William felt cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Such a powerful monster has never been heard of, is it because it is in the lost cave and cannot be seen, so there has been no record?

So this thing, is it going to be a goddess knight?

After all, according to the results of the previous communication and comparison between everyone and the hunter, the ten goddess knights of the goddess of the earth, the ten strong men who stood at the pinnacle of human beings, except for the only one whose whereabouts are unknown now, that is, the so-called temple knight, the knight of the earth. The apostle Cro Morgan, the rest of the goddess knights, regardless of whether their names have been passed down or not, at least everyone knows somewhere.

The sealed skeletal beast guarding the gate of the Cursed Forest, Glenn the gatekeeper guarding the Garden of the Old Gods, the foul swordsman in the Dead Marsh, Horfus the silent monster of the Black Lake, and the nameless knight eaten by the silent monster, There are also the Knights of Desire in Pilgrimage Town, the Forgotten Knights in Fengrao Town, and the two Goddess Knights who died in the battle in Lucerne City.The nine people who died in different places can in a sense be able to explain the tragedy of the knights who sacrificed themselves to save more people when the disaster happened.

However, all the knights were able to find their whereabouts, except for the head of the knights, the apostle of the earth, who has never heard of it.Although there are rumors that after the disaster broke out, he may be the only knight who went deep into the source of filth to find the goddess of the earth, but further evidence, further evidence that can prove the whereabouts of the knight has never been found.

Could it be that the knight commander finally became such a disgusting thing?

William guessed the possible situation at this moment, and kept retreating, trying to ensure that he would not appear in the range of light.

He had seen the source of the light, the greatsword held by Lord Hunter.

At this moment, the huge sword blade pierced the monster's body and penetrated deeply, leaving only a

The hilt is just outside.The light emitted by the blade itself seems to be able to ignore the blockage of the monster's body, go directly over the flesh and blood of this thing, and illuminate the surrounding area with a radius of about 30 meters, completely exposing this thing with a size of about ten meters. in the light.

No one knows where the hunter himself is now, or where he went.However, the opponent's trick before disappearing is obviously very effective. Under such obvious light, other hunters will be able to quickly discover this trick even if they are in the absolute darkness where they cannot see anything. There is no trace of the huge monster, after all, it is the only light on here, and it is impossible not to be discovered.

Then, what is the next thing to do?

William watched the twisted thing cautiously, thinking about his next move.

Do you fight directly with the opponent?

I'm afraid it won't work. I don't know where the other hunters are or what's going on with everyone.

If you confront this terrifying monster rashly, you may easily fall into a situation of fighting alone. At that time, without any support, you will inevitably have to usher in a tragic sacrifice, just like the big shield warrior Webster was also killed on the spot, so dead that even a complete body could not be left.

Not only that, but if you think about it in a darker direction, you go up and fight this thing desperately, and fight miserably, but there are indeed other teammates around, and they can also see the picture of you fighting to the death.

But what if they just look at it?

Although everyone knows that it is impossible for a hunter to fight this kind of enemy with his fighting power alone.

Although everyone understands that everyone must fight together to have the possibility of defeating this kind of thing.

But the question is, what if others just refuse to stand up?

What if other people were just watching, just watching?

After all, the pursuit of self-preservation is a human instinct. Even the hunters who joined the battle of ten deaths and no lives, in the face of the moment of life and death, can they make a choice? And who can know?

So... this thing...

Hesitating, William finally pressed his hound and did not rush forward.

At least, wait until Lord Hunter returns.

He is the backbone of the whole team.

With him, we can guarantee the strongest stability and unity.

As for the thing with the sword stuck in it, I should follow it slowly from behind first, don't rush to attack, just follow this thing first to confirm its movement.

While thinking in this way, William moved forward quietly, but gradually discovered that the light emitted from the giant sword inserted on the piece of meat seemed to be gradually dimming, as if the blade itself was suffering some kind of damage. General erosion.

Oops, the filthy power on that monster is too strong. Is it possible that the power on this reforged giant sword can't resist for a long time?

This is the only life-saving light source that everyone can use in this ghost place!

I can't drag it on any longer, even if I want to die, I have to snatch this thing out. If this light source is really destroyed and can't be used, it's unimaginable what the next battle against the filthy heart will be like. must now-


The flame bloomed on the body of this behemoth in the next moment.

Prestcott, the conjurer, strode out of the darkness with flames emerging from his hands. Following his violent swing, the deadly heat was released, and it directly exploded on the body of the piece of meat. A large amount of minced meat was blasted out.

Sesset and Adni then rushed out from beside him, facing the monster, and pierced the long sword and spear in their hands into the flesh and blood of this thing.

The sudden violent attack obviously stimulated this behemoth, and almost immediately, those huge arms slapped down fiercely, smashing holes one after another on the ground directly amidst the roar, constantly trying to attack them these hunters.

"All fellow hunters, now is not the time to hide! If this light source is destroyed, our end will be a dead end. We must kill this bastard and take back this sword. Everyone, Hurry up!"

The conjurer Prestcott yelled and shook his hand violently, and a fireball floated in the sky, firing flames towards the huge fleshy monster. There were bloody mouths on its body.

A big hand swept across violently, forcing Prescott to hold Sesset and roll to avoid it.

Adni pulled out his spear and tried to dodge but was unable to dodge. He was slapped and flew out, falling into the darkness without knowing his life or death.

A short ax flew out suddenly at this moment and got stuck on an arm.

Immediately afterwards, Tardif swung the hook rope and fell down suddenly, punching this arm hard, hitting it hard to the ground.The bounty hunter stepped on this arm, bent down and pulled out his hatchet, swung it to sprinkle blood, and then looked at the monster in front of him.

"You were very proud of hiding in the darkness just now, you thing, but I see that you are not much different from other filthy monsters. They are all equally ugly and make people want to vomit."

of scolding

In the middle, the huge arm was lifted suddenly, and Tardif turned over and fell to the ground, and the short ax followed to cut a bigger wound on the monster's arm.

"Get on everyone! Don't give this bastard any reaction time!!!"

Among the more roars, William's hound first roared and rushed out, jumping up and tearing off a large piece of flesh from the fleshy monster's body.

Gunshots rang out one after another, blasting a series of blood holes on the body of this thing, Natia Vida and Jacob rushed out from the darkness, avoiding those squirming arms and slashing and slashing at the thing's body. Under more and more trauma.

Stickley and Athor also rushed out, the former raised the huge sword in his hand and directly pierced into the flesh layer of the thing, while the latter threw throwing knives continuously, followed Stickley and pulled out a The short sword also pierced into the flesh and blood of this thing.

"Since the hunter is not here, then this is a battle for the hunters!"

"That's right, win in one breath and kill this disgusting thing!"

"Well said, go for it! Don't give it a chance! This is the glory of hunters!"

More and more people gathered at this moment, and shot continuously at this moment.

Gunshots, tearing, slashing.

A large number of voices sounded, and many hunters ran, roared, and swung.

Although the darkness cannot transmit sound, the sound within the light range can be clearly transmitted into the darkness, as if the light itself suppressed a certain rule in the darkness.

The huge arms swung violently but couldn't hit these hunters. They had already witnessed how outrageous the strength of these arms before, and they would never let the arms touch themselves. As long as the arms moved, they would immediately start dodge.

More and more wounds were created from the monster's body at this moment, making it more bloody, more helpless, and more powerless.

Then, a face moved slightly at this time, and opened its eyes.


The deep voice suddenly sounded.


More faces opened at this moment, and more mouths began to murmur and repeat unconsciously.


The trembling, repeating voice seemed to be becoming more and more sad and desperate.

At this moment, from the body of this thing, there were sounds one after another.

"Why does this thing seem to be repeating something?"

Stickley, who cut out a sword, realized something was wrong at this moment.

"Something's wrong... Back away first, everyone back away!!!"

Tadiff, who also felt that something was wrong, roared, and retreated to the rear first.

The other hunters also realized something was wrong at this moment, but before they started to retreat, the monster's behavior changed suddenly.


All the arms are all contracted at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, all the human hands on this piece of meat disappeared, leaving only a mountain of tattered flesh and blood.

【We are... hunters】

In the murmur, small mouths opened one after another on the flesh and blood. "

【We... want to save this world...】

One after another, extremely sharp spikes protruded from the small mouth at this moment.


Countless spikes densely packed, countless sharp bone spurs, at the next moment, amidst the murmuring sound, they were suddenly fired towards the surroundings.


The dense sonic boom enveloped everything in an instant.

Stickley raised his prosthetic limb to block, and was hit and sent flying. Athor had only time to crouch down, and Niverin rushed in front of her and raised his shield to block, and then both of them were hit by a spike. Get out and roll into the dark.

Karnis rolled on the ground and hid behind a stone, but the next moment the stone itself was pierced by spikes, and the flying gravel cut his cheek and one eye, making the man howl unbearably sound.

Natia Vida had no time to withdraw, but Jacob, who was fighting beside her, kicked her to the ground. Following Jacob, he was pierced by several spikes, flew out and rolled on the ground. There were shocking large bloodstains on the ground.

The hunters who were attacking bravely were all repelled after only being attacked once, and there were even many wounded.

As for the piece of meat that had erupted in a round of attacks, after squirming for a while, the distorted human faces suddenly began to become more distorted.


【Hunter ah...】

[The hunter's mission...our mission...]


Still continuing to murmur.

In the voice, the distorted will is constantly expanding.

Prestcott covered his head, and knelt on the ground half-kneeling in pain.

Tardiff, who was about to charge up with an axe, fell to the ground, howled, gritted his teeth and stood up again, but stumbled and fell again.

Sit down on the ground.

"Damn things..."

The bounty hunter with bloodshot eyes was trembling all over, but he couldn't stop that crazy thing from entering his mind.

I saw it.

Everyone saw it.

The hunters here, every hunter here, have seen it all.

So clear, so clear, so empathetic.

Accompanied by this increasingly intense pain, what was transmitted and violently released from everyone present belonged to this terrifying monster, and belonged to the person who once stepped into this dark place to save mankind. The memory of the hunter heroes who struggled, and ultimately failed.


Lost in the boundless darkness.


I don't even know if I have reached the end.

[In the end...it still failed...]

Countless sacrifices have been made and countless tragedies have been seen.

Gasping for breath, squeezing the limit, Mingming finally reached the final step.

It is obvious that the last step before the finish line has been reached, and it is only a little short of it.

In the end, it still failed, and in the end, it just failed like this.

I can't even remember how I died.

I can't even remember the process of how I became a monster.

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