Baldwin, who had been fighting continuously for a long time, took a few breaths while leaning on his sword. After taking a steady breath, he got up slowly and walked towards the swordsman.Immediately after, Leorin stepped out with his rapier and dagger in hand, and the two few hunters who could still stand went up to him, and Alhazred in the rear hurriedly used his technique again, but this time Before his tentacles could be summoned, a flame rushed out first. Prestcott sat up with his body propped up. At this moment, he controlled the flame to contact the glass substance summoned by the warlock, quickly melting and evaporating it. .So the next moment, the tentacles summoned by Alhazred pierced through the flames and struck the flesh and blood thing fiercely, causing the archer who was trying to aim at the hunters to wobble and miss the attack, and the bone arrow hit on the ground. on the ground next to Iveco, who was trying to treat the wounded.

"That archer... was aiming at the healer on purpose?"

Not far away, Edra, who was being treated by Karnis who was blind in one eye and fell to the ground, couldn't help but muttered.

"The archer must be killed. His accuracy is no less than that of any top archer."

Stickley took a breath, looked around, and found that there were not many guys who could be regarded as good at a glance.But soon, he thought about the number of people, realized something was wrong, and then looked at the teammates around him, only then did he realize the fact that someone was missing.

"Where did that lunatic Harrier go?"

The only one who is difficult to follow orders from others is not particularly powerful, but his luck always seems to be very good, and because he is half crazy and half stupid, he can often make strange and weird hunters, Harrier, who can finally work inexplicably.

It seems that this guy showed his face a little in the previous battle, and then disappeared?

"Forget it, that kind of guy can't be counted on in the first place, Bartley, can you aim at that archer again?"

Sighing helplessly, and clutching the wound on his stomach that had barely stopped bleeding, Stickley looked at Bartley who was not far away and asked.

"I raise my head and it shoots, it's useless."

The gunman shook his head, talking while changing the bullets.

At this moment, these hunters are hiding with the help of some potholes made by the previous attack on the field, and it is difficult to shift their positions.This caused Bartley, the only surviving sniper, to be stared to death by the opponent's archers. As long as he dared to stand up, he would inevitably receive continuous bone arrow shots.

"Where's Vic? Can't he shoot too?"

William, who fell down in another pothole, his eyes wrapped in gauze by Edra, holding his hound, gasped and asked.

"It's gone, and Disma is lying down right now, tsk, we only have Bartley as the gunman left.


Tardiff's voice sounded from the pothole not far away. This bounty hunter suffered quite a lot of injuries in the previous battle, so that Iveco, who rushed to him at this moment, didn't even know which wound to start with. It's better to start.

"...If I come to buy you time, can you hit that archer?"

Karnis, who was able to see with only one eye, regained some vitality at this moment, got up and asked.

"That depends on whether you can run past that thing, that archer is very fast."

Tardiff's muffled voice sounded again. Just now he wanted to avoid the archer's arrow, but instead he was shot in the leg and completely lost his ability to move.On the contrary, Disma dodged abruptly by relying on the equipment on his body, but the guy who followed him also fell to the ground due to loss of strength, and now he was lying on a pile of rubble, and even the filthy monster didn't bother to pay attention to this There is obviously no enemy hiding in the pothole in front of him, probably because he thinks that the opponent is dead and does not need to make up the knife.

There was a roaring sound at this moment, and Baldwin swung the broken sword in his hand and slammed it out, colliding with the knight's bone sword.

Leolin rushed out from the side and tried to use the stabbing sword to find an opportunity, but the bone sword in the knight's hand overturned Baldwin's blow, and the sword almost fell on Leolin's body.

The sorcerer stretched out his hand and tried to use the spell again, but was disturbed by the flames blasted by Prestcott.The tentacles behind Alhazred flew towards him, but they hit the shield of a translucent glass plate. Immediately afterwards, the warlock snapped his fingers, and the purple lightning burst suddenly, forcing The tentacles summoned by the mystic scholar retreated a certain distance from the two hunters in front, and the knight with long sword swung his sword at this moment, and a bloodstain was drawn on Baldwin's chest, who couldn't dodge in time.

"It seems that these two should have been good friends before their lives."

Prestcott, who wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, said with some emotion.

"But now they have become our troubles, tsk, if the tentacles continue to be consumed like this, the thing that I contracted with may be angry with me."

Alhazred, who seemed under great pressure, couldn't help sighing, and looked at the swordsman and warlock who cut off several tentacles in a row in the cooperation just now, and the expressions on his face at this moment seemed quite gloomy.

You have to figure out a way.

The current situation will only become more and more unfavorable to hunters if the current situation continues, and a solution must be found as soon as possible.

For a short time, after retreating for a moment, Baldwin rushed forward again.

The tattered cloak danced as he advanced.

The broken great sword collided with the bone sword of the flesh and blood thing, and with the release of a brute force, they froze together.

Lei Olin also rushed forward again, this time he threw the rapier directly, but was knocked away by an attack released by the warlock.

The flames burned again, but Prestcott, who was already injured, was also on the verge of limit at this moment. Just after firing a few fireballs, he was exhausted and passed out directly among the rubble lying on his stomach. At the side, Alhazred, who wanted to cooperate, quickly summoned the tentacles to attack.

The leper swordsman's great sword collided with the knight's great sword again.

With one blow after another, the leper swordsman's breathing became heavier, but the knight's attack did not weaken at all.

In the ear-piercing explosion, the warlock's thunder exploded, scorching one of the tentacles, while the knight easily parried Baldwin's blow and swung his backhand sword to cut off the other tentacles that wanted to attack sneakily, followed by another He stabbed Leorin in the stomach who was trying to sneak attack, and directly broke the old hunter's rapier and fell him to the ground.

The big sword turned into a black bone spun around and slashed at Baldwin again.

The leper swordsman couldn't block this blow, and was cut directly on the shoulder.

The heavy force cracked the ground under Baldwin's feet, and cracks like spider webs spread out.But he himself remained silent, swinging his sword again as if he didn't feel that he was injured, and the next moment he slashed the knight's flesh and blood shoulder, desperately desperately trying to exchange injuries with the opponent.


The arrow was flying in the air, and at the same time, it flew past Karnis' back, leaving a bloody trace on him.

The one-eyed hunter who had just become one-eyed ran wildly on the broken ground, constantly moving his body among the gravel, firmly attracting the attention of the archer.

Arrow after arrow was originally simulated by inhuman monsters. The former hunter and archer kept shooting. Every arrow almost flew past his body. As long as there was such a moment of hesitation, it would be directly penetrated. .

Is this because the flesh and blood monster itself is extremely powerful, so is this archer so powerful?

Or, those hunters who only relied on their own strength back then and did not have the extraordinary combat power of hunters, did they have such strength in the first place?

Karnis didn't know the answer.

At this moment, he didn't have any space to think, so he could only continue to run for his life with all his strength, trying to attract the attention of this big guy, making sure that this terrifying thing kept staring in his direction, so as to ignore it. local threat.


hiding in a gravel pit

Bartley in the hole opened his eyes at this moment.

Standing up abruptly, he aimed his gun at the moment his body was exposed.

But at the next moment, he saw the flesh-and-blood archer who should have been staring at Karnis, the longbow in his hand shifted almost instantly, caught a bone arrow at an incredible speed and shot it directly.


Bullets and bone arrows collided in mid-air, staggering each other, and nothing could hit.

But before Bartley pulled the bolt to unload and load the second shot, the archer put the second arrow on the bow and aimed at himself.

Was being attracted to Karnis just a cover?

This thing still retains its own combat experience. It actually knows very well that I will definitely find an opportunity to attack it when it is attracted. To launch a truly deadly attack again?

This is... what the hell...

Closing his eyes, the helpless Bartley was ready to face his own death.


But what he heard the next moment was not the sound of bows and arrows passing by, but an extremely clear gunshot.

Opening his eyes again, what he saw was that the archer's head was directly blown off, and the twisted body slowly dissipated, and at this moment, he finally lost the power to continue to exist.

This gun...

Turning his head, Bartley saw Disma who was slowly getting up, and the muzzle of his gun that was smoking.

"Didn't expect this move, did you?"

Disma, whose face was as pale as paper, and whose scarf and clothes were wet with sweat and blood, showed a weak smile at Bartley at this moment.

"...Indeed, I didn't expect it."

Relieved, Bartley sat on the ground, and then heard something.

An insolent laugh fell from the sky.

"I'm coming too!"

Harrier, this hunter with a problem in his mind, somehow climbed onto the hole in the ceiling where Desma just fell, and imitated Desma and slammed down directly, hitting the Warlock's body .

The hunters didn't think of this sudden blow at all, and the flesh and blood monster obviously didn't think of it at all, so that when the hunter with a brain problem swung his sword and split the head of the very good-looking warlock in half , Alhazred who was behind was stunned for a moment, almost forgot to control the tentacles and rushed up.

This attack obviously caused the knight's flesh and blood to suffer some kind of impact. It subconsciously stopped swinging the sword, and stretched out its hand as if trying to grab the dissipated warlock's flesh and blood.

Baldwin roared, and swung the broken sword in his hand again. With his shoulder injured, he could only swing the sword with one hand at this moment, but his bravery did not weaken at all.When the flesh-and-blood knight reacted, the blade had already cut into its neck. The thing quickly pressed the big sword against Baldwin's blade, and was about to push it away with the strength of its own hands. "


Weilong's broken sword flew out at this moment, piercing the thing's head directly.

Leolin, who fell on the ground, showed a little smile, and then fell to the ground without strength.

The sudden heavy injury finally weakened the extremely strong knight's flesh and blood. Gradually, he couldn't resist Baldwin's great sword, and was cut deeper and deeper into his neck bit by bit.

The flesh and blood around him squirmed at this moment, opening small holes to attack Baldwin.

Harrier had already jumped down, and when he landed on the ground, the dagger held behind his left hand pierced the knight's fleshy neck. In this way, he and Baldwin made efforts from both sides to remove the head of the last remaining hunter's corpse. cut off.

Alhazred, who was following behind, manipulated the tentacles, wrapped the three of them together and pulled them back into a pit that was smashed by the previous arm swing, and finally escaped the piercing attacks of those bone spurs in time.

"Okay, so what else can you do?"

The mystic scholar hid in the pit, wiped the bleeding on his nose from the continuous use of spells, and murmured.


The huge flesh and blood thing, at this moment, with the flesh and blood of all the hunter monsters being wiped out, seems to have been severely damaged.

The flesh and blood shrunk again, and the body shape dropped sharply again.

In just a few seconds, this thing has only a body size of about two meters left, which is only slightly bigger than a normal adult, and even not as big as some ordinary monsters.

Wriggle, twist.

In the flesh and blood, a human face and arms seemed to emerge again.

It's just that the face and arms of this person have become weak and disfigured, and they have completely lost their original scary feeling. On the contrary, they give people a pitiful appearance of dying and struggling.

Those who are dying are like those hunters who broke into the cave, but couldn't find the ultimate filthy heart, and couldn't win the final victory, those hunters who died miserably with resentment and sorrow in their hearts.

Hunter heroes.

【Our mission...】


【Must... end...】

trembling, howling.

As if there is still something that has not been forgotten.

It's like knowing that there are still things that must be done.

Still a dead end that refuses to rest.

"Okay, that's enough, it's time to get on the road, you guys know how to cause trouble for younger generations."

Disma, who walked out slowly, with a sickly white face, turned the delicate dagger in his hand several times before holding it firmly, followed by raising the gun with the other hand, aiming at it. He saw the howling and wriggling thing in front of him, with a large number of human faces and limbs growing out of flesh and blood.

It is no longer possible to restore adult things, no need to sympathize.

However, I still can't help but think, if I don't succeed in finding Hunter and Abigail, with my dazed look, I'm afraid that in the end it won't be any better than this regrettable thing with only wreckage go.

So now, I must finish this last road.

You don't need to see the final ending, as long as you can finish this path here, it is enough to be satisfied.

Therefore, this obstacle in front of us must be overcome.

"bring it on……"

Squeezing the little strength in his body, Disma took a step towards the deformed monster in front of him.

Chapter 150 Six: Prey Slaughtered 【Failed Hero】

[In order to save this must kill those old gods who have become the source of filth...]

【We have to do order not to continue the bloody rule of the three star order not to let more people fall into the blood of these star gods...】

【This is the mission we must complete... This is the reason we become hunters...】

[This is our's for our family...for everyone...]

[Can't fail...absolutely can't fail...]

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