Children no longer understand what the word "sunshine" once referred to.

Land became scarce and disease began to run rampant.

We can only rely on the technology of gathering light to grow food on a small amount of land, and use the power of the three gods to improve light and heat to ensure the supply of food, at the cost of those sacrificed children and those killed soldiers.

The population census is decreasing every year.

Under the rule of the three gods, the number of remaining human civilizations is constantly decreasing.

These things coming from the starry sky, they don't want us to develop, they just enjoy our flesh and blood, enjoy our fear, and enjoy our despair.

More and more technologies have been lost. The various weapon technologies and technologies we originally had have now been lost more and more.There is no way for that knowledge to be passed on, and even records are not allowed.We are becoming more and more backward, more and more ignorant, and more and more pathetic.

And is this what the three gods hoped for?

That shouldn't be the case.

We shouldn't be like this.

We shouldn't have been this miserable.


In this world, there is only such an unbearable quagmire left.

Or choose to die in the filthy world, disappearing like the city of Luxe.

Or choose to live under the power of the three gods, living a sad life of sacrificing the flesh and blood of others to survive for the time being.

We shouldn't be this miserable.

This world shouldn't be like this.

[ do...]

【Our mission...】

【For... everyone...】

There is only one thing that can be done, and there is only one thing that needs to be done.

That's the end of this nightmare.

End this nightmare that has been going on for far too long.

Slay the old gods and cleanse the polluted land.

The three gods may show unprecedented cruelty for this, but compared to living like a slow suicide, this is the only way we can choose to break the situation.

It must be done.

It has to be done.

This is our mission, this is what we must do.

Destroy the old gods.

Rest in peace to the old god who has lost his former posture in the filth.

Then restore the large swaths of the filth-infested land to normal.

When more people choose to resist, and when more people start to stand up and resist, the world will definitely be changed.

So, we have to be successful.

As hunters, as heroes, we are revered by those who put our hopes in us.

We have to be able to do it.

We have to be able to do it.

This is our mission.

We cannot afford to fail.

Absolutely, can't fail!



Boom! ! !

In the splash of blood, Disma punched down again, and was pushed away by the limbs of the flesh and blood thing.

He stumbled back and fell to the ground.

The feeling from the abdomen is no longer something that can be described through the senses.

Disma only felt that his whole body seemed to be no longer under his control. This erratic feeling of becoming more and more exhausted all over his body was as wonderful as if he could already fly into the sky.


Even though he was about to die, he still felt this way.

How to behave like a child.

Sure enough, my brain is getting more and more abnormal now, right?

I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Maybe it was possible that I had already laughed.

Disma couldn't quite feel the muscle movements in his face.

At this moment, even his vision and hearing were blurred, and he was so confused that he almost didn't know where he was going.

In short, let's talk about this thing first.

Slowly, he got up.

Disma wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued to move forward.

And the twisted flesh and blood thing struggled hard, and once again stood up its own body.The limbs on this thing have become less and less, and it is less and less like a monster. Instead, it reveals some more human-like features.

The flesh and blood of those deformed spread gradually decreased with the battle, and gradually became unable to support consumption. As a result, this thing turned out to be a bit like a deformed human being, and it seemed to have recovered some human feelings.Although a thing with more than a dozen hands and seven or eight feet, and five or six bloody human faces on its chest, it still cannot be regarded as a person in any way.


Breathing became more and more heavy.

Pick up the dagger that you dropped on the ground.

Continue to move forward, and continue to approach this monster.

I have to get rid of this thing here.

I have to end this thing here.


Can't stop here.

Can't lose here.

Ah, that's right.

You can't fail yourself.

Only this time, only here, can't usher in failure.

If it is said that even a pathetic and hateful villain like himself must want to accomplish something, and must also want to redeem something, then here, in this place, he cannot fail no matter what.

"bring it on."

Disma slowly opened his mouth to that thing.

"come on……"

Swing the dagger, swing the attack.

Blood spilled down again.

The attack of that thing is too weak.

Those twisted arms were not so much attacking themselves as they wanted to hug themselves.

Ridiculous fantasy, how could a monster give a hug to a human being.

There was another gunshot, and it was the bursting bullet that directly blew up half of the thing's body.

Then, the gun fell out of Disma's hand and fell to the ground.

His fingers were trembling constantly, trembling constantly, he could no longer hold his love gun tightly.

It turns out that I'm already vulnerable to such a degree?

Disma was in a trance, showing a slightly crying and laughing expression.

There seems to be a shout from Tardiff or someone else behind him, it seems to be trying to avoid it, probably because he wants to aim at this thing and directly deal with it from a long distance?After all, these guys are almost unable to move. They are either seriously injured or extremely exhausted. Basically, few of them can still be said to have retained their combat effectiveness.

Ah, speaking of it, it turned out that I came here for this reason.

I remembered a little bit, um, um... So I entered this ghost place to hunt that goddess of the earth.

For a guy like myself to actually want to hunt an old god, he really is out of his mind, right?

Obviously a robber and villain, isn't it a bit too idiot.

Hahaha, that's right, I was quite an idiot to begin with.

Laughed again.

He stabbed the dagger out and pierced into the deformed monster's body.

After the flesh and blood were broken countless times, the size of this thing has shrunk to the point where it is only slightly taller than Disma.

Powerlessly, slowly, this thing fell to its knees on the ground.

Disma, who also lost his strength, also knelt down on the ground at this moment.

I can't stand up anymore.

There was a buzzing in his head, and amidst the buzzing and piercing sound, he couldn't even hear the surrounding sounds clearly.

He could just see that this distorted monster, its limbs, slowly gathered towards him.

Why, at the last moment, at least want to take away one more hunter?

Then go ahead.

He doesn't care anymore.

If the end of my bad life is to stop here, then so be it.

While thinking like this, I found myself being hugged.


Disma's expression was slightly stunned.

This deformed and twisted flesh and blood monster hugged itself in his arms like this.

what's going on?

It seems to be reluctant, and I can feel the force of these hands.

These deformed arms that were temporarily formed by flesh and blood were digging hard at the flesh on their backs.

But this thing is already weak to the extreme at this time, has been weakened to the extreme, and even Disma's state is not as good, so that the attack that was reluctantly launched at the last moment is as funny as giving him a hug.

So, these things are really strange.

I closed my eyes, feeling that my body was on the verge of its limit at this moment.

A little bit want to sleep.

It's better to just sleep like this.

Quietly, have a good night's sleep, and fall asleep, you don't have to think about those painful problems, you don't have to continue to wander in your own nightmares, you don't have to continue to be trapped by that carriage. catch up.



As if he heard the thing in front of him, he tried hard to say something more.

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