They have already become like this ghost, can't they just die honestly?

I'm already very tired.

Just trouble yourself a little bit, and just dissipate like this.

It's not a good habit to always bother others.

[Can't... fail...]

It seems that the sound has become a little clearer.


Some strange, different voices from before.

It's as if these things are no longer mechanically repeating those regretful and distorted voices, but are working hard, always saying something to others, but trying their best to tell others something.

Yes, tell me something?


Some can't hear clearly.

Just need to focus again.

Gotta wake up a little more.

So Disma slowly opened his eyes.

Sweat and blood mixed and flowed into the eyes, bringing a tingling sensation.

eyes subconscious

He closed it tightly again, and then tried to open it again, his bloodshot eyes were moistened by the stimulation.

In such eyes, Disma saw those human faces, and saw in front of him, this deformed and pathetic monster of flesh and blood, stretching out those distorted limbs, just hugging his own, and staring at his own. , opened his mouth slightly to himself:

【 matter who you are...】

【Thank you... for being able to come this far... for being able to do this step】

【May your path ahead be full of magnanimity... may you end this sad battle that has lasted for too long...】

[Don't be like us... don't fail like us again... Human beings... can't afford more failures...]

【Latecomers...we would like to bless you...may you...can complete the road that we...have not been able to complete]

The murmuring voice, the repeated voice, gradually became lower and lower.

The flesh and blood thing fell on Disma's shoulder, and the deformed arms hugging him also lost their strength at this moment and fell down slowly.

Disma stared at the faces one after another, and slowly closed his eyes like this, welcoming the moment of peaceful sleep that he had not been able to get for too long.


Slightly, it seems that I can recall some things.

what is it then?

It's the sunshine, and the home we once lived in.

The goddess of the earth has turned into a monster, the fertile field has turned into a corrupt field, and those of us who lived in that era are getting old and dying one by one, so at least in the end, I have to go back again, back to our homeland , go back to our real homeland.

Well, let's go, let's go, and like our venerable and lovely goddess, we will pay our last respects.


Already decided to go?

Well, mom, don't worry, I will definitely come back, and I will come back with victory and glory.

It's alright, you little kid who doesn't grow up, get out of here quickly, don't continue to be an eyesore in front of your mother and me.

Well, I'm leaving, and my team and I will definitely complete the mission of God of Hunting and bring hope to our world.

Well, go ahead, do it well, and...

Ah, what else?

It's nothing, let's go, if you dawdle like this, your mother will cry again.

Well, lol, I'm off then.

Well, let's go...

and also……

And... to come back alive, to go home...


Can we really succeed?The mission of Hunting God has already failed twice, and this time we also...

We're going to make it, trust me, my dear.

I believe you, I'm just, I'm just a little disturbed.

It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, I will always be by your side.

If we...really...

No matter what, we have to face it together, right?

Yes, this is the path we have taken voluntarily, for the sake of others, and will not be chosen to be sacrificed like our children...

So we've got to keep going, we've got to end this, like everyone else that's joined in this action, we're going to win, we've got to win.And if it really fails, if it really falls to that point...

At that moment, we still have to face it together.


This time is the fourth time, right?Last time it seemed that the entire army was wiped out, and only a few people who did not participate in the final operation survived.

Such a battle is meaningless at all, right?

These idiots really think they can be heroes, right? Boring idiots will only waste our survival resources.

Hey, if you can't speak, I'll dig your mouth out, shameless thing, do you like being a star god slave that much?

Ha, is there something wrong with what I said?You guys, do you really think how many people support you?Groups of idiots who regard glory as their destiny, do they really think they are heroes?Let me just say it straight, no one expects you to win, no one supports your actions, if you don't believe me, try it yourself and see who else will join besides you stupid fools Bar!


These people, could it be that they want to...

The glory of the hunter?Will anyone continue to pursue this kind of thing?

Will they succeed?

Impossible, has anyone succeeded in all these years?Even if they went to the Lost Cave, no one could come out alive.

So what's the point of this, what can they change by doing this...

I don't know, but there are still people like this who are willing to stand up, maybe we will be a little bit less hopeless...



...I always thought that I had forgotten...

...In the end, I can still remember...

...those that have passed...

...things from a long time ago...

... those vows we once made...

...the people we used to be with...

...all that we have witnessed...




and…… the end...

...We who have faced failure...



...No matter who you are, a latecomer...

...bless your path ahead...

...bless the sharp blades in your hands...

...bless you, may you not repeat the same mistakes...

...Don't be like us and face failure again...



It has gradually started to dissipate.

Lost the last power to maintain its own existence.

Even in the deepest filth-enriched area, there is no way to continue to survive.

Those who once arrived in this dark place, who wanted to end all nightmares, but finally ushered in failure.

Now, the last thing left of them, the last thing that can prove their existence.

Finally, it also disappeared together.


Disma stretched out his hand, watching the thing just like that, turning into dust and disappearing without even leaving a trace.

The man just sat on the ground like this, staring at the nameless giant sword that fell down, radiating a faint light, staring at the horrible filth that once existed in front of him, the terrifying deformed monster, the existence What was left of that sad lost thing is now nothing but an empty place.

Slowly, just like that sighed.

"rest in peace."

In the infinitely spreading darkness, the deep voice only spread a short distance away, and no one could hear it except Disma himself.

failed hero

prey slaughtered

Chapter 150 Seven: The Girl's Stepping In

"Is this the entrance to the Lost Cave?"

Abigail whispered to herself, and looked at the bottomless dark pit in front of her.

"Just standing here, you can feel the blasphemy. This is really an amazing place."

Andre, who was carrying a hammer on the side, reached out and stroked his beard, then nodded and said.

Behind the two of them are the monster wrecks that were smashed, smashed, and slowly dissipating along the way, as well as the rocks that were blasted, the rocks that were kicked over, and the rocks that were smashed with fists and hammers. open rock.

Obviously, in order to speed up their journey, Abigail and Andre adopted a relatively rough plan.

Anyway, things like monsters have no human rights at all, and the owner of this piece of land is probably unlikely to come out to ask Abigail and Andre for compensation, no? ?

"Let's go, we have to speed up!"

Abigail glanced at the now pitch-black sky and the situation where everything around her was dyed completely black, said very seriously, and then jumped off the edge of the huge hole first, Gliding down the steep slope.

"Just don't go too fast."

Andre sighed, looked at the circle of light around him, followed behind Abigail, and also jumped down on the steep slope.

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