After the words fell, Disma turned around and started to run in the direction of the resonance.

Footsteps approached quickly from behind, Disma turned his head and saw the silent Iveco, while Edra stayed where he was, continuing to treat and bandage the seriously injured hunters.Of course, she made these seriously wounded people lie down in a gravel pit in advance, so that she would not be able to touch anyone and determine the condition of the injury when the surroundings became dark for a while.

Bartley also followed up from the other side with his gun on his back, following his pace with a blank expression.

Then came Harrier, the crazy guy who always seemed to be puzzled, but he jumped out at the critical moment of the previous battle, and suddenly made the direction of the battle clear.He just appeared beside Disma in such a serious manner, ran side by side with him, and turned around to salute him in a very serious way, and shouted at him A word like "Salute to you".

"Okay, I salute you too."

state of the whole person

Disma, who was getting better like never before, stretched out his hand and touched his stomach. It seemed that because the flesh and blood monster as the main body died, he gradually began to lose his shape, and the bone spur with layers of cracks appeared, and smiled again. , also returned a salute to Harrier.

"No, I said... why are you running so fast!!!"

Then, from behind came the sound of Alhazred gasping for breath. "


Disma, who was a little confused, slowed down a little.

When they turned around together, they saw Alhazred who was holding the skull candle holder and panting for breath. He chased after him while wiping the blood that oozes from his forehead and nose from time to time.

"You guys run really fast one by one, can't you wait for me, a scholar?"

Alhazred, who finally caught up with Disma and the others, panted heavily, and complained very displeasedly.

"You guys are also coming here, you should understand that we are looking for death, right?"

Disma looked at the mystic scholar in front of him with a look of surprise.

This guy, who clearly swore before that he didn't die here, but came here to verify some knowledge, said a series of things, but why did he come to participate in this final battle after he finished speaking?

This is not a joke. Five teams of hunters who have entered here have been wiped out. Regardless of whether anyone has successfully walked in front of the filthy heart, the hunters have no understanding of this thing, and all suspected The results of the contact cases are all wiped out. These things have already explained a lot of things very straightforwardly.

Even if a certain hidden existence is summoned, possessing a powerful power unavailable to ordinary people, to be honest, Disma really doesn't think that this mystic scholar can maintain his demeanor when he is in front of that filthy heart.You must know that even the monster they faced just now can easily cut off the tentacles he summoned, which has clearly proved that the power provided to him by the existence that made a contract with him behind him is far from enough Walking sideways here.

"Of course I'm not going to die. Do you think I'm like you honor-minded savages?"

Alhazred finally breathed a sigh of relief, patted the dust off his clothes, and spoke uprightly.

"I came here for one purpose from beginning to end, and that is [knowledge]."

"And the process of fighting that terrible thing just now, and the kind of communication you achieved with that thing in the end, have been able to verify many of my ideas very well."

"So now I only have the last thing left, and I have nothing to witness with my own eyes, that is, what is the heart of the source of filth. If this problem cannot be clarified, even if I can leave here alive, to be honest, I will not It will be very painful. You must know that this is a real moment to face the filthy heart. As long as I can get the first-hand interactive data in this situation, no matter which research institute in the world it is, I must accept it. I'm Alhazred, you don't understand this kind of stuff! So-hey, why are you running, slow me down! Don't bully me too much, you guys!"

While talking, Alhazred noticed that Desma and the others started running forward again, and had to chase after them while cursing.I have to say that gentle people are indeed gentle people. The words and words that this guy swears, in the ears of Disma and his group, are not scolding at all, and they don't even touch them at all. .

"All in all, there are only a few people like this in the end."

While sighing like this, Disma looked at the people around him.

Disma, Bartley, Iveco, Harrier, Alhazred, these are the last five who can still fight.

Starting from the ruins of Starry Sky Town, passing through the corrupt field and the cursed forest, stepping into the garden of the old gods, and finally entering this lost cave.

After sacrificing and getting rid of all the seriously injured members who left the team, the rest of them are here.

They are embarking on the final battle, the end of this journey of hunting gods that lasted for more than a month, the remaining combat power of the entire hunting god team.

It was miserable enough that it was all that was left in the end.

However, at this time, it has nothing to do with the number of people, to be honest.

"Hurry up, everyone, this is our last battle here!"

Amidst the turbulent voice, Disma strode forward swiftly, while the fellow hunters behind him were either expressionless, or laughing, or had MMP written all over their faces, just followed him. moving forward.

This is the moment before the final battle of the hunting god team in Starry Sky Town.

This is their last march.

Chapter 150 Nine: Awakening Blood

The hunter opened his eyes in the darkness.

The time at this moment is the moment when he was just sent flying out and smashed into rocks, falling into a large pile of rubble.The hunters at this point in time have just begun to gather, and the gathering with those who had failed hunters

They fit together to fight, but there is no way for the hunter to hear the movement of their battle, after all, the distance is still a bit too far.

He felt that he should have fallen into a certain gap and fell a considerable distance down.

To be honest, the hunter didn't know how far he fell, because he had passed out during the process.

However, judging from the results, at least he didn't fall to his death, so probably he didn't fall too deep.


As the hunter sat up slowly, the broken stones covering his body began to fall down.

He stretched out his hand, pressed on a particularly large stone that was holding him down, and slowly pushed it aside.

There was a roaring sound as the stone fell, and a little dust was scattered.

The hunter then saw his own lantern.

The lantern that shimmers in the darkness, drives away the absolute darkness around it, and prevents complete sensory blockade in this area.

It turns out that his own lantern can also break through the blockade of this darkness?

The hunter patted the dust off his body, walked to the side of the lantern, picked it up and held it in his hand, and then looked around him.

Don't know where this is.

It doesn't seem to be much different from the surroundings, it's just a dark world.

Surrounded by pitch-black stones, it feels like each one is exactly the same, but the red things before are not seen.Well, looking at it this way, did I fall to a relatively marginal place?

The hunter walked along the rock passage while thinking.

To be honest, the current hunters don't know exactly where to go.

It's just that since we are already here, no matter what, we still have to find a way to leave as soon as possible.The hunters are still fighting, the very troublesome monster still threatens them, and the final filthy heart has not yet been slain.

My teammates now need to go to their side.

While thinking this way, the hunter lowered his head and looked at the dimly glowing lantern in his hand.

There were obvious cracks, and the lantern seemed to be broken at any time.

I didn't consider this aspect before, but now it seems that in the future combat power, we must try our best not to let this lantern cause problems.

So far, the hunter's resurrection has been realized next to the lantern. As long as the dim light of the lantern still exists, he seems to be able to start over again after death.Even though now as my strength gradually becomes stronger, the resurrection begins to gradually require a price, and the state after the resurrection gradually deteriorates, but in general, I am still a person who has the opportunity to challenge powerful enemies again and again. Yes, resurrectors who can try their own methods many times.

But what if the lantern is destroyed?

What if the lantern shatters and ceases to exist?

At that time, if I die again, can I continue to be resurrected?

Hunter doesn't know the answer.

Nor did he intend to try to find out, given the possibility of a certain horror.

What I need to focus on now will not change, that is to return to the hunters, assist them to deal with the very dangerous and powerful monster, and then find the way to the root of the root, to reach the filthy heart , Completely wipe out the root of that evil twist.

This is the only problem I need to care about now.

The pace gradually accelerated.

With a lantern in one hand and a meat saw in the other, the hunter accelerated through the dark rock tunnel.

The front of the passage gradually became narrower.

From time to time, it seems that some broken and twisted structures can be seen, which are somewhat different from the surrounding rocks.

Especially when passing a stone wall that was too smooth and neat, the hunter even saw a structure that looked like stone bricks.Although it has been cracked badly, it should indeed be a man-made stone brick structure.

where is this place?

With such doubts in mind, the hunter continued to move forward, and continued to move forward.

The road gradually became more and more difficult to walk.

There are cracks everywhere, and the signs of collapse are becoming more and more obvious.

This area seems to have suffered some extremely serious geological disasters, forcing hunters to keep climbing over all kinds of gravel, slowly squeezing through the narrow area and moving forward.

The further you go, the narrower the road ahead becomes.

At the same time, I can also see more broken things, some like chairs, or tables, and all kinds of things that can't be seen, but they are obviously not stones.

Most of these things have been damaged, and have been dyed a pitch black color by the filthy force, and they have already shown the characteristics of petrification.

The hunter didn't quite know what the appearance of these things meant, and just continued to move forward, on a narrower and narrower path.

Where does the front lead to?

The more you walk, the harder it is to walk.

At some places in the back, the hunter even had to squeeze, until he turned sideways and couldn't squeeze forward.

Then, just when the hunter began to suspect that he was

It wasn't when we came to a dead end that the road ahead suddenly became wider.

here is……

The lantern stretched out, illuminating the front.

Hunters saw broken structures that looked like walls.

Some neat pillars stood in this somewhat empty area, and some broken things like the roof of a house fell on the ground.

It appears to be the remains of a building.

Although only a small part remains, it is clear that this is the wreckage of a building.

In the entire Lost Cave, the only building ruin that might exist is the temple of the Earth Goddess.

So, what I saw along the way, those things that were completely eroded by filthy forces and turned into pitch black colors, are they all leftovers from the temple of the Goddess of the Earth?

And the place in front of him now is a larger wreckage area of ​​the Goddess Temple?

While thinking, he continued to move forward.

The hunter walked into the ruins, looking around.

There doesn't seem to be anything worth caring about.

It has been destroyed so badly that there is nothing of value left.

All the remaining things have also been transformed into a pitch-black color, into a solid substance similar to those stones.Even if some kind of information was left on these things, it is no longer the original appearance under the change of the nature of the filthy power for thousands of years, and it is impossible to interpret anything.

Except... this thing...

The hunter's footsteps stopped.

In the darkness, he saw something that was not dyed black.

After a short moment of astonishment, he approached that thing and that place.

Pass through the broken building wreckage, climb over the remaining ruins, move forward among the ruins in this cave, and then stop.

The hunter stopped in front of the thing.

This is……

This is a painting.

It is a very simple painting.

On the white canvas, there are two figures, one tall and one short.

A short figure with long blond hair in a white dress, and a tall black figure in armor.

They seemed to be standing somewhere, facing each other.

Who are they?

Who is the object depicted in this painting, and what does it want to express?

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