What is the so-called calling sound, the hunters have not investigated it, it seems that

It was a strange sound that began to appear after the second hunting god challenge, and every time the hunting god team will inevitably hear this sound, about 900//[-] meters away from the lost cave From the beginning of the distance, you will gradually be able to hear this weird, indistinct call that cannot be identified in terms of gender and content.

Some people speculate that there may be a very terrifying and powerful monster in the Lost Cave, and that monster became active from an inactive state after the first hunting god team entered, and thus brought a lot of trouble to the subsequent hunters. caused great trouble.

However, there is no evidence for this statement. After all, among the hunters who really stepped into the lost cave, there are only two people who have come back.And none of the intelligence materials given by these two people mentioned whether there is a terrible monster other than the filthy heart in the Lost Cave.They just said that they couldn't see anything in the cave, they didn't know where the monsters were attacking them, they didn't know what happened to them, and they were still nothing until they escaped. I don't know the situation.

Such words are undoubtedly very frustrating for people who hope to have a better understanding of the Lost Cave, so as to formulate more confident actions. However, in a sense, this incident actually further illustrates that the Lost Cave There is indeed a huge threat hidden in the darkness inside the cave, a kind that can overcome the intuition of the hunters, and silently reduce the members of them when they are completely unable to resist, a completely unknown threaten.It is impossible to determine whether it is a monster, a group of monsters, or the direct manifestation of some kind of filthy force inside the Lost Cave.But at least it is certain that the threat is real.

But now, it was up to their team of more than 20 hunters to find out what this threat was.

"Huh... this damn place is really... tsk, here we go again..."

Tardif, who was very tired from walking, was about to stop to rest for a while, so he quickly dodged sideways, avoiding the attack of a twisted and rotten armor monster, and chopped it to the ground with an axe.

Some black light bullets emerged and attacked the hunters. They were some filthy monsters wearing tattered mage robes, staggering and attacking the hunters.There are also some that seem to be female, with highly deformed and twisted bodies. They will not actively attack the hunter, but will release a black, poisonous mist.These mist can only last for two or three seconds at a time, and can only slightly cover a distance of about one meter.But as long as the filthy monster is in the mist, the wounds on its body will start to heal faster, and it will be able to change from weak to full of life in a short while.

These combined monsters began to cause considerable trouble for hunters.They have to spend considerable time and energy to deal with these monsters carefully, and try to give priority to dealing with monsters that can cast spell attacks and those that can heal the same kind of monsters.

The speed of advancement was further slowed down as the battle progressed. No one wanted to be injured here, before entering the ultimate evil place, the Lost Cave, so everyone seemed extremely cautious, and dealt with it carefully from time to time. The filthy monsters emerging from every corner slowly continued to advance in this complex and twisted terrain environment, and continued to climb over and climb in various collapsed or elevated places.

"These things are really disgusting."

Cutting down a filthy monster again, Tardiff couldn't help spitting and said.

"In fact, it's okay in general. If we were fighting this kind of thing on flat ground, it shouldn't be so troublesome. The main reason is that the environment in the place we are now is too complicated. We have to take care of it at the same time." The terrain is still too troublesome to face these monsters."

Disma wiped his dagger and corrected Tardif.

"To put it bluntly, isn't it disgusting?"

Then he was mercilessly reprimanded by a bounty hunter who didn't care about the exact facts.

Continue to move forward, and after overcoming several collapsed areas with difficulty, some larger and stronger monsters began to appear.Although the bodies of these things were mostly stiff due to being stuck in the mud for a long time, the extremely terrifying power still brought a lot of trouble to the hunters. Gradually, some people began to be injured. It gradually became more anxious and more difficult.


Tardiff took a breath, and sat down next to a strong monster whose head had been chopped off for a while.

This place seems to be a residential building. Due to the change of terrain, one side collapsed and the other side rose up. It looked very dangerous and chaotic, but it was barely able to maintain the original appearance, so hunters could come in and rest. one time.

The hunter squatted down in front of a monster, frowning and observing the appearance of this thing carefully. He noticed that there were obvious depressions on the armor of these monsters, which seemed to be the result of some kind of attack.He roughly sketched the depth of this depression, and quickly concluded that if a human being suffered such an injury, he would undoubtedly die immediately, and there was no possibility of surviving.

more connected

The closer to the lost cave, the more these soldier-like monsters, and the stronger they become.

On their bodies, they can also find obvious injuries that have suffered some kind of attack.

Well, considering that the filthy power directly "restores" the killed monsters, that is to say, are these injuries all received during their lifetime?

So these soldiers gathered here when they were alive, gathered in the Lost Cave, which was once near the Temple of the Goddess, is there any reason?To protect the safety of the goddess?Or is it killing a goddess or something?

The hunter couldn't help but start thinking.

At this time, news came from the hunter team in the rear that someone seemed to have suffered some minor injuries.

After everyone waited roughly for a while, they found that the gunman Adeni accidentally hit the wall with the tip of his gun and failed to hit the enemy. As a result, he was hit by the opponent and fell from a high ground. On the way, the gun in his hand got stuck in the gap between two raised rock formations again, and the whole person had to hang on his gun like a horizontal bar.

It took a little time to rescue Adeni. The other party seemed to have injured his waist and had to rest for a while before continuing on the road.

Tardiff cursed and complained about these relatively weaker hunters, but he accidentally stepped on a pit and almost fell down while walking. It was the hunter next to him who quickly caught him, which prevented the bounty hunter from Turn into one of today's jokes.

"Damn it, why are there so many problems with this broken road!"

Tardiff, who was pulled up, couldn't help cursing.

"So I don't have to worry about this kind of problem at all. My girl can quickly identify where there is a problem and where you can't step on it."

William said proudly at this moment, and walked along the path his hound walked, and then fell into a pothole on the ground with a sudden "click" crackling sound. It didn't take Disma and Tadif to pull him out together.

"I guess it may not be the same weight as you, so I'm not sure where you can't step."

After pulling the sheriff up, Disma raised his eyebrows and looked at him and said.

"forget it……"

William sighed, looked at the hound cautiously returning to his side, and didn't make any gestures to deal with it, but just patted its head to appease it, and then moved on.

Then, after advancing to a certain distance, the hunter frowned, and he began to clearly feel that he smelled something.

It looks like something is rotten, but it doesn't seem to be very smelly, it just feels very weird, a strange smell that makes people very concerned.

The further you go, the more obvious this smell becomes.

"This proves that we are close to within 500 meters of that cave."

Disma, who also smelled this smell, recalled it and said.

When approaching the Lost Cave about 500 meters away, the hunters can start to smell a very weird smell, which reminds people of something rotten, but in general it is not particularly unpleasant odor.

This smell does not seem to be caused by some kind of gas that actually exists, but a special phenomenon produced by the filthy power in the Lost Cavern.

As for why such a phenomenon occurs, it is really not for hunters to judge, probably only professional researchers can do it.But then again, in such an extremely dangerous place, people like hunters can hardly protect themselves. If researchers without combat capabilities come up, it is estimated that they will basically be finished before they get valuable clues.

"There seems to be something ahead."

Tardiff raised his head and looked towards the front of the road where broken stones piled up.

A tall figure about two meters tall, wearing a damaged armor, walked slowly among the gravel with a giant sword on his shoulder.

Obviously, this should be an elite fighter from the Church of the Goddess of the Earth. Just by looking at it, one can already feel the powerful force coming from the opponent.

The hunters did not rashly challenge such an enemy. Their physical strength and energy were relatively limited. Facing this kind of opponent was easy to overturn, so naturally they should avoid it as much as possible if they could avoid it.

The hunter stepped forward and tried to compete with one of these elite fighters. The two sides approached in the gravel, the giant sword and the saw knife intertwined. After a short fight, the hunter knocked him to the ground and killed him with one blow. , the whole process is just a slight numbness in the hands.For this reason, the hunter who felt that this thing seemed to be nothing, then encountered the siege of seven such elite fighters in one breath, immediately became a little embarrassed, and spent a lot of energy dodging from left to right to kill six, and finally One was sent flying out and fell down a steep slope before quickly leaving the area and returning to the team of hunters not far away.

"There are quite a few of these things."

Seeing so many of these monsters appear, Disma was slightly shocked.

"... a bit troublesome."

The hunter shook his arm, which was a little sore and numb from the continuous fighting with these things, and was a little curious about what kind of power these fighters had when they were still alive.

Then continue to move forward, avoiding these powerful elite fighters.this one

Once, the hunters began to notice that the surrounding land became darker after advancing for a further distance.This is no longer the kind of burnt black land, but more inclined to lose all light, black in a pure sense.

It's as if light can no longer illuminate these soils, leaving only pure darkness to continue to exist here.

And a little farther away, the hunters could already see the empty dark cave that grew bigger as they approached.

The distance to here is within 200 meters.

And from here, everyone began to notice that the surrounding light was gradually becoming dimmer.

This feeling is very strange, obviously the light above your head has not changed, but you just feel more and more that the surroundings are getting darker, and it is becoming more and more difficult to see the surrounding situation clearly, and things gradually become tens of meters away. It became a blur, and gradually the nearby things were submerged in the darkness, and even the companion standing next to him became indistinct, like a shadow in the darkness, unable to see clearly.

This kind of phenomenon made many people panic. In fact, in the battle records of the Hunting God Squad, many people felt timid at this step, felt irresistible and uncontrollable despair, and chose to withdraw from the battle because of this .

As for what this phenomenon is all about, it is obvious that this is the phenomenon of light deprivation in the Lost Cave.It's just that originally this phenomenon would only appear after entering the cave, but gradually, this situation began to become serious and spread.

Judging from the records left by previous battles, the deprivation of light in the Lost Cave has shown a tendency to spread outward in the records of the last three battles of God of Hunting.

The records of the third Hunting God battle show that when the hunters approached 30 meters from the entrance of the cave, they began to encounter the deprivation of light, which caused a lot of panic among the people.The fourth time was that when the hunters approached 50 meters, they found that the surrounding light began to dim, and when they reached about 20 meters, they could not even see the road ahead.However, in the latest and fifth Hunting God battle, this distance was extended to 100 meters, which caused great trouble for the hunters.

And when it was the hunters' turn, and the sixth batch of Godhunters' team to enter, this time it was simply 200 meters away from the entrance of the cave, and the light began to be deprived by invisible forces.

"It's such a bad situation that people don't know what to say."

Disma, who didn't expect to come to this step, frowned tightly at this moment.

"In this way, all the teams will have no way to see the road ahead. If you can't see anything in this dangerous terrain, it is no different from courting death."

Tardif also rarely spoke dirty words, and Disma became worried.

"Maybe my girl can lead the way, she can move on without light."

William thought for a while, and at this moment came up with a solution.

"It's possible, but the problem is that we only have this one dog, and it can only deal with the four of us at most. There are six teams of 25 hunters here, so it's impossible for us to give them five dogs on the spot, right?"

Disma sighed, looking at the unbelievably dark surroundings with a heavy heart.


The hunter didn't say anything, but it was difficult to adapt to the situation where he couldn't see anything.

Originally, he thought that even if there was darkness where it was difficult to see, he could continue to see the surrounding situation clearly with his extraordinary senses.But now it seems that this kind of deprivation of light is an inhuman force that can ignore any visual senses, so I can't escape the possibility.

It feels really troublesome.

Is there no way to offset it?

The hunter frowned, trying to think of a way.

Then, he felt a trace of temperature.

A trace of it emanated from his back, which made people feel a warm breath.

This is……

He reached out and grabbed the handle of something.

Gently, he pulled it out from his back.

The next moment is the sudden release of light, which spreads out in an instant, directly dispelling all the darkness within 100 meters, and bringing light to this area again.

"I go!"

Tardiff, who hadn't expected this, yelled.

Disma and William also looked shocked.

Well, in fact, including the hunter himself, he was also shocked.

After all, it is really difficult for people to think about the matter of drawing out a sword and then suddenly returning to the light.

Speaking of which, is there such a function?

The hunter's gaze stayed on the huge sword he had taken out, which was decorated with beautiful lines.

The golden pattern on the blade glowed faintly at this moment, and this faint light seemed to be some kind of signal, completely canceling the phenomenon of light deprivation within 100 meters around, and even increasing the light intensity in turn. the trend of.

The huge sword with very complete lines seems to have undergone some special changes, and it has a relationship with this land.

Resonating, this power solves the biggest problem that hunters are currently facing in a way that hunters can't understand.

Is it because of the integrity of the texture?

The hunter couldn't help thinking.

Among yesterday's choices, the final decision was to let Abigail extract the memory of the complete appearance of this nameless giant sword from the soul of [Dirty Demon Swordsman], and then let Andre Carry out recasting and reconstruction, and restore the original posture in the period.

At that time, all he wanted was to figure out some of the secrets of the year and restore the weapon to its proper posture.Although after seeing the complete pattern later, the hunter remembered that he was not a master of ancient texture, and he couldn't understand the meaning of the response given on the pattern, but now it seems that maybe...

If you want to draw conclusions, it is not yet.

Concentrating on the thoughts in his heart, the hunter continued to walk forward with the giant sword on his shoulder.

The only thing to do next is to go to your final destination, to the Lost Cave, the final place that is already in sight.

I want to end this cycle of tragedy that has lasted for thousands of years here today.

The hunters are walking together, everyone is moving forward together at this moment, moving forward in the light in the darkness.Step by step, towards the entrance of the bottomless cave ahead, slowly arriving there.

Chapter 140 Five: Dreamland, Geman, Maria

Abigail thought she had a dream.

A not so good, very sad, very angry, very sad dream.

Dreamed about Mr. Hunter.

I dreamed that we agreed with each other, no matter what kind of situation we will face next, we must face it together.

I dreamed that it was clearly agreed, no matter what dangers and difficulties it will be in the future, we must overcome together, and we must accompany each other.

Then, dreaming of Mr. Hunter, he held himself in his arms and said to her:

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