The broken voice was extremely clear at this moment.

And the huge arm trembled suddenly, then fell powerlessly.

The hunter's blow directly chopped off the entire hand.


The giant hand fell to the ground and quickly began to melt and dissolve.

And the broken arm sprayed out some black blood, and quickly disappeared into the darkness ahead.

Have you temporarily repelled the opponent?

The hunter who stood up found that the palpitations he felt in his heart did not subside in the slightest at this moment.


This feeling is completely wrong.

The hunter who raised his head suddenly saw one after another, more than a dozen arms stretched out from the darkness.

Everything just now was just a tentative attack by this thing.

And after the initial attack did not work, this thing, directly

Launched an all-out attack.

"Be careful!!!"

The huge palm fell suddenly at this moment.

Spotting the two companions not far away, Webster, who didn't dodge in time, Vic and Natia Vida, rushed up, knocked the two away, and then raised the shield in his hand to try to defend.

The next moment was toothache, the sound of metal and bones being crushed together.

The giant palm that even the hunter couldn't resist with brute force struck down from top to bottom, directly smashing Webster's whole body, including his shield and armor, into meat paste.


The rest of the huge palms also fell at this moment.

Boom—boom, boom! ! !

In the more violent tremors that continued to ring out, the ground suddenly collapsed at this moment.

The hunters fell downwards, and the hunters also fell down with the collapsed ground at this moment.

Grasp the shining giant sword in his hand, before the hunter tried to stabilize his body and maintain his balance, a giant hand stretched out from the side and grabbed the hunter directly, and smashed his whole body heavily on the ground. On the side rock wall.


His sight spun around in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the hunter had already hit another stone wall.


Disma's voice sounded from below. Accompanied by a gunshot, the hunter opened his eyes and saw Disma, who was sliding down a steep rock wall, shooting at him continuously at this moment. Each shot They all hit the arm that was holding him.

Break free... No, I can't break free...

The power of this thing is terrifying, even if the hunter struggles with all his strength, his hands and feet are still tightly grasped and unable to move.

boom -

Once again, the hunter was smashed against a stone wall. This time his head hit the stone wall, and the blood that flowed out stained one side of his cheek red, blurring his vision at this moment. have to fight back...

Difficult, moving the fingers among the huge fingers that were increasingly gripped.


The gunfire sounded again, and Disma, who was sliding down, grabbed a raised stone at this moment, and continued to shoot at this side while lying on the steep rock wall.

His efforts seemed to have attracted the attention of this terrifying monster to a certain extent, causing the fingers that were almost crushing the hunter to stop exerting force.But then, there was a sudden sound of wind, and Disma's eyes widened in the next moment. When he lowered his head, he saw the huge bone spur that penetrated his abdomen and nailed him to the stone wall.

" it hurts so much..."

In a low voice, he shook his head with a slightly emotional tone.

Disma, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, raised his head and looked at the hunter, then raised the muzzle of his gun again and pulled the trigger.


After the gunshot, a small blood flower exploded on the hunter's arm.

And the monster hiding in the darkness that seemed to be irritated had already stretched out a huge arm, and was about to smash heavily towards the immobile Disma.

boom -

But before that, the hunter who touched the cane exploded with a huge soul arrow at zero distance, shook his palm away abruptly, and then drew out the giant sword and swept it fiercely, trying to catch his own body again. A giant hand missed and hit the wall.At the moment of falling in mid-air, a huge cannon appeared in the hunter's hand, the muzzle was raised, aimed at the bone spur that was about to hit Disma, and he pulled the trigger. The cannon in the sound of the explosion The giant hand was then missed and hit the stone wall on one side.

【Ah ah ah ah ah……】

heard something.

The hunter who was falling down heard something at this moment.

From behind those arms, from behind these sudden arms and spurs, came the sound of the monster itself.

It was like... the painful breathing and howling before dying, trembling voices.

Then, the hunter saw that thing and suddenly crawled out from between the rock formations.


The hunter saw the squirming flesh.

And the huge fist that protruded from the flesh and hit him hard.

The hunters all fell from the slope below the ground.

And the self who has endured this blow will undoubtedly fly far, far away.

They will fall into the darkness, and in that absolute darkness, it is obviously extremely difficult for them to survive.

The hunter lowered his head and looked at the lantern with some cracks on his waist.

That's right, the lantern that I carry with me.

If Disma hadn't distracted this thing just now, the hunter would have been crushed by this thing on the spot along with his own lantern.

At that time, I lost my lantern and died, can I be resurrected?

Hunter could not give a definite answer to this.

But at this moment, he has a goal for what to do next.

This monster that I haven't seen the whole picture yet, but is extremely ferocious, will definitely chase those hunters next.It is not the type that will stare at a target, so after being hit by itself, this thing is likely to shift the target.

The hunters are in absolute darkness without light or sound

Among them, you will not be able to find the proximity of this thing, so you have to make this big guy conspicuous, very conspicuous.

The giant sword in his hand was still shining.

The hunter raised the giant sword high during the fall, and then threw it flying.

The sonic boom exploded under this blow with all its strength, and the giant sword flew forward, passed the fist that was swung, and landed directly on the huge piece of meat, sinking deeply into it.


In the next moment, the hunter was hit by this fist, smashing the rock formation behind him, and then smashing a large number of rock formations continuously under the violent impact, the whole person was rolling and rolling, accompanied by the sound of rock cracking along the way Flying a long distance, finally fell into a large amount of gravel, closed his eyes, passed out with blood dripping all over his body.

On the other side, the huge monster that was pierced by the giant sword and exuded light all over its body, did not continue to pay attention to the hunter who was sent flying, but quickly shifted its attention to the hunter. The bottom of the cave was transferred to the fallen hunters.

Then, this glowing thing fell straight down.

Chapter 150: The Girl's Determination


Abigail opened her eyes.

It wasn't in the floating illusory dream at the beginning.

Nor is it in the world where the hunter's dream gradually returned to normal.

Instead, he woke up in the real world. In the real world, in the abandoned town in the forest, he just woke up like this.


There is a slight pain in the back of the neck, and a little dizziness in the head.

Mr. Hunter that big idiot!With such a heavy hand, do you just not want her to participate in this matter?

Damn, this is not something you can count on, Mr. Hunter.

The girl clenched her fists angrily, but soon, she restrained her emotions and forced herself to calm down.

Now is not the time to lose your temper, you have to find Mr. Hunter as soon as possible.

In that hunter dream, I have been told that Mr. Hunter is likely to be in danger, and it can cause great//trouble to him. If something goes wrong, he will not be able to be resurrected again, and will fall into a desperate state.

Once the goddess of the earth, now the earth is filthy.

Abigail has no way of knowing what level of power that god possesses, but it is obvious that he can make the hunter's dream that is rarely shown open again for him, and two people appear at once to remind himself, It proves that it must be extremely critical and a big problem that must be taken seriously.

Therefore, she has to set off immediately, leave here quickly, and head to the Garden of the Old Gods, to the Lost Cave.

Thinking like this, Abigail crawled out of the sleeping bag she was sleeping in without hesitation.

There was nothing special about the surroundings. Although it wasn't the house she stayed in temporarily, Abigail could tell that this place should also be one of the abandoned empty houses in the abandoned town in the forest.

Walking to the door, I turned my ears to listen outside, but didn't hear anything worthy of attention, probably because no one was guarding outside.

He stretched out his hand and tried to push the door, but it was unsuccessful. The door seemed to be nailed to death.

So Abigail pushed with a little strength, but the door didn't move at all. As a 12-year-old girl, it was obvious that Abigail's strength was far from enough to push a nailed door.

Want to trap yourself this way?

Mr. Andre, isn't it a little too naive?

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome."

Abigail, who took a deep breath, showed an extremely serious expression the next moment.

Then, the moonlight suddenly spread.


Amidst the violent explosion, the entire abandoned house was split open by a blue-green light bursting from the inside at this moment.

A large area of ​​the wall collapsed with a roar, and a girl holding a big sword coughed while patting the dust on her body, and quickly ran out from behind the collapsed wall, shaking her head to confirm the directions around her, and then He ran up and down.

You have to hurry up.

Mr. Hunter, the situation is very dangerous now.

Taking a step forward, the little girl increased her speed at this moment and sprinted towards the gate of the Garden of the Old Gods.

On the way, I saw Elsaac and Woodlonona who were sitting in a temporary restaurant and looked at them with a dazed expression. Abigail didn't have time to pay attention to them, but just speeded up running.

Be sure to arrive in time.


"Little girl, you still ran out."

On the road ahead, Andre did not know when he stood where the road must pass, and stopped in front of Abigail.

"Mr. Andre, I have to go now."

Abigail was forced to stop, and spoke seriously.

"Are you dragging others down?"

Andre followed and asked calmly.

"No, I'm going to help Mr. Hunter."

Abigail immediately answered loudly.

"But it doesn't conflict with you being a drag, no

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