The hunter is a little curious. There is an upper limit to the strength of a hunter. When facing an enemy of this level, it is logically difficult to win, right?After all, this knight doesn't look like he is chained and immobilized like a sealed skeleton beast.

"This thing won't leave this area, so as long as we prepare explosives that can completely blow up this place in advance, we can destroy it without fighting the opponent. Well, this is a very safe solution way."

Disma answered the hunter's question very naturally.

Well, this is indeed an effective solution.

But now, it is completely unnecessary.

After moving his body a little, the hunter took a step and walked directly towards the figure in front of him.


Step out and enter this open space.

As if some kind of switch had been turned on, the originally silent figure slowly raised his head.

In the next moment, the hunter felt the evil and filthy power crazily surging under the opponent's body.

[My name is Glenn, I will guard the gate, if you want to pass through, then prove your strength]

Then at the next moment, a voice suddenly entered the hunter's ears.

This thing, it can still talk?

Does he still retain his consciousness as a human being?

The surprise only lasted for a moment, because the other party had already attacked the hunter violently without hesitation.

boom -

The sickle suddenly fell down, smashing a crack in the ground, and a large amount of gravel exploded immediately.

The hunter dodged for an instant, glanced at the skeleton knight, and roughly understood something.

It's not that they still have human consciousness, but some words have been preserved so that every challenger can hear and realize it?Do you want to use this method to remind people who come here how to enter the Garden of the Old Gods behind?Is it necessary to defeat the opponent in exchange for victory with blood?

The method itself is not unexpected, but the hunters can find a trick to bypass this method, and directly use the characteristics of the filthy monster itself to be connected to the gate seal, unable to leave this area, and blast the entire area with explosives , so as to continuously consume the monster itself, so as to quickly destroy it.

I always feel that I used to use this tricky method.

But now, at least when facing this thing, there is no such need at all!

The footsteps were taken in an instant, and the blade of the meat saw suddenly set off the wind.


The serrated blade bit down at the next moment, biting off a large black fragment on the skeleton knight's body.


The sound of the wind was approaching again, and without the slightest movement to resist the attack, the thing's sickle had already struck quickly, heading straight for the hunter's head from the side.

Take a step, dodge again while breathing.

The gravel swept and flew, and the hunter and the monster suddenly intertwined.


The next moment was a shot that was pulled out suddenly, directly hitting the jumping body of the monster.The hunter attacked at the moment when the opponent jumped up in mid-air, causing the thing to lose its balance and fall to the ground.

Then, the moment the thing just climbed up, the hunter had already arrived in front of it.

At this moment, the fingers were pulled out like sharp blades, directly piercing through the broken armor.

The next moment the hunter directly pulled out a large piece of jet-black fragments, together with the dim armor and bone fragments, he forcibly dug a hole out of the thing's body.


Then followed by the sharp blow of the meat saw, it was directly knocked to the ground, causing the tall figure to roll around on the ground before barely standing still.

And the hunter just flicked the black residue on the meat saw, and once again went forward to meet it.

There are some things that seem to be recalled a little bit.

The hunter's fingers moved a little, and he seemed to have a slightly different feeling from the punch just now, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Is it related to your past?


The tall monster swung the sickle in its hand once again.

The hunter raised the meat saw to block the opponent's attack suddenly, but then he staggered a little due to the difference in strength. When the weapons of both sides were crossed and stuck, the two sides staggered for a moment, followed the hunter and shook his arms, Only then did he recover from the trance at that moment.

Whatever that memory was, now was not the time to think about it.

The hunter cast aside his thoughts, and focused his sights on the knight monster that had rushed forward again.

Chapter 140: Dark Light Spray

Boom! ! !

Among the crushed stones that exploded suddenly, the sickle wrapped in black light suddenly fell down.

The figure of the hunter took a big step back, lowered his head and looked at the ground below, and saw the black flame-like light spots slowly falling in the gravel on the land that had been hacked by the gatekeeper.

Flowing, as if burning.

Has the power of filth been substantively used?

The hunter frowned slightly, bypassing the black burning light, and once again greeted the black knight who had rushed forward in an instant.


The sickle and the meat saw suddenly intertwined, and the long and narrow scimitar pressed up suddenly, approaching the hunter following the change of the knight's footsteps.The black flame on the scythe suddenly expanded, and rushed towards the hunter as if it had exploded. The hunter, who realized something was wrong, dodged suddenly, but his side face was rubbed, leaving a corrosive wound immediately Come.

Boom! ! !

The next moment of swinging, the black light released a pitch-black shock wave as the scythe fell, blasting and flying tens of meters away, blasting deep cracks along the way.

Under this attack, the hunter was covered by black light, and flew out directly under the impact, smashed through the wall of a building ruin near the open space, and fell into the rubble pile with the sudden roar .


It still hurts a little bit.

The hunter got up from the gravel, patted the slightly torn clothes on his body, moved his body and stood up.

The black knight not far away had already turned around at this moment, with his back turned to the hunter, as if planning to walk back to the gate.But soon, with the return of the hunter, the knight who sensed the presence of enemies nearby suddenly turned around, and swept out the scythe in his hand again.


The first thing it swept out was the long whip swung by the hunter, which directly went around the sickle and wrapped it around the neck of the thing, and then pulled the thing down to the ground under the force of the hunter's sudden tug. A large amount of gravel was splashed on the ground.

In the roaring sound, the black flame spread from the place where the knight fell, forming a strong impact airflow that directly shook the hunter's long whip.

Then the gatekeeper who stood up waved his sickle, and six black light clusters condensed behind it, floating and wriggling.

What is this?

The hunter, who had never seen this move before, took a few steps back subconsciously, standing where he was and wanted to take a closer look.

As a result, during this hesitant time, those light clusters directly turned into jet-black beams of light, attacking at an incomparably swift speed, forcing the hunter to dodge again and again, constantly turning back and forth in this open space and moving his steps. .And the ground hit by those light clusters immediately exploded violently, causing more and more dust and gravel to explode in the entire site at this moment, and the smoke and dust covered it more and more densely.


The gatekeeper who stepped forward suddenly swung the sickle in his hand again.

The hunter avoided the blade swung from the side, and was about to fight back, when he saw another ball of light emerging from behind the thing, he had to dodge it quickly, and lost it in a violent explosion. The opponent's trace.

At this moment, the scythe suddenly spun and swept across with a strong wind, mixed with black light, turned into a shock wave and directly bombarded the hunter from a distance.

This attack directly rushed over a distance of hundreds of meters in the violent explosion, blowing up several houses behind the open space on the spot.

The hunter has already rushed forward against the strong wind, and quickly narrowed the distance with the knight. The cane in his hand swung out violently, but was blocked by the sickle.


Amidst the violent impact, all the dust around the two figures, one tall and one short, was blown away in an instant.

Glenn the Decayer, did you mean that?

The hunter already understood why the opponent had such a title.

The power of filth should have been twisted and dark filth that should be avoided, but this goddess knight has developed it into various spells, which are continuously released with attacks.It is obviously impossible for this to happen after the infection turned into a monster. In other words, when the knight was still alive, he had been exposed to the filthy power and successfully used it to the point where he died Afterwards, you can continue to use the spells with filth as the essence.

Maybe it was in the old age of gods, some people tried to find out the means of harmless research on the power of filth, or maybe there was some other historical origin that they didn't know about.However, judging from the current situation at this moment, the goddess knight named Glenn was able to use the power of filth independently, and it is even very possible that he actively embraced the infection of filth, and thus further developed it little by little. A series of filthy spells, which hunters can see, I believe the hunters who have arrived here in the past can also see it.

That's why he's called the Corrupter.

Because in the eyes of hunters who hate filth, a person who embraces the power of filth will indeed be considered a corrupt and evil person.


In another collision, it was the hunter holding the cane with both hands, resisting the downward cut of the scythe and taking a step back, firmly locked in a stalemate with the tall knight.

The pitch-black ball of light was released again. After several times of melee combat, this twisted and chaotic, filthy monster with only a human shape tried to use spells to attack the hunter again without hesitation.

But what condensed faster than this black light cluster was the blue light that lit up on the hunter's walking stick.


During the explosion, the huge soul arrow was released at zero distance, knocking the tall knight into the air.

The cane suddenly deformed with the sound of mechanism interlacing, and the long whip flew up, hitting the knight who had not landed in the midair hard, causing him to hit the ground at a faster speed, forcibly smashing a big wave in the open space. pit to.

A large piece of armor fragments fell down at this moment, revealing the white skeleton inside and the black light covering it.

The gatekeeper struggled to get up from the ground, and then was directly smashed in the face by the hunter's meat saw. The hunter turned over and passed over the monster's head, and the meat saw bit out the knight's head while deforming. Following the hunter's violent movement when he landed, the opponent was directly thrown into the air.At this moment, the huge knight with a height of three meters was overturned in mid-air directly by the strength of the hunter, and once again smashed hard on the ground, creating a deeper crack.

The head of the knight himself was crushed neatly by the saw knife, torn off from the torso under the merciless attack of the hunter, and thrown flying to become bone residue rolling on the ground .


The black flame burned more and more intensely.

The hunter frowned slightly, seeing something vaguely at this moment.

With the continuous trauma of the black knight, among the mental fragments that gradually escaped, the things that were captured by myself at this moment.

Is that...underground?

A black world that is under the layers of blockade...

【Glenn, your health has been deteriorating recently, I think it is necessary for you to temporarily stop what you are doing】

[No, this is impossible. We must complete the analysis of "filth" as soon as possible. We have no idea where these things come from, and why they will cause such a terrible disaster to our homeland. If there is One day, what if this thing makes a comeback? 】

[But even so, you still have to rest now, the only Goddess Knights who survived from your hometown are you and me, Grant, I don't want to lose any old friends anymore]

[I can understand your thoughts, Cro Morgan, my old friend, the apostle of the earth, but... I am the only one who has maintained self-awareness after being infected by the filthy force. Only I can study these things, only It is possible for me to figure out the secrets of these blasphemous things, even if I pay my life for it...]

Incomplete and vague, it seems that two people are arguing with each other in the dark.

The picture flashed by, and it only lasted for a short time before it suddenly collapsed and ceased to exist.

In front of the hunter, the tall knight who had lost his head stood up again, and black flames began to burn all over his body.

Chapter 140 Two: The Figure of the Old Era

The pitch-black, filthy light like a flame completely covered the headless body of the gatekeeper.

Has it further released its own filthy power?

The hunter is also very familiar with this kind of monster that changes form.

He didn't rush forward, although he couldn't say the specific reason, but the hunter vaguely felt that if he had to run forward when the form changed drastically, maybe this thing would use a trick like explosion Just blow him away, and use those black flames to burn a big circle on his body or something.The hunter who had been attacked by these black flames several times just now did not intend to be hit by this thing again, after all, it really hurts.

【Roar! ! ! 】

The sound of roaring and roaring suddenly sounded.

In the violently spreading airflow, black flames spread wildly for a distance of more than ten meters, crushing everything within the range.

The entire ground was blasted into a big hole following the eruption at this moment, and then the thing jumped up violently, and the flames burst out from the neck, forming an extremely ugly and twisted beast-like head full of fangs and sharp teeth , and bit the hunter hard.

boom -

Turning sideways, dodged suddenly.

The hunter avoided the opponent's attack, but he didn't expect that when the thing landed, it would be an explosion of airflow, and it was directly blown away by the surging shock wave.

In mid-air, the monster that had given up its scythe and used its two claws to attack roared and directly caught up with the hunter, and slammed into him hard.A sharp claw directly grabbed the hunter, but the hunter raised the saw knife and slashed it directly on the wrist to block it. Then the hunter slid a pistol from the other palm of the hunter, and hit the opponent's other waving gun directly. The claws, followed by two figures, hit the ground directly and rolled out a distance of more than ten meters.

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