The monsters just continued to slash, continue to attack, and continued to use the various moves that they had learned during their lifetime that should have been used to fight against monsters.

And the hunters are still fighting desperately, stepping on the blood foam of their companions' corpses and continuing to forge ahead, continuing to intertwine each other's blood with this twisted giant.

"bring it on."

Disma's breathing trembled slightly, but the smile on his face grew louder.

Cut more monsters, and cut bigger monsters.

The blood was still dripping down.

And the hunters have once again moved forward to meet them.

"Don't forget there's me!"

Adni, who had been sent flying before, roared and rushed out at this moment, stabbing fiercely with the spear in his hand, piercing the chest of a hunter monster.

The hunter's eyes, nose, mouth, and ears were already bleeding, and it was obvious that he had suffered extremely severe trauma from the previous attack.But Adeni, who had no time to think about it, just waved the spear in his hand, and continued to fight hard with the hunters, fighting with this monster that seemed never to get tired.

Gululu - Gululu -

The flesh and blood thing suddenly started to squirm again.

Most of the hunter monsters that had been wiped out suddenly curled up, and all of them reintegrated into the flesh and blood body behind them in an instant, and then, small holes began to slowly open from this thing's body.

This reaction...

"Everyone step back

!quick! ! ! "

Tardiff roared angrily, pulling Disma who wanted to continue fighting and rolled into the gravel together.


At a faster speed than before, countless spikes emerged from those small holes, piercing through them in an instant and flying in all directions.

Tentacles emerged, protecting Baldwin and Alhazred at this moment.But the violent shock still overturned the two of them, causing them to roll on the ground. The candlestick in the hands of the mystic scholar even rolled down to extinguish the fire, causing the tentacles to disappear into nothingness.

At this moment, Adeni did not retreat at all. In fact, he had no strength to retreat. Instead, he thrust his long spear into the flesh and blood, and laughed wildly at the moment when his body was torn apart by the super-high-speed bone spurs. fall down.

Edra protects Prescott, who barely saved his life after taking over the treatment, and wants to drag him to a safe place, but at this moment, his right hand is suddenly empty, and then more and more intense pain comes .The therapist's movements froze for a moment, and when he turned his head, he realized that his right arm, which had been raised by accident, had been directly torn apart by a bone spur, and the entire right hand had become empty at this moment.


In the severe pain, Edra fell to the ground, panting with difficulty, stretched out her left hand, and barely used the healing technique to use it on herself.


Audrey who was not far away cursed, raised her head after the bone spur erupted, and was about to shoot at the thing again.

"No, wait any longer and don't be impulsive!"

Edra tried her best to shout loudly, but it was too late to save her companion.

Creeping sounds sounded one after another. After Audrey shot those small black holes, the small holes that were about to close suddenly opened again, and exploded again in Audrey's direction, causing The female hunter was pierced by a spike and flew out, directly landing in the dark area.


The panting sound, because it is in the dark, there is no way to spread it.


Edra shouted at this moment, and the voice could reach Audrey in the darkness, but there was no way for Audrey's voice to reach her.

However, this is also good.

Let the comrades-in-arms who get along with each other day and night hear the tragic voice before his death, isn't that too boring?

It's not impossible to die quietly like this.

In the darkness, Audrey chuckled helplessly, and reached out to touch the four or five sharp spikes that pierced through her chest, abdomen, and legs, as well as the blood that had already flowed all over her body. A pool of blood gathered.

It's a pity, I wanted to tease that guy Webster, who is so tall and mighty, but has such a simple personality, it's really interesting.

But he's gone first, and now it's my turn.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems... not bad...

Closing her eyes, Audrey just fell silent.

The hunter's team was downsizing again, but few people had the time to pay attention.

After the huge monster blasted out two rounds of spikes in a row, one after another, the remaining flesh and blood of the hunter monsters emerged, facing the crazy attack of the surrounding hunters again.

Chapter 150: Remnant Blood Residual Temperature


Amidst the whistling sound, a hunter monster wielding a scimitar slashed the weapon at Baldwin in front of him.

The broken long sword was lifted up and dropped suddenly, and the next moment Baldwin directly stuck the scimitar firmly and smashed it on the shoulder of the hunter monster.

Immediately afterwards, the blade turned sharply, and the monster's head was cut off.

Iveco, who was not far away, released the healing spell at this time to heal the hunters who were a little tired from fighting and suffered a lot of injuries, and quickly rushed to Edra's side to give these A healer with a severed arm heals.

At this moment, an archer emerged from above the flesh and blood monster, aiming the bone arrow at Iveco who was being treated in the distance, the gunshot sounded, and Vic took the lead in blowing the head of the thing in the next moment, but then another gunman But the hunter monster also raised its muzzle to aim, and fired a bone spur directly at Iveco.

"Get out of the way!"

The roar could no longer keep up with the flying speed of the bone spur.

But the hound Fergus jumped out first and hit Iveco directly, causing the healer to roll to the ground, narrowly dodging the attack.

The battle ahead has become increasingly fierce, and the number of those hunter monsters has gradually decreased, but the remaining ones have become more and more difficult to deal with.These are the true elite hunters who once broke through the corrupt field and the cursed forest, and arrived at the Lost Cave step by step, but at the last moment they fell short and turned into monsters wandering here.One of the knight monsters holding a long sword showed extremely powerful combat power at this moment. Stickley stepped forward to slash, and was knocked out of the weapon in his hand in less than 2 minutes. The wound fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

Natia Vida ignored Serra's shouts from behind, and drank another dose of Serra's strengthening potion. The side effects of the strengthening potion had already appeared to a certain extent, but the woman continued to rush forward regardless. , collided violently with this long sword monster.

The blades of the blades and the blades turned into bones intersected each other, but within two or three rounds, Natia Vida's arm holding the blade was directly chopped off.

Vic fired a shot from the rear, breaking the neck of the longsword monster, but it couldn't stop the thing from following through with a sword that pierced Natia Vida's chest, and when Vic roared and stood up, he was about to strike again. At the moment when he shot to avenge his companion, he suddenly noticed a flesh and blood figure wearing a mage's robe emerging above the long sword monster.

"Be careful, there are warlocks!"

As soon as the shouting sound started, the black flame hit Vic's body, burning him to ashes on the spot.

Tardiff sprinted quickly at this moment, and the long ax he threw cut off the warlock's arm, and he flew a circle in mid-air, and was caught again by the bounty hunter who jumped up.

The moment he landed on the ground, he had already approached the longsword monster whose neck had just healed, and smashed it with the longsword with a heavy blow. Following Tardiff, he directly grabbed the opponent's arm holding the sword, and wrestled with the monster forcefully. This made him unable to swing his sword.

Bartley, who was injured a bit, rushed towards this side after receiving some treatment. He fired two shots in succession, blasting the head of the monster with long sword, followed by Disma, who cut off a monster's head not far away. Gun, knocked out the head of the warlock monster whose arm was regenerating.

The small hole opened again, and once again a large number of bone spurs were shot out, piercing these scarred hunters.

At this moment, Leo Lin also took the last stick of dynamite from Sierra who was using medicine to treat the hunter, lit it, and then looked at the flesh and blood that was gradually opening not far away. small hole.

"I'm not going to die here, am I?"

Saying this, the old hunter sped forward, going against the hunters who were dodging backwards, and directly threw himself in front of the flesh and blood monster.

The dynamite stick whose fuse was almost burnt out was directly stuffed into the small hole in front. The next moment, Leolin, who was ready to die in the explosion, stepped on a gravel and slipped, rolled backward a few meters, followed It was suddenly thrown away by the shock wave of the explosion, and fell to the ground, panting with difficulty.

"Although I can't die, the pain is really terrible..."

Leorin, who coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, turned over and looked at the man who had been blasted into a large piece of flesh and blood. Those bone spurs directly penetrated his own flesh and blood and was distorted by the shock of the explosion. A hearty smile appeared on the face of the monster of flesh and blood that he had pierced his heart with thousands of arrows.

The flesh and blood monster that was originally more than ten meters long has shrunk to a size of only three or four meters at this moment.

The constant consumption of the hunters brought a huge burden to this thing, although relatively speaking, the hunters responsible for consuming it also suffered heavy casualties, and the hunters who can continue to stand at this moment are all carrying With minor or serious injuries.

"Ah... uh..."

Disma's pale face half-kneeled on the ground, breathing became more and more difficult at this moment.

With the continuous violent movement of the entire abdomen, the internal bleeding has become more and more serious, so severe that he even felt that something was starting to bulge in his stomach.

The head became more and more dizzy, and the senses gradually became dull at this moment.

I am about to die.

If this continues, he will die soon.

My body can no longer support the next battle.




Every cell in his body was tremblingly telling Disma the truth.

But, no.

I haven't reached my limit yet.

I'm still breathing.

I can still move on.

So I'm not dead yet, I can still fight.

"Hey, are you alright!"

Not far away, he rushed forward one after another. Tardif, whose helmet had been blown away at this moment, had several cuts on his face and was dripping with blood. He spit out one of his teeth and pointed at Diss who was kneeling beside asked the horse, growling.

"It's okay, don't be careless, this thing is not dead yet!"

Disma snarled and answered, stood up again staggeringly, and pulled his coat to prevent others from seeing the tragedy under his clothes.

At this point, monsters and humans have almost reached their limits, and it's time to decide the outcome.

The distorted flesh and blood were still squirming, and vague figures emerged from it.

This seems to be the last remaining figure.

It was the earliest group, the first hunter team of that year, and the first hunter team sent to the Forest of the Cursed after the human beings were struggling to breathe hundreds of years ago.

Now, under the reappearance of flesh and blood, the hunters saw the appearance of their long-dead predecessors, these severely distorted faces, as well as the armor and weapons that were barely reconstructed from bones and spawn.

take a step.

Without any hesitation, the hunters quickly started the final fight.

Tardiff and Disma rushed forward at the same time, but were hit consecutively by an indifferent archer in flesh and blood. The former tried to dodge, but an arrow pierced his knee and fell to the ground on the spot. The latter had no strength to dodge. , but gritted his teeth at this moment and still used the magic formula on his clothes, and suddenly accelerated to avoid the attack and rushed up.


The second figure was a warlock, and this warlock seemed to be a good-looking woman, but it stretched out its hand, and a broken gray-white thing rushed towards Disma.

Disma, who had gradually lost his sanity, continued to charge. At this time, Fergus came up from behind, bit his ankle and dragged Disma to the ground. William on the other side was throwing Tardiff. He rushed towards his companions at the same time, and when he looked up, he saw the gray and white color released by the warlock suddenly bloom. "


Subconsciously, William protected his pet dog and Disma, and rolled them on the spot.

Pain rang out on his back, as if something extremely sharp had pierced his body.

With a muffled grunt, William endured the pain at this moment, clenched his mace tightly and wanted to attack again, but as soon as he raised his head, there was a sharp pain, and then he covered his eyes pierced by glass-like sharp spikes and screamed He fell to the ground.

"Get out of the way, that warlock can manipulate those pieces to fly around!"

Sera, who had just bandaged Tardiff's wound, shouted after seeing this scene, reminding others to avoid quickly.

A wind sounded quickly, piercing Sera's head.

The indifferent archer put down the longbow in his hand, and another hunter fell like this.


The gunshot rang out, but it failed to hit the archer's head.

Those glass-like things floating in the air, which were summoned by the warlock, interfered with the bullet's route, making Bartley's shot, which had clearly aimed precisely at the opponent, miss its position.

At this moment, the black tentacles roared and swept over. Alhazred, who was bleeding from his head, raised the re-ignited skull candlestick and finally stood up again, panting and moving forward, the tentacles swept across the large pieces of floating debris. The glass was swept away, and followed by a heavy blow, it hit the flesh and blood monster directly.

Then the tentacles themselves were cut into several pieces, and a figure holding a long sword swung the weapon at this moment. Each blow was swung with a terrifying momentum as if it was about to split mountains and seas, breaking it abruptly Come.

"These guys...the first batch of hunters back then? Are they so strong?! Hey, is there anyone in the front row who can stand up? Can't use it!"

Alhazred, who obviously did not expect this step at all, showed a shocked expression, and couldn't help shouting at the hunters beside him.

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