
Then, the dream ended like this.


That was no dream.

Abigail understood very well.

That was no dream at all.

That is reality.

But the reality is that Mr. Hunter, unwilling to take him to the Lost Cave, decided to leave her behind.

And it's not just about leaving yourself behind.

In order to prevent himself from following up secretly, Mr. Hunter didn't say anything, didn't reveal anything in advance, pretended that everything was normal, pretended that nothing happened, as if everything was still going on the right track.

Then, at the moment before departure, he finally revealed his true thoughts, and made a decision without hesitation, completely ignoring his own thoughts, just made his decision, and knocked her unconscious like this Passed over to Andre, so she had to stay in the town.

Mr Hunter...

too much...

It's too much...

Mister Hunter...it's really...too much...

Such a Mr. Hunter cannot be forgiven.

Sure enough, there is no way to forgive such Mr. Hunter.

If Mr. Hunter really wants to forgive him, if he wants to forgive him for such excessive behavior.

Even if you kneel down and beg her...

she also……


Mr Hunter...

It's really...too much...



In the boundless darkness.

Just floating like that.

Is the dream still going on?

It's light and floating, as if I don't know anything.

Where are you now?

When will it continue to float like this?

Close your eyes.

Open your eyes again.

Nothing but darkness, still darkness.

In the darkness where there is nothing, in the darkness where you can't even see yourself, just keep floating like this.

So, this place must be in a dream.

This must not be the real world.

I'm still dreaming, I haven't woken up yet.

Mr Hunter...

Can't help but think of him again.

Mister Hunter like a fool.

Mr. Hunter who did such a sad thing.

Of course she understood.

Mr. Hunter just doesn't want her to get hurt, doesn't want her to be in danger.

It was like in Xingkong Town, on that burning night of despair, when Mr. Hunter found himself, the frightened eyes finally relaxed, and finally relaxed.She remembered it clearly at that moment, and she has never forgotten it until now, the way Mr. Hunter looked at her.

She actually understands very well that Mr. Hunter cares about himself very much and takes himself very seriously.

Therefore, it is impossible for Mr. Hunter to let her step into danger, especially in such an extremely dangerous and terrifying place.

But she still selectively forgot about it, pretending not to know about it.

Is it because... I want to spend more time with Mr. Hunter?

Perhaps, this is the naive side of me that I can't get rid of.

It is because of this that I have become so self-willed.

No matter how dangerous the place is, I will

They all want to go with Mr. Hunter.

Even knowing that you are likely to be in a difficult situation, and even irreparable things happen.

I still don't want Mr. Hunter to face such a thing.

Want to be the strength of the opponent.

I want to go one step further and become the opponent's strength.

Rather than the present, such a weak child who can only be protected.

Mr Hunter...

I closed my eyes again.

If you open your eyes next, what you see must be the same darkness.

While thinking this way, when I opened my eyes, I saw something completely different.

pat- pat-

The firewood in the stove was burning slowly.


The little girl opened her eyes, as if she didn't understand what happened.

This is me, where did I come from?

Abigail, who was lying on the wooden floor, rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly.

I saw rows of shelves filled with all kinds of books.

There is also a platform that looks like some kind of workbench, with various parts and some stone fragments exuding a stinky bloody smell.

In a half-open cabinet, there are some dark red bottles that seem to contain blood, some silver bullets that seem to be composed of liquid, and bottles that look like wine bottles with paper notes, some emitting The blue fluorescent potion bottle and so on, make people unclear what it is for.

Here, it seems a little familiar.

Abigail frowned.

It seems that I have been to this place before.

It's just that compared with the time when I was here, it seems that something has changed here.

What will be outside the house?

Thinking like this, Abigail walked out of the house, and then realized that this was indeed the place she had been to.

The tombstones lined up one after the other, as well as the scattered trees, all reminded Abigail that this is the [Hunter's Dreamland] that he had communicated with Miss Doll and inherited the power to guide the flow of echoes from her. middle.

Have you returned to this place by yourself?

Did you come to this place again in your sleep?

Speaking of which, the last time I dreamed here, it was Miss Puppet who came to remind me to be on guard against the monsters attacking Xingkong Town.

As a result, he was discovered by the weird thing monitoring Xingkong Town, and he was trapped for many days and couldn't wake up. Finally, he tried his best to get the power to use the moonlight sword, thus solving the problem.However, it was too late, there is no way to change...

So now, why did I come back to this place again?

And why is it so empty here?

"Where's Miss Doll?"

Abigail looked around, but never found where the beautiful doll was.

Obviously she was here the previous two times.

Why is it gone this time?

While thinking, Abigail took a step and walked down the stairs ahead.

During the rustling, it seemed that many pale little guys appeared again, peeping at the girl nearby.

Although he is concerned about this, Abigail, who vaguely knows that these little things have been helping Mr. Hunter (doesn’t know that it’s because of the hunter’s response and thinks it’s free), now doesn’t pay special attention to the peeping of these little things. .After all, for some reason, these little things seem to be very afraid to meet Abigail, as if she is some kind of terrible monster, so whether it is by the side of Mr. Hunter in the real world or in such a dream Among them, these little things only dared to spy on her secretly, and never refused to have direct contact with Abigail.

Well, it seems that there have been quite a few changes from the last time I came here.

Abigail frowned slightly remembering.

In my memory, when I came to this place called Hunter's Dream, it seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

That's right, there are dilapidated buildings everywhere, wheelchairs are lying on the ground, and the house seems to have been burnt down, only the doll girl is left sitting in the ruins, quietly and motionless, I always feel so pitiful .

But this time, when I entered this place by myself, it became much cleaner, and many things returned to their normal appearance, not in that damaged state anymore.

What is the reason for this?

Abigail couldn't get an answer, so she searched further, only to find a door that was ajar.

"This door...wow..."

Gently push open the door.

The large sea of ​​white flowers behind the door made the little girl's eyes widen at this moment, and she couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

This place feels so beautiful.

It's like the flower field where I and Mr. Hunter stayed together outside Xingkong Town, but it's bigger and more beautiful.

"Oh, isn't it pretty, little girl?"

While marveling, he suddenly heard an old voice.

Turning around, the girl saw a very old man sitting in a wheelchair, one of his legs was still made of wood.

It's a disabled grandpa with inconvenient legs and feet.

"Grandpa, hello, may I ask if you know Miss Puppet is here?"

where? "

Abigail, who subconsciously felt that the other party was not hostile, asked the old man.


Then, I heard the other party's reply in a slightly elongated voice, like an ordinary old man who can't remember many things, and the whole person always feels slow.

"That puppet won't be here today for the time being."

"But, hehehehe, if you want to see her again, you just need to work harder."

The old man, who laughed softly, seemed to have a few spots of light in his cloudy eyes.

I always feel that he seems to be a somewhat strange grandfather.

But not like a bad guy.

Abigail was thinking like this, and then saw the old man being kicked from behind by someone connected to the wheelchair, and rolled from one side of the garden to the other.

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