"And I've already come here deeply, and it doesn't make sense to go back now."

"Let's go, little girl, don't forget, you still have to hurry."

After finishing speaking, Andre moved directly towards the Lost Cave ahead.

"Oh... well, Mr. Andre, hurry up!"

Hesitating to reject the other party's colleague, but finally found that he couldn't find any reason to refuse, Abigail sighed softly, the expression on his face returned to seriousness, took a step, and started running again.

Towards the front, the bottomless darkness was running again, quickly approaching the past.

Chapter 150 Four: Hunting Blood Song

There was a momentary roar, and at this moment, it violently scattered and oscillated in all directions.

A violent explosion exploded from the top of the flesh monster, and countless flesh and blood surged up at this moment.

The howling with strong mental impact was cut off in an instant, twisted into a funny scream, and the giant hands that had been retracted into the flesh and blood popped out one by one, and at this moment they slapped around indiscriminately. He moved, but failed to hit any hunters who were fleeing quickly.

Disma jumped down from the top of the monster, the dagger pierced through the flesh and blood, and slashed down. With the jumping figure of Disma, lightning burst out all the way, and in the blink of an eye, a line several meters long was cut. wound.

A short ax flew out suddenly, and suddenly stuck in a giant hand beside Disma, which was about to hit.Disma, who seemed to have expected this, just lowered his head slightly, pulled out the short ax and threw it behind him while avoiding the giant hand, and then Tardiff jumped up in the air, catching the thrown back The short ax fell to the ground and rolled, stood up and slashed forward side by side with Disma at this moment, tearing a bigger wound on the flesh and blood.

"I still think you are gone, you can live."

Tardiff looked at Disma laughing, stepped on a piece of gravel beside him and jumped up to avoid waving his arms.

"Ha, it's not time for me to die yet!"

Gritting his teeth, Disma grinned ferociously. At this moment, the light of the spell appeared on the coat on his body, which made him speed up suddenly. He stepped on the piece of meat and jumped upwards. , directly punched a hideous blood hole in the body of this flesh and blood monster amidst the roaring thunder.

In the roaring sound, huge arms waved wildly one after another, smashing big holes one after another on the ground.

No hunter can continue to approach this thing under such circumstances, only Disma and Tardif are still fighting madly with this thing.These two people kept rolling and jumping between their waving arms, turned around, and swung the weapons in their hands again and again, each blow left a hideous wound on the flesh and blood.

"Hey, anyone who can still move, send the stick of dynamite!"

After several attacks, Tardiff looked at the wound on the monster that he had slashed and slowly healed, and quickly realized that such an attack would not be effective, and quickly shouted at his teammates behind him.

"Here we come, step back!"

The conjurer Prestcott roared, and Vic beside him threw a stick of dynamite directly in the direction of the monster.

Tardif stepped back at this time, but Disma stepped back, jumped up and grabbed the dynamite stick, followed him and landed on a waving arm, and charged forward again, the dagger was between the arm and the The connection of flesh and blood pierced in, cut a large piece of flesh and blood in the smell of scorching electricity, and then directly stuffed the stick of dynamite into it.


In the roar, Disma turned over and jumped off the ground, took a staggered step, coughed up blood and quickly avoided it.

At this moment, Prestcott roared and swung his arm, a large swath of flames swept out, covering nearly half of the monster's body, and instantly ignited the stick of dynamite stuck in the joint between the arm and the flesh.


The sound of the explosion rang out from a long distance in this dark world.

The huge arm flew high and landed heavily on the ground.

There was a sharp howl that could not be described in words, and a big hole appeared on the body of the huge flesh and blood thing. Although the hole was constantly healing, the arm with extremely terrifying power could not grow out again.

"Sure enough, there are no bones in the structure of this thing itself, and the bone spurs before should have only been formed temporarily. Blow up the joints, those joints between the arms and the fleshy body!"

Disma roared at this moment, and more hunters had already moved again.

Natia Vida was the first to rush out of the darkness. The woman roared wildly, swung the serrated blade and slashed out, then stuffed the dynamite stick in her hand into the wriggling flesh, and then spat out With a mouthful of phlegm, he quickly backed away.Behind her, Edra had just confirmed Jacob's death, shook her head and stood up, and began to release healing spells on the hunters fighting in front.

Stickley also rushed out from the darkness. The man pounced forward directly, scrambling and approaching the joint between the arm and the flesh, pierced it with a sword, and then stuffed the dynamite stick in, He didn't even have the time to pull out the sword by the way, so he retreated again and again.At this moment, Athor helped Niverin out, and the sword and shield warrior who seemed to have blocked the attack seemed to have suffered considerable trauma and was unable to move for a while.

Then Leo Lin rushed out at this moment, this old hunter was extremely powerful at this moment, he sprinted forward quickly, advancing among the gravel, and rolled into it before a big hand swept across it. In a shallow pit, he immediately stood up after sweeping his palm, leaped forward, and then came to the junction of a limb and flesh and blood.

"Come on, those who walk with me, fight with me."

Muttering to himself, the old man pulled out the broken blade from Veron that had been transformed into a dagger by Andre, stabbed upwards and cut it hard, splashing dirty blood, a piece of explosive The stick was then stuffed into the body of the thing.

And Disma and Tardif have already taken several sticks of dynamite thrown up by Vic in the back in the gap between dodging and attacking, and stuffed them into the flesh and blood of this thing one by one.During the process, William even commanded his hound to bring several sticks of dynamite. The hound galloped across the battlefield, throwing the sticks of dynamite at the hunters, then ran out and bit the flesh and blood hard. A large piece of meat came, he spit it out and continued to run, ran to the side of Leolin who had no time to dodge the attack, threw him down, and dragged the old hunter out of the battlefield by the collar of the old hunter.


William stepped into the light range at this moment and blew his whistle, and the hound Fergus immediately understood what he meant, and dexterously jumped over the flying gravel and slapping palms while running.Not far away, Harrier rushed up and stuffed a stick of dynamite into the flesh. After stuffing it, he froze for a moment, and even straightened the stick of dynamite on purpose.If the hound hadn't rushed up and bumped into him and rolled together, he would have been slapped to death on the spot by a palm that fell from the sky the next moment.

"Okay, everyone, get out, it's time for me to perform!"

Prestcott laughed loudly at this moment, the flames on his body surged wildly, and condensed into a blazing ball of light in his hands.

The hunters retreated quickly, and the conjurer suddenly exerted force, bombarding the fireball on the monster's body, and it exploded instantly. The violent flames swept across the huge monster's body, and then followed Ignite the dense sticks of dynamite stuffed by the hunters on his body.As a result, the second wave of serial explosions directly oscillated in the entire underground space, the fiery red color bloomed violently in the darkness, one arm after another flew up in the explosion, and fell to the ground, just like this decayed and collapsed. Come, and the huge piece of meat that has suffered heavy injuries can hardly see a piece of good meat all over the body at this time, and it looks fragmented everywhere.

The attack is working.

The situation is improving step by step.

The hunters' wills were high, and they charged forward again without hesitation.

After accepting it, Niverin recovered a little, and rushed forward side by side with Stickley. The blade in his hand swung out, about to slash at the huge flesh and blood monster.


The next moment, their attack was blocked by something.

"This thing..."

That's a human face.

A human face that grew on the fleshy monster, a human face that reappeared in the rotten flesh even after the explosion.

【Mission... Our mission...】

In the murmured voice, the flesh and blood around the face surged wildly, forming a roughly humanoid shape with a rough upper body, connected with the flesh itself through strands of blood, just like that from the flesh and blood in a half-split state. gush out.

Rapidly growing bones emerged from the arms of this figure, turning into two sharp things like two knives.

This distorted blasphemous monster swung quickly, and the two knives blocked the attacks of Stickley and Nevelin at a terrifying speed, followed by a jerk and a hook. Stickley, who reacted, quickly dodged, and the blade and Nevelin One of the bone knives collided again, sputtering sparks, and before Niverin had time to raise the shield in his hand, a line was wiped across his neck, and a large amount of blood was sprayed out directly.


Stickley, who was already about to retreat, roared, and quickly moved forward to attack again.


And the sword and shield warrior on the side also roared, the sound of leaking air and the sound of spurting blood sounded at the same time, he rushed forward again, facing this person who seemed to have stepped into the Lost Cave,

In the end, the hunter who sacrificed himself and turned into a monster rushed out and threw himself on it.

The bone knife penetrated into his chest in an instant, piercing his heart. Nivelin himself grunted, but grabbed the opponent's flesh and blood body even more forcefully, staring at the twisted and deformed face of the opponent with a ferocious expression, The body is completely pressed on the body of this thing.

Stickley rushed forward from behind, and the thing tried to attack with another bone knife, but was firmly blocked by Niverin's body.At the last moment, the hunter used his body as a shield to protect Stickley who was attacking from behind, but he didn't give this thing a chance, letting Stickley cut off its head with a sword.

"Watch out for those faces!"

Backing away while hugging Nivelyn, who was gradually subsiding his breathing, he watched the split body begin to disappear immediately after his head was cut off. Stickley roared loudly, shouting at his surrounding companions at the top of his lungs.

"Those faces can turn into hunters, and they can use weapons!"

"The fighting skills of those ghosts are very strong, so be careful!"

"Cut off the hunter monsters that split out, and you can wipe out a human face!"

In the voice of the voice, the faces of each person began to split at this moment.

Hunter after hunter who broke into this place one after another, one after another failed heroes who died here in the end, failed to achieve their goals, leaving only regret and pain, split a part from this flesh and blood monster at this moment body.

They were holding swords made of incredibly strong bones, and some were holding crossbows and guns. At this moment, they manifested from this thing one after another.Although the smashing of those arms successfully injured this thing, it also seemed to cause further mutations in it. The figures of these former failed heroes emerged at this moment, and quickly confronted with the movement of this huge flesh and blood. The surrounding hunters launched a fierce attack.


Serrated knives and long knives intertwined, Natia Vida laughed wildly, drank a bottle of Edra's strengthening potion into her mouth, and then erupted with incomparably powerful power in the next moment, the heavy weapon in her hand swung at a flesh and blood figure on the opposite side His long knives collided continuously, suppressing the opponent abruptly amidst bursts of explosions.

Bartley pulled the bolt, and deep in the darkness he could see and hear the things, but they couldn't see him.So at this moment, these gunmen quickly raised their guns and fired, and after a "bang" gunshot, they exploded the head of a flesh and blood body.


The next moment was a sharp pain in the stomach.

Realizing something, Bartley's eyes widened, and he immediately rolled and avoided the place just now.

The continuous bombardment sound of "da da da da da" sounded in the next moment, a body emerging from the top of the flesh and blood thing held a hand-cranked machine gun made entirely of black filthy bones, and pointed directly at it. The hunters below opened fire.

This completely unexpected act of pure cheating caught the hunters off guard. Tardiff suffered a small bone spur from the blow on his shoulder, and as a result, his whole body was blown away by the impact and rolled into the gravel. out of the light range.

Athor threw a throwing knife, piercing the head of the flesh and blood man who controlled the machine gun, but he failed to kill the opponent with this blow, and then the muzzle of the turned gun exploded on the spot and turned into a puddle of flesh .

Prestcott then used the flames to burn the opponent, but a flesh and blood figure holding a longbow shot out with a sword, piercing one side of his chest, causing the conjurer to sit on the ground with a howl.The second arrow flew in right after, Sesset rushed forward at this moment, chopped off the arrow with a sword, and then the machine gun turned around.The female hunter glanced back at the conjurer who was having difficulty breathing because of being shot through the lungs. The corners of her mouth moved slightly as if she wanted to say something, but the next moment Prestcott was shot by her. overthrown to the ground.

The sound of gunshots swept across suddenly, blood spattered, and the flesh and blood were flying. When the conjurer raised his head again, his partner was left with only his hands on his shoulders, and the one standing on the ground, standing on his own. The front two legs are gone.


The puncture wound in the lungs put a severe burden on breathing at this moment, but Prestcott himself could no longer take this into consideration.The raging fire condensed in his hands, and recklessly bombarded the monsters in front of him, scorching the bodies of three or four hunter monsters in an instant.

The machine gun turned quickly, giving up chasing Disma who was running around trying to lure him to attack, and turned around to kill Prestcott here.But it was also at this moment that the sound of howling wind sounded instantly from above, and then a huge tentacle stretched out, opened its mouth full of fangs, and directly bit the hunter monster, accompanied by a torn giant Xiang directly bit off the whole body of the flesh and blood monster.

"Sorry, I'm late, I went to find someone else!"

Alhazred descended from the sky with a skeleton candlestick in his hand, and Baldwin fell beside him. The broken giant sword pierced into the flesh and blood of the monster, cutting off the flesh and blood of the three hunter monsters with a sweeping blow. open.

The hound Fergus sprang out again, biting the arm of a hunter monster who was about to strike Prestcott on the ground with a big axe, and dragged him forcefully. fell to the ground, followed

William stepped forward to hit the thing's head with a mace, and grabbed the conjurer's shoulder and threw it back to Edra's side, allowing the therapist to treat the seriously injured man quickly. cure.

The hound started to swim again at the next moment. Tardif, who got up, fought a hunter with a dagger in succession. Before he could completely suppress the opponent, Fergus jumped up and threw him into shape As soon as he tilted, Tardiff, who found the opportunity, smashed his head directly.

Then this brave hound directly stepped on the body of this flesh and blood monster and jumped up violently, running back and forth among the bodies that emerged from this huge flesh and blood body one after another, biting down fiercely from time to time, Tear off the flesh and blood from these things.

Natia Vida roared and cut off the body of another hunter monster, but was stabbed in the shoulder by a bone arrow, and took a step back with a muffled grunt.Vic fired continuously, shooting at the archer hidden in the flesh and blood body, but was followed by more hunter monsters with guns and crossbows, and had to dodge in a panic.

But suddenly, the offensive of these things suddenly weakened. A hound abruptly climbed onto the body of this flesh and blood monster, and directly rushed forward and bit an archer's head.At this time, Baldwin also fell from the top of the monster, and the broken sword in his hand chopped three hunter monsters in half with unrivaled power, making these monsters with guns and crossbows constantly snipe at the hunters. Falling down, it fell to the ground and slowly began to rot and dissipate.


Everywhere is fighting fiercely at this moment.

The hunters' breathing became heavier, but their bodies became stronger, and each blow became more ferocious.


Regardless of the injuries on his body, Tardiff roared and landed with a blow, smashing the head of a hunter monster, and then raised the other bone sword sharply to support it.

The fist was clenched and punched out, directly smashing the face simulated by the flesh and blood. Tardiff slashed out with the ax and cut off the head of this monster, then stretched out his hand and blew his nose, and rushed to another monster. A hunter made of flesh and blood.

Dirty blood mixed with fresh blood dripped simultaneously at this moment.

The dagger in Disma's hand turned around and pierced the jaw of a hunter monster obliquely.

This monster still seemed to be a very beautiful girl, and the chain hammer in his hand was swinging with amazing power, rubbing against Disma's arm left him with a bloody wound.However, relying on the blessing of [Come and Go Wuying], the faster Disma quickly killed her with one blow.

It is not known who these people are.

I don't know what kind of life experience they have had.

Disma raised his head to look at the sluggish faces, at these things that had lost themselves, were in league with monsters, and only had the killing instinct left.Slightly seemed to want to sigh over it, but in the end he just kept sprinting forward, kept swinging the blade, making the muzzle//explode.


Killing of hunter vs hunter monster.

The phantom that has already failed, and the people who are still challenging the dangers are fighting together like this.

The sword blades and the light of the sword surged and intersected, collided, and the gunshots dispersed with the breath of gunpowder, while the tentacles swept up again in the loud shouts of the mystic scholars.

The smell of blood continued to spread, and continued to spread towards the surroundings.

At this moment, the death dance of the hunters is still blooming.

Swipe, and swipe.

Fall and tear the wind.

Slash, cut flesh and blood.

The wailing sound had disappeared without a trace.

The sound of crying has long been inaudible.

No matter what kind of posture he once had, he has completely forgotten it at this moment.

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