At this moment, the two were sliding down quickly, moving further down the steep slope.

Everything around seemed to be left with pure darkness, except for this small area of ​​illumination, there was no light at all.

Well, except for this small area of ​​lighting.

Andre looked at Abigail.

He looked at Abigail, who was shining brightly at this moment.

Yes, that's right.

The reason why the two of them act in the light today.

It's because of Abigail, she's shining.

She was literally shining in a physical sense.

To be precise, in fact, before entering the Lost Cave, when approaching about 200 meters, after the surroundings began to gradually darken, Andre discovered at that time that Abigail seemed to have gradually produced a little Shimmer comes.

Hard to notice at first, a very faint but mild yellow-white shimmer.

But as they moved forward, the surroundings became darker, and the situation gradually became clearer.

Abigail's hair began to glow softly.

Then her skin lit up with some mild light spots.

Eventually even her clothes started to shine.

Completely, for no apparent reason, inexplicably, it just started to shine.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?!"

Abigail, who had just realized that her whole body was lit up, actually reacted quite flustered.

However, it was not found out whether there was any kind of harm in this abnormal phenomenon, and there were no adverse reactions.

There was no way to solve this kind of problem for a while, and the two of them really needed enough light to act in this ghostly place that was getting darker and darker for some reason, and other ordinary lighting methods couldn't illuminate this place at all. In the end, Abigail chose to accept it, although it was a somewhat helpless kind of acceptance.

This strange light began to spread from Abigail's body after the two of them went deep into the completely dark zone, roughly

The spread of about ten meters or so.In this space with a radius of ten meters, everything will be clearly visible in the light, and it is all-round light, with such coverage that even shadows will not be left.The light itself is a very gentle yellow-white color, and Andre can't say how to describe it, but it seems that when staying in this light, it can make people feel calm to a certain extent, and can ignore the surrounding The oppressive feeling brought by those darkness.

How should I put it, sure enough, this girl, Abigail, is as "abnormal" as the hunter.

Even though the strength she displayed is far inferior to that of the hunter, there is no doubt that she is growing up little by little, showing her part that is different from ordinary people little by little.It is conceivable that when she can truly show her strength, she will definitely be able to have a level far beyond the limits of ordinary humans like them.

Your Excellency Hunter has always hoped that Abigail can stay away from battles and dangers, but now it seems that with her talent and her personality, this is probably impossible.

This child is destined to step into danger.

And over and over again, stepping into danger.

Just like the hunter she admires and likes, she keeps going deep into various dangerous and terrifying places.

Shut, absolutely can't shut her down.

Andre at this moment has an extremely clear understanding of this point.

Soon, the steep slope reached the end.

The two jumped off the steep slope and landed in a barren black rock.

The pitch-black color extends to the distance, and everything in this world has been completely dyed by this color.

Abigail is constantly advancing in such a world, it seems that she will not be disturbed by the surrounding environment at all, and she will not be afraid of such a weird place.And Andre, who was by her side, also didn't feel any discomfort, but he felt like this, it seemed that it was because the light around Abigail had some kind of incredible calming effect.As for Abigail herself, how could she have such courage?No, you shouldn't think about it that way, she was a very courageous child in the first place.

Take a step, keep moving forward.

Occasionally, in the darkness, something seems to flash past.

But these things are not close to the girl's side, not close to some warm yellow-white shimmer.

The light itself seemed to have some kind of unique power, something Abigail didn't even know about, that could resist this pure darkness.

She kept going deeper and deeper like this, and she kept going deeper and deeper, until the weird things that passed away disappeared, and when she went deep into the ground, more and more rugged terrain gradually appeared, and when she went deep into the unknown, There seemed to be some weird red lines on the surrounding walls, some kind of disturbing red lines that could be seen even in the dark, like some kind of blood vessels extending.

The intricate caves were gradually revealed during the progress, and Abigail naturally didn't know which direction to go, but because the hunter didn't disclose in advance that she would stay and not let her participate in this operation, several times Abigail had attended the last battle meeting, so she knew exactly what kind of marks the hunters would leave when they passed the bifurcation points of these caves, so as to avoid getting lost when they turned back.

Therefore, along the way, she kept observing around the bifurcated areas of each cave, and thus quickly found the correct path, step by step approaching the direction of the hunters who had walked through these paths before.


The footsteps slowed down a little for a moment.

Abigail looked towards the ground.


Broken and scattered stones.

There are also traces of powder from the explosion.

There was a battle here, and it was a high-intensity battle.

Mr. Hunter and the hunters, they encountered a powerful monster here?Moreover, they were forced to use weapons like dynamite sticks, which were originally reserved until they had to be used, and would only be considered for use?

What is-

"There are wounded here."

Andre spoke at this moment.

"Ah, this is..."

I saw bloodstains spreading on the ground, and there were obvious drag marks. No, this mark should be the result of the wounded crawling on the ground.

Abigail took a step forward and approached the end of the bloodstain. The moonlight sword emerged with the flash of light, and was held by the girl and lifted up to guard against possible dangerous situations.

Then, after a while, she saw the hunter.

"Mr Ducain."

It was the companion of Mr. Karnis who was looking for Mr. Hunter to explore, a man who didn't talk much and seemed to have no interest in anything.During the underground exploration, this person didn't even have the idea of ​​going in and taking a look. He just stayed outside and waited for them to come out, and he said something about the precautionary situation.

There is absolutely no need to be on guard or something, to be honest.

There are no monsters in the abandoned town in the forest, and the hunters are acquaintances who know each other. This so-called vigilance, to put it bluntly

No one knows whether he is on alert.

This was just an excuse for Du Cain, because this man really didn't have the slightest interest in the so-called expeditions, and he just used this reason to stay outside, just like that alone.

In fact, Abigail could tell at the time that Karnis had recruited hunters for that expedition, and he actually had the idea of ​​using the large number of people to let him join.It's just that Karnis didn't appreciate it at all, and although Karnis felt a little pity, he didn't mean to force the other party, so after Du Cain chose to give up, he stopped mentioning this matter, and just talked with Mr. Hunter Let's decide what to do next.

Speaking of which, this Mr. Dukain is actually a somewhat out-of-group person, and he is not very willing to accept the help of friends and companions. He deliberately just wants to live a life alone.

But now, this man was lying in a pile of rubble, with a big hole opened from his chest to his stomach, his whole body was covered in blood, and he seemed to be dying.

"Mr. Ducain..."

Abigail, who was getting closer, squatted down, and just looked at the other's wound for a while, before confirming that there was no possibility of saving him.In fact, this man should have died immediately, and it is incredible to be able to persist until now. Even Andre, who has seen too much death, must admit that this man's vitality is a bit too tenacious.

"Any more wishes?"

Andre knelt down and looked at Du Cain and asked.


Wei Wei opened her eyes.

The hunter, who was already on his deathbed, seemed to have never thought that at the last moment of his life, he would be able to see other people appearing in front of him.

With some difficulty, he opened his mouth, and his slack pupils moved unconsciously towards the surroundings, and then suddenly stopped on Abigail's body.


Ducain held out his hand to Abigail.

"Huh? I'm not Anne, my name is Abigail."

Abigail, who was stunned for a moment, realized that the man might have lost his mind, so she couldn't help but shook her head and said in denial.

"An... Ni..."

It seemed that such an answer was not expected, and the man's voice seemed to become even more lax.

"Annie is Du Cain's daughter. His wife died young, and he was the only one who raised his daughter. However, in the previous attack on Xingkong Town, his daughter Annie died. This man will join the hunting god In the battle, the purpose is to seek death."

At this point Andre opened his mouth to tell Abigail something she didn't know.

"Is there... is there such a thing?"

Unexpectedly, this lonely uncle would have such a past, and Abigail had a sad expression on his face.

Although she knew that this moment was very urgent, but after hesitating for a moment, she reached out and gently held the man's hand.

"I am here."

Although, she is not the daughter of the other party.

Although, this is nothing more than a fantasy of a man when he is dying.

But if she could use this method to appease the other party, the girl herself would not mind.

"Don't...don't be naughty..."

The man with darker eyes spoke in a low voice at this moment.


Abigail responded softly.

" have to eat them too..."


"At night...don't play too late..."


"You can't... go pull up other people's potted plants..."


"Also...wear's cold..."


"When you sleep... remember to lock the door..."


He spoke slowly, as if he had already returned home and taught that naughty girl who was a little disobedient.

It was as if all this had been repeated in front of him, as if all the tragedies had not yet happened.

Then, it went back to an earlier time like this, back to the time when the child was just born, the wife was still by his side, and the family lived happily together.

It's like I have returned to that time.

It would be great if, really, we could go back to that time.


Du Cain finally said with a smile.


Abigail realized something in the other's voice.

"I're not...alike, the hair looks alike...beautiful, but it's not her..."

Opening his mouth full of blood foam, the man spoke with difficulty at this moment.

"Annie, she's so naughty..."

"You are so don't look like...haha..."

"But... thanks... I seem to... have been able to see her... waiting for me in front..."

Close your eyes slowly.

The hunter, who hadn't had much intertwined with the girl's life, had only met a few times, and now he died in this dark place.

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