Before the Mother Goddess kills them all, you will not be able to reach her domain]

【And... the last Master of Mist...】

【I don't know what that is, he is different from other gods...】

[I have tried my best to think, analyze, and investigate in the last time, but I have no way to see through this evil god alone...]

【He is evil, he is undoubtedly evil, he is deliberately leading the struggle, he is deliberately leading the disaster to happen】

[His existence is undoubtedly an evil that is of no benefit to any intellectual civilization. Torment and destruction are His nature.]

【But his power, his existence, I can't see what it is...】

【Perhaps, He is completely different...】

【Beware of the Master of the Mist】

【May you save this world that is already on the verge of doomsday】

The last fragment of memory is obviously very complete, a very clear fragment that has been preserved on purpose.

This seems to be something the goddess knight prepared for the hero who could change everything before she completely lost herself.I'm afraid that after the entire world fell and the three gods ruled mankind established, this knight lived soberly for a long time.After all, he was originally an alien who could barely coexist with filthy forces, so it was only natural that he could stay awake for a longer period of time.

And such a goddess knight, in such a situation, in the forest of the curse that has changed beyond recognition, around those former companions who were infected and alienated into monsters, continued to observe the world, observe The human kingdom established by the three gods, and the situation of other gods corrupted by filthy forces.

Then, during the period of time when I can still maintain myself, I will record all the important points I can remember, store them in the form of memory fragments, and keep them in my body like this.Save it, keep it until you go completely mad, lose yourself completely, keep it until you are killed by hunters again and again, and be resurrected again by the power of filth, keep it until the hunter finally steps into this land, from his bones until this record was obtained.

The voice belonging to the goddess knight Glenn has completely disappeared and can no longer be heard.

And the last remaining mutilated body of the huge monster has slowly dissipated and gradually ceased to exist.

The huge door opened slowly, and the gate of the Garden of the Old Gods had been opened in front of the hunters, revealing to them an entrance to this dark and filthy root land, as if inviting them to step into hell Ordinarily, it was just opened like this.

If this time, the filthy heart is not eliminated, the seal will continue, and the goddess knight who is connected to the seal will be resurrected as a monster again, and will continue to guard in front of the gate until he looks like Like the sealed skeleton beast outside the Cursed Forest, it completely loses everything until it becomes exactly the same empty shell.

I can't let that happen.

The hunter, who made up his mind for this, clenched the weapon in his hand, stopped looking at the place where the monster disappeared, and took a step forward towards the opened gate.

[Gatekeeper of the Court of Gods Glenn the Decayer]

prey slaughtered

Chapter 140 Four: The Garden of the Old Gods

Desolate, dilapidated.

This is the hunter's first impression of this so-called Garden of the Old Gods.

As Abigail once told, about the structure of the Garden of the Old Gods, which is the original Goddess Garden, it can be said to be a very desirable and beautiful place.There are green trees, grass and flowers intertwined, spring water flowing, and various animals living together happily. It is a beautiful place that reminds people of fairy tales.

The Temple of the Earth Goddess is situated in the center of such a wonderful natural paradise.However, although it is said to be a temple, it is actually just a slightly larger three-story villa with a relatively beautiful decoration.As an individual, it may be a little bit luxurious, but if it is put on a goddess, it is completely shabby.Of course, this is actually because the goddess of the earth herself does not like a luxurious life, but prefers to live in a small farmyard.

Just like the easy-going and friendly personality of the goddess of the earth, Winiyadh, if she puts aside her identity as a goddess, she looks like a very enthusiastic, cheerful, and helpful young girl.But while the status of a god gave the goddess strength, it also made her voluntarily take responsibility.And what this garden originally owned, one of the duties performed by the goddess is to preserve the samples of animals and plants on the entire planet in the form of fresh individuals.

The entire Garden of the Old Gods originally had four different basic ecologies of plains, highlands, rivers and lakes. All kinds of animals and plants from ordinary to very strange lived here, and were obtained through the divine power of the goddess. Food, adjust their personalities to be gentle, so as to avoid mutual predatory behavior.

However, at the moment when the filth fell, the power of the goddess of the earth was out of control, and the entire garden of the old gods collapsed violently. The temple of the goddess collapsed to the ground and was completely destroyed and turned into a lost cave.The Garden of the Old Gods itself encountered an unprecedented huge fire, and everything in it was completely destroyed by the fire.

ruined, leaving nothing but wretched wreckage and crumbling earth.To this day, this sad scene still remains on this land, showing it to everyone who enters it.

"This is the Garden of the Old Gods, the real Garden of the Old Gods."

Disma, who was standing beside the hunter, spoke softly with emotion.

"It feels like a rotten ghost place. In the center of the forest, is it like this?"

Tardiff said in astonishment, obviously not expecting to see such a scene at all.

In the rear, in the surroundings, the hunters who stepped in one after another were more or less surprised and uncomfortable.After all, even if you have a little understanding of the situation here through the five hunting god records left behind, when you actually arrive here and see what it looks like, the shock and touch are still unavoidable.

So, how to describe this place?

How should this so-called garden of the old gods be explained in words?

The hunter pondered over the vocabulary, and in the end, he could think of only two words that fit what he saw.


Yes, this is what the Garden of the Old Gods looks like today.

A complete, dead place.

The broken ground is full of cracks, and there is no vegetation among the burnt soil.

A large number of areas were uplifted, while the other part collapsed. Large and small debris piled up, and some completely charred tree remains were distributed in different places. In the distance, you can see collapsed peaks, and completely dry land. Rivers and lakes.

Some almost completely weathered skeletons still remain, continuing to exist in an appearance that does not conform to the law of the passage of time, and more of them are potholes with traces of burning, which look like they once lay here A creature, then burned so thoroughly that only a few traces remain.

The choking smell of smoke and dust can be smelled in the air, as if the fire from a thousand years ago is still burning.

This is the garden of the goddess.

This is the garden of the old gods.

It is the world of singing birds and fragrant flowers that was once recorded.

It is this dilapidated and gloomy world that is left with nothing but death.

"I thought there was at least some grass and trees here, but it turned out to be like this. However, it is a good thing for us to act in this kind of place. After all, in this environment, if someone If any monster is coming towards us, we can basically spot it at a glance."

After thinking for a moment, William gave a different point of view.

"That's not necessarily the case. According to previous action records, there are many monsters in the Garden of the Old Gods. All of these monsters are hidden underground. Before you get close, these things will not appear at all, but as long as you get close At a certain distance, these bastards will immediately emerge from the ground, so not only can we not feel at ease because of the environment here, but we have to be more careful, this place is only a little away from the source of the filth."

But immediately, Disma denied William's idea.

"The source of the filth is the place, right? After all, there is only a big hole there."

At this time, Tardiff pointed to a place in the distance, which seemed to be about two or three kilometers away.

It was in the distance of the dilapidated and crumbling plain, an extremely severely collapsed area, where one could see a large void and the bottomless darkness beneath the collapse.

Even from a long distance, just looking at that area, a strong sense of heart palpitations began to spread, and one could not help but feel a burst of panic and panic, as if the heart was being stabbed by something invisible. Caught mediocre.

"Tell me in advance, I told you before, after you arrive at this place, you must pay attention to your mental state, and never let yourself fall into a state of insanity. Otherwise, it's not just you who will have problems because of this .”

Disma spoke in a serious voice at this time, and then took the lead in moving forward.

The Garden of the Old Gods, this place is very close to the heart of filth, a place where the power of filth has begun to fully materialize.It can be said that once you fall into a state of torture here, it can basically be considered to happen immediately, that is, your own crazy consciousness will directly resonate with the surrounding filthy forces.And once this resonance is generated, the hunter will be transformed into a monster at an extremely fast speed, or the body will be corroded by the filthy force and cause severe organ failure, which will quickly cause the hunter to suffer with an intensity far exceeding the normal state of torture. death and endanger the safety of fellow hunters.

Not only that, because of the materialization of filthy power, all kinds of bad fantasies produced by crazy hunters will be copied by filthy power to a certain extent.In the battle records of the hunting god team that was left behind, when the members fell into madness and shouted the words that they were caught by their hands, a large number of people really grew out of thin air around them trying to tear the hunter team apart The situation arises, and the final solution to these people who can't be cut down is to shoot the crazy hunter directly.

This extremely disgusting feature makes it more difficult for hunters to move forward in this bad environment, and it is easier to get into trouble.because

Therefore, you must pay attention to your own situation anytime and anywhere, otherwise a small negligence may cause very serious consequences.

"Come on, everyone."

Disma spoke, and had already walked a certain distance first.

The hunter followed closely, walking beside Disma, while the other hunters also started to move forward one by one.

The environment inside the Garden of the Old Gods is very complicated. It seems that there has been an extremely terrible earthquake here. There are fragmented traces everywhere on the ground. In some places, the ground has directly risen to a height of several meters, while in other places it has collapsed. It has collapsed to a height of several meters, and the entire terrain structure here is extremely distorted and chaotic, making hunters have to spend a lot of time on the terrain here, and keep climbing and trekking to move forward.

The hunter was the first to run, strode hard, and directly climbed over a five-meter-high rising fracture surface, then turned his head and looked down.

Tardiff threw out the hook rope, and the hunter grabbed it, and then Disma climbed up the rope first, and then William and Tardiff were pulled up by the hunter.

"What about your dog? Although it may not be polite to say so, I think that without that dog, you basically seem useless?"

Tardiff looked at Figes who was still below, thought for a while and looked at William and asked.

"You are really rude. Even without the dog, my fighting power is still very strong. Of course, I admit that my girl is really strong, and she is much stronger than you imagined, just like now. Look, girl, come and give me Show your courage and strength, lad!"

William whistled as he spoke, and then Figgs, who was below, took a few steps back, jumped up with a run-up, kicked his paws hard on the vertical wall, and the whole dog jumped up for a while. Just in time, William reached out and grabbed him and hugged him up.

"When I was in the capital of stars, I took girls on patrol. There were always many people who felt that if they ran to the tall buildings and closed the gate on the first floor, the girls would not be able to bite them. Of course, every one of them stayed behind. I have learned a very profound lesson. If you underestimate the ability of my girl, you will have to pay a heavy price."

William, who said so, had a proud expression on his face.

"The Capital of Stars... Forget it, let's take care of the things in front of us first."

Disma's expression was slightly complicated, as if he had thought of something, but he quickly shifted his attention and continued to focus on the matter in front of him.

The other five hunter teams around have also started to move. People are moving on this rugged terrain with some difficulty, moving forward bit by bit, just like this, advancing the distance from the Lost Cave.

Cross over a few raised ground that blocked the road, and then cross some ground that collapsed into a deep pit, and walk on the fragmented and undulating road.At this time, the hunter saw some ruined structures that seemed to be buildings, but because of the drastic changes in the ground, they had been torn into disrepair, so that only one load-bearing column and a few wall structures remained, and all the rest were destroyed. Turned into collapsing debris.

"It used to be inhabited."

Seeing the hunter's puzzled expression, Disma next to him spoke.

"Although there are not many, some buildings that are obviously inhabited by people have indeed been found in the Old God's Garden."

"Probably the priests and servants of that goddess? In short, there are more than just animals and plants living here."

"Of course, it doesn't matter now, after all, it's all gone."

It's a bit of a joke in the end, even though there's absolutely nothing funny about it.

They moved forward for a certain distance, and then stopped temporarily, because Webster, the leader of the third team not far away, fell into a gravel pit, and the others were trying to find a way to kill the hapless hunter. pull out.

After a while, Baldwin fell into a pothole while walking because he couldn't see the path under his feet clearly. Alhazred had to use a secret technique to make a tentacle to pull him away. up.Then, it seemed that the mysticist's secret technique was so horrifying and evil that Dukain thought it was a monster emerging, so he pulled out his stabbing sword, and Alhazred hurriedly recited a few more spells in fright. , to avoid the situation where the tentacles directly kill teammates because of hostility.

After a while, the hunters had to stop again, this time because the spearman Adney accidentally fell down while climbing a raised land, and the spear he was carrying got stuck in two pieces. In the middle of the raised ground, he was suspended in mid-air.The rescue this time took quite a long time, because Adeni was stuck in mid-air, and it was difficult for others to find a suitable angle and position to exert force to move the long gun to another position.

This kind of thing happened several times intermittently, and in addition to the complex terrain here, it was difficult to advance, so that it took the hunter and others almost two or three hours to barely advance a distance of about one kilometer. The distance between the caves has been shortened by about half.

"I think we should be exhausted before the monsters come out."

Tardiff sat on a rock, let out a long breath and said seriously.

"You just said nonsense and

Already, no matter how difficult the road here is, we can only continue to move forward, and now there is no possibility of going back. "

While resting on a raised ground, Disma waved to Tardiff and said.

"However, the closer you get to that place, the more disturbing it becomes. The girl has already felt it."

William stretched out his hand and gently stroked the hound following him, and said very seriously.And at this moment, the big, strong dog next to him was indeed very disturbed, and couldn't help but look in the direction of the Lost Cave, as if he saw something terrible there Same, even the tail has been clamped in front of the legs.Of course, in fact, it can be said that this dog has already behaved like this since entering the Garden of the Old Gods. Obviously, as an animal, and it is a specially bred and powerful animal, Fergus can indeed sense it. Some things that humans can't sense.


The hunter didn't speak, just stood on a high place and stared at the lost cave in the distance.

The distance is about one kilometer.

If you stand here, you can already see that place, it is really quite a large collapsed area, it feels like a big hole has been forcibly opened in the ground.I don't know how this pothole appeared, and how far it extended to.Moreover, under normal circumstances, it is probably difficult to go down from the top of such a deep pit, although the hunter has heard from Disma that there will be some relatively flat places on the edge of the pit, allowing hunting The hunters went down slowly as if they were walking up the stairs, but the hunters still couldn't help but think wildly.

But it was obvious that he didn't have much time to think about it in this place.Not long after, Disma, who had almost rested, stood up first, followed Tardif to move his waist and arms, put on his helmet and stood up.

The hunters continued to move forward after a temporary rest, and continued to approach the lost cave.

But this time, new troubles began to appear during the journey.


A crack suddenly appeared on one side of the raised ground, and then burst into pieces.

A body that is almost completely distorted looks like a soldier in armor rushing out of the mud.

Tardiff was the first to collide with the monster, blocked the opponent's attack with a hatchet, and then punched it with the other hand, knocking it over to the ground.Then Fergus rushed up and bit out suddenly, directly crushing the somewhat deformed head of the thing on the spot, turning it into several petals with a crisp "click".

But this thing is obviously not the only one. With the appearance of the first monster, the surrounding walls began to make bursting sounds one after another.One after another, similar things sprang out of the mud, brandishing heavily rusted weapons that only had handles left, and slashed straight at the hunter closest to him.Some of them seem to be particularly incapable of thinking, and even join their own kind, waving weapons indiscriminately and slashing without distinction between enemy and friend.

The hunter's meat saw cut one of these monsters straight down the middle, and followed by a backhand slash to blow the other's head off on the spot.

Disma's knife penetrated one monster's head with electric light, and the short-barreled shotgun in his hand fired directly at the other monster, blasting its whole body apart with a thunderous sound.

William suddenly blew a hasty whistle, followed by Fergus roaring and passed several monsters in succession, each of them left an extremely ferocious wound torn open after being bitten, and followed William himself to carry the wolf The tooth stick catches up, and blows the heads of those monsters who are a little unsteady to be attacked one by one.

The battle lasted for about half a minute, and the number of monsters that were eliminated in the end was about thirteen. Because they ran out intermittently to attack, they basically did not cause any trouble to the hunters.

At this time, other teams nearby also heard the sound of fighting. Obviously, more than one team encountered a similar situation.These monsters that had completely stopped all activities and were quietly buried in the soil, as the hunters approached, as the breath of the living approached, they came back to life one by one, and they moved with extreme speed. The speed regained its vitality, chasing these hunters and attacking frantically.

Fortunately, because everyone had already received a warning from Disma before, and because they were careful enough, these attacking monsters did not cause much disturbance.As long as you deal with it carefully, although the monster's attack momentum is very fierce, they were completely eliminated in the end, and no hunter was seriously injured.

"The next straight-line distance should be about 800 meters. After all, the sound can already be heard."

Disma turned his ears to the side, carefully listening to the wind around him, and gradually he heard a faint, strange voice that brought chills to people, as if something was calling, and then he immediately realized that The fact that my team is already very close to the Lost Cave.

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