Today, I have realized everything, and I am no longer afraid of everything.

If this is your end point, then just come here.

"Then, accept your fate of failure and bury it here. Let us finish your journey."

In an instant, the tentacles slowly loosened. "

In the flat voice, Disma spoke slowly, and his body fell straight down, towards the huge monster of flesh.

Chapter 150 Three: The Girl's March


It seems that the sound of something exploding is transmitted from the depths of the earth far away, and has been transmitted to the ground.

Is that the sound of Mr. Hunter fighting with the hunters?

What's going on there now...

clam down.

Calm down.

Abigail took a deep breath.

He reached out his little hand and patted his cheek.

Jump up and move your legs.

"it is good!"

Putting the small summoning bell in her pocket, Abigail, who had stepped into the Garden of the Old Gods, started running in the dark wilderness.

The terrain of this place is... a bit scary...

The entire ground was fragmented, with violent ups and downs everywhere.

In some places, the elevation was several meters or even more than ten meters.

Some places collapsed and became a deep pit.

As if it had encountered an extremely terrifying earthquake, it had completely turned into impassable ruins.

Presumably Mr. Hunter and the hunters must have spent a lot of time and energy passing through this area.

Abigail, though, is different.

Because when she was in Xingkong Town, she accidentally mastered the technique of "parkour".

He ran forward at a faster speed, jumped up, kicked his feet on the wall, and then grabbed the gap on the edge of the wall and climbed up directly.

Stomped on the wall and turned sharply, jumping up and grabbing the wall on the other side.

Then he jumped towards the wall on the other side, grabbed it, and quickly slid down. When he landed on the ground, he rolled and relieved his strength, stood up and continued to run forward.

At twice the speed of the hunter and the hunter, Abigail quickly walked through the wilderness in front of him. "

Although it looks small, the girl at this moment is very fast.

Take a step, take off.

Just jump over a large hole and grab the edge of the rock on the other side.

Run again, move forward, easily climb over the raised rocks, and then jump again to a nearby platform that is slightly lower.

Keep going.

The girl continued to run while adjusting her breathing.

click - click -

rock formation

A broken sound sounded at this moment.

Abigail turned her head and saw a monster rushing out of the rock.

Sure enough, you will encounter monsters?


Or run away?

Thinking lasted for a brief moment.

Abigail completely ignored the monster beside her, rushed straight forward, jumped up and grabbed the rock wall and quickly climbed up, and climbed to the top platform before the monster's claws caught her, and continued to move towards Run forward.

【Roar! 】

The thing roared, as if it wanted to chase the girl.

However, it was obvious that the flexibility of this thing was far inferior to that of Abigail, so it was easily thrown off by the girl.

Can't fight these things.

Abigail's little head was very clear.

It's not a question of whether you can win or not.

After further controlling the moonlight greatsword, Abigail still has the confidence to defeat these cumbersome monsters.

But the problem is, now she is in a hurry.

The most important thing for her at this moment is to send this bell to the hunter.

The danger hidden by the enemy is unknown to Mr. Hunter, and unknown to the hunters.

Therefore, I must hurry up, and I must hurry up at all costs.

The only thing she needs to focus on now is to deliver the bell.

Other than that, it doesn't matter.

Even if it's her own safety.

clack clack-

The sound of rock breaking was heard again.

This time it's straight ahead!

A monster with a distorted figure, dressed like a soldier's armor, rushed towards Abigail.

Take a deep breath.

Then speed up.

A girl who is not afraid.

In this way, he charged against the monster.

The sharp claws covered with spikes grabbed forward forcefully.

However, Abigail rolled forward violently at this moment, just dodged the opponent's attack, turned over and stood up, ran directly to a platform in front, jumped again, and landed on the ground separated by a large distance. Another rocky platform in the pit.


Breathing is slightly disturbed.

The exhaustion of physical strength has become a little intense.

But that's a matter of course.

After all, parkour is inherently strenuous exercise.

And his body is not considered strong.

But now, by any means, is not the time to stop.

Turning around, he looked at the monster that ran towards him and fell directly into the pit.Abigail couldn't help chuckling, stood up, took a few breaths, and then continued to run forward.

Jump, roll, climb.

Running forward at a faster and faster speed.

Breathing, rhythm.

Every break is strictly controlled.

Stretch your numb body and ensure that you still have the ability to move on.

Little by little, approaching the huge and bottomless cave in the distance.

It's almost there.

Work harder.

Abigail clenched her small fists and cheered herself on.


The rock shattered again.


The gravel rushed towards him, forcing Abigail to reach out to resist, but accidentally tripped over the stone and fell to the ground.

When he raised his head, he saw a tall figure approaching.

A skeletal monster wearing tattered armor like a knight, at this moment, was holding an incomplete giant sword in his hand, so he aimed straight at himself, and was about to stab it down.

The danger is imminent.

His eyes widened subconsciously, and the blue-green fluorescence of the moonlight sword in his hand had quietly emerged.

However, before Abigail counterattacked, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a heavy hammer flew out from a distance and hit the monster directly. It was smashed into pieces.

"Hey 0v0?"

Blinking, Abigail showed a cute expression at this moment.

I haven't done anything yet, why suddenly a hammer flew over from a distance.

Moreover, it was a very familiar hammer, as if I had just seen it two days ago.

"I't run so fast...huh..."

Then, a familiar voice was heard.

"Mr. Andre?!"

Abigail sat up from the ground, and saw Andre who was leaning on the wall and out of breath.

No, did you chase all the way here?

Did this blacksmith uncle have such a firm character? !

Startled, Abigail subconsciously planned to run away from the other party.

"I won't take you back, don't worry."

Then, seeing Andre waving his hand, he said helplessly.

"Hey? Won't you catch me back?"

Abigail, who stood a little further away, watched Andre warily.

"Of course, if I say I won't arrest you, I won't arrest you. Don't keep thinking about messy things."

Andre stood up straight as he spoke, stretched out his hand and hammered his waist.

"There are monsters in the Garden of the Old Gods and the Lost Cave. It's hard to survive if you go in with your ability. Let me go with you. Although it looks like I'm just a blacksmith with no fighting power, but I really don't know how to fight." In terms of combat ability, no hunter in Starry Sky Town can say that he can beat me for sure."

Andre, who spoke like this, had a very proud look on his face.

"You want to go with me, but it's such a dangerous place, and you've only recovered from injuries..."

Abigail, who didn't expect the other party to make such a decision, became a little nervous, and hurriedly waved her hands to express her rejection.

But before she could organize her words to speak, Andre strode forward, throwing herself flying to Abigail's rescue, at this moment the hammer embedded in the black rock was pulled out, and waved.

Then, this bear-like old man turned his head and showed a gentle smile to Abigail.

"I am an adult, how could I watch a child step into danger alone."

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