
The panicked Abigail yelled loudly.

"Stop yelling, that old man is very strong, he won't die even if he falls ten times."

A familiar female voice with a completely different tone sounded behind him.

"Miss Doll?"

Abigail turned around in surprise, and saw a doll lady in a graceful, classically elegant dress with two double knives pinned to her waist.

Um, is it Miss Doll?

The eyes are obviously different, Abigail remembers very clearly the peculiar temperament of Miss Doll.

It’s like a mixture of mechanical rigidity and human spirituality, and the coexistence of each other will show a contradictory and unified feeling in every word spoken and every action made. The strange beauty comes.

But the "Miss Doll" in front of her is completely different. How should I put it, it feels too spiritual, and it is completely human.

"I'm not the doll lady you're looking for."

For some reason, the woman who seemed to be a little embarrassed by Abigail's title lowered her hat at this moment to avoid Abigail's eyes from meeting her.

"If you want to call me, just call me Maria."

"I am a hunter just like that Mr. Hunter you really like, but his name has been lost, and I still remember mine."

The woman who said this slowly recovered a little bit, showing a heroic smile.

Then, she stretched out her hand, pointed to the old man who helped up the wheelchair not far away, patted the old man who sat on it again, and spoke with a bit of disgust in her voice.

"As for this one, his name is Geman, and he used to be my teacher."

"You just need to remember that he is an old pervert. Be careful. This person seems to be very kind and serious. He can't tell when he will secretly write down all your three-dimensional images, and then secretly make love to you." Exactly the same guy came out."

In the end, the face of this woman who called herself Maria, who was exactly the same as Miss Doll, seemed to be filled with resentment.

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Pretending to know nothing, the old man named Geman was sitting in a wheelchair, coughing like a helpless, fragile old guy, slowly pushing the wheelchair towards Abigail and Maria move over here.

As for Abigail herself, she is still in a state of not understanding the situation for the time being.

So, what is going on this time?

Came to a hunter's dream that was intact and undamaged.

Did not see Miss Doll.

But I saw a huntress who looked exactly like Miss Doll and claimed to be Maria.

And this seemingly ordinary grandfather named Geman.

I have fallen asleep so many times since I entered the corruption field, and I have never dreamed of it again, but today I suddenly entered the hunter's dream, and then two people who had not appeared before appeared.What exactly is this matter about?

Jingle Bell--

Before reaching a conclusion after thinking, he heard the sound of a bell.

Very nice, it seems to have a somewhat strange ringtone that makes people want to be intoxicated.

Jingle Bell--

Immediately afterwards, the second bell rang again.

Compared with the first ringtone, it seemed a little muddy, but there seemed to be another clear and stubborn ringtone remaining.

Abigail raised her head and looked forward.

In front of her, a small bell appeared in the hand of that lady Maria.And Geman, who was sitting in a wheelchair beside him, also took out a small bell at this time.At this moment, the two bells rang simultaneously, one sounded crisp and the other sounded muddy.

"Let's gossip less, this place can't last long, and it took me a lot of effort to come here."

Maria's expression became serious at this moment.

"That Mr. Hunter you like very much is in danger now."

"Although the old god he wanted to hunt became very weak after being infected by the filthy power, his personality is still very terrifying. It is extremely difficult for him to challenge with his current strength.

Strong, in the event of an accident, I am afraid our dreams will not be able to save him. "

Squeak—(the sound of the wheelchair moving)

"To be precise, it is entirely possible for that god to find the entrance of the dream directly from the hunter, and then rush in in one breath, killing all the afterimages of us that have not yet recovered, and killing everyone who finally got the chance of rebirth. into the despair of destruction."

"After all, the gap between gods and humans has always been so desperate, but the hunter has given up his god side. Of course, if he hadn't given up, then we would have no chance of being reborn as humans."

Maria and German, each talking, handed out the bell in their hands to Abigail.

Maria: "So, in order not to let all this fall short, we must take some action. Take the bell of one of us and ring it when you reach the dark place where the hunter is, We were then able to briefly recreate that in the real world."

Geman: "The power of the dream is limited, you can only choose one of the two, and even so, our time in the outside world is extremely limited, but we are somewhat confident in our strength, and as long as we can appear beside the hunter, It can disturb the perception of the old god to a certain extent and prevent the dream from being discovered directly, so that the hunter can at least have a few chances of resurrection and come back, so that the whole situation will not be too hopeless."

The two of them just said one sentence to another, and while talking, they handed their bells to Abigail.

As for the girl herself, she was confused by the information-heavy words from the old and the young. She froze in place for a while, not knowing how to react better. .

"Mr. Hunter, is it so dangerous in front of the goddess of the earth?"

The petite body trembled.

Although there is also the possibility that the two people in front of me are actually deceiving her, but Abigail is not stupid. After many contacts, she is very clear that these existences that are tied to Mr. Hunter's past seem to be the same now. Because of Mister Hunter's reasons to reappear, they have been completely changed, whether they were good or bad before, and have become Mr. Hunter's help.

So, they should be right.

Mr. Hunter, when facing the goddess of the earth, it is very dangerous, and it is very likely that there will be no chance to do it again.

Then what you have to do is very simple.

"So, I'm going to choose one of the bells and rush to Mr. Hunter's side to help him, right?"

Abigail, who had completely calmed down, looked at the two people in front of her seriously and asked.

Chapter 140 Six: Step into the Abyss

Finally, I can see the lost cave in front of me

The dark color has completely covered everything, the soil, the stone, the sky, everything has turned into a pure black color, even the light emitted by the nameless giant sword on the hunter's back can illuminate the surrounding area at this moment. environment, and cannot illuminate other colors other than darkness.


Everyone can clearly feel it.

Everyone can understand it deeply.

The manifestation of this filthy power.

The filth that has been completely materialized has completely changed the nature of this land, and everything has been turned into pure darkness, releasing invisible distortions and curses, causing severe and heavy burdens on the bodies of everyone who comes here .

Even at this moment, the hunters here don't feel any obvious physical discomfort, but in fact, every cell and every nerve in their body has been eroded by the violent filthy force. become fragile and gradually become untenable.And the bad consequences brought about by this pollution and transformation, even if they can be suppressed for a short time by relying on the strong physical fitness of the hunter, after half a year or a year, there will finally be a moment when it erupts, and this time is just to watch The physical strength of the hunter's individual is nothing more than that.

In other words.

Start by entering the place.

All the people who come here will not live for more than two years.

And this is the price of trying to step into the abyss in a human body and challenge the indescribable old gods.

"Is it here?"

Disma walked to the side of the hunter, and looked in front of him, at the front of this dark world, the bottomless cave.

The ground suddenly collapsed in front, forming a steep slope, spreading into the bottomless darkness, beyond the range of the glimmer of light brought by the hunter's giant sword, beyond the pure darkness that could not be illuminated. middle.

Heavy, full-bodied.

A strange aura spread, and he obviously didn't see anything yet, but just being in this dark environment, he already began to feel extremely heavy oppression.

It was as if they were not standing on the ground, but standing inside the body of some horrible thing.


so heavy.

It's getting more and more suffocating...

It is clear that before taking even a step, he already feels the unparalleled heavy oppression...

The hunters became more and more silent. Even the most daring and fearless people felt speechless at this moment.

Even the hunter himself felt an indescribable feeling at this moment.

He had a vague feeling that something was spying on him in the boundless darkness.This feeling is a little hallucinatory, as if the line of sight has been around him, but it seems that it is still very far away.Can't judge the distance, can't judge the authenticity, only this gaze, and the pressure in the gaze is extremely strong, so strong that the hunter even has to hold the weapon in his hand tightly to ensure that he can calm down.

Is this the Lost Cave?

The hunter looked forward, towards the bottomless darkness.

Swallowed almost all the hunter heroes who arrived here.

So far, there has not been any reliable strategy.

In the true sense, a place of the abyss that has never been discovered for thousands of years.

The target I will hunt next is here.

"...Let's go, there's no point in standing here."

Tardiff spoke at this moment. The bounty hunter restrained all his cynicism and rebelliousness at this moment, holding his own hatchet and hook line, and his voice was only full of vigilance.

"Indeed, let's go..."

Disma let out a long breath, and followed suit.

The hunter remained silent as always, walking slowly at the front of the team.

The hunters followed behind, alerting the surrounding environment to prevent possible monster attacks.But even though this is said, in fact, after entering the dark area, they have not been attacked by monsters again. Those monsters like soldiers do not seem to exist in this area, and they don't know what kind of monsters are there. reason.

Slowly, it approached the edge of the cave.

Nothing could be seen beneath the collapsed ground, only pure darkness.

The hunter squatted down and stretched out his hand to touch the steep slope of the cave-in. He touched some dust, but even the dust had been dyed a pitch black color, and there was a kind of skin that was being corroded when he touched it. a feeling of.


The hunter who quickly judged the situation below said to the people behind.

"Prepare the antidote pills and antidote powder, the Lost Cave is likely to be a highly toxic environment."

Disma, who understood what the hunter was talking about, immediately said to the people behind him.

Waiting for the hunters in the rear to take the antidote pills and prepare the antidote for poisoning.Standing on the edge of the cave, the hunter with a huge sword on his shoulder and a lantern on his waist, didn't hesitate at this moment, jumped down first, and slid down the steep slope.


The sound of the wind trembled in the ears, and the darkness continued to magnify before the eyes.

The light on the nameless giant sword shone brighter, allowing the space around the hunter to continue to be illuminated.It's just that this lighting seems to be more and more eroded by the darkness at this moment. The original range of 100 meters is compressed little by little, and finally only an area of ​​about 50 meters can continue to remain bright.

The hunter couldn't help thinking, if they hadn't chosen to recast the giant sword, would they still have such a lighting space now?

And if there is no way to illuminate in this almost completely dark environment, how much sacrifice will the hunters make?

A seemingly insignificant choice, the result is a completely different impact.

So this time, did I make the right choice?


The sound of the wind continued to sound.

And at this time, the hunter gradually began to hear a voice.


It's indescribable, it's not words, it's more like a slowly panting voice due to severe and continuous pain, but it's distorted out of tune.

One sound after another, in front of this darkness, there are continuous sounds, like the sound of a person suffering from illness and struggling to breathe.In this way, as the hunters and the hunters got closer, it gradually became clear.

In this already extremely depressing and dark environment, the strange panting voice made everyone feel a more intense sense of heaviness.

"What the hell is this?"

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