Resentment, anger, sorrow, despair, pain...

The only ones left are those who have finally ushered in failure, can no longer find the slightest hope, and those who have even become a part of despair and become obstacles to those who come later. No matter how you want The remnants of what was said, which are no longer useful, just like this slowly aggregated, slowly aggregated together.

It can't even merge with the filthy creatures in the lost caves, because of the despair accumulated at the last moment of death, the accumulated twisted and crazy hatred and pain, so that it can only become like this, with no possibility of redemption , will only bring more suffering and defeat to other people who are willing to devote themselves to salvation with more cruelty, and will only wander endlessly in the depths of this dark lost cave, but will never reach the real end, can not reach In front of that filthy heart, the failed hunters.

Failed, there are no hunters who can successfully save the world.

Hunters who have failed, nothing can change.

The hunters who failed, became part of the darkness themselves.

【Our mission...】

【We... must... save...】

The distorted flesh and blood, and the countless faces that emerged at this moment, all let out even more miserable wailing.

At the moment when the hunters covered their heads in pain, and many of them even started to ooze blood from their eyes and noses, amidst the increasingly frenzied squirming flesh and blood, surging limbs and pieces of flesh , that one after another human face shed blood red tears at this moment.

"Failed hunter, failed hero?"

Then, Disma's steady voice suddenly sounded above the chaotic monster.

Chapter 150: Disma's Awakening

In the distance, the sound of the hunters fighting fiercely, and the roar that seemed to come from a certain monster.

It is conceivable that they should have fought to a certain critical moment now, and they are doing their best to fight against a certain powerful monster.Well, it's very likely that it's the bone-spitting thing with many hands they just dealt with.

Well, the sound of gunshots, the sound of swords, and the sound of cursing, all sounded together.

It's really strange, I obviously shouldn't hear any voices.

Isn't this a further area of ​​filth?Under normal circumstances, people in this place should not be able to hear anything, right?I can't see anything, and I can't hear any sound. Even if someone stands close to me and speaks loudly, I can't realize the existence of the other party at all. This should be a place like this, right?Then why, now can I hear the voices of my fellow hunters?

Well, it should be because of the sword, right?

After all, just before the hunter was sent flying, he threw the glowing sword and stuck it into the ugly thing.

In other words, can the sound from a place with light be heard even in a dark area?

The rules in this place are really strange.

And in this case, the explanation of why my group encountered a large number of attacks at the beginning is obvious, because they are too conspicuous when they come in with the lights on, so conspicuous that all the surrounding things can see them coming in.

This is really not a funny joke, but considering that those who dared to come up to do things with them are basically killed, it seems that it can actually be regarded as a, um, a joke that is still a bit funny.

Although he probably couldn't laugh.


He sighed for a long time, just a little involved in the wound on his stomach, he felt that the nerves in his whole body were about to burst in severe pain.

Disma's hands trembled slightly, he bit

found that this was not effective, then bit his tongue again, then took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and grabbed the tip of the bone that pierced his stomach and nailed himself directly to the stone wall prick.

Try, with a little force, to see if you can pull it out.


This time, Disma let out a scream that was out of tune due to the severe pain.

There is no way to move this thing.

The spikes are stuck tightly on the wall, and there is no way to pull it out, at least with your own strength, there is definitely no way to pull it out.

Perhaps this is the real joke.

My own life, all that I have experienced, in the end, is just a joke that is completely unlaughable, an extremely ridiculous joke.


Disma smiled silently, and leaned against the stone wall behind him with a smile. He just let himself be hung in the middle of the steep stone wall, closed his eyes, and continued to listen to the scene not far away, still staggering violently. The sound of fighting.

My companions are still fighting.

He knew very well that those fellow hunters, those companions who joined the hunt together, were all still fighting.

And myself, the guy who is valued by all of them, who is almost equal to the small half leader of the entire hunting god team, this guy who is actually the member of the hunting god team, just hangs on the stone like this, just like that. Hanging without moving.

Presumably, if they found out, they would be very disappointed.

However, it shouldn't be so, after all, I brought Hunter and Abigail back to Xingkong Town, didn't I?

He has actually succeeded.

He has brought the savior to all.

Although this savior is not strong enough to protect everyone, although this savior is not strong enough to save all disasters and mistakes.

But he did accomplish this. He brought back the hunter and Abigail. Although the latter is not yet clear what is special about it, the hunter has successfully killed many hunters. We dare not imagine being killed by monsters anymore.

So, even if we stop here, there is no problem at all.

You've actually done enough, haven't you?

Think about it, how many good things has he done?

He has been a hunter for many years, and he has killed piles and piles of monsters.

He protected boarding houses, and he even paid for babysitters for orphaned children at his own expense.

In order to save a child's life, he gambled with his own life, and went through life and death with a few of his friends.

In the end, he participated in this battle where it was almost impossible to go back alive. He stepped into this journey that was equivalent to death, and finally walked into the lost cave that was only one step away from the end. To be honest, he has worked hard enough isn't it?

So even if you stop here, it's actually okay, right?

"'re such a jerk..."

Disma couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help cursing.

The pain of the wound on the stomach seems to have eased a little bit.

It's not clear how much blood came out, but as long as the spike is still stuck on his body, then there is probably no need to worry about blood loss. After all, the wound has been blocked, and even if it bleeds, it will only bleed a little. Then some, it will not fall into a critical state in a short time.

It's just that, in this case, I can't fight.


Once again, he stretched out his hand and supported the stone wall behind him.

The attempt this time is to try to let the stomach get out of the front of the spike, and to tear the wound on the stomach bit by bit by myself, to see if it is possible to break free from it.

After all, the small and sharp part of the thorn has now pierced into the stone wall.

If you want to break free forcefully, you can only try to break through from the front.

Unfortunately, after trying a little bit, Disma chose to give up.Because he realized that even if he could forcibly tear open the wound and break free, by that time he would no longer have any fighting power, and it would be no different from shooting himself directly.

Because the end of this spike is too thick, Disma just touched the size a little, and he was sure that he had to completely tear open his entire stomach, and he might even have to break his spine, so that the spike could be released. Thoroughly penetrated through his abdomen.In that case, needless to say about the combat power, it is estimated that he may have burped his fart because of the heavy bleeding before he passed through.

"It turned out to be so useless in the end..."

Disma, who gave up his actions, leaned against the stone wall behind him, closed his eyes, and sighed listening to the sounds of fighting.

In the end, is he still a useless waste?

Trying to atone for sins, trying to get redemption.

Deceiving oneself and looking forward to a miracle, in the end, what met oneself was such a ridiculous fate.

After being a hunter for several years, do you really think you are a hero?

How is this possible.

Others might be able to be heroes, but not him alone.

It is absolutely impossible to have yourself.

Because, he is a robber.

A murderer and arsonist, a robber who robs people of money.

Yes, Disma is no ordinary person.

He used to be a bandit active in the mountains and forests, a real robber.

Usually, he would drink and eat meat with his gang of three-educated companions. When he met a woman he liked, he would go for sex, and when he met a man he didn't like, he would beat him up.And when their hands gradually become a little nervous, they will wear masks, haunt the mountain roads in the wilderness, stop those passing carriages, kill everyone inside, and steal all valuables inside. things, and then continue to live a dreamy life of spending money lavishly.

Yes, that's who you are.

This is the life I once had.

Disma laughed at himself silently in the darkness.

a robber.

A true robber.

A robber who deserved to be hanged and burned to death, a robber who deserved a thousand knives.

How many evil things did he do when he was young?

I can't even count the numbers.

How many innocent people did he kill, how many innocent people with children at home, wives and parents waiting to go back died by his hands?

The same is simply impossible to count clearly.

I have never been a good person.

It is impossible to become a good person forever.

Disma has always been aware of this, and he has never forgotten how rotten he is and how disgusting he is.The bad things done by other hunters are not worth mentioning to him. If William really knew what kind of person he was, he would definitely arrest him on the spot, hang him, and use this method to give those who were killed by him family, to give some comfort to those resentful souls killed by him.

In fact, if there is such a day, Disma has to admit that he might enjoy it a lot.After all, for a scum like himself, such an ending is the most suitable ending for him, isn't it?

So how did things get this far?

How did I step by step to become what I am today?

Perhaps it was because there was nothing else to do but wait for death.

Disma is getting calmer and calmer now, and even has the mood to recall his past.

Ah, let me think, let me think.

How should I put it, at the beginning, it seemed that it was just because of a principle.

Yes, I have a creed, a criterion, a place that is different from other bandits.

He doesn't kill women, he doesn't kill children.

Yes, it is so ridiculous, obviously a robber who does all kinds of evil, but in the end he hypocritically set himself a restraint, hypocritically snatching property and after killing someone, he said that he would not kill women and children.

If the people he killed could stand up again, they would surely spit several mouthfuls of phlegm in his face.

In fact, even Disma himself sometimes wants to spit on himself.

If you become a villain, you should have the consciousness of being a villain.

If you do bad things, you should understand what it means to do bad things.

But that's exactly what he wanted to do.

I just want to set this kind of rule for myself, and abide by it very strictly, as if this can give him some psychological comfort.

Stupid, disgusting, self-defeating.

This is who I was then, and this is who I have always been.

So, why would you set such a standard for yourself?

The specific reason, even if you ask him now, Disma can't remember it.

However, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I had no father since I was a child and was raised by my mother alone.

I have never received any good education, and I can only see the occurrence of various tragic situations, the bloody sacrifices of those priests, the tragic killings caused by monsters that occasionally break through the barriers of the star gods, and the deception and conflict between human beings. Violence, resentment and viciousness, gradually, from hating such things at the beginning, in the end, I also blended in, mixed with those things that are inferior to pigs and dogs, and became a part of them.

But even so, there are still some things left in my heart.

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