Cleaning up these disgusting things has caused huge troubles for hunters. They will not take the initiative to step into the light range, and when they are in the dark, no matter how loud they make, they will not spread out. Heard by the hunters.Therefore, there are often only a few times when one of those things accidentally enters the light range, and only then do people know that these things have been touched.Often at this time, the hunter with the giant sword approached the place where the sound came from, and would see hundreds of densely packed, bloody and human-shaped things crookedly following them.

And when the hunters take the initiative to attack, these things will immediately riot and attack ahead of time.Not only that, but as the hunters counterattacked more and more, they began to find that the number of attacks by these things also began to increase.It seems that at the beginning they will only attack after they gather a lot, but after being attacked by hunters, they tend to gather a little bit, and even attack directly without gathering, and they will attack without warning. came out of the darkness to attack.

Or, to describe it in terms of the world view of these things, it invites hunters to become their family members or something.

Well, no one would want to be a family member of such a thing...

"I'm really going to throw up on this stuff."

Tardiff's armor has many signs of corrosion and cracks. During the previous attacks, this bounty hunter has been wandering around. Once there is a problem with the confrontation of the hunters somewhere, he will Immediately rushed forward to support, because of this reason, Tardif suffered quite a strong attack, many places on his body were hit, and even his hand was cut by these things.

"Fortunately, the strength of a single person is not very high. As long as you stay alert, you can quickly attack and find the core to blast when the opponent launches an attack."

Disma wiped off the dirty blood splashed on his face after the bodies of those monsters shattered in the attack just now, and then started to

mouth said.

The hunter stood in front of the team, looking around while continuing to move forward.

On the walls and on the ground, something seemed to gradually appear.

Some are like human faces, like human bodies.

It was as if someone was directly sucked into the wall, struggling to get out of it, but could only die inside.

These terrified and desperate faces emerged on the walls and the ground, frozen, and stagnated in a completely dead posture.

"It's really uncomfortable to watch."

Talking like this, Tardiff stretched out his hand and tried to knock one of the heads with a hatchet, and he was a little relieved after confirming that it should probably be a stone.

"Such a blasphemous place, the filth that has caused countless disasters for thousands of years was bred in such a place."

On the other side of the team, Baldwin said in a solemn voice, obviously feeling extremely uncomfortable with this twisted and terrifying environment.

"The original filth did not come from here. I have heard many speculations, but I personally think that the possibility that is closest to the truth is that the old god managed to plunder and seal the filthy core on himself, turning himself into the filthy core , and then suppress yourself, completely seal yourself up, so as to maintain the fragile balance of the millennium."

Alhazred glanced at the distorted faces on the wall, then frowned and said.

"If this is the case, why don't you seal it harder? It's better to seal it until we don't need to fight at all, go directly to the opponent, and then stab the opponent to death and end the battle directly. Isn't this the best situation? ?"

Karnis on the side listened, and interrupted with some distaste.

"If there is such an easy thing to do, filth, just a small amount of filthy power derived from it, can easily kill a person after entering the body. This is the most fundamental thing that even gods can't control. , How terrible it can be is beyond your imagination."

Alhazred turned his head and stared at Karnis, as if he was looking at a mentally retarded man. He shrank his neck from seeing the hunter, and then spoke slowly.

"...the range of light is shrinking."

After moving forward for a certain distance, Du Cain said in a low voice at this time.

Alhazred and Karnis looked around, and found that the illuminated area emitted by the hunter's giant sword was a little smaller than before.

Presumably only the area around 28 meters can be illuminated?

The expression of the mystic scholar became serious.

This is not a good thing.

You must know that hunters need space to fight, and as the range of light becomes narrower and narrower, it will gradually become inevitable that hunters will crowd each other, making it difficult to attack and fight.If this situation cannot be improved, the consequences may be disastrous.

At that time, there may be a situation where hunters have to go into the dark to fight.

However, from another perspective, does the further compression of the lighting range mean that they are already closer to their destination?

Because it is getting closer to the location of the filthy heart.

That's why the light is so strongly suppressed.

In this way, when he finally reaches that filthy heart...

The mystic scholar did not continue to think about it. It has reached this point. No matter how many things are thought about, it is meaningless. The only thing to do is to face it. No matter what the result is, this is the only effective way.

"It seems that the light won't last long."

Dukain, who was in the team, was able to notice the reduction of the illumination area, and other people naturally also noticed this. Tardiff, who was walking in the front, quickly realized that the illumination area in front of him had shrunk, and spoke a little irritably.

"We should be getting closer. The closer you get to the root, the harder it is to maintain the light, and that's the way it is."

Disma nodded and said, he was not anxious, but felt that this meant that they were getting closer to their destination, and even felt a little happy.

At this time, the hunters stopped, not because of any important business, but because they were going to retreat a little bit after a while to make sure that nothing was following them.But this time they didn't find any traces of those weird flesh and blood monsters. In fact, since the two previous investigations, they didn't find any traces of those things again, and there seemed to be nothing following them.

It seems that when these hunters penetrated to a certain depth, even those flesh and blood monsters would not move on and would not enter this area.

It seems that in this deeper cave, there is something terrifying enough to overwhelm their instincts.

Is there anything special in this place?

While thinking like this, for no reason, the hunter felt something bad.

Is it coming again?

It feels like being stared at by something.

It feels like something dangerous is around.

The deeper it goes, the stronger it becomes.

Gradually, even began to have a

My scalp felt a little numb, as if I was facing something that could pose a great threat to me.

No, the feeling this time seems to be different.

The hunter frowned, slowed down his pace, and looked towards the surrounding darkness with some vigilance.

It seems that nothing appears.

"The surrounding environment has begun to change again."

Tardiff reminded at this time, and Hunter and Disma noticed that there were indeed some changes ahead.

Gradually, the ground seemed to no longer be pure black, but a faint red in the darkness.

This dim, blood-vein-like red spreads from the ground to the surrounding walls like this.

More human faces appeared on the walls and the ground, and each of these distorted faces had a mouth, as if they had experienced some kind of extremely painful, terrible torture that was unbearable.

Layers upon layers of human bodies are solidified in the rocks, fused with the rocks, and the more they advance, the denser they become, occupying the ground and walls so densely that the advancing hunters want to step on these human faces without stepping on them. With the condition of the body and the body, there is no way to move forward.

After advancing a little further, the light emitted by the giant sword was compressed again, to only about 25 meters left. At this time, the dark red things like blood vessels in the rock began to change.People began to notice that the faint light emitted by the giant sword seemed to be absorbed by these blood-red things, so that the surrounding walls and ground lit up, and even the top floor of the cave began to emit an extremely weak light.

A faint, bright red light came.

An eerie red light envelops the surrounding area.

Hunters can't see anything in the dark with the help of this red light. The bloody color itself doesn't seem to illuminate the surroundings. They are just lighting up, just so that hunters can see their existence. See It's just that they're flashing red.

In the raging red light, there seemed to be a more palpitating atmosphere spreading, spreading in the dark and blood-red world.

All the hunters couldn't help but tense up at this moment. They moved forward cautiously, and their eyes couldn't help but fall on the red blood vessels shining outside the white light of the giant sword, these red blood vessels glowing in the rock.

And at this moment, Du Cain, who had been vigilant about the surrounding situation, raised his head as if feeling something, and saw the red flashing outside the light range in front of him, it seemed that for a moment, there seemed to be something temporarily blocked the red light in one of the areas.

How is this... No, something is coming!


In the roar, Du Kain, who instinctively felt a huge sense of crisis, took a step forward and stood in front of his teammates. At this moment, he was even closer to the edge of the light range.

Then, a sharp black bone spur suddenly protruded from the darkness, directly piercing through Dukain's body, completely piercing him from the chest to the abdomen, directly opening a big hole in his back Come.

Chapter 140 Nine: Chaos, Collapse

From Dukain's voice to his being pierced, less than a second passed.

The next moment the hunter turned his head, he saw that the hunter was pierced by a huge bone spur, his whole body was lifted high, and the blood splashed out.

Then, more bone spurs pierced through the darkness.

The huge tentacles slammed across at this moment, blocking the hunters in front.A large number of spikes pierced into it, but they couldn't penetrate through the other side of the tentacles, they could only get stuck on it and couldn't move.And in this momentary gap, the other hunters immediately fired, shooting bullets into the darkness where the bone spurs protruded from behind.

Amidst the roar of gunfire, the tentacles summoned by Alhazred disappeared out of thin air, those bone spurs broke and fell to the ground, and the bone spurs that pierced Dukain that was held up high were slammed to the ground. The hunter flew out, leaving him lost in the darkness.

At this moment, the hunter moved quickly in the direction of the bone spur, and then suddenly heard a violent wind sound from the side. When he turned around, he saw a pale, over ten meters long and incredibly long. Liao twisted his arm, stretched out from the darkness, and shot directly at the hunters below.

Can't let this thing fall.

Almost immediately the hunter realized this.

Jumping up suddenly, the giant sword that was emitting light in his hand suddenly swung out.

Click - when!

The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded, but then there was a crisp collision sound when it encountered bones.

The huge counter-shock force made the hunter almost unable to grasp the giant sword, and the giant hand that had been cut into half of the flesh swung violently after a short pause, throwing the hunter flying out, directly It hit the rocky wall beside it, creating cracks in the spreading spider web.

The range of light moved slightly with the hunter's movement at this moment, but at least it still didn't leave this area.

At this moment, the hunters had already scattered in all directions, trying to avoid the attack of the giant hand.

But immediately after that, the huge arm did not chase after every hunter.

The hunter made a strike, but clenched his fist, facing the illuminated area directly, and slammed down on the ground where this area is located, directly hitting a large number of bombs in a terrifying explosion. The crack, the entire ground began to shake at this moment.

"What the hell! Come on!!!"

Tardiff roared forward to meet the attack, the short ax in his hand slashed on a finger, and the sharp long ax easily broke through the flesh, but was bounced away after hitting the bone.

"I'll help you!"

Baldwin also stepped forward at this moment, and swung the broken sword down, hitting the hatchet that Tardiff swung.The power of the two suddenly superimposed at this moment, accompanied by a roar, which seemed to have caused some effect, but still failed to cut into the bone.

At this moment, the bone spur flew out again from the surrounding darkness. Sesset blocked it with his sword, but was directly knocked out. Audrey shot continuously in the direction of the bone spur, and in the next moment several bone spurs flew towards him. With her flying out together, the speed was too fast to react at all.


Webster, who was fully two meters tall, blocked the big shield in front of Audrey at this moment.Amid the bony spur impact, the man let out a few muffled grunts. He was hit and retreated a few steps, struggling to keep his body from being blown away.

At this moment, Alhazred chanted the incantation loudly, and a tentacle swept out again, pulling the huge arm that was slowly raised and hitting the ground. With another tremor, Stickley and Ray Olin rushed forward, the weapon in his hand cut and stabbed continuously on his arm, creating multiple wounds, but he still couldn't really cut off this limb.

"No, this thing is too hard, it needs explosives!"

Stickley slashed again with his sword, but after being shaken so badly that his hands ached, he quickly shouted at the other hunters.

"I have it here!"

Shouting, Disma threw an unlit stick of dynamite.

"Okay - I'll go!"

Stickley reached out to catch it, but the giant hand suddenly broke free from the control of Alhazred's tentacles, instantly rose high, and then slammed down.

This blow landed on the ground again, hitting the pitch-black rock into a depression, and a large number of cracks spread to the surroundings. Many hunters even fell to the ground because they couldn't stand still, and couldn't get up for a while.

The hunter came forward again, he slid forward, picked up the dynamite stick on the ground and threw it forward.

Disma jumped up in mid-air, grabbed the dynamite stick and ignited it, and then threw it directly.

Baldwin and Tardif shot at the same time at the next moment, the hatchet and epee slammed on the giant hand, smashed it back to the ground with amazing force, and could not be lifted again, and then retreated quickly. "

In the end, Karnis jumped up and grabbed the dynamite stick whose fuse was burning in mid-air, stuffed it into the deepest wound cut by the hunter on the giant hand at an extremely fast speed, and then almost flew up The speed escapes directly.

Boom! ! !

The sound of an explosion sounded in an instant, accompanied by the sound of something breaking apart.

The huge arm in the smoke and dust was raised again, and this time, it could be clearly seen that the black bones on the arm had cracks in layers among the turned up flesh and blood.

"Watch out for those bone spurs!"

Niverin raised his shield and ran while roaring and reminding, when a large number of bone spurs suddenly struck.

The hunters dodged in all directions, and Nivelin, who was trying to resist, was directly sent flying by a bone spur, and then was grabbed by Stickley and dragged to the back of a raised rock.

At this time, Disma filled a special explosive ammunition made by the Star Town Workshop, and fired a shot in the direction of the bone spur.Although the dark environment blocked all sounds, following a violent vibration, it was obvious that the thing that had been severely injured immediately stopped firing bone spurs.

At the same time, the hunter had already charged out against the huge arm again, and before the opponent lifted it up again, he swung the metal whip and grabbed one finger of the thing, directly pulling the whole person to fly up. In mid-air, the huge sword slammed down heavily, hitting the cracked bone hard.


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