained silent, as if he hadn't heard Nivelin's words, and lay motionless on the bed with his eyes closed.

Then, the sound of breathing beside him became rapid in an instant, Nivelin stood up suddenly, and slapped Leorin on the face directly, causing blood to ooze from the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you showing your bloody face?"

Nivelyn, who was still laughing unscrupulously just now, spoke incomparably auspiciously at this moment.

"Others died, but you were lucky enough to survive, and you still look regretful here, who do you want to show?"

"You're actually quite proud of yourself, right, [Lonely Leolin]

, Listen, what a powerful title, everyone is calling you that. "

"No matter what kind of dangerous place you go to, you can survive the old and immortal things. You are very proud, right? Do you think they deserve to die, and you should survive by yourself? Veron, Boleyn, Fez Compared to them, you must have wanted them to die a long time ago, and you have long wanted to let these trash you find unhappy die, right—”


The heavy impact suddenly interrupted Niverin's words.

The moment he insulted the victim, Leorin suddenly opened his eyes, and he pushed his head hard, hitting the head of Niverin who was too close, with a muffled sound, followed by Niverin was knocked directly to the ground.

"Don't insult them, Niverin, if you hate me, just kill me."

Then, Lei Olin finally spoke, his voice sounded a little sluggish.

"Haha, I thought you were really dead."

Nivelin who was sitting on the ground laughed, reached out and wiped the blood on his forehead, and then slowly stood up.

"I won't kill you. I won't stop you if you want to commit suicide. I'm not interested in attacking my former companion."

"I just want to tell you that tomorrow, we will take action and go to the Garden of the Old Gods."

"I can be sure that the vast majority of people we go to, even everyone will die in it, and you, a turtle with a head, will live on, and continue to be your [Lonely Leolin]."

Once again, he walked in front of this old hunter.

There was no smile on Nivelyn's face whose forehead was bleeding from the impact.

"What you want to think, what you want to do, that has nothing to do with me."

"The rotation team has been disbanded now, you are not my team member, so you have nothing to do with me."

"What tricks do you want to do, it's up to you."

After speaking, there was the sound of the blade being pulled out of the scabbard.

Lei Olin slowly moved his gaze, and saw that the other party put a one-handed long sword on the wall beside the restraint bed. Then, the man showed a small shiny metal thing at Leo Lin, and then Then he turned and left the house.

that thing is...

After a short period of sluggishness, Lei Olin realized what the other party was holding.

That is, the buckle of the restraint belt on the bed?

When was he untied?

Although I have heard that Niverin has always had the habit of petty theft, and was taught by Disma several times for this matter, but I really saw that the other party unknowingly untied the shackles on his body. , Lei Olin was still quite shocked at this moment.

Shouldn't it be this guy?Hunters are always able to find some people who can do something weird.

But then again...

Wait, has it been unlocked?

His thinking, which had been sluggish due to lying down for too long, gradually returned to normal.

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