[Must... win...]

In the end, it still ushered in a failure.

In the end, it was still not possible to complete this battle of killing gods.

In the end...or...


Blood splashed suddenly.

The dagger in Disma's hand cut off an arm directly.

This huge monster has basically lost its original strength at this moment.

The corpses of those hunters seemed to bear most of the resentment and longing, so after the hunters wiped out all the corpses, the power that supported the existence of this filthy monster itself fell into a state of constant elapse.




Weaker and weaker.

Fragmentation, the sound of everything shattering.

from every part of the body.

From the deepest part of my heart.

Everything is everything, and it is unstoppable to shatter.


Only this, is the only thing that can be known.


After paying countless sacrifices and paying countless prices.


Still failed.

Bearing the name of a hero, bearing the expectations of countless people.

Travel through dangerous and foul lands, and fight hideous and twisted monsters.

He watched helplessly as his companion lost his breath and could no longer stand.

I watched helplessly as the team at the beginning became less and less, watched the smiles on everyone's faces disappear little by little, and watched the scars on everyone's bodies increase little by little.

So many disasters, so many trials.

It's obvious that the end point has been reached.

Obviously they finally arrived at this last land.

Obviously, they are only a little short of victory and success.

Just a little bit...

It's just a little bit worse...

But in the end, it still failed...

so... sad...



Blood, dirty blood, is still flowing.

The blade in Disma's hand fluttered, dancing among these twisted limbs.

Step forward, stab.

Pistol fire burst into thunder, and the bombardment smashed squirming limbs.

A sharp stump swung forward, leaving a scar on his cheek.

And the dagger was swiped again, lightning flashed, followed by flesh and blood that was cut off again.

【Failed... ah...】

The murmuring voices of those faces were heard.

【Failed... ah...】

Until this moment, until the moment when it is about to be destroyed, there is still a sighing face.

They don't even remember what they look like.

They no longer knew why they wandered in the darkness where they couldn't see anything.

They have forgotten their family members, their friends, and the place where they used to live. In fact, even the so-called mission, they all don't remember it anymore, and they can't remember it anymore.

The only thing that has not been forgotten is this regret.

I tried my best, but still failed to succeed.



The final ending is only two words.


Nothing can be changed.

Nothing could be done.

Even if I have forgotten what kind of thing failed.

Even if I don't know what I didn't do to usher in such a result.

In the end, all that remains is something like this.

It's just that there is such a thing, such a thing full of regrets, but I have forgotten why I regret it.

Failed hunters.

Failed heroes.

That's all they have left.

This is the only thing left of them in this world.

The blade swung again.

The twisted flesh swung forward and collided with Disma's blade.

The bloody color splashed, and another limb was cut off, falling to the ground and dissipating quickly.

The regenerated limbs of this thing are no longer steel and iron-like things that even hunters can't stop chopping. Even the blade of Disma, which is used to cut blood vessels, can connect these things to flesh and blood. Chop the bones together.


How fragile.

This is the thing that just killed so many hunters, pushing them all to their limits.

It was still so terrifying, so powerful, and so difficult to defeat just now.

Even if a hunter is caught by him alone, he will fall into a terrible situation where he cannot resist.

Just like those former hunters, like those former heroes.

Just like the moment they started their expedition, like when they set foot on the road into the corrupt field, to the cursed forest.That heroism that is enough to look down on everything, that attitude that is not afraid of all hardships and challenges.

And now, it's so fragile.

So weak that he still couldn't gain the upper hand when facing Disma, who was clearly at the end of his strength.


Another stab.

The gunshot exploded, knocking the two-meter-tall flesh and blood monster to the ground.

Disma raised his dagger and was about to stab, but was knocked away by the waving limbs.

So he rushed forward, threw the thing down on the ground abruptly, sat on the body of this flesh and blood monster, sat on those writhing and struggling limbs, clenched his fists, and then hit it down .


With one punch, the flesh and blood thing hit the ground.


One punch after another, just like this.


Disma's fist was soon stained with blood.

Stained with filthy blood stained in pitch black.

The thing was still struggling hard, those limbs grabbed Desma's shoulders, grabbed his body, and cut one after another bloodstains.

[Come and Go Wuying], which already had a hole in it, was attacked at this moment, and the spells on it gradually became unmaintainable and dissipated. In this way, it lost the power of infusion, and became a thing that could only be used. It's just a good ordinary armor.

It's a bit of a pity, after all, this thing really cost Disma a lot of money.

But in fact, there is nothing to be sorry about. After all, his current body can no longer use this thing, and he doesn't have the time, nor the need, so he will find a chance to repair this thing and continue to use it.

So, whatever.

What he has to do now is to get rid of this thing, that's all.


Another punch hit him hard.

Disma beat the fleshy thing to a bloody mess.

Those faces are still moaning.//Moaning.

Their voices are still ringing, howling and talking, saying something in a voice that is unclear and incomprehensible.

The only thing that can be felt is this regret, only the remnant of the lost past, the regret that still cannot be let go.

It's not what it should be, is it?

We gave our all.

We sacrificed everything we could.

In the end, there was still no good result.

The old gods who once sheltered us have become pathetic monsters.

The three gods who protect us now are nothing but twisted evil things in essence.

They do not allow us to have a human existence capable of growing into the strongest, constantly demanding blood, and "blessing" our babies to make them vulnerable.Our civilization has also become more dilapidated. Everything other than the belief in the three gods is gradually becoming demons and heretics. The past history is constantly being destroyed, so that more and more people begin to think that this world has always been like this. At first, I thought that the order ruled by the three gods was a matter of course.

How is it possible, how can such a world be taken for granted.

We obviously had better things, we obviously had a better life.

We used to have the sun, and we used to feel the temperature of the sun every day.

We used to have endless grasslands and houses for everyone.

We used to have gods who guided us, scholars who explored the boundaries of knowledge, and countless beautiful things.

But those things are gone now.

The filth destroyed it all, turning all good things into nightmares.

The sun disappeared without a trace, leaving only the light of the moon to continue to illuminate the world.

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