We may have misunderstood.

Maybe I had some unpleasantness with you.

It may not always be harmonious when getting along.

Maybe there will be a big fight because of some contradictions.

But for now, we're all still here, and we're all still by your side.

Because you still remember us.

And we will not leave you.

Leo Lin.

You are not some cursed being.

You are not some monster that kills other people.

You are not a lonely Leorin either.

You are never alone.

Because we are always by your side.

Because of us, we will continue to walk with you.

It doesn't matter whether the end of the journey is here or further away.

We will continue on this road, and go down with you.


"...Thank you...Thank you all..."

open one's eyes.

In the empty room, Leolin had already clenched the sword in his hand.

Taking a slow step, he grabbed the door handle and opened it. "

The light hurt his eyes a little, and he couldn't help but seep tears.

Then, he walked forward like this, and walked outside in front of the hunters who looked astonished, as if they didn't expect to see him.

"Hunter, Leo Lin, let's say he's back to normal."

"How about it, tomorrow's journey to death, is it enough to bury another old bone like me?"

The old hunter, at this moment, is as high-spirited as a young man.

Chapter 130 Nine: Apology and Departure Time

After getting ready to go, the hunter ate dinner and began to wait for the arrival of the next day, waiting for the moment when the final mission officially started.

Abigail had a little insomnia that night, perhaps because she couldn't calm down because of the task that was about to start tomorrow.However, the hunter slept well, and he was not at all sleepless because of thinking about the meaning of a word like the first night.

The darkness spread, and then the light came again.

When a new day came, it was Abigail who opened her eyes and saw the hunter who had packed up and stood beside the gate.

"Woke up……"

Seeing Abigail wake up, the hunter nodded slightly and said hoarsely.

"Yeah, get up right away! Uh, that, Mr. Hunter, can you turn around a little bit?"

Knowing that today is a very important moment, Abigail subconsciously got out of her sleeping bag, but then, remembering the cool clothes she wore when she was sleeping, she had to quickly shrink back into her sleeping bag. He hesitated and asked the hunter to turn around.


The hunter, who was already familiar with this, turned around very calmly, waited for Abigail to get dressed and walked over before opening the door and walking outside.

"Mr. Hunter, it's almost time to set off."

The girl walking on the road couldn't help but spoke to the hunter.


The hunter didn't speak, just nodded slightly, took Abigail's little hand and continued to move forward.

slightly, able to feel

I felt a little nervousness in the girl beside me.

I don't know how she will react when she knows her decision for a while.

The hunter was silent. He didn't know what to say, so he kept silent and continued walking like this.

It didn't take too long before they arrived at Elsaac's kitchen.In fact, from a long distance, they can already smell the fresh aroma of various delicacies emanating from there.

The last breakfast can undoubtedly be said to be quite rich. Elsaac prepared a variety of dishes for the hunters, as if holding a luxurious banquet.But there is no alcohol, after all, the extremely dangerous mission is about to start, so drinking is not allowed at this time.As a substitute, Elsaac boiled some soups such as chicken soup, fish soup, fat beef soup, and put them in cups for these hunters.

The hunters had all gathered at the temporary restaurant in Elsaac at this time. They quickly settled the food in front of each other, ate and drank enough, and fed the last steaming meal before the start of the battle. Li, then stood up, ready for the next move.

"Honor the final opening of our great hunt, and the victory we must achieve."

Disma picked up a cup of hot soup and used it to replace the spirits and said loudly at this moment.

"it is good!"

Some hunters shouted, and also raised the hot soup in their hands.

The rest of the people also responded one after another, shouting, igniting everyone's enthusiasm even higher at this moment.

Even Abigail felt an indescribably strong enthusiasm at this moment, and couldn't help but also yelled in a low voice, but because the voice was too low, no one else could hear it except the hunter sitting beside her. That's it.

"Maybe we will all die, maybe we can overthrow that damned filthy heart, but no matter what, we will all be with each other on the next road!"

"Come on, it's time to go!"

After the mighty roar, the hunters stood up one after another, and one after another, they headed towards the lost place not far away, covered by the black-gray mist, called the Garden of the Old Gods Step forward.

The remaining hunters have now undergone a new division of personnel, and finally divided into six teams, slightly separated from each other by a certain distance, to explore and fight while ensuring that each other can take care of each other, thus deepening the team bit by bit. go in.

Among them, the hunter's team is still the same as at the beginning, with Disma, Tardif and William acting together, as well as the hunter.As the first team, they will rush into the Garden of the Old Gods in one breath, clearing out all the enemies at the front.

The second team is a combined team consisting of Bartley, Sera, Vic, and Natia Vida. This team is responsible for following the hunter's first team and clearing out some of the first teams. The small group of monsters that the team did not completely clean up, and pay attention to the situation of the third and fourth teams around them, and provide assistance at any time. This is why this four-person team will stuff two gunners who are more suitable for long-range sniping.

The third team and the fourth team are located on the left and right respectively. Among them, the three teams on the left are Webster, Jacob, Audrey, and Edra. Their teams have maintained a complete organizational system. With the experience of four people working together in battle, there is naturally no reason to split them up again.The fourth team on the right is a combination of Baldwin, Alhazred, Dukain and Karnis. The former is due to the cooperation of Baldwin and Alhazred in the battle against the [Turned Snake] The battle achieved good results, and the latter two merged to act together because there were only two people left in their team.

The fifth team and the sixth team are located at the back. These two teams are organized in rotation. Because they are weaker in combat power, they are placed at the end of the team. They are responsible for guarding against possible monster attacks in the rear. The distance between them is different from other teams who keep around 50 meters. They can get closer to each other. Basically, it is enough to keep a distance of about 30 meters, so that once one of them encounters a situation, the other can Support quickly.

Among them, the members of the five teams are Prestcott and his team of Sesset, Iveco and Adeni, a total of four people, maintaining the original personnel structure unchanged.And the sixth team gathered the rest of the people, that is, the four people, Stickley, Athor, Niverin, and Harrier.In addition, Leo Lin, who has recovered and decided to return to the team, is also in the sixth team, so the entire sixth team is the only five-member team.

A total of 25 hunters in the final battle, roughly with this structure, will step into the Garden of the Old Gods ahead and go to the entrance of the Lost Cave.

"Mr. Hunter, which team am I in?"

At this time, Abigail, seeing that everyone else was getting ready to go, thought about it and came forward to inquire about the hunter.

"...you don't go."

The hunter, who had been waiting for the girl to come over, turned around and gave this answer.


The girl who hadn't expected this at all raised her head after being slightly dazed, and looked at Mr. Hunter with a calm expression.

Then, she realized what the other party wanted to do.

"No...no way..."

In a slightly trembling voice, Abigail clenched her little hands and lowered her head and said.

"very dangerous……"

The hunter still spoke calmly.

"But, but... No way, Mister Hunter, you should go together!"

Shaking her head stubbornly, Abigail raised her head and fixed her gaze on the hunter in front of her.

Don't do it.

Please, Mr. Hunter.

Don't do this, don't do this...

The answer to the girl was the hunter shaking his head gently.


Silence lasted for a while between the two.

Then, it was Abigail who turned around, trying to escape from the hunter. "

As a matter of course, this was a meaningless action. The hunter reached out and grabbed the girl, pulling her back to his side.Then, he stretched out his hand and tapped Abigail on the back of the neck lightly, and lightly hit the hunter who had controlled his strength with great precision, causing Abigail to fall into a brief coma.


Slightly, somewhat helplessly, he said to the fainted girl with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

After everything is over, no matter how hated you are, no matter how you apologize, you can do whatever you like.

It's just that this mission is too dangerous.I cannot involve you, I cannot allow you to face such danger.

"It can be seen that this choice is not easy to make, isn't it, Your Excellency Hunter? However, this is also a necessary thing. To be honest, this child can come to this forest, to this place that is only one step away from the end, I have already tried my best, if it continues, no one can protect her and go deeper, right?"

Andre, who came forward not far away, patted the hunter on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

"Well...I'll leave it to you..."

The hunter nodded slightly at this moment, and handed the sleeping Abigail to Andre beside him.

"I'll make sure this little guy doesn't mess around. Well, try my best. I can already imagine how she'll wake up and make a fuss later. It's really a headache."

Andre smiled and said, took Abigail who was asleep and turned to leave. "

Sorry, Abby.

Seeing Abigail who was away in the arms of Andre, the hunter didn't say anything, and took a step, and together with other hunters, he slowly left this small town, and slowly moved towards In the direction of the black mist, walk towards the entrance of the Old God's Garden.

Even from a long distance, the ancient and precipitated, deep and spreading heavy oppressive feeling can be felt so clearly.And the closer you get, the stronger this feeling becomes.

"This is it, the root of the filthy heart."

The surrounding houses have gradually become rarer and more dilapidated.

And the only door that can be entered and exited between the black and gray mist also appeared at this moment.

Chapter 140: [Gatekeeper of the Divine Court·Glenn the Decayer]

The ruins of the town, extending here, have basically disappeared.

In front of the dilapidated building ruins, there was a large open space.

In the dark gray mist at the end, a heavy and huge door stood there.This gate seems to have many similarities with the gate outside the Forest of the Curse, but it is relatively smaller, it seems to be only about four meters high, and there is no such thing as a chain on the gate. Just a closed door.

However, although it doesn't seem to be anything special, this door is undoubtedly a sealed door, which seals the things inside the Garden of the Old Gods and isolates the door between the inside and the outside world.

There is only one way to pass through this gate, and that is to defeat the gatekeeper.Just as one can only enter the Cursed Forest by defeating the Sealed Skeletal Beast, only by defeating the existence connected to the seal of this gate will the gate itself be temporarily opened.

As for the existence guarding the door...

The hunter raised his head and saw a quietly standing figure standing in front of the gate.

"It's him."

Disma's voice sounded beside him.

"An existence guarded by the [Gatekeeper of the Court of God, Glen the Decayer] for a thousand years."

One of the ten goddess knights of the goddess of the earth, one of the few goddess knights who left their own names, and one of the goddess knights who are still remembered today.

The hunter glanced over this existence, staring at its tall, nearly three-meter body, and the black broken armor.The appearance of the knight itself has rotted away, leaving only the white skeleton. A huge scythe is lying behind the figure, and there seems to be a black air flow gently floating on it, exuding a little ominous atmosphere.

It can be felt that the strength of the opponent is quite strong, although not as good as [Dirty Demon Swordsman]

It is extremely powerful, but it is not comparable to the sealed skeleton beast with only an empty shell left. If I really want to say it, I feel that it is about the same strength as that of Glendale, maybe a little weaker.

How did the previous hunters deal with this kind of enemy?

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