My mother died of illness very early, and was still very young when she died.

Perhaps when robbing, killing, seeing those trembling women, seeing those terrified children, I would think of my mother who once pulled me, and myself who was once helpless.Maybe it is the reason, Disma can only persuade himself in this way, persuade himself to accept such a rule.

Don't kill women, don't kill children.

It started out as a code like a joke.

But after killing a few guys who dared to laugh at him, this principle is no longer a joke.

Everyone knows that Desma is a robber who does not kill women and children.

Although he didn't set up such a standard to demand from himself in order to let others know about it, but whatever, that's what happened in the end.With such a rule set, basically there is no way to mix with those bandit friends.

Together, those guys are only willing to believe in evil without any bottom line. For them, a guy with a bottom line and principles is no longer a guy who can't be a friend, but a guy who can only become an enemy.

So, he fired dozens of shots, stabbed dozens of knives, killed a bunch of guys who used to be called brothers, and then ran away, continuing to roam freely among the mountains and forests, and went to other towns to cause harm.

Well, even though I set a standard for myself at that time, yes, I was still a robber at that time.

Maybe it was possible to kill a man with a single shot just because he saw his coat, and grab it.

It is possible that just a little short of pocket money, they broke into the house, killed the person, searched it, then set fire to the house and slipped away.

He was still a villain with blood on his hands.

A hopeless villain.

He has always understood this, and he also knows that those shadows who died under his gun and are still following him are also watching him, watching this clumsy performance become A good man of him.


The stomach wound seemed to be hurting again.

I stretched out my hand to touch it, and found a lot of sticky blood.

Probably because the edge of the wound was cracked when trying to break free before?

Although he wouldn't bleed immediately because the wound was still blocked, but in this way, maybe he could die a little earlier?

It's a good thing, right?

The battle below is still going on at this moment.

It seems that more and more people have participated in it, and various voices sounded continuously, which can be called wonderful.Disma suspected that all the hunters except himself and the hunter were all engaged in the battle at the moment, and they were all attacking wildly around the big guy.

Well, speaking of it, where did I go just now?

Close your eyes and continue to recall.

Well, next, it should be the most ridiculous part.

The part about how to become a hunter yourself.

... If he said that he had suddenly awakened, could the family members of those victims save a knife when they killed him?

Just kidding.

It was just a very ordinary robbery time.

A carriage, two coachmen.

He was only short of pocket money, so he didn't want to grab too much.

Shoot, kill one of them first, his marksmanship has always been very good, and he will never miss.

The dagger cuts the blood vessels and cuts the throat of the second person. The person who died in this way will be very painful to be honest, but he is not the one who died, so why should he care about whether others are in pain or not?

What's in the carriage that I don't bother to care about, that's the case for a random villain like him, after all, the coachman has enough money, as he said at the beginning, he just wants some pocket money .As for the issue of killing two people in a row because of such a trivial matter, it's funny, you are discussing the issue of killing with a robber?

However, that time, something unexpected happened.

Looking back now, he also has to say that it was really just an instinctive reaction.

He left the carriage to go to the nearby towns to have some fun.

At this time, the carriage made a sound, and some sounds came from inside the carriage.

It may just be the sound of the passengers being frightened.

But it could also be the sound of passengers picking up their guns and preparing to protest.

So, he turned around quickly and shot the carriage.

Yes, an instinctive reaction.

As a robber, his instinctive reaction was honed after many bloody fights.

He never misses.

[Then, what happened? 】

It was as if he heard someone asking himself this question.

[Then what happened? 】

It is obvious that there is only one person left in the whole world, and only oneself is in this darkness.

However, it was as if he heard someone asking himself this question.

[Then, what did you see, what did you do, what happened? 】



Then I……

I approached the compartment, wanting to confirm the result of my shooting. Although I can guarantee that I will hit someone in the case of shooting through the door, I can't guarantee where.

It is possible that the opponent is not dead and has the ability to resist, so I have to check and make up for another shot if necessary.No, I wasn't thinking of refilling the gun at the time, because the bullets are still relatively limited. What I thought was actually refilling the gun.

So I approached that car, and I looked into the car.

I saw……


【What do you see? 】


【What did you see? 】

I saw……

I saw... two dead bodies...

a mother.

a child.

I saw two dead bodies, a mother and a child.

The mother was holding the child and sitting in the carriage, she had stopped breathing.

The angle of the shot was good, and it penetrated two people at the same time.

They walked very fast, very fast, and the bullets hit vital points, and they basically left without experiencing any pain.So when I stepped forward to check the situation, although it was only less than two or three seconds, they had already left, they were already... already asleep, and they would never wake up again... …Fell asleep……

【You killed this mother and her child】

I... just instinctively...

【So, you killed this mother and her child】

It was just my... instinctive reaction...

【It was you who killed a mother and her child, you killed them】

I...killed them...


On that day, he killed a mother and a child.

This is my past.

This is his past as a robber.

remorse, pain.

Such words no longer make any sense.

What has happened, just happened.

After all, this criterion is not binding at all, is it?

He is a robber himself, an outlaw.

I don't obey any rules.

Don't mind.

No need to be upset.

Is there really that much difference between killing a woman and a child and killing two men?

But he just couldn't fucking point a gun at anybody anymore, he just couldn't take a knife and rob anybody anymore.

Those two faces followed behind him like devils. Whenever he turned his head, he could see the carriage stopped behind him, and he could see the mother and child sitting in the carriage. , the holes they were punched out were still bleeding.

I thought of more and more people I had killed, and those people all followed behind me, and followed me with the carriage.Each, each of them, their faces became so clear, so clear.

He also saw his mother, his emaciated mother who was about to die of illness.

He was lying in his mother's arms and was shot with his mother while he stood outside the carriage and shot him and his mother with one shot.

No, it's not the same at all, it's not the same person at all, is it?

But he did see his mother.

To the mother who couldn't say a word to him, just went away like this.

No one will forgive him.

He doesn't deserve anyone's forgiveness.

A murderer like myself, a robber like myself, why would he want to be forgiven as long as he has a heart of repentance?

Those who are qualified to forgive him have all been killed by him, they have all been killed by him.

What should I do?

So he could only ask like this.

What should I do now?

Asking without knowing anyone.

What am I going to do next?

Asking in vain, asking again and again, asking questions that can't be answered.

When is the next day?

Can't remember anymore.

That guy in crusader armor called Leonard.

He was obviously a church knight in the capital of fog, but in the end he defected and set up his own family to become a wandering knight, and then ran to him, intending to kill him and take his head to claim the bounty.

If you want to take it, then take it.

He didn't even bother to resist, so he just let the opponent swing his sword and hack him to death.

As a result, the idiot stopped, and had to figure out what he meant, whether he looked down on him or something.

They must have scolded each other, and then fought again.

In short, in the end, the other party gave me a hunter badge in Xingkong Town, and asked myself to go there to try to be a hunter, try to fight monsters, protect civilians, fight for the safety of others, and then just like that gone.

That bastard named Leonard stole his purse when he left.

Isn't this guy a fucking church knight?How can you be so proficient at stealing things!

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