Black twisted flesh, dirty black blood, flowing gel-like things.

Fingers protrude from the pores of the skin, dancing like countless maggots, breathing with difficulty with the wide open mouth, the baby's head protrudes from it, and the soles of the woman's feet regrown from the baby's mouth, feet On the palm is a heart full of eyeballs.

The fingers stretched forward were covered with abscesses, which were small white dots, each about the size of a human ear, white, which would burst when poked lightly, white slurry flowing out, unformed Babies would flow out of it, each crying and muttering their mother's name.

The human faces on the skull are torn apart from each other, the eyes and mouths and noses are arranged in disorder, everyone is talking, everyone is silent, tongue and tongue are mating together under the skin, sticking out from the heart rolling out of the mouth Out of the child's hand, the heads of men and women were densely crowded in the mouth, and their faces all melted away, and then solidified after melting like wax oil, freezing everyone's face.

They are laughing.

They were all still laughing.

Do you want to join us too?

This is your home, this is your home, isn't it?

Come closer.

Let's get closer.

We were all hanging in mid-air and floating.

Our feet were shaking on the ground.

The man's face had just been torn off by the cuteness.

Everyone's bones are lying peacefully on the ground.

Come and see, do you know them?

They all know you.

They all know you.

This is where our peace and quiet come to be, our home for all of us.

This is your home too, isn't it?

Come a little more, come a little more.

I can share my guts with you.

Look at the way he squirms in my mind, does it remind you of the cute expression of a child whose fingers are slowly eaten.

We are happy, we are happy.

We swapped our faces, I rip him off, I rip him off

I eat little by little my face my face is calling us so happy happy good life don't need to be afraid of anything good happy life everyone is so happy you join us we eat our face our face eats us we eat we eat we eat we eat we happy


[Tear! ! ! 】

[Follow the hunter and continue to rush forward! 】

[Don't get too entangled, these things will be resurrected infinitely! 】

[Is it because of being in the root area of ​​pollution?Even if it is completely burnt, it can be regenerated immediately...]

[There should be a core, these things...the appearance of these things is all deceptive, they are just a bunch of dirty simulated meat in essence, you have to find the core, find the core parts from which the sounds and images come from Caixing]

【asshole!Move faster, my God, what the hell is this place? 】

Flesh became the ocean.

The ocean is like flesh and blood.

A thousand and ten thousand human legs are running.

All the heads are howling in the veins.

The raging flesh and blood turned into pitch black.

Everything needs no color other than black.

The grid like human skin flew up, and the bones in the flowing slurry were surging lively.

Eyeballs and tongues grow with each other, swimming above the viscera.

But these are unimportant, aren't they?

This is just home.

This is just a wonderful home.

We have been living happily here.

Each of our bones is happily asleep here.

You can join us too, can't you?

We can melt together.

We can freeze together.

You can also come and eat my face.


This is everyone's home.

This is your home.

Do not you remember?

You are also one of us.

You will be with us.

You will stay with us.

Our bones can sleep together.

We can feed our children together.

Just look at that street.

Those bones were just removed from the body.

Everyone was screaming.

Very happy.

Very happy.

This is your home.

Here is [...found]

Here is [...found...the core...]

Here llsseddacfdghyj. .=)

【……it's over】

Flesh was torn apart again, and melted again.

Seems to be able to see something inside.

It's hard to describe, I don't know what it is.

The white one seemed to be able to emit a shimmer, and it seemed a little too conspicuous in the black flesh and blood.

The blade fell and shattered.

The crazy voice finally came to an end at this moment.

This is home.

Since when did this place become a home?



[It's really scary, is this thing the same monster as the "Howling Spirit" in the Kamasa Hills? 】

【No, it's completely different. This thing doesn't even have the last remaining part of being a human being. I'm afraid it won't even leave the last residue of sanity.】

[Are these voices simulated after the filthy power has completely devoured the victim's mind?Really disgusting]

[I don’t know if there will be more similar things in the future]





The part that was still struggling and wriggling finally returned to the darkness.

Consciousness came to him little by little.

Many people were panting with difficulty at this moment, and some were almost unable to hold the weapons in their hands.

The hunter also had an ugly expression. At that moment just now, when these things swarmed up, he could constantly hear the almost crazy sounds of these things.These seem to be transformed by people, things that have completely changed their nature under the infusion of excessive filthy power, their minds have been destroyed, and then reshaped into another appearance, so that they are constructed into a kind of extremely terrible With the power of spiritual pollution, everything except the core is a completely mimicked monster of molten flesh.

No, it's not just that.

The hunter looked at something that was dissipating, something like a child, but so deformed that it couldn't be compared with a normal person.

These flesh and blood, based on a core

, developed thousands of anthropomorphic personalities.

They randomly used the memories left by the original victims, and after wanton and crazy distortions, they built their own things.

These flesh and blood have established a home of their own.

They consider themselves a family.

They feed on their respective cheeks and babies.

They melt themselves and each other.

These things really believe that they are building a harmonious and beautiful happy homeland. They even regard the hunters who come as their own kind, and use their enthusiasm to invite the hunters to become their companions and live a peaceful life. They are the same day.

The power of filth completely disassembled the most fundamental concept of family and all aspects of life in human consciousness, reassembled it in a completely crazy and twisted way, and then tried to implement it.In this unimaginable and unreasonable way of ordinary people, I try to find the fun and beauty in it, and find the beauty in the perspective of these filthy flesh and blood.

Those hunters who once came here, who didn't even know how they disappeared...

The hunter covered his head that was aching slightly from the excessive crazy sound just now, and shook his head to clear his mind.

The hunters have no way to hear the particularly clear voices in the spirit that these filth conveys like the hunters.But they obviously also suffered a lot of shocks. Many people even sat down and fell to the ground. They needed the support of other people to regain their footing, and it took a considerable period of time to relieve their own state.


The darkness spread all around.

The hunters standing together in this only twilight saw only darkness outside.


Accompanied by the continuous panting sound, the darkness spread.


The hunter saw something crooked and humanoid emerging from the edge.

Just advancing less than 100 meters, twisted flesh and blood appeared again, and a flesh and blood that seemed to belong to another "homeland" appeared here amidst the sound of laughter.

Chapter 140 Eight: Deeper Defilement

The rock stretched further ahead, and the passage gradually became narrower.

Occasionally, some caves extending in other directions can be seen, but because of the limited light range, the hunters did not divide their troops to explore, but concentrated on choosing a direction, then entered the exploration, and kept sketching the terrain here, avoiding walking Go down the road of repetition.

Those laughing voices will appear from time to time, this is the flesh and blood reconstructed by the power of filth.They are not human beings, and they cannot be human beings, but they always piece themselves together into crooked, human-like appearances, sneaking behind the hunters, walking in the darkness.

When the number is not large, these things will not really come up to attack, but just follow the hunters in the dark.

But when these things gather to a certain level, they will suddenly start to mobilize, attacking continuously amidst those piercing laughing voices, melting and wriggling amidst the unbearable weird and terrifying cries.

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