But, anyway, that's it in the end.

I came to Xingkong Town by myself.

became a hunter.

He had a fight with Tardiff, a grumpy bounty hunter, and he became friends for the time being.

After going through dangers, he has been admired and recognized by many people. After all, in the eyes of these people, he is not a robber, but a powerful and trustworthy hunter companion, a... hunter hero……

Hero... what an ironic title...

A person like myself... can be called a hero...

Then, it was that day when I passed by the sustenance house.

At that time, the sustenance house was dilapidated and dilapidated, and the children in it also looked malnourished.

Xuerong stood at the door. At that time, Xuerong was shorter and more timid, and she didn't dare to take other children to do the risky thing of breaking into the hunter's bedroom.So I just took a step forward and wanted to ask her something, so the child was frightened and cried, and he couldn't even run away, fell down, and simply sat on the ground and cried.

Followed Pu and ran out, that bastard was already a brat at that time, he actually threw a stinky sock at me

Damn, if it weren't for his skinny appearance, I would have beaten him on the spot until he called me grandpa.

But it can be seen that Pu was actually very scared at the time, and regretted throwing away the socks.

But he still stood in front of Xuerong, holding a branch and pretending to be holding a sword, just blocking Xuerong's face and yelling at himself.

At that time, cattails already knew how to protect snow velvet.

The relationship between the two of them is so good, why didn't I have such a friendship when I was a child?

Followed by many children, they did not dare to come out, they just hid in that dilapidated room and observed us secretly.

I don't know if I'm drinking too much.

My partner and I, Jason, I told him, let's go buy some food for these brats, it's pitiful to see them all look like fucking refugees.

Jason didn't like these kids at the time, so he just asked me if I was taking the wrong medicine.

I also feel that I have taken the wrong medicine. When did I become such a kind-hearted guy?

But we still bought food for the kids, even if it was just some baked potatoes, and the way the guys huddled around to eat, and the way Jason and I called us uncles and hunter heroes, I……

I... I don't know...


I... redecorated the house for those kids.

I didn't have enough money, Jason contributed some, and Tardiff lent me some, but I didn't plan to pay it back.

I went to William, and he was a little surprised at what I thought, and said that he thought I was a criminal at first, and he was right.In short, he also mobilized the police officers to donate some money, and he himself contributed a lot.

In addition, we met Liz at that time. She was a nosy woman from the beginning, and she came to us after knowing that we were busy with this matter.

There were also those hunters who were taunting me, saying that I was a fool for being kind-hearted. As a result, many people secretly knocked on the windows and doors of my house in the middle of the night and donated a little money to me.These guys just didn't pay attention to the situation of the boarding house before, and they really knew that those children were in difficulties, so they were still willing to help a little bit.

So I actually understood from that time that these hunters are true heroes no matter how bad their personalities are.

And I became one of them.

I don't deserve this honor.

I know that I don't really deserve this honor.


Anyway, the three of us, me, Jason, and Liz, we made that boarding house barely feel like a place to live.Then I found Mona, these children can finally guarantee to have a bite of hot food and rice every day.

I bought new sheets and duvet covers for these kids.

I bought them new clothes.

I also learned to tell them stories.

They really thought I was a hero.

These kids...

They really think I'm a hero.

Do you... do you... understand what I mean?

I am a robber.

I am a villain who does all kinds of evil.

But now, these kids see me as a hero.

The rest of the town, whether it's the townspeople or the hunters, they also believe that I'm a good man.

Is this really all I can get?

Is this really what I'm entitled to?





The pain in the wound seemed to gradually intensify a bit.

Why did he make such a ghostly appearance, it is really hard for people to understand.

Jason and Liz are dead.

When he was in Fengrao Town, he was killed by the Forgotten Knight when he was praying for Blanca to find the goddess.

I was seriously injured and was rescued by a hunter, and the blessing of the goddess was used on me.

I wasted my only chance to save that child.

In fact, I have been vaguely aware of it since then.

Your own retribution is coming.

I am self-righteous, thinking that I can live a better life.

The retribution for reminding myself of what I have done, and what I am, is coming soon.

Going deep into the city of Lucerne, working hard, experiencing so many dangers, and finding nothing.

By the time we got back to the town, the fire had already started to burn.

The boarding house is gone...

The kids... are a lot less too...

Xuerong and Pu disappeared. Some people said that they saw Xuerong and Pu running past with a communication tube. They saved the town. Their names seem to have been engraved on the obelisk to commemorate the heroes.That should be Xuerong's dream, if it wasn't realized in this way...

Blanca is also missing. In fact, being missing means being eaten by monsters. Those wolf monsters are very good at this. They don't even leave bones, so they won't find any traces.

This is how my retribution came.

Become a respected hunter, a hero admired by people, and a hero for children.

In the end, after a fire, there is nothing left.

Just like that, he returned to the way he was at the beginning.

[So... why did you set foot here?

What about the journey? 】

Do you want to die to look better?

It doesn't seem to be the case.

Do you want to keep the hero's name and sacrifice?

It doesn't seem to be coming either.

So, what is the reason why I set foot on this road, why I came here to die?

Close your eyes, and even your breathing gradually slows down.

In this darkness, it seemed as if he was about to fall asleep.

The battle is still going on.

At first I thought it had been a long time, but in fact it was only a short time.

It's just that this completely black environment disrupted his concept of time.

So, what is the purpose of embarking on this journey?

"I've reached the last point."

"It's only a little bit away from the finish line."

With a sigh, he lowered his head again.

It seems that a little bit of light can be seen?

Disma tilted his head slightly to make sure he could see a little light around the monster.

So, if you fall from here, if you control the angle, is there any chance of hitting the opponent's body?

He also brought some dynamite sticks with him, and when Andre modified his equipment, he specifically told him to set up a self-destruct method.

Is it possible for me to get out of this spike, tear my belly open, and let myself fall, and land right on top of this damn thing, and detonate the bomb and explode my magic equipment, for this guy Hard?

Worth a try, I'm basically dying anyway.

"Every road has an end, doesn't it?"

Disma smiled softly, and then planned to act.

At this time, a faint light gradually descended from above.

Disma stopped moving, clenching his gun and staring vigilantly at the past, only to find that Alhazred landed slowly under the wrap of a tentacle.

The skeleton candlestick in his hand was burning with a clearly visible flame. He was clearly in a place where the source of filth was extremely thick. In this place where light and sound could not be transmitted, Disma saw the flames on the other side's candlestick. , and even the viscous sound of the tentacles on this guy can be heard.

"Hey, you bastard, this is totally wrong, isn't it?"

Disma couldn't help but speak.

Hmm, my own voice became clearer and became able to spread?

Realizing that it became like this when Alhazred approached him, Disma raised his head to look at him again, and found that the mystic scholar was also watching him.

It's the skeleton candlestick in his hand. This guy, he can use that candlestick to cast spells to break the blockage of the senses in the root area of ​​pollution. In fact, this bastard has always been able to maintain his senses in this dark environment. Consider influencing other people.But he didn't use this B at all, he knew how to use the light of the hunter's sword, but this bastard never took it out and used it, just kept it hidden, until now he couldn't hide it come out.

Oh shit--

"Mr. Disma, it can be seen that your condition is not good."

Alhazred stopped beside Desma, looked at the contents of his stomach and said.

"Did you guys have such a method? Why didn't you show it at the beginning?"

Disma just stared at the other party and asked.

"After all, my purpose is not to kill the filthy heart and become a hero. I have no intention of dedicating myself to human civilization. I am just a scholar who pursues knowledge. Therefore, it is natural to reserve various means of life-saving for myself. It's a normal thing. If you want me to be like the hunters below, shouting and trying my best to fight, I advise you to give up this unrealistic fantasy."

Alhazred said very confidently.

Ah, now that I think about it, this guy didn't sneak into the team to get rid of Foul Heart, he just wanted to use this powerful hunting god team to go all the way to the deepest point, and study all kinds of things along the way.If I remember correctly, this guy has already filled several notebooks with various research findings, and he said that he will be able to publish a lot of papers immediately after returning.

"Okay, whatever you want, but you still have to go down and help?"

Disma shook his head, not intending to communicate with this mystic scholar whose three views are obviously different from normal people, but changed the topic to ask.

"Yes, yes, after all, if I don't get rid of the thoughtful thoughts and high-concentration filthy aggregates of the hunters of the past generations, many of the researches I want to perform in it are prone to problems, and I can't do it in a one-on-one situation. Win something of that level, so now is the only chance. However, if I go down, you really can only wait here to die. After all, it is impossible for other hunters to climb to this place to confirm your situation .”

This time Alhazred answered quite frankly, and also cared a little about Disma's situation.

"I'd appreciate it if you had a way, but as you can see, it's stuck a little tight, so it might not be easy to pull it out."

Disma reached out and tapped and pierced his belly

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