With the bony spikes on his chest, he spoke with a bit of helplessness in his voice.

"It's a big problem to pull it out. The size of the wound on your stomach, you can't even survive 10 minutes if you pull it out. If you want to continue to move for a while, you have to keep this thing in."

The mystic scholar carefully observed the spikes on Disma's stomach, then shook his head and said.

"Okay, then keep it inside, cut off the exposed parts on both sides of this thing, and then fix the part of this thing that is stabbed on my body stronger, at least to ensure that I don't get stuck when I do some strenuous exercise. It’s fine as long as it falls out, can I ask you to do it?”

Looking down at the wound on his stomach, Disma thought for a while, then raised his head and looked at Alhazred seriously and said.

"Are you serious?"

This time, the smile on Alhazred's face was suppressed.

"Your Excellency Disma, this is not a joke."

Reaching out to knock on the spike that pierced Disma's stomach and fixed him to the stone wall, the occultist's expression became more serious.

"A spike pierced from this position will cause serious damage to your internal organs. Your intestines, kidneys, etc. will be severely damaged, and will cause very serious internal bleeding. Continuing to fight against this thing will only cause your internal organs to be torn more and more severely, making you die faster."

"And don't forget, this ghost thing has filthy power, it is highly poisonous to humans, and you have such a huge wound on your body, this spike itself is completely composed of filthy power Yes, the longer you keep this thing on your body, the deeper the filthy power will corrode you, and this kind of corrosion can't be cured even if you find the highest-level miracle master. This is unsolvable Yes, do you understand?"

In the extremely serious and deep words, Alhazred stared at Disma seriously.

His meaning has been expressed very clearly.

The choice that should be made is also very clear.

Pull out the spikes, do a little caulking, and let the tentacles send him out to the entrance of the Lost Cavern.

If he is lucky, he can get out within two hours, and there is still time to send Desma to the abandoned forest town, allowing him to receive treatment from Fetris and Anastas. If there is a chance of survival, there is still a possibility of survival for one to two years.

And if you don't do this, if you leave this spike on your stomach and continue to fight.

Then Disma's life will inevitably stop today, and there is no other possibility.

If one chooses, it is possible to survive.

If you choose one, you will die.

Presumably any normal person will understand how to choose.

So, Lord Disma.


"If I take out the spikes, can I still fight?"

Disma just stared at the voice of fierce fighting below, and asked slowly.

"...It seems that you have made a decision."

Alhazred sighed and understood what the other party meant.

"Actually, I'm still a little hesitant, but it's better to get it done as soon as possible. Don't delay it until I'm almost bleeding out and have no strength."

Disma smiled, and the expression on his face was so happy at this moment that he looked a little simple.

"Ha, although you are somewhat different from those rough people, but Lord Disma, you are indeed a hunter and a true hero."

The mystic scholar was very emotional at this moment, he raised the sacrificial dagger high and swung it down.

And at this moment, Disma was already stunned in place, completely stunned by Alhazred's words.

Hero... is it...

In the eyes of this occultist, am I actually a hero?

Again, being treated like a hero by others?


Hunter hero.

Hearing such a title again, he was placed on his body.

In the moment of trance, it seems that a long, long time has passed.

It's been so long that I almost don't remember how far I have traveled.

However, there is a way that I can still remember.

In Disma's memory, that road still exists.

That's an old road.

To the home of myself and my mother, to the home I once had.

It was an old road, an old road that had been covered with bushes and weeds.

This old road that no one would go to, used to be a place I passed every day.

At that time, my mother would be at the end of the road, waiting for me at the door of the house.

Every time I got into trouble.

Every time I got myself into trouble.

Every time I made a mistake.

My mother was still waiting for me at the end of the road.

Waiting for myself at the end of that old road, waiting for the moment when I go home.

that way.

the old road...

He has been unable to find the entrance to that old road for a long time.

Even in the deepest dreams.

Dreamed of the most distant past moments.

He still has no way to get on that road, no way

Go back to the door of that old home.

Mother was no longer waiting for his return.

I can no longer set foot on that old road.

He knows, he understands.

Because of the mistakes I made, because of the evil consequences I caused, it is already impossible for even my closest family members to forgive me.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to go back.

Even in the deepest dream, it is still not allowed to go back.

He can no longer set foot on the old way home.

He can no longer get the redemption he craves.

And he, knowing all of this and understanding all of this, still chose to embark on this journey to death, knowing that his ending is still doomed to be nothing, still doomed to be nothing However, such a decision was still made.

So, so what?

Disma turned around again and looked behind him.

The carriage was still following him under the moonlight, and the mother and son who had been killed by him were still watching him.

On the road, those who died by their own hands are still standing there, still waiting there, waiting for the moment when they step into death, waiting for the moment when their lives flow to the end and reach among them.

Everything actually remains unchanged.

Nothing really needs to change.

So, so what?

"Hahahahaha, hahahahahahahahaha, I'm not a hero, Lord Alhazred, stop joking, if a rotten person like me can become a hero, this world will really be over. .”

So, at this moment, Disma suddenly burst into laughter.

"You guy, why, are you in a state of insanity and torture again? I remember you lost control once in Xingkong Town, right?"

Alhazred, who became vigilant, used his mysterious power to cut off one of the bone spikes, and created a gel substance between the spikes and Disma's skin, which helped to a certain extent. Disma fixed the wound.

"No, how come, I won't get out of control again, never again. Just how to put it, I'm a robber, do you understand? A robber who kills without batting an eyelid, the kind of robber who should be hanged."

Disma laughed so hard at this moment that tears were about to come out.

"Just staying in Xingkong Town for a few years, being a hunter for a few years, doing some good deeds, and being worshiped as a hero."

"Now I just participated in a hunting mission, but I decided to fight to the death, and even you called me a hero."

"This incident is really too funny, too ironic, sorry, I can't help it, I really can't hold it back, hahahahahaha——"

Loud, continued laughing Disma.

At this moment, it was like a Disma who was completely relieved of some kind of burden, laughing out loud.

Alhazred shook his head, cut off the part of the spike on his back that pierced into the stone wall, and then ordered the tentacles to support Disma's body, and glued the wound on his back to ensure that at least Within half an hour, no matter how Disma sang, danced, or played basketball, he would never shake the thorn off his body to ensure that it could firmly stick to his wound and prevent blood And the internal organs flowed out, and finally stopped his movements in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Alhazred, thank you."

Disma, who had calmed down, held his pistol and dagger tightly, and thanked the mystic scholar in front of him earnestly.

"This kind of talk is too outlandish. After all, we have faced life and death together in a team for more than a month. Well, I have always saved myself a way to save my life. In fact, only you are facing life and death. , but at least this relationship is not fake. So, huh, although I don’t want to admit it, you uneducated, rough, and reluctant, you can still be regarded as friends of me, a university student, for the time being. My thesis Journal, will have all of your names on it."

Alhazred smiled and patted Disma's shoulder. This is obviously because he didn't learn the movements of other unrestrained hunters very well, but at least it can reflect the true thoughts of this mystic scholar. up.

"Then remember to write a handsome title for me, as long as it is more handsome than Tardif."

Disma grinned, smiling brightly at this moment.

"I'll try my best, but now, shouldn't I deal with other issues first?"

The mystic scholar didn't expect that the serious hunter in front of him would suddenly be so bright and uncomfortable for a while, so he changed the subject and pointed to the sound of battle below.

At this moment, it can be heard that there has been a slight change in the movement of the battle. Those hunters seem to have discovered some abnormality. At this moment, Disma can hear Tardif shouting loudly for everyone to retreat. Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions scattered in all directions.

Things don't look good.

This is also very normal. After all, it is a powerful monster in the filthy core area. Even if the combat power of this thing is not as good as that of the callers, it still far exceeds the limit of strength that hunters can usually handle. Hunters will not touch at all, they will only walk around each other's ultimate trouble


Even if Disma himself, who has obtained [Coming and Going Shadowless] and [Lightning and Thunder], has been strengthened to the extreme, he can be sure that if he has a choice, after colliding with this kind of thing , His first reaction must be to run away.What are you kidding, this kind of thing doesn’t react at all when you hit it, and even the wound can heal itself. Once it hits you, it will be placed here on the spot. This kind of thing is not for a person with a normal mind. I will touch it.

Unfortunately, however, now is precisely the time when there is no choice.

Plus, fortunately, this is also the time when he's not quite right.

"Needless to say, a frontal conflict is definitely a dead end. We must first create a large enough wound for this thing."

Disma thought quickly.

"I brought a stick of dynamite. If I were to blow up the hand, it probably wouldn't be powerful enough from the battle just now, but if it was to blow up the piece of meat, the main body of that thing, the situation would be different. It should work really well.”

"But if you want to achieve this effect, um, Lord Alhazred, can you use this tentacles to send me to the top of that thing's head. Although it may be a bit risky, if you launch a surprise attack like this, it may be very profitable. Effect."

After thinking for a moment, Disma turned to look at the mystic scholar beside him and asked.

"No problem, leave it to me."

The skeleton candlestick in his hand ignited a bigger flame.

Amid the blasphemous chanting, Disma was rolled by a tentacle and moved downward.



The closer you get, the more you can hear the crazy and desperate howling.

The sad voice that accompanied the former hunter heroes who fought desperately, but fell at the last moment.

Those voices that could no longer affect the rock-hearted Disma at this moment.

"Failed hunter, failed hero?"

Disma, who always had a calm expression, watched the twisted and crazy monster from above at this moment, and a happy smile slowly appeared on his face.

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