? ”

Andre sighed softly, and stepped forward towards Abigail.

"Little girl, I can understand your thoughts. You hope that you can be useful, and that you can try your best to do something."

"But this is just meaningless self-esteem. You are too weak. If you step into that extremely dangerous battlefield with your strength, you will either die on the spot, or let those who would not die die in order to protect you."

"Don't you understand this? Along the way, you have also seen a lot of battles. You should understand this very well. Don't be self-willed anymore. I promise Lord Hunter, no matter what Make sure you're safe and don't make things difficult for me."

Andre, who said so, was about to reach out and grab Abigail's shoulder.

But before that, a dim blue-green light blocked Andre's hand.

"I understand what you mean, Uncle Andrei, but I'm sorry, but I can't stop now."

Holding the moonlight sword in her hand, the girl's expression was full of determination.

"Of course I know I'm weak, my stamina is limited, my strength is limited, and I can't even use the full power of the weapon in my hand."

"However, I also have my mission, and now my mission is to find Mr. Hunter and help him overcome the current difficulties."

"I have seen that Mr. Hunter is going to face some kind of danger that he can't overcome, so I have to help him. This is my mission and what I have to do now, so please don't stop me in front of you, because I will not show mercy."

At the end of the words, there was no trace of hesitation in Abigail's eyes.

The big sword in his hand was shining at this moment, as if responding to the girl's emotions.

A certain kind of power seemed to emerge gradually from her body. At the moment when she became more and more determined to do something, when her heart became more and more firm, in a trance, Abigail felt, It was as if the original layers of shackles on his body leaked a little at this moment, and his strength was enhanced to a certain extent.

"The momentum is very high, and this sword, you do have some extraordinary things."

Sighing, Andre nodded slightly at this moment.

Do you want to stop the other party?

The old blacksmith hesitated at this moment.

If you really want to do something, Abigail naturally has no chance here.

After all, she was still not vigilant enough, that's why she let Andre come closer. At the current distance, Andre can catch Abigail as long as he is willing, and will not give the other party a chance to attack.It's just that even if he can catch her and subdue her, it doesn't seem to change anything.The young girl's will is extremely firm, without the slightest hesitation, even if she is temporarily frustrated here, she will definitely try again, even disregarding her own safety.

After all, children have such a personality... No, Abigail is a very mature girl. It should be said that this stubbornness is her characteristic.

So, what should you do?

Sighing, Andre closed his eyes at this moment.

It seems that I can think of many boys and girls who have come and gone here.

The weapons I have worked so hard to build, the weapons I have tried my best to build for them, so that they can fight and be protected.

After forging for so many years, in the end, I was still sending away the dead one by one.

Those people who set foot on the corrupt field with the weapons and armor they forged in their hands and never came back, did they also look like this at that time, and were they also so determined?

What exactly...

"I'm sorry, Monsieur Andrey!"

Then, the blue light suddenly burst out.


It was completely beyond Andre's expectation. While he was still struggling and hesitating, this seemingly small Abigail actually made a straightforward move, releasing a blue light violently.

Caught off guard, Andre subconsciously swung his fist, but nothing was hit. This seemed to be just a non-existent energy.

But at the next moment, the moment the ray of light hit him, Andre immediately felt paralyzed all over his body, his body couldn't exert any strength at once, he stumbled, and finally he could only half kneel on the ground, dizzy Almost panting.

And Abigail has already quickly ran away from her side, running towards the gate of the Garden of the Old Gods.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Andre, I will definitely apologize to you when I come back!"

The girl who went away was still shouting loudly in a very apologetic voice at this moment.

Ha, what is this...

Sighing, the old man stood up, patted the dust off his body, moved his slightly numb body, and turned his head to look at Abigail, who had gradually gone away.

Although the blow just now was very interesting, it would be too naive to really defeat Andre.Of course, being able to control the weapon in her hand so precisely to release power, to the point of knocking down a strong adult man for a moment, is enough to show the extraordinary talent this girl possesses.

Speaking of it, I was obviously still hesitating whether to let her go, but this girl was really impatient to such an extent that she couldn't wait for a moment.

Could it be that she could really sense something, so she acted in such a hurry?

It's just that, no matter what, he has indeed let the other party go, and this fact cannot be denied.

"In this case, I always feel that I am a little sorry for the entrustment of Your Excellency Hunter. It seems that this old guy like me is actually quite unreliable, haha..."

Laughing helplessly, Andre moved his previously injured arm, thought for a while, walked into his blacksmith shop, walked out with a heavy hammer, and walked towards the gate of the Garden of the Old Gods Also walked.

No matter how you say it, it's really impossible for an adult to let a child go to a dangerous place of life and death.

So since the other party has run away so resolutely, he should come and sacrifice his life to accompany him.

Chapter 150: [Failed Hero]


My mind is still a little buzzing.

Just now, what happened?

The ground collapsed, and I fell down with it. It seemed that I hit a steep slope, and then kept rolling down. I don't know how long I rolled, and finally hit something.

My whole body hurts...

Tsk...won't it break a bone...

Open your eyes and close them again.

It was pitch black, nothing could be seen, nothing could be heard.

The only thing that could be felt was the panting sound that sounded from time to time, almost like a ghost haunting.

And, the feeling of being constantly corroded and eroded by something came from all over the body.

Ah, that's right.

I am in the lost cave.

There is no hope or beauty, only a dark place with an ugly root of filth.

There is no light to be seen here, only pure darkness, and the evil things peeping out of the darkness like them, the intruders.

I am obviously a small policeman, why did I appear in this kind of place?

Recalling a little bit, when I was still in the capital of stars, as a policeman, I looked like a high-spirited policeman every day. At that time, he was merciless to any criminals, and he had been doing his best to fight for the justice in his heart. .

Even though he has suffered so many blows and been discouraged so many times, at least he is still working hard and continuing to pursue that justice.

It's just that he couldn't stay there any longer.

Couldn't go on any longer, tricked myself into staying there.

On that day, on that night, after seeing such things.



Even the sheriff... is one of them?

Shouldn't we police officers be the ones who uphold justice and protect the weak asylum seekers?

Why, choose to go with the darkness...

Puff puff puff puff——

A wet feeling came from the side of the face.

The familiar touch of fluff is clearly conveyed on the face.

William's eyes widened, he stretched out his hand, groped in the darkness, touched a familiar furry body, touched the one who had been fighting with him all the way, even in the most desperate moment, he still never left hound, his girl Figus.

"You are here, girl, haha, good girl, good girl, now is not the time to express enthusiasm."

William, who was talking subconsciously with a smile, couldn't hear his own voice clearly.

This boundless darkness possesses a more strange power than the ominous fog of the so-called silent monster Horfors. No matter how hard William tried to speak, he could barely hear the transmission from his throat through the bone to the The sound in the ear, but completely unable to hear the sound in the air.

It's as if the concept of [sound] itself has been denied by this dark fog, so that no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to really make a sound that can be heard by others.

Ah, such a thing, no wonder those who have been here have failed, no wonder no one has been successful.

Think about it carefully, you can't see or hear anything, you don't even know where your teammates are, where the enemy is, and there are countless forks in the bottomless huge cave. Facing all kinds of twisted monsters with rotting flesh and blood, the monster with huge arms that just appeared that even hunters can't deal with, and the deepest place, the filthy heart that has no record of its appearance so far.

Think about it carefully, is there really a possibility of ushering in victory?

It's simply impossible.

Not to mention finding the filthy heart to start the final battle, it is obviously impossible to even find the filthy heart.Among other things, even if you are really thrown in front of the filthy heart, you can't see that thing, you can't hear that thing, you can't feel that thing, how do you fight the other party?Is it really possible to compete with each other?

So now, is it over?

William helped his hound to stand up, looked around in the darkness, but couldn't see anything.

Maybe he can find other people by relying on his hounds, but the problem is that now Fergus can't see or hear himself, and can only find himself by smell.Whether he gave orders with gestures or whistles, his own girl couldn't feel them at all, and there was no way to find other hunters.

So, what's next...

Thinking stops at this moment for an instant.

William stared forward and saw the light.

In the boundless darkness, a bright light illuminated a distance of 30 meters.

It is the only light that can exist in this dark place emitted by the giant sword of the hunter!

In other words, Lord Hunter has come down and is looking for them?

Although at the beginning, I thought it was over, but as long as the hunter can reappear without incident, it means that the situation has not yet reached the worst point.Although William himself didn't realize this at this time, he really felt so.

In short, let's rush to the bright place first.

It is believed that other companions have also converged towards the bright place.

Thinking like this, William was about to move forward, but had to stop at the next moment.

His hound, Fergus, did not follow him to approach the light, but took a step back, trembling slightly, assuming a posture of defense and attack.

The girl is on guard against the hunter?

No, no, that's not a hunter.

The source of that light is not Lord Hunter!

It only took a very short time for William, who realized this, to help his hound back slowly.

And at this moment, the bright light gradually approached at this moment, and gradually, William was able to see what that thing looked like.At this time, he was able to understand what he was trying to get close to just now.

That's meat.

Pure meat.

Pure, something made of flesh.

Huge, irregularly shaped flesh slowly moved among the pitch-black rocks in a wriggling manner.

One huge arm after another grew on the body of this giant hand, trembling slightly from time to time.

There are some distorted human faces whose original appearance can hardly be seen clearly, and they can barely be seen on the top of the flesh.Those who kept opening and closing their mouths were like the faces of fish that were thrown ashore, struggling to breathe, more or less distributed in various parts of the meat.

There is no doubt that this is a monster of filth.

Moreover, it is extremely powerful, no less than those monsters such as the so-called gatekeepers and eager knights, and they need to be carefully avoided. The kind of powerful hunters are difficult to deal with under normal circumstances, or even impossible to defeat at all. monster.

No, considering that Your Excellency the Hunter is obviously having some difficulty facing this thing, I am afraid that the power of this thing needs to be improved to a higher level.

After all, this is the deepest area where the source of filth lies.To be able to survive here, to survive in this place where all other filthy monsters will not approach, the filthy power enriched in the body of this thing may have reached an unprecedented level of terror, and even bluntly said that this thing Most of the flesh under the skin was simulated and reshaped by filthy forces, and it was no longer normal flesh and blood.

This thing, what is this thing?

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